Banner credit to Mandy !!! 
Khushi broke off the kiss...tears rolling down her face...she gazed at Arnav whose face was still wet with tears...she had never seen him in so much pain...his sister's betrayal had shaken him to the core...Arnav meanwhile was gazing at Khushi...guilt overpowering sat his love whom he had destroyed for his sister's sake...a girl he had tortured and married to ensure his Di's life wouldnt break up...despite all his measures Shyam's truth had come out...he had thrown him out of RM...yet his Di had betrayed him for her husband...the very person who had tried to harm him...and he would have been successful had it not been for Khushi who saved him...
He felt weak...strength leaving him...Khushi held him all the while...Arnav slowly laid his head on her lap and started speaking...
Arnav:Khushi how could Di do this to could she fake to us...after all that I did to ensure her happiness...Khushi am sorry for all those times when I hurt U...Khushi I know I dont deserve U but am selfish Khushi...I cant let U leave...all this while Di has always been the most important in my life...but not anymore Khushi...Khushi I need U...I need the girl who understood me...loved me...supported me...bore with my hatred even when u didnt have to...if anybody knows the Arnav hidden inside the beast Arnav Singh Raizada...its U sorry Khushi but I promise U that I will always love U...cherish U...protect U...will lay the world at ur feet !!!!
Khushi listened...tears flowing freely from her eyes...try as much as to go away from him she knew she couldnt and she didnt want to...she loved Arnav hidden inside the mighty ASR...she knew her Arnav was a man with a golden heart...if he had hurt her then again it was coz he had loved her too much...Khushi's happiness was with him...her smiles and happiness were all coz of him and she had no intention of leaving him...she would be there with him for eternity...
Khushi held Arnav's face in her hands...slowly kissing away his tears...her eyes shining with love for this man...knowing that her heart would always love him despite his sometimes unbearable insanity...
Khushi:u dont need to explain anything Arnavji...u dont need to say sorry...we have to go back now Arnavji...u have to talk to Di...try to make her understand...she is in danger...
Arnav's eyes blazed with fury as he heard Khushi talking for his Di...he knew what he had to do...
Arnav:enough much more will u suffer...Di has crossed her limits and today she will have to choose...either her family who loves her unconditionally or her not going to tolerate that f***ing b**t*** under my roof...not after what he did to not going to let
him lay his eyes on you ever again !!!!...come with me Khushi...I need to talk to my sister and I need u with me !!!!
Khushi went along with Arnav...she knew she had to let him do what his heart told him to...she decided to be there with him as he confronted his sister...Khushi knew his inner turmoil...she knew that beneath the tough facade there was a tender heart screaming in agony...
they reached Shantivan in silence...hands held...forming a bond to never let go of each other...
Anjali was in the living room with Dadi...looking particularly pleased about something...she saw Arnav entering with Khushi and got up with a smile and went towards them...she was about to open her mouth when Arnav silenced her with a single glance...Anjali knew there was something terribly going to go wrong from her chottey's demeanour...
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