Banner credit to Mandy !!! 
Arnav knew he had to stop...he didn't want to indulge himself so much...Khushi was pregnant after all...he didn't want to put her at risk and considering the fact that Khushi could be pretty wild during their sexual escapades he knew there were lot of risks involved !!!!!...but he forgot he was dealing with Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada...the sensual gleam was back in her eyes...her eyes conveyed the myriad emotions coursing through her soul and body...the desire in her eyes for her man was unquenchable...she was his very own Aphrodite...his undoing and he surrendered himself completely to his goddess...Khushi turned beetroot her wild imagination went into overdrive conjuring up a million different images...even after two years with Arnav their love making was sensual and spiritual experience for both of them...Arnav and Khushi were no longer master and mistress of their their life there was no such term as one's soul...they were one soul and two bodies...and their craving for each other was always at its epitome...Arnav held Khushi in his arms in a manner so possessive that nobody would ever doubt his claim on her...he slowly brought his face closer to hers...lips hovering mere inches away from her face...poising ready to strike at the most opportune moment...Khushi opened her eyes slowly and looked at him...she snaked her fingers through his hair and pulled him towards her closing the distance between their lips...his arms slowly enveloped her waist...his tongue found its way through to her mouth savouring the all too familiar yet addictive taste of Khushi...her lips turned rosy red as she gave herself completely to him...her passion only ignited him further...he moved his lips to her face...worshipping her...he kissed her eyes...nose...forhead and then he slowly moved downwards to her was her favourite spot...he buried himself in her neck...between her shoulders inhaling her intoxicating fragrance...his lips marked her...making her his...asserting his claim on her...leaving hot scalding love bites in its wake...he moved down...neither aware that their clothes had come off unknown to both...he worshipped and cherished her...kissed her breasts...passion bursting forth...her moans driving him insane...she held him more tightly...the slightest of distances from himself was unbearable to her...she wanted him...all of him and she did...he was all hers to love...his lips moved over her stomach...his fingers trailed around her womb...cradling it like how he would cradle their child...he pressed soft sensuous kisses on her womb before moving downward slowly parting her legs...he moved down right upto her toes...kissing each one of them sending cold waves through her body charging through her veins like electric was hot and cold...making it a heady combination to bear...he traced a hot blazing trail of kisses up her legs...he moaned...his need to be inside feel her and to climax with her reached its peak...she could feel his manhood...craving for its own personal heaven which only she could give him...she couldn't bear it anymore...she hugged him tightly and he went without her all that is his...pouring himself into her...and they climaxed...the atmosphere in the room spoke of the glorious conquests of the couple who were happily ensconced in each others arms...not wanting to let go...the curtains drawn...the soft lighting...the softly lit candles...exhausted from burning just like the lovers...gazing at the sky filled with stars...the moonlight drifting through the curtains...Khushi had a smile playing on her lips as she rested her head on her laad governor's chest...playing with his fingers...Arnav had buried himself in her hair...loosing himself in her flowery tresses...they hugged each other tightly...vowing never to leave each other...they knew they couldn't even if they wanted to'.they were now a part of each other...neither could live without the other...Arnav would never be Arnav and Khushi would never be Khushi without their soulmates and now very soon they were going to have their symbol of love love and cherish for the rest of their lives...and slowly they drifted off to their own place in their dreamland where nobody came to disturb them...Arnav and Khushi were truly made for each other not for this life alone but for their next seven lives !!!!
Khushi woke up the next day to find Arnav wrapped around her...not letting her go...she got up careful not to wake him up...she got up...wore Arnav's favourite blue salwar and went downstairs to meet the rest of the family...her mind was busy making plans for the nursery and as soon as she saw Anjali and Payal...she shared her ideas with them...well to say that the Raizada ladies went into action overdrive wouldn't be an exaggeration...they started to make plans excitedly...just then Arnav came down and when they told him about their plans...he insisted that he would accompany Khushi for the nursery shopping...he wanted the shopping to be done by Khushi and him alone...he wanted it to be special and theirs alone...he assured the ladies that they could help them in setting up the nursery once they had bought all the stuff...Khushi's eyes were shining with love for her husband...she hugged him tightly...Arnav wrapped her in his arms and slowly lead her outside for a walk.
Superb chapter