Banner credit to Mandy !!! 
Khushi could barely scream as she felt herself being dragged into the room...her mouth was constricted...she felt herself being gagged making it impossible for her to even whimper...she was thrown onto the bed roughly and as she turned around to face her adversary...she thought she might collapse with the was a face staright out of her fact her worst nightmare...Shyam Manohar Jha's evil eyes were staring back at her...evil mirth radiating from the cold depths of his eyes...she felt terror paralysing her body and mind...mouth and hands restricted she could barely move and the last prayer that she send to her DM was that whatever he was planning to do with her...she wished to die rather than live after being polluted by his touch !!!!!
Shyam could barely control himself as he his eyes travelled the length of her body...lusty malicious intent evident...he was hurt that she had chosen Arnav over him...hurt that she had trapped him...hurt that her heart belonged to someone else !!!!!
Shyam:Khushiji...why are u scared Khushiji...u know I would never hurt u...u know that I have always loved u then y are u turning away from me ???...y did u reject me ????...y did u choose Arnav Singh Raizada over me ??? it the money around him ???...if thats the case then am sure both of us together can always rob him off his wealth...but I want u Khushi...I want u to love me and no one else and if I have to do that by force then I dont care anymore !!!!!
with that he pulled the cloth that he had used to gag her...he wanted to hear her scream...he wanted to hear her pain...he wanted to hurt her as much as she hurt him by betraying him !!!!!
Khushi struggled in his arms like a captured bird...tears cascading down her eyes as she felt his dirty hands groping over her body...she couldnt stand it...she wanted to die rather than loose herself to him...Shyam attempted to kiss her...capture her lips but her struggles made it difficult...she was badly slashed in the process...both her hands were bleeding...she wanted to scream but her sound failed her...she felt herself slipping into darkness and the last sight was his face bending over hers...inches away from her lips !!!!!!
Shyam felt Khushi collapse in his arms...well it only made his task easier...he could keep her with him for an entire night and eventually when Arnav found her he would assume that she had spent the night with him and thus the wedding would get called off !!!!!
Khushi unconscious in his arms stirred evil emotions in him...he couldnt resist and he didnt want to...he slowly kissed her fingers...relishing the feel of her fingers on his lips...her soft lips caught his attention...he wanted to kiss them...bite it...force her to open them to his touch...feel him...hear her call out his name in the throes of passion...he felt his control crumbling as he bend his lips towards hers...
Meanwhile downstairs all the clean up work was done and Arnav decided to check on Khushi before he went off to their room...but he entered Di's room to find it empty...he felt a small chill creeping through his heart...he decided to check his room too...unable to find her there he really began to panic...Anjali and the others who were in the living room heard his scream and turned around..they asked him what the matter was and he told them Khushi was missing...that send all the Raizadas into panic mode...they began to search for her everywhere possible...Arnav suddenly remembered that he hadnt checked the guest room and dashed to the spot...he pushed open the door and the sight that met his eyes drained the blood from his face !!!!
He saw Khushi unconscious and bleeding in Shyam's arms and saw him about to kiss her...all sane thoughts vanished and reckless fury overtook him !!!!!
Arnav: KHUSHI !!!!!!!!!!!
Shyam turned around and saw Arnav advancing towards him...his fury sending chills down his spine...he wasnt expecting to be caught so soon...he roughly pushed Khushi to the floor and tried to make his escape through the side windows but Arnav was too quick for him...he grabbed him by his shoulders and punched him straight on his face...Shyam was still reeling from the blow as another hit him...the others had heard the commotion and came rushing into the room to be met with one of the most horrifying sights in their life...Khushi unconscious on the floor bleeding and Shyam being thrashed by didnt take long to figure out what must have transpired...Akash and NK rushed to aid Arnav...but Arnav pushed them away...he wanted to do this alone...he wanted to flog the snake to within an inch of his life for even daring to touch his wife...Anjali and Payal rushed to Khushi who was still unconscious...Payal dialled the doctor and asked her to come asap !!!!!
Shyam sensing there was no escape now started to laugh...a manic glint in his eyes...he wanted to taunt Arnav !!!!
Shyam: Saale Sahab...y are u so angry...she is yours for the rest of your life...then whats wrong in me wanting her so badly...after all I fell in love with her before u...then how can I let u have her isnt fair to me is it ????...
whatever he intended to say next never left his mouth as he felt 2 other pair of hands seize him...beating him black and blue...Akash had called the police...soon enough they reached and Shyam was handed over...Arnav would deal with him later ensuring he never came out and if he did he would never walk on his legs again !!!!!!
but right now Khushi needed him...he looked around and saw his Di cradling Khushi on her lap...all were too shocked to even think what might have transpired between Khushi and Shyam...Arnav lifted her in his arms and slowly carried her to their room...tears falling down his eyes as he saw her bleeding hands and unconscious frame !!!!!
he layed her down on the bed while the others gathered a loss for words...
Arnav: Khushi can u hear me ???...please open your eyes...dont leave me Khushi...Khushi please this isnt funny dammit...I need your eyes...say something...I love U Khushi...please open your eyes and look at me !!!!!
HP came all of a sudden bringing the doctor with him...Arnav held her hand as the doctor examined Khushi...her wounds were cleaned and she was thoroughly examined...worry lines creased her face as she checked her pulse !!!!
Doctor: Khushi is fine Mr.Raizada...I can make out that it was an attempt to rape but she was incredibly lucky...her pulse is normal now...she is under sedation now...she will regain consciousness in a matter of few leaving now...I have written down medicines for her...pls ensure she takes them...if anything else then call me !!!!
Arnav listened to her...his heart rate coming back to normal but he wouldnt be fine unless Khushi talked to him...he thanked the doctor...NK and Akash escorted her out and the others left knowing that Arnav wanted to be alone with Khushi...they knew it wouldnt be fair to take Khushi away from him now.
Arnav held her in his arms...his eyes never leaving her face as he held her...slowly the hours slipped by and Khushi stirred in his arms...she opened her eyes and felt someone holding her...she was scared that it was Shyam holding her...she was about to scream when her focuse fell on Arnav who was looking at her...his eyes spoke of the fear that had enveloped him since the past few hours...she couldnt take it any longer...she burst out into tears...breaking down in his arms as he held her tightly...his heart bleeding as he felt her pain...afraid of what he was about to far had Shyam gone...not that it mattered to him coz he knew her heart was pure...her tears drove a stake through his heart and only steeled his determination to ruin Shyam Manohar Jha's remaining life on earth !!!!!
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