Banner credit to Mandy !!! 
Arnav gently placed Khushi on the bed...she had an angelic smile on her lips as she slept...Arnav felt he could watch her sleep forever...she seemed at peace in his arms...while he watched her sleep Khushi snuggled more into his arms...hiding herself in the crook of his neck...he pulled her into his arms and they slept off.
Arnav woke up the next day to find Khushi still was 8 already and Khushi never slept late...knowing that she must be tired he didnt wake her up...he got up to take a shower...Khushi was awake by the time Arnav came out of his shower...he saw her lying awake on the bed waiting for him...he smiled at her...he had come out wrapped in a towel and that was more than enough to send Khushi's pulse raising...even after 2 years of being married to her zeus like demi god she was still crazzy about like before...Arnav though Khushi looked fiery...her eyes groggy...her hair spread like ahalo around her...he went over and enveloped her in a ribcracking hug...he gently cupped her face and placed his lips on hers for a passionate morning kiss...Khushi gave a slight moan as she gave herself into that kiss...pressing herself more into against his body...Arnav murmured against her lips...
" Khushi get ready then I will bring up your breakfast...lets have breakfast in bed for a change !!! "
Khushi was only too happy to oblige him...she wanted to spend more time with Arnav so she happily agreed and went to the washroom to get ready.
Arnav went downstairs to see Payal and Di in the kitchen preparing breakfast.
Arnav: Di am taking for Khushi and myself to our room...Khushi is a little I thought about having breakfast in our room itself.
Anjali: no probs Chottey...I'll send ur breakfast with HP...make sure Khushi eats her breakfast and takes her meds on time.
Arnav: No Di I will take it myself.
Anjali and Payal smiled seeing Arnav's care...even after 2 years they still couldnt believe the transformation that Arnav had undergone from ASR to the caring husband !!!
Arnav and Khushi had breakfast in their room...they fed each other and then Arnav made Khushi take her meds...Arnav sat on their bed with his back resting against the headboard...he pulled Khushi into his arms..her back resting against his front...he knew he would have to tell her about Shyam...Khushi was lying on his chest..her eyes closed and content...Arnav was gently caressing her back...his other hand was on her womb...he decided it was time to tell her !!!
Arnav: Khushi...there is something I have to tell U...its regarding Shyam.
Khushi's eyes snapped open and he felt her stiffen in his arms...he immediately held her tighter...he could sense her fear.
Arnav: Khushi pls relax jaan..there is nothing to worry...I discussed the matter with Akash and NK and we think its worth a try to give Shyam another chance...I mean if he has genuinely reformed then that means Dia can have her father and Di can have her husband back...we will talk to Di about this and see if she is interested...then we can arrange their meeting and let Di decide for herself whether she wants him or not !!
Khush: Arnavji I agree with U...we can give him a chance and see if he has changed...Di will be so happy to have her life back...I know she still loves him..but Arnavji am scared of his prescence in the house.
Arnav: Khushi u dont have anything to be scared off my love...I will never let him comes within a mile around u...u and our baby are going to be safe in my arms...will never let him hurt u...and its not just me...Akash and NK will die before they let him hurt U !!!!
Khushi felt her eyes welling up as she heard her husband speak...she felt so lucky to have been blessed with such a loving family !!!
Meanwhile Anjali was in her room watching Dia sleep and her thoughts drifted back to the time when she still had her husband with hurt her so much to know that none of what her husband told her or promised her were was all fake...he had married her for her money and she had loved him truly...she was flipping through their photos when Arnav and Khushi always hurt them to see Di so lonely...Arnav had seen his Di cry enough...he wanted her to hate shyam and move on so that she can find love again and this was their chance to make her realise...Akash and Payal and NK also joined them...Payal was also told the same story that Khushi had heard from Arnav...both of them didnt know the was decided between the brothers that it was safe for the ladies to not know the plan !!
Khushi went upto Di...Anjali quickly wiped her tears away as she saw her family standing behind her...she waited for them to speak.
Khushi: Di we came here to tell u something...the day I was at the hospital...Arnavji and I met Shyamji.
Anjali's eyes widened in shock...she guessed that it must have been the reason for Khushi's weakness and sudden fainting.
Anjali: Khushi is that why u fainted...what happened ???...what did that man do ??
Khushi: Di I wont deny that I wasnt scared...Di I was scared and yes I did faint but we have something else to tell u...Di he wanted a second chance...he said that he had changed and that he had understood his mistakes and that he wanted to see U and Dia...he wanted to get back with u...Di we are leaving the decision to u...if u want then we can arrange for u to meet him...maybe he can stay here...spend time with Dia...we can give him the guest room...but it all depends on what u u want him back in your life di ???
Anjali looked at her family and understood that they would support her whatever her decision maybe...she loved her family for lving her and Dia so much...Anjali couldnt find words to express and she threw her arms around Khushi...she hugged her tight...Khushi had always been Anjali's strength...her inspiartion to live her life for Dia...Khushi had always ensured her happiness and today her family were supporting her in what could be her toughest battle !!!
Anjali: Khushi...I cant believe that u are ready to put up with that man again for my sake...for Dia's sake...I want to meet him Khushi...let him be him here...let him see Dia...if he has indeed changed then Dia can have her father.
Arnav Akash and NK saw Di's happiness and felt guilty for leading her into their play but they had to do this to make her realise once and for all that she had to move on...Payal and Khushi were too happy listening to Di...if Shyamji had indeed changed then there was no problem in him returning to the family !!!!
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