Banner credit to Mandy !!! 
Part 24
Lavanya watched with a growing sense of horror as the press conference progressed, her worst fears were confirmed when her photos were splayed across the screens as part of the live news feeds and Alina named her the as the person who planned the entire scam and her motives behind doing so !!!
Lavanya knew then for once and for all that she was done in for the rest of her life, the evidence was irrevocably laid out against her, their phone conversations, their meetings, details of the bank payments that she had made etc etc !!
She heard the doorbell ring but she could hardly move her limbs which seemed to have gone into coma, her househelp went to get the door and was shocked to find men and a couple of women in uniforms,
The marched in without a word into the living room where Lavanya was still watching the feeds and she flinched back in horror seeing that police had already arrived...
The lady officers dragged her up and placed her under handcuffs...
" Ms Lavanya Kashyap, you are under arrest for carrying out a fake scam against AR designs and its CEO Mr.Arnav Singh Raizada, thereby maligning his name as well as his company's reputation "
Lavanya had nothing to say as they took her but the scene was quite different in Shantivan...
The Raizadas were hooked to the live telecast and so was a certain Mr.Jha as he watched in horror at what was about to come, he tried to contact Lavanya but she wasn't answering her phone which certainly wasn't a good omen'.
The Raizadas heaved a sigh of relief as they saw Alina owning up to the scam but was horrified when they realised that Lavanya was the mastermind behind all of it, There was deep sense of pain and hurt mixed with the rage of betrayal, they had all loved Lavanya like a daughter of the house and this was a tragic blow, knowing that she had been all along plotting the destruction of Arnav and Khushi's marriage...
Anjali sensed a growing sense of apprehension,her heart told her that Lavanya wasn't alone in any of this,she whipped around to look at Shyam who was at the moment busy trying to reach Lavanya, he spotted Anjali scrutinizing him and felt it would be safer if he made his exit before any suspicions arose as to his involvement in all this...
But ASR had played his game well, Varun who was at home along with the agents blocked his way out...
"what is it Mr.Jha ?? going somewhere ??? I guess it can wait until Arnav and Khushi comes back !! " Varun said as he blocked Shyam...
"I have to go on an urgent errand Varun,I will be back in sometime and will meet Saale Sahab and Khushi ji when they come back" said Shyam while he tried to make a quick getaway !!!
Anjali was quick to catch up... "Stop him Varun !! I don't want my ex husband out of my sight now until I get a clearer picture !!! " she spoke glaring at Shyam !!!
Shyam saw his escape routes closing in from all sides but thats when he found his ticket to freedom, Dia was idling by near to him and he quickly grabbed her and in all the chaos he whipped out the gun he carried with him all the while and placed it on her head...
The Raizadas stood frozen, none of them dared to make a move, they knew that one wrong step from their side and they could loose Dia forever !!!
Shyam sneered at all of them...
"what did you lot think ??? that I would let you all tie me down as easy as that ??? move out of my way and let me go if you want your princess alive, try stopping me and I wont hesitate to put a bullet into this unfortunate creation of my blood !!! "
Anjali couldn't bear the words Dia's own father used on her, it drove a stake through her heart, Varun saw the situation slipping out of his hands, he motioned for the agents to move out of the way letting Shyam pass, Dia held tight in his throttling arms !!!
Shyam reached the entrance and turned back...his last words to them chilling them in his ice cold venom !!
"I was here to take revenge and revenge I will have Rani Sahiba !!! Saale Sahab will die the worst death possible, I will take Khushiji with me !!!! her babies will see me as their father !!! I wont stop until I have her !!!! "
Shyam hurled Dia into their house and ran away, no one cared about him getting away, Dia had fallen hard, her head bruised at the fall, Anjali picked her up in her arms in an instant while Varun asked the driver to get the car ready so that they could go to the hospital !!! Payal and Anjali crying as Nani Mami and Mamaji tried to get a grip on the situation.
Lavanya had been taken to the Delhi Police Headquaters and as she was brought out, She found Arnav Khushi NK Akash and Pooja waiting for her...
She saw the blood curdling rage in Khushi's eyes as she walked towards her...She came upto her and slapped her hard on her cheeks !!!!
"How could you Lavanyaji ??? I trusted you, I loved you like my own sister, my best friend and this is what you had for me all along !!! you claim to love Arnavji !!! is this your love ??? if you truly loved him, then you wouldn't have spend your days plotting to kill his wife, the mother of his baby !!! you tried to ruin my marriage, you stooped to the lowest levels possible all in the name of revenge !!! Khushi has a heart that can forgive but I wont forgive & forget this time Lavanya !!! I will make sure that you rot behind the bars of your prison cell !!! !!! "
Khushi swayed on the spot, the events of the day taking a toll on her, Arnav was immediately at her side, holding her !!!
He gave Lavanya a look of pure deepest hate and loathing...
"this is why I always kept my distance with you Lavanya !!! I knew you best in my family and there was always something negative about your ways which I could explain yet I could never ignore it !!! I knew you were venomous !!!! I could see that you weren't truly happy about Khushi being in my life !!! you should have accepted it Lavanya, you were never meant for me, I never loved you, I didn't even know what was love until I met Khushi !!! maybe this is why we never were together, there was always an evil serpent lurking inside you !!!
Accept it Lavanya, I was never yours and I will never be, Arnav Singh Raizada belongs solely to Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada and you are about to know what happens to the people who try to hurt me and my family !!!! "
Lavanya sneered back...
"you may think that you have won Arnav but you haven't !!! Shyam is still out there and as long as he is there, you will not be able to live in peace with Khushi !!! you will loose her Arnav !!!! he will kill you and Khushi will see her baby calling Shyam as their father !!! Mark my words Arnav !! it will happen !!! "
Just then NK screamed into the phone...
" what the f**k are you saying Varun ??? where are you all now and how did Shyam get away ?? "
Arnav Akash Khushi and Pooja stood horrorstruck seeing NK loose control !!!
NK slammed the phone as he looked at Arnav...
"Shyam got away, Varun and the others tried stopping him but he used Dia as his bait to get away, he kept her at gunpoint !!! "
Khushi felt her heart constrict hearing about a gun pointed at Dia...
Arnav snarled as his eyes glowered in Rage while Akash felt the blood turning hot in his veins !!!
NK continued in a terrified whisper...
"Dia is injured Nanav !! they are in the hospital now...we need to reach there ASAP !!! "
Arnav was about to move when he felt a sagging weight in his side...
Akash Pooja and NK watched in horror as Khushi slumped unconscious into Arnav's arms !!!
Akash yelled the driver to bring out the car while Pooja and NK ran to Khushi...Arnav caught her just as she fell, cradling her against his heart...
Her body had gone icy cold and she was still as a statue...fear choked his hearts and lungs, it was like the air had been sucked out of his body, his sense blinded him !!!
Khushi and Dia, both in danger, Khushi lay as though dead in his arms...everything that happenened next was a blur...
He lifted Khushi into his arms as Akash and NK opened the doors for him, Pooja right behind him, tears flowing down her face...
Arnav hugged Khushi tight in his arms as he prayed to the unknown gods to make her and Dia alright !!!
They reached the hospital in no time...Anjali Varun Payal and everyone else wheeled back in terror seeing Khushi lifeless...
The paramedics rushed her into emergency as Arnav went along with them...his entire being, his soul, his heart, his existence, everything depending on Khushi now !!!
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