Banner credit to Mandy !!! 
Khushi had a busy day at RM...Arnav had left early since he had a conference call and he hoped to seal an important deal today which meant that he wasnt coming home for lunch...he usually made it a point to have lunch with his wife and family after marriage since he loved spending time with them but today he couldnt and that meant Khushi was taking his lunch to office...she wasnt going to let him skip she was busy preparing her hubby's favorite dishes...a song on her lips and a beautiful smile adorning her face since she was lost in her dreams that had only her hubby in them
meanwhile life wasnt going so happy and smooth for Anjali...her delivery date was approaching and she was missing her family...well her family wasnt missing her at any cost coz they never came to meet her...she had run into them a couple of times at the temple...Khushi was the only one who showed an inclination to talk to her but each time Nani and Mami took Khushi away ignoring Anjali as though she were a statue...she had also met Arnav Akash and NK...Akash and NK acted as though they didnt even care she existed and Arnav didnt even spare her a second tore at her heart that her family hated her but her ego didnt permit her to admit her folly and her husband wasnt as adoring as he always used to be...infact he seemed greatly irritated by her prescence and pregnancy made her feel foolish for leaving her family for her hubby but she didnt have the courage to admit it so she went about pretending that her life was perfect...also she had Dadi who added to her workload at home...without the luxury of servants it was upto her to take care of the house now...time flew and soon Anjali found herself in the hospital...writhing in pain as the baby seemed in no hurry to come out and ease her pain...Shyam was out with her Dadi...he didnt show any interest in staying with her in the delivery room to ease her pain...he was out hoping that the Raizadas would come...he had managed to brainwash Dadi and make her believe that the Raizadas had a right to know that the baby was soon to be born...Dadi had fallen for the trap and had called at RM and informed Naniji that Anjali was about to deliver...Naniji hadnt replied at all...she simply kept the phone leaving Dadi stunned !!!!!
Meanwhile at RM Naniji had informed everyone that Anjali was about to deliver...she looked at Arnav who didnt even look up hearing the was Khushi who spoke first...she went upto Arnav...
Khushi: Arnavji I know U are angry but dont u think we should meet Di and her baby...maybe this could be the time to solve everything...why simply take our anger on that innocent soul about to be born today...the baby belongs to the Raizada family too...lets go Arnavji.
Arnav looked at Khushi pleading with him...her heart was such that she could easily forgive but her tenderness for Anjali and her baby only steeled his determination further...he got up and held Khushi by her shoulders and spoke directly to her...
Arnav: love...I love that heart of yours that can so easily forgive anyone no matter what they did but your husband isnt like that...I assure u Khushi I have nothing against the sister's baby is like my own blood to me but my sister has brokem my trust...she has ignored my love but what angers me most is the fact that she went with a man who made my wife's life hell...any person remotely connected to hurting my wife doesnt have a place in my heart...unless Anjali Jha apologises for hurting my wife and trusting a man who was lusting after my wife she has no place in my heart...u and this family is all that matters to me now !!!!
Arnav then looked at his family and spoke again...
Arnav: if there is anybody here who doesnt agree with me they can speak up ready to hear them out.
The Raizadas assembled around them thought that their hearts might swell and burst with pride for Arnav Singh Raizada...Naniji was proud to see the love and trust that Arnav had on Khushi...she loved her grandson for giving so much respect for his wife and totally agreed with him...Akash and NK went and gave Arnav a hug and stood next to him...Payal was only to happy to see the love that her sister got from Arnav...Mamiji and Mamaji looked around and smiled see their united family...Mamiji was the first to speak...
Mamiji: Phatti Sari(Mamiji still called Khushi that coz Khushi liked hearing Mami call her that) u might be having a real big heart but we dont...I agree with Arnav long as Anjali doesnt apologise to both of u for what she did...I dont want to see her baby...she is living with a man who tried to kill my Arnav Bitwa and who tried to ruin my Khushi Bitiya's life...I dont care what u say but she is not part of this family for me.
Khushi looked around at her family who loved her so much and felt her eyes well up...Arnav saw that she was about to cry and stopped her tears even before they fell...
Arnav: Jaan pls dont start your waterworks now...I know u love to cry even when u are happy but I hate seeing pls dont cry !!!
Khushi laughed seeing her Arnavji joke and simply hugged him tight burying her head into his chest while the rest of the Raizadas started laughing...Arnav hugged Khushi tighter and whispered in her ear...
Arnav: Khushi if u are going to stay in my arms longer then am going to have to take u right now into our bedroom...u know I cant control myself when u hug me like this
Khushi blushed and pulled out of the hug...she wasnt done yet...
Khushi: I agree and understand all your feelings...but think about the baby...lets go meet the baby atleast...Naniji Arnavji what is the baby's mistake in this...lets not punish the baby...pls
Arnav could see the truth in her words..he decided to let her see the baby but on one condition...
Arnav: Okay Khushi...U Naniji Payal and Mamiji can get ready...we guys will take u to the hospital but pls dont expect us to come inside and see the baby...coz that means we have to face Shyam and I dont think either me or my brothers can stand his sight...u ladies can meet the baby and that fine with everyone ????
Akash was the first to answer...
Akash: Bhai is absolutely right...Khushi is as good as my sister and I dont think I can stand that stinking bas***d who tried to ruin my brother's marriage and hurt my sister...what about u NK bhai ???
NK: whats there to ask Akash ???...u think I can stand that creep...if it wasnt for Anjali Jha who happened to be my sister I would have strangled him for hurting Nanav and Khushi Bhabhi !!!!
Arnav: well thats settled then...everyone get ready...lets get this finished with !!!
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