Banner credit to Mandy !!! 
Akash and NK left RM on the pretense of some work at the office and headed straight to the hospital...meanwhile Arnav watched as the doctor hovered over Khushi...he had never felt so helpless in his life...all these years he had perfect control over everything in his life and thats what assured him...he had never left things to spiral out of control but now all he could do was wait and hope that Khushi would be fine...the doctor came out after almost half an hour that seemed to stretch ages for gave a reassuring smile...
"don't worry Arnav...there is nothing to be worried...Khushi is fine and so is your baby...she fainted because of some kind of shock...she seemed fine when you both came to meet me in the morning...looks like she is undergoing a lot of stress and tension or else her condition wouldn't have changed so were lucky this time Arnav but pls ensure this doesn't happen isn't healthy for the baby or the mother...pls take care now...I want to keep her in observation for another 2 hours and then you can take her home "...said the doctor...Arnav felt waves of relief crashing through him soothing his turmoiled inner state...
"Doctor can I see khushi now "...asked Arnav
"ofcourse you can but there is no use as I have kept her under u wont be able to speak to her...let her rest Arnav and then u can take her home "...replied the doctor
"Bhai !!!!"...Arnav turned round and saw Akash and NK sprinting through the hospital corridors...he could see their tensed faces...Akash reached him first and hugged him tight...
"Bhai we tried to call u so many times but we couldn't get through to U' we decided to check at the hospital before telling at home...what happened Bhai...why are u still here and where is Khushi ????"...Akash wanted to know
Just then NK saw Khushi in the observation room through the glass walls...he then glanced at Arnav looking all shaken up...Akash too had seen Khushi by then and Arnav knew he would have to tell them but he decided to tell them from the beginning...they went to the waiting room nearby and there Arnav explained they had run into Shyam and the course of events from then on...he also told them about Shyam and Lavanya's plan !!!!!
Akash and NK were shaking with fury by then hearing the duo's plans and Shyam's Mr.Goody Two Shoes act in front of them at the hospital...but before they decided their course of action against the duo Akash had a word or two for Arnav...
"Bhai if u knew all about Shyam and Lavanya from the beginning then why didn't you tell us ???" Akash wanted to which Arnav replied...
"Akash...NK...I didn't want to worry anyone at home...I just wanted to handle this alone...didnt want the entire family disturbed over this !!!!"
"Bhai I know that u love your family...all of us a lot and that u want our lives to be comfortable even if u have to moves mountains for that...I know u will do it all alone but this is not the time for that Bhai...Bhai u have a family...u have 2 strong brothers who will walk right through fire for u if it is required...Bhai u don't have to shoulder your pain all alone always...the time for that has passed...u need your brothers now...and this time we are going to be there with U...nobody in the family other than the three of us have to know...we understand your lets put it into action...and Bhai u know Khushi is as much our sister as Di...then how could u keep her 2 brothers away from protecting her against that bloody son of a bitch !!!!!...the b**t**d is a home wrecker...our family has just recovered from the turmoils of 2 years and now he is back to steal our happiness again...he wants to claim the lives of Di and Dia...well he will have to kill all of us for that...and more than that he wants to separate my sister from the love of her life so that he can lay his hands on her !!!!!"...Akash shook with fury as the words came out in torrents !!!!!
NK was silent through out...he held both Arnav and Akash...he knew this was going to be their ultimate test from the Gods above...testing their family but this time the family fortress was going to be guarded not just by one white knight in the form of Arnav...this time all 3 knights of the Raizada family was going to form their defense and this time the battle lines would be invisible to all except the three of them...they were going to snare the enemy right into their trap and this time the evil soul was going to burn in the inferno for a lifetime...Di and Khushi...both equally important to him...they had seen enough pain for a lifetime...not anymore !!!!!
Arnav felt a sense of peace washing over him...he knew he wouldn't have to do this alone...his brothers would be there this time...he pulled them both into his arms...the three of them hugged each other...swearing a silent oath to get through this together !!!!!
That was enough for now...they could plan later on at the of now no one was supposed to know of what happened at the hospital...they would have to tell Khushi not to tell anyone at home about Shyam...but they already knew Khushi wouldn't tell anyone at then Khushi was awake and she was looking around for Arnav...just then she saw her husband and her 2 brothers walking in...a sense of warmth enveloped her when she saw that her husband was not alone...she was glad to see Akash and NK...NK reached her first and pulled her into his arms...
"well young lady...u gave your brothers quite a scare...but everything is fine now Khushi...dont stress yourself over what happened...bury your encounter with the devil for now...we will decide what has to be done !!!!"...NK told her as he held her tight...
"enough NK...u are not the only one to take care of her...Khushi has her Jeeju to handle her problems...and this time we will be there for her...Khushi forget about Shyam...we will keep an eye on him for a few days and if he has indeed changed then we will bring him back but we have time to decide all that...right now u are our primary concern."...Akash said while pulling NK aside so that he could hug Khushi !!!
Arnav watched this bros-sis convo with a smile...he knew Khushi would be safe even if anything happened to him as long as NK and Akash were there to take care of her !!!!
Khushi was smiling again hearing her brother's assurances...she looked at her husband...what she wanted right now...what she craved for the most now was to loose herself in Arnav's arms...his arms were her personal heaven where she forgot all her worries...Arnav's thoughts mirrored hers and he reached out to her...Akash and NK moved aside as Arnav pulled her into the safe haven of his arms...Arnav buried himself in her tresses...inhaling her heavenly fragrance as she buried herself in her husband's arms feeling secured and at peace as he enveloped her...letting her feel his heartbeats...her favourite sound in this world...the symbol of Arnav's heart that was beating solely for her to hear...a heart that could exist only in a world where she existed !!!!
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