Banner credit to Mandy !!! 
Arnav watched as tears cascaded down her cheeks as she cried in his arms...helpless...waiting for her to speak but Khushi didnt stop...she could only feel the fear and pain of the moment the creep had touched her...after a while she stopped and she stilled in his arms...silence enveloped them...Arnav couldnt take it any longer...he decided to take matters into his own hand !!!!
Arnav: Khushi speak to me jaan...your silence is taking my life...its over Khushi...u dont have anything to be afraid here...and I will never again leave u alone...I am here to protect u one will ever hurt u again !!!!
Khushi stirred at Arnav's words...without a word she tried to get up and get away from him but he tightened his grip on her !!!
Arnav: Khushi where are u going ??? stay with me sweetheart...pls speak to me !!!
Khushi: Arnavji...let me go...I cant get married to u...I myself dont know what happened with me last night...the last thing I remember was his attempt to kiss me and then it all went dark...I have been touched and polluted and now I cant come to your life...pls let me go !!!!!
Khushi said it all in one go...each word was equal to driving a stake through her own heart...she couldnt bear the thought of loosing him but she also couldnt bear the thought of entering his life contaminated !!!
she didnt dare to look at his face...she didnt want to see the hurt or pain in his eyes !!!!!
Arnav thought that he had been electrocuted...her words sending chills down his spine...the thought of her leaving him made his heart stop beating...he felt life slipping out of his soul...the air whooshing out of his lungs !!!!
what the hell did she mean that she was polluted !!!...just coz the creep attempted to force himself on her that doesnt mean she is polluted...her heart was as pure as ever...she had only loved him and he was the only person who had touched her with her consent...what happened to her didnt matter to him !!!!...body and soul she belonged to him and he was gonna let her know that today !!!!!
Arnav grabbed Khushi in his arms...covering her petite figure with his...Khushi looked at his eyes that blazed with a fierce passion never before seen in his eyes...his love for her evident !!!!
He held her face securely in his arms and kissed her...he kissed her like he had never kissed her before...a downright possessive kiss that proclaimed to the world that she was his no matter what...Khushi resisted but eventually she gave in...their tongues fighting for dominance...she gripped him tighter to her body as he savoured her was a kiss full of promise to protect her forever...telling her that she would always be his !!!!!
they broke apart as the need for air became unbearable...he touched his forhead to hers...his eyes filled with love only for her as he stared into her doe shaped eyes where he could see pain now !!!!
Arnav: Khushi I want u to understand one thing today and remember it forever...just coz a filthy bas***d tried to touch u it doesnt mean u are contaminated...what your heart feels is what matters to me and your heart has always loved me Khushi and no one else !!!!
U belong to me and nothing is ever going to change that...pls dont hurt me again by telling me that u are going to leave me...I love U Khushi and I need U...U are as pure as any person I have known till now...U are that one person in my life who loved me with all my flaws and U are infinitely precious to me Khushi and am never going to let go of U !!!!
Tears streamed down Khushi's face as she heard him...she felt pure in his eyes...she felt her heart expanding with love for this man who loved her endlessly and at that moment she knew she could never leave him !!!!
with that she hugged herself into his arms...they stayed that way...feeling their hearts beat in unison !!!
Meanwhile the rest of the Raizada household was busy with preparations...Anjali was incharge...she was still shaken from the events of last night...she felt nothing but pure loathing for her hurt to think of all the pain that her husband had caused in her brother's and Khushi's life...well she was determined not to waste another tear for that filthy excuse of a man and she was determined to make her brother's wedding an event never seen before !!!!!
She had informed the family that she didnt want anyone to spend their time brooding over what happened since that would only increase Khushi's and Arnav's pain...she wanted their help in getting together the next rasam which was Mehendi !!!!
Raizadas loved her plan and now they were all busy with Mehendi preparations that were to take place 2 days later !!!
Arnav bought Khushi downstairs for breakfast and he was puzzled seeing everyone so busy...NK and Akash noticed them coming and their eyes fell on Khushi who looked lost...the color drained from her face...they all sat down for breakfast...Arnav made Khushi sit next to him...Mami Di and Payal had made Khushi's favorite dishes...Arnav smiled at everyone indicating that Khushi was fine...he slowly made her eat...feeding her with his own hand...tears welled up in everyone's eyes as they saw the silent Khushi...they remembered her bubbly chatter...Anjali's eyes were shining with pride as she saw her Chottey taking care of Khushi...she was deeply hurt seeing Khushi in this state and that too when her marriage was about to happen...the bride is supposed to be the happiest on such occasions and here Khushi looked like life had drained out of her !!!!!
Anjali: Chottey Khushi...we have decided to have the mehendi function 2 days later...this will give both of u ample time to rest and then we can all have a grand Mehendi that okay with u ???
Arnav: Di I agree with your plan...we will have it 2 days later...NK...Akash can u help Di organise everything ???
Arnav wanted them to understand that he wanted to spend time with Khushi so that she comes back to normal !!!!
Akash: Bhai u dont have to ask us such stuff...u just relax and enjoy your wedding...your brothers are here to take care of everything !!!
NK: Akash Bhai is right Nanav...u dont worry about anything...we are all here to handle everything !!!
Arnav smiled at his brothers...he then indicated that he is taking Khushi back to their room...he lifted her in his arms as she laid her head on his chest...her hands holding onto his shirt collar tightly...they slowly left for their room !!!!
as soon as they had left Anjali and Payal burst into hurt them to see Khushi in such a state...looking lifeless...Payal had never seen Khushi so quiet in her entire life and this was her shaadi dammittt and she couldnt enjoy it !!!
Akash held Payal gently as she cried...
Payal: I dont understand why it is Khushi always who gets hurt...she had already gone through enough in her life...her parents death...first 6 months of her marriage was hell for her and now this !!!...Why Akash...why my sister always ???
Akash: Payal pls dont cry jaan...I know your pain...even I cant see Khushi like this...none of us can...we have always seen her so bubbly and chirpy...she will come back to normal Payal...didnt u see how Bhai was taking care of her...give him time coz only he can bring her out of her shock now !!!!
NK who was holding Anjali as she cried spoke up...
NK: Akash Bhai is right...only Nanav can bring Khushi back to normal...what we can do is make sure they they have the grandest wedding ever witnessed !!!!
Anjali: Khushi and Chottey have suffered enough in their life already...not anymore...we will make sure that they are always smiling from now on !!!!...Chottey has always taken full care of his family from a younger age and he has done it to perfection...its time for us to take care of him now !!!!
he needs his family with him...Khushi needs our love...she had always ensured my happiness even if it meant putting herself through lets make sure that no more pain crosses their path !!!!
Naniji and Mamiji smiled seeing the young Raizadas worrying themselevs sick over Arnav and Khushi...they were glad to see Arnav and Khushi getting the love they have always deserved !!!!
they were proud to see the bond between the sons and daughters of the house !!!!
they thanked Devi Maiyya for blessing them with such lovely children !!!
to be continued...
Precap...Mehendi and Khushi's revival !!!
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