Banner credit to Mandy !!! 
Shyam had a manic glint in his eyes as he watched Arnav kneel in front of him...Khushi watched Arnav unable to do anything after being bound tight and unable to escape from Shyam tight grip..the gun pointed over her...
Shyam: its all over Arnav...u are going to die...coz only then will I get Khushi all to myself...I am going to raise your child Arnav and your baby will call me Dad...agree to it or else Khushi dies now...
sign the divorce papers in front of u...also sign the other set which says u are transferring all your wealth in my name...sign both and leave or else I will kill Khushi in front of U.
Khushi: No way u bloody creep...kill me then...I would wish to die rather than live without Arnavji..he wont sign those papers..and u will never have me...kill us both right now !!!
Shyam: why Khushiji ??? why...what is it that I dont have and Arnav has that u love him so much !!!! I have always loved U...even when Arnav hated U...then why do u reject me !!! No Khushi...u dont leave me with a choice...its better u die that I let u live with Arnav !!!
Arnav watched in horror as Khushi was thrown into his arms and then Shyam raised the gun and before he knew it...Khushi was shot...her limp form in his arms as blood surrounded them...
Arnav screamed as he woke up in a rush...sweating profusely...his breathing fast and rugged as though he had run a marathon...Khushi had woken up hearing him scream and saw him looking at her with terror stricken eyes...He pulled her tight into his arms...the nightmare had felt so real...her limp form lying lifeless in his arms...he hugged her tighter...Khushi realised that Arnav had had a bad dream...she hugged him closer and stroked him as he poured it out...Khushi eyes widenend in horror as she heard it...she hugged him tighter ...
Khushi: Arnavji forget it...its just a bad dream and am here with u...we are safe...and nothing will ever seperate us from each other...u will never loose me and we will get through this together...this is just a bad time and we are going to face it together...
Arnav gently layed her down and took her into his arms...he held her tight as he calmed himself down...he knew he couldnt weaken now but the nightmare had shaken him...they hugged each other tighter as they slowly drifted off...forgetting their worries for now...
next morning was a busy one...they were all trying to work a way out of this mess and for that they needed to trace down the employee in AR who had generated and leaked the pics to the media...busy in their work they looked up as the doorbell rang and HP opened it...a beautiful girl walked in followed by a handsome guy who was holding her soon as Arnav & Akash saw who it was...they gasped in unison...
Arnav & Akash: Pooja !!! Varun !!!
the rest of them looked one had any clue who they were but Arnav & Akash forgot everything else as they smiled widely and caught Pooja in a tight hug !!! Payal and Khushi were shocked to see their husbands hugging a total stranger of a girl !!! twirling her around who was laughing in their arms...meanwhile Varun interrupted them...
Varun: hold on guys...u havent changed one bit...once u see my sister...u forget your best friend !!!! come also here !!!
Arnav & Akash laughed as they pulled Varun into their hug...their families watched clue..what was happening while Khushi and Payal seethed seeing their husbands hugging some random girl...
Arnav: u cant blame us bro...Pooja has always been our sweetheart and we are seeing her after so long...her brothers missed her !!! and she missed us too...didnt U Pooja ???
Pooja: ofcourse I missed both of U and I missed being hugged by my 3 brothers all together...
Payal & Khushi heaved a sigh of relief hearing Pooja call Arnav & Akash her brothers...but the entire family were still in shock...they had never heard of Varun or Pooja from either Arnav or Akash before...
Arnav saw Khushi watchig him...waiting for him to explain...he walked towards her and pulled her into his arms and turned towards Pooja & Varun...
Arnav: Pooja..Varun meet wife...the love of my life and your bhabhi...Khushi this is Pooja & Varun..Varun studied with me and Akash in Harvard..he was our senior and Pooja is his sister...also she is like a sister to Akash and me...
Akash took Payal and introduced her too...
Akash: and this is Payal...Khushi's sister and my wife...and yes your bhabhi...
Pooja was shocked into silence...
Pooja: Arnav bhai...u got married !!! OMG this is shocking !!! I always knew Akash bhai would get married but U !!! OMG I am so happy...
she pulled Khushi out of Arnav's arms and hugged her tight !!!
