Banner credit to Mandy !!! 
Next day Arnav took Khushi for her routine check up...he was worried about her weak state of health...Khushi was always happy and chirpy but her health didnt prove and she always looked weak and tired...Arnav decided to discuss his fears with the doctor...
as soon as they entered...the doctor smiled as she took Khushi inside to get her checked...15 minutes later they came back and the doctor assured Arnav that the pregnancy was going smooth sans complications and there was nothing to worry...but the doctor wanted to clarify something with Arnav...she asked Khushi to wait outside for sometime...Arnav gave Khushi a reassuring smile as she walked out...
Doctor: Arnav there is something u need to know...Khushi has become very weak...the baby is healthy but Khushi's health isnt there any tension in your family...from her check up I feel she is under a lot of stress now...the medicines I gave her seem to be having no effect at all...u know u can talk to me freely...
Arnav: Doctor I wanted to ask u the same thing...Di and Payal told me about Khushi being weak...they noticed her fragile frame...Khushi is always happy at home...always chirpy...she doesnt seem worried...there are a few things at home thats worrying all of us but we have taken maximum care not to let it affect Khushi...she eats well...takes her medicines on time...I am really worried now...I wont be able to bear it if something happened to her...
Doctor: Arnav do u have the medicines Khushi is taking at the moment with u ?? I want to check them...maybe the medicines arent suiting her...
Arnav had the meds with him...he took out the bottles and passed them over to the doc...Arnav saw an expression of shock and horror flit across the doc's face...he knew something was terribly wrong...the doctor looked up at Arnav...furious...she checked the meds with the prescription she had given Khushi...
Doctor: Arnav these arent the meds I gave her...the meds have been switched...these are meds that can be very harmful to Khushi...these meds can affect Khushi and your baby...eventually causing their did this happen ??? why would anyone try to kill Khushi ?? thank god I saw these now...another month more...u would have lost them both !!!!
Arnav sat in his chair...words left him...he felt cold fear enveloping him...anger coursed through his veins...confusion flooding him but his primal fear of loosing Khushi took over...he racked his brains...trying to figure out how this could have happened...thats when it him...the truth hit him with the force of a speeding train...for her last checkup Arnav couldnt accompany her coz Akash and him...both got held up in a conference was Payal and Lavanya who accompanied Khushi !!!! he was sure now that it was Lavanya who switched Khushi's meds...he remembered Payal telling his Di that Lavanya was the one who insisted that she would gets the meds and requested Payal to remain with Khushi...he felt like cursing himself to oblivion for not taking it seriously...he should have known that Lavanya was upto to no good !!!
Arnav explained everything happening at his place to the doctor...he knew he could trust the doctor...she had been assosciated with their family since a very long time...she had been a very good friend of his mother...the doc assured Arnav that she would change the meds asap and also told him not to worry since Khushi had escaped the danger...she told him to be extra careful now since Khushi was already exposed and they would have to be very careful with her or else they could loose her or the baby !!!!
Arnav thanked the doctor and left...he saw Khushi waiting for him outside..a smile on her face...he walked upto her and hugged her tight in his arms...he couldnt bear the thought of loosing her..he cursed himself for not accompanying her on all the checkups...tears filled his eyes but he quickly wiped them lest Khushi saw the tears...he mentally swore to ruin Lavanya for this...but as of now he wanted to get Khushi back to the house safe...he got her the new meds...Khushi asked him why the doctor had changed her meds...Arnav decided to avoid telling her the truth...he didnt want Khushi under stress again...if he told her about Lavanya...then he would have to tell her about Shyam and he was going to let her worry herself to death...he decided to talk to Akash and NK about this as soon as he reached home...he decided to lie to her...
Arnav: Khushi the doctor told me that u are anaemic...she has changed your tablets coz she thinks u have become very weak..there is nothing to worry sweetheart...we will take extra care of u now...dont take tension alright...u know am always there with u...
Khushi laughed thinking about her situation if her family took extra care of her now...already they pampered her so much...she was hardly allowed to do anything on her own and now with this...she knew she would be carried around everywhere by Arnav...Arnav saw her laughing and couldnt help laughing along with her...her smile was so infectious...he hugged her tight...placing a kiss on her forhead as he drove her back home...
as soon as the reached Anjali and Payal bombarded him with qs...he told them the same story that he told Khushi...they looked worried...Arnav watched Akash helping Khushi settle herself on the couch as NK got juice for her...Dia climbed onto Khushi's lap and started chatting with her in baby language while Naniji and Mamiji laughed hearing them talk...he gave Anjali the neds that the doc had changed and asked them to be with Khushi since he had to discuss something important with Akash and NK...
Akash and NK sensed somethin serious...they could see that Arnav was tensed...the 3 of them immediately went out since they didnt want to be overheard...Arnav stopped the car in a deserted road and bend forwards on the steering...his hands in his air as he broke down...he wanted to let it out...since the time he left the hospital the fear of loosing Khushi was killing him...he couldnt even stand the thought...realising that he was so close to loosing her after all the precautions he took scared the living hell out of him !!!!
