Banner credit to Mandy !!! 
Arnav: Khushi...
thats all that escaped his lips as he closed the distance between them and took her in for a kiss,Khushi circled her hands around his neck and brought him closer as she kissed him back,it was her promise that she would be with him as they weathered this storm together,Arnav could never thank his lucky stars or destiny which had inked Khushi into his life,as he tasted her
heavenly taste and drowned in her fragrance he felt all his fears and worries ebbing off,he was ASR to the world but even ASR had his fears and losing Khushi or anything harming her was his worst fear but seeing her so strong and seeing her love and trust in him,he knew he could go for the kill very easily now !!!
breaking away he turned to face Alina who looked like she had been stumped...
Arnav held Khushi as he turned to face Alina...
Arnav: so you were talking about the pics and asking me to prove them wrong right ?? well you should be happy then coz not only am i going to prove you those pics fake but am going to return you the favour as well !!
Aman why dont we bring in the pea brain who helped this wh**e pull off this stunt !!
Aman and NK went out and soon came in dragging Ryan along with them who looked absolutely shocked and baffled that they had been caught in the act !!
Alina recoiled like a spring seeing Ryan dragged in and thrown at ASR's feet !!
Arnav: recognise him Alina ?? isnt this the scum who helped you pull this off ??
Alina was all shocked and cornered and she couldnt see how she was going to wriggle out of this one !!
Alina: isnt this Ryan ?? I know him,he works for AR and whats he got to do anything with me ?? remember ASR I slept with you and not with him !!
Akash clenched his teeth as he saw Alina going on a ramble about her so called illusional affair with his brother !!!
Akash: okay thats enough of your nonsense now !!! lets have it nice and clear with you, Aman please play the tapes so that Alina knows certain things which she seems to have lapsed off on !!
Liya inserted the disc and the tapes began playing and Alina flinched !!
the initial part of it showed her and Ryan getting intimate in her bedroom at her place but it soon switched and the next thing that came up was their meeting with Lavanya as they plotted this scam and the final one was of Ryan uploading the pictures from the server at AR !!
the screen went blank and Arnav turned to Alina but Khushi spoke out...
Khushi: so Alina do you still want to say that you dont know Ryan ?? strange right that you remember sleeping with my husband but you cant seem to remember sleeping with Ryan at your home !! looks like you sleep with so many people that you keep track of only the ones who are of use to you !!!
Arnav: and as for proof we have files ready with all the proofs that the pictures have been graphically generated !!
NK : and please dont say that you did all this for money coz we very well know why you did it and who all played along with you in this !!!
Arnav: so Alina I guess its just a matter of time now before the world sees you for what you are,the plan is simple,we are releasing the tapes so that the world can see who slept with whom and let them decide who are the culprits and yea by the way I have a small surprise for you !!
AR has alerted all leading fashion houses about your antics so its a pleasure to inform you that you have been blacklisted so say goodbye to your modelling career and you better join a brothel since you seem to be having a real flair in it !!!
Khushi flinched hearing her husband using such words on a woman but she couldnt blame him coz this woman had caused them a lot of pain and humiliation !!
Alina was at a loss for words and she knew she was cornered from all sides,she saw Ryan giving her a defeated look,she knew the need of the hour,desperate times called for desperate measures !!
Alina: Mrs.ASR please it was Lavanya !! she was the one who made this entire plan,am really sorry for being a part of it and causing you both so much pain and torture !!! I am ready to do anything but please dont release those tapes of Ryan and me,I know my career is over but I dont want to land behind the bars too !!!
Pooja: well well looks like someone is in her place finally !! you know what Alina you are really lucky that we have work for you coz if you had been useless then we would have for sure turned you in by now !!!
there isnt much that we can do about your situation now but yes we wont release the tape of yours and Ryan provided you come clean !!
Alina: what do you want me to do ?? I am ready for anything !!!
Arnav: well what we want you to do is own up in a press meet as to how and why you did this !!! we will call the press meet,you will spill the dirt !! the proof will be there already,you have to expose Lavanya and also tell how the pictures were generated !!! in return we wont press charges on you for defamation !! you can be the witness but yes Lavanya is going behind the bars for sure !!! are u ready for this ??
Alina paled hearing what was expected of her but it was loads better off than landing behind the bars so she gave a tiny little nod telling them that she is part of the plan !!!
Arnav: Aman call the press,I want this done and over now !!! before Lavanya gets wind of whats about to hit her, I want her arrested !!! as for Shyam well its his turn next !!!
Khushi relaxed in Arnav's arms who was holding her tight,she was glad that they were sorting out through this mess inch by inch !!
Akash meanwhile came in with snacks and signalled NK to help him out, NK winked at him and the sue made their way towards Khushi !!!
Akash: time for some food bhabhi,you havent eaten anything amidst all this chaos and I dont want my prince/princess complaining to me later that I let mummy keep baby hungry and also Di and payal wont spare me either !!!
as Khushi opened her mouth to protest NK started feeding her while Arnav watched his brothers with an amused smile as they forcefed her !!! Pooja was laughing seeing their antics while Alina stared at them with a wistful smile !!!
how she wished that she had a husband like ASR and a family like the Raizadas !!! she has made a big blunder already,Khushi was a real angel and making the mistake of hurting her had put her entire life in a jinx !!
Aman came in to inform them that the press was ready, Arnav gave Alina the ASR death look and spoke in a deathly whisper that send chills down her spine !!
Arnav: you and Ryan have this one chance,mess it up and you wont know what hit you or where you land up next !! Ryan will be on the streets of Delhi crawling on his knees and you will be in places that are worse than a brothel !!! dont make me do that to you !!!
Alina gave him a frightened glance before she was led onto the press area along with Ryan by Aman and Liya where they were soon joined by Arnav Khushi NK Akash and Pooja !!!
Arnav took the mike and faced the hungry vultures waiting for their juicy coverstory for Page 3 !!
Arnav: well this meeting has been unexpected considering all the stories that you broadcasted on all your channels as to how I cheated on my wife !!! I guess its time I made you all write the truth for a change !!!
and next time think twice before you carry out yellow journalism inspired news items without finding out if its authentic or not coz next time you print crap on me or my family you will have to meet the consequences on court where I will sue every god damn penny of yours for crossing on my life !!! I think its best you hear it from Alina since you find it so easy to believe her !!!
Alina gave a nervous shake as she and Ryan moved to centerstage and started speaking !!!
at home the Raizadas were watching the live feeds, Lavanya sat glued to her couch in her home scared as to whats about to be spilled,little knowing that she was being surrounded even as the news item was being aired !!! Shyam was also present at RM and he was as apprehensive as Lavanya was though he wasnt directly involved in this one, he knew that if Lavanya was exposed then within no time he will be caught in the red light too !!!
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