Pooja: Khushi bhabhi am so happy !!! cant believe Arnav bhai actually sure u are the best coz I know my bhai is the best !!!! U have to tell me your love story in detail !!!
Pooja had barely finished when Varun walked upto them and pulled Khushi into a tight hug...twirling her around !!!! but he stopped hearing Arnav Akash and NK shout !!!
Arnav Akash & NK: Varun put her down now !!!
Varun looked confused as Arnav pulled her into his arms anxious...looking at her...asking if she is fine...while Akash and NK looked at Varun furious...Khushi looked at Payal and Anjali for help...Payal laughed as she walked upto Pooja and hugged her while Anjali hugged her other side...and they both gave a reassuring pat to Varun before turning to the male members of their house who were all holding Khushi...
Anjali: relax u three...nothing is going to happen to her...look at her...she is fine and just coz Varun twilred her a little...nothing is going to go wrong !!! look at him...u freaked him out...
Akash: but Di...Khushi shouldnt be handled like that...u know she needs rest...she is weak too...what if something had happened to her...
NK: haan Di...Akash is right...Khushi bhabhi needs rest...Varun should have asked us before doing all that...
Arnav: Di I dont care...whats wrong with u ladies...careless all the time !!! NK is right...Varun should have asked me !!!
Khushi burst out laughing...hearing her husband and her 2 devars talking like kids...Anjali & Payal burst out too seeing Khushi laughing...the ladies shared a good laugh while the Raizada brothers looked supremely annoyed and Varun & Pooja looked at them in confusion...
Payal: relax u three...u are talking as if Khushi is some kind of a glass piece that might break anytime !!! She is pregnant guys...not down with some disease and Varun didnt do anything wrong !!!
now it was time for Varun & Pooja to be shocked !!!
Varun : pregnant !!! Khushi blushed while Arnav winked at him...Pooja looked as if she was lost for words...
Pooja: Varun bhai pls pinch me !!! did I hear right ?? Arnav bhai going to be a father !!!
Varun: Khushi bhabhi am really sorry...if I knew I wouldnt have been so rough...I was so happy to hear that Arnav got married that I forgot myself !!! so many surprises...we thought we would give u a surprise and now we are the ones struck...Akash married...Arnav also married and soon going to be all feels like a dream !!!!
Arnav: well its reality Varun and next time u do some nonsense like that..I swear I wont spare U !!
Pooja was lost now...she had never seen Arnav like gentle !! he was always the quiet one in their group...but this was a totally different Arnav...she watched as Khushi & Payal walked upto her & Varun...they smiled as they pulled them into a hug...
Payal: relax both of U...Akash NK and Arnav...all three are like a pack of wolves who are very protective of Khushi...they treat her like a glass atleast we saw Khushi standing and walking on her own...
usually she is always carried around...most of the time by Arnav and if he isnt free then Akash & NK...poor Khushi...
Pooja laughed...but Varun was all serious...
Varun: Payal bhabhi...its not a laughing matter...Arnav Akash & NK are right and I was foolish...what if anything had happened to Khushi...I am sorry Khushi Bhabhi...
Khushi groaned...what she needed last was another addition to her protective team of her husband and her 2 devars...looks like Varun had joined too...
Anjali: great this was the last thing we needed...another addition to Khushi's army !!! Khushi...your case is sealed...with Varun sure they wont let u move an inch now !!!
as the laughter died down...Arnav introduced Varun & Pooja to the rest of the family...Shyam who was present was introduced by Anjali as an accquaitance who was staying with them for a short while...meanwhile Dia who was in NK's arms got down and walked upto Khushi...who immediately took her in her arms...but before she knew it...Akash had taken Dia from her !!!
Khushi: jeeju what are u doing ?? I was only holding Dia in my arms...look she wanted to be with me...
Akash: no way Khushi...u are not supposed to exert any kind of pressure...u can play with Dia while we hold her but u are not allowed to lift her...