Akash and NK was shocked seeing Arnav in tears...they knew something had terribly gone wrong...they got out of the car and took Arnav along with them...after a long time Arnav told them all that happened at the hospital...they were left horrified thinking that they could have lost Khushi if Payal and Di hadnt warned them about Khushi's health...fury rose like a storm...they wanted to ruin Lavanya for even trying to hurt Khushi...they deicded never to let Khushi out of their sight ever...
Akash and NK hugged Arnav as he held onto them tight...he was glad he had his brothers with him...he knew he wouldnt be able to handle this alone...
Akash: Bhai pls dont worry...we wont let anything happen to Khushi...she is the angel of our house...we wont let anything harm her ever or cause her pain...u will never loose her...we will make sure ythat she is never left alone ever again...
NK: Akash Bhai is right and Nanav dont worry about Lavanya...she is going to pay very hard for not going to let her out of my sight even if that means I have to tail her...and when all this gets over I will personally ensure that she is locked up in jail for even trying to harm my family !!!!
Arnav felt assured after talking to his brothers...he wanted to get back to Khushi now...they drove back and as soon as they entered...Akash and NK rushed over to Khushi and caught her in a tight hug...they couldnt bear the thought of loosing her...the fact that she had come so close to death scared the living daylights out of them...
Khushi was surprised seeing her brothers...she sensed their fear...she thought that Arnav had told them about her weakness and assumed they were worried about it...she hugged them back tighter...Anjali and Payal also assumed the same...Payal smiled seeing her husband's concern for her sister...Akash looked at Payal...his eyes seeking assurance that Khushi would be fine...Arnav looked at his Di...seeking her support...
Payal: stop it u three...Khushi is fine...all this is normal during pregnancy...the doc has changed the meds right...Khushi is going to be fine now...Akash...nothing is going to happen to your saali or bhabhi..whatever u prefer to call her stop worrying now...I feel by the end of this pregnancy the Raizada brothers will have to be thrown into a lunatic asylum worrying themselves sick to death !!!!
Anjali: Payal is right...Khushi is fine guys...pls dont take tension like telling u she is fine and healthy...nothing is going to happen to her...u all are acting as though she is on her deathbed !!!!
Arnav: Di stop it right now !!!! pls just stop it !!!!
Khushi looked at Arnav shocked at his reaction...she knew Di was only joking but Arnav had taken the last part seriously !!! Anjali looked scared as her brother glared at her but what hurt her was his expression...he looked so scared...he looked as though he feared Khushi might die any minute...she glanced at Khushi who gave her a reassuring smile telling her she would handle this...
Khushi walked upto arnav and hugged him tight who immediately crushed her in his arms...holding onto her as though it might kill him if she walked off...Khushi could sense his fear...his heart was beating too fast...she knew it was best for them to be alone right now...
Khushi: Arnavji...lets go to our room...there is nothing to always there with tired now...lets go to our room and we can talk...
Arnav smiled at her as he lifted her in his arms and took her to their room...
there was one person seething in fury at all that happened in the living room...Shyam couldnt stand the bonding between the Raizadas...he knew he had to act soon...the way Akash and NK hugged Khushi...the way Khushi hugged was like poison to his made him want to kill the Raizadas with his bare hands if that was made him want to make Khushi his sooner...he knew he had to talk to Lavanya..he had to let her know that her plan had failed...they would have to hatch another plan...
meanwhile in their room...Khushi had changed and was now sitting with Arnav on their bed...he had his head on her lap as she stroked his forhead..calming him...
Khushi: Arnavji...pls stop worrying like this...nothing is going to happen to me or our baby...its just normal..all this weakness and things like that...pls stop taking tension like this...I cant see u in pain...I wont let anything happen to our baby...very soon u will have our baby in your arms even if I have to give my life for that !!!
Arnav got up in a flash hearing the last part...Khushi knew at once that she had scared him further...knew she had said the wrong words...she looked at him staring at her with tears in his eyes...he cupped her face and brought her dangerously close to his eyes...
Arnav: Khushi dont u ever say that again...I want u first...promise me u will never leave...I dont want our baby without U by my side...u come first Khushi...its u who I am worried about...Khushi I need u and the thought of something happening to u...I cant bear it Khushi...I will die...if something happens to U I will kill myself...I dont want a life without U !!!!
with that he took her lips in a searing kiss...pouring out all his fear pain angst of loosing her into it...Khushi responded back...kissing him with a passion so terrible that it threatened to burst out of them...assuring him that she would never leave him...Khushi understood the depth and gravity of his fears and pain...she understood that her husband needed her love more than anything else tonight...she didnt protest as Arnav got rid of her clothes...his lips never leaving hers...she knew he wanted to be loved tonight...he murmered against her lips...
Arnav: pls me tonight...I want u so badly...I want to feel u in my arms...pls Khushi dont let go...
Khushi: am here Arnav and am not going all yours to love...take me with u...I need u as much as u need me...
and they lost themselves yet again...forgetting all their tensions fears and pain as they drowned in their love for each other...the night passed away slowly as the lovers lost themselves in each other...never to let go...the night serene and calm...the heavens a silent witness to their passion and love...praying that the family has strnegth to withstand the fast approaching storm that threatened to rip their lives apart !!!!
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