Banner credit to Mandy !!! 
Anjali and Dadi retreated to their rooms leaving the Raizadas in the living seemed like an eternity...digesting the monstrous truth was so difficult...their Anjali whom they had all loved so much was going to leave them today for her husband who had never loved one spoke...words seem to have vanished...silence hung over them spreading gloom through out Shantivan !!!!!
Meanwhile Anjali was in her room...tears streaming down her face as she replayed Arnav's words over and over again in her mind's eye...Dadi watched her but she was too lost in her hurt pride and ego...she couldnt believe the insult that she had been met out in the hands of her grandson !!!!
Dadi swore that she would never accept Arnav as her grandson far as she was concerned it was just Anjali now...she slowly packed all their bags...she went upto Anjali and said...
Dadi:Anjali bitiya...stop shedding your tears for a brother who never understood his sister...arnav doesnt deserve a sister like U...he has been blinded by his love for that low life casteless girl...forget him and be with your husband for he truly loves U !!!!
Anjali:U are right Dadi...lets leave this home of ours coz the people here no longer care about my happiness or my husband's innocence and I dont want to continue staying in a place that that is bereft of my love...lets go sure chottey will one day regret losing his sister and bro-in-law !!!!!
the duo came down the stairs...they avoided the rest of the family's gaze as they made their way out but were stopped as they heard Arnav's voice...
Arnav:Anjali Manohar Jha...your decision to leave your family for your stinking husband speakes volumes of your character...leave with this knowledge that as of this day onward u are dead to me...a non entity as far as Arnav Singh Raizada is concerned !!!!
wishing u all the happiness u hope to have with your husband but leave with this in your mind...if your excuse of a husband ever tries to hurt my family...more specifically if he ever even dare to cast his eyes on my wife then rest assured Arnav Singh Raizada will have him fed to the stray dogs on the street...pls pass this message to him...if he cares for his dear life then he better stay away from all the people I love...and one more thing...if he hurts U at any point in your life then live with it coz u no longer have a place in my heart...whatever happens between both of U be ready to face it coz u wont have your brother to protect U...I tried but U betrayed me and now I dont want to protect U...and I promise U...U will one day regret that u ever went back to your husband...sooner or pls get out of our lives !!!!!!
Khushi and the rest of the family were stunned to hear Arnav's words...Khushi could truly fathom the depth of Arnav's pain from his words...she watched as Anjali and Dadi turned around and left !!!
but what caught her attention was Arnav swaying on his spot...shoulders sloping down...he was a broken figure today...Khushi knew that only she could bring him out of his pain...she went upto him and held him in her arms...he stayed in her arms...hours passed as the family huddled in their living room...Khushi watched her family breaking down and she couldnt take it...she decided to inject a little normalcy into her family...but she had to call @ GH first to inform them that she was needed @ RM and that she was staying back with Arnav...she was about to get up to make the call when she heard a broken whisper...
Arnav:Khushi...pls dont go...pls just stay...I dont want u to leave Khushi...I need family needs U...stay close pls...I need to feel your prescence love
Khushi ran back to Arnav hearing his words...she couldnt bear his pain...she hugged him tightly as Arnav broke down again in her arms...his tears falling silently as he cried his heart...his family watched stunned as the mighty ASR broke down in Khushi's arms...the heart wrenching sight wa enough as far as the rest of them were concerned to tell themselves that they would never forgive Anjali for hurting Arnav so much...for giving him so much pain !!!!
Khushi slowly took Anrva upstairs...she asked Naniji if she could stay with Arnavji until he was better...Nani was only too happy to have Khushi back in RM...she knew that only Khushi could make Arnav smile now !!!!
Khushi took Arnav to their room...she made him sit on the bed and sat next to him...without a word Arnav slowly put his head on her lap and lay there...Khushi held him...stroking his hair...wiping away his tears ad she controlled her own from falling on his face...she held him as he slowly drifted off to sleep...
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