Payal & Anjali laughed...there was nothing they could do with the guys watching over Khushi like a groups of hawks...Khushi sighed as she gave in and pouted...they all moved to the living all the excitement everyone had forgotten the ongoing tension in their house...Arnav meanwhile turned to Varun...
Arnav: so tell us long have u both been in India ???
Varun: Arnav Pooja and I moved to India a few months back...actually Pooja had finished her studies and wanted to set up her practice in India...u know she had taken up we came back and I set up business here...she has a successful law firm running now and I am manage my business all from India now...I have opened a hotel chain all over India and also abroad. Mom and Dadare still in US...we visit each other occasionally.
Arnav I dont want to beat around the bush...we saw the news...and we know u were framed...Pooja has looked up the details too and she wants to fight your case if u are willing to let her to
do it.
Khushi looked at Arnav who looked troubled...he looked at her...seeing her eyes well up again...he hugged her in his arms...comforting her...placing a kiss on her forhead.
Arnav: no more tears jaan...its going to be fine...pls dont stress yourself...I will clear my name as well as our company's very soon.
Pooja walked upto Khushi and held her hands...
Pooja: I promise Bhabhi...I will clear Bhai's name...pls trust me.
Khushi hugged Pooja...she didnt know how to thank her...but she felt a slight ray of hope that things were finally going to get better soon.NK watched Pooja hug his bhabhi...for some reason he felt a short time...Pooja has earned the love of everyone in the family...he could see her genuine love for Arnav and Khushi...he noticed how pretty she looked even though she was crying along with Khushi...he felt a tug in his heart...a soft spot for Pooja...hw couldnt figure out what it was but he knew Pooja had made a place for herself in his heart.
Dia had meanwhile caught Varun's attention...she was sitting on his lap...talking to him in her baby language as Varun responded to her...entertaining her with his antics...Anjali watched her little princess being pampered.all this didnt go unnoticed by Shyam...he sensed trouble...from Pooja & Varun.he didnt like the interaction between Dia & Varun.he had to tell Lavanya about this very soon...they had to make sure that their plan worked this time.
Varun saw how everyone was getting all emotional and caught up and saw Dia looking at everyone...wondering why everyone looked so serious...he decided to lighten up the mood.
Varun: Come on folks...enough of the emotional meltdown..cant u how our little princess is upset seeing her family all silent !! we are going to win this and whoever is the bas***d behind all this...they are going to pay hard !!!! Pooja...lets get going...u have a case today and I have a meeting...we will be back later...
Khushi immediately intervened...she didnt want Pooja & Varun to stay alone when they had a family...
Khushi: No Varun...u are going to stay here...Pooja u too...why should u both stay alone when u have your family here...Varun come back home when your meeting is done and Pooja u too and no excuses...its an order from your bhabhi...
everyone was thrilled hearing Khushi...they all wanted Varun & Pooja to stay with them...Pooja was more than happy to stay with all of them...she adored her bahbhis and she wanted to spend time with all of them...Varun was also extremely happy !!! so it was decided that Pooja and Varun would stay with the Raizadas...they then left for their work and time flew and soon it was night time & pooja and Varun had returned to RM after their day's work...getting their stuff from their home since they would be staying with the Raizadas.Khushi & Payal had the guest rooms ready and soon they were all having their dinner which was as usual a noisy affair...Pooja laughed seeing Arnav forcefeeding Khushi while Dia was being fed by NK & Payal was one big happy family...the only person who wasnt part of the happiness was Shyam but he couldnt show it so he played along.Anjali Payal and Khushi laughed endless as Pooja recounted the naughty tales of her 3 brothers from their college days while Arnav & Akash laughed along.
Meanwhile at AR designs...Aman & Liya whooped in joy...they had finally tracked down the bacstabbing employee of AR with the help of the cyber cell...Liya was his Aman's assistant and girlfriend...ans she was a trustworthy employee of AR with 100% dedication to her work and her bosses and she had sworn that she would help Aman track down the cheating scums !!!
but now they were shocked too...they couldnt believe the names that turned up !!! the most shocking of them being Lavanya's !! they knew they had to inform Arnav soon !!!!
Awesome 👏