Banner credit to Mandy !!! 
Khushi woke up the next day...a smile adorned her pink was a new dawn for her...she felt was as though the girl in her had bloomed into a woman of perfection & beauty in the previous night...she turned to her side and saw her husband sleeping peacefully...a smile on his though he was the happiest man in the world...she turned to his side and snuggled herself into his warmth...Arnav in his sleep gently pulled her deeper into his arms...his face buried in the crook of her neck...Khushi sighed contently as she revelled in the strength with which he held her...she didnt notice that her husband had woken up and was now staring at her as lost herself in her own thoguhts...she was brought out of her reverie as she felt his lips closing in on hers...
the kiss was slow and gently and was as though he was worshipping her...there was no rush...he took his time as he kissed her Good Morning...her lips felt so soft and lush against his...sweet as honey...slowly he broke away and smiled at Khushi whose face was by now tinged in the rosy hue of a blush creeping over her cheeks...
Arnav: Good Morning sweetheart...welcome to our first day of forever !!
Khushi I cant tell u how happy I am...waking up with u in my arms has been a dream for a longtime and I cant believe that I have a lifetime with u to look forward to !!! before life was always the same Khushi...there was no had become monotonous...but with u in my life...I know each day is going to be unique beautiful and passionate...I love U Khushi...I love U so much that all I want to do is hide u from the rest of the world in a place where no one can find us !!
Khushi felt her heart glow with happiness as she looked at her husband's eyes that were full of love for her...she hugged herself tighter into his arms...not wanting to leave the safe heaven she found in his arms...
but just then they heard a knock on their door...Arnav gave a frustrated glance as he pulled away...Khushi hurriedly got up...covering herself in the blanket and rushing towards the washroom as Arnav pulled on his pants and went to open the doors...
as soon as he had opened it..he saw Anjali NK Payal Lavanya Rahul & Akash smiling at him...they burst out laughing seeing his angry pout...without a word they marched into the room and stopped on their tracks as they took in the mess around them...Anjali Payal & Lavanya blushed as they imagined the previous night's events...the state of the room confirmed their doubts that Arnav & Khushi had indeed had a wild night...
NK was the first to speak !!
NK : whoa Nanav...what happened to your room...what did u do to our decor for the previous night...u have ruined into all !! 
Arnav didnt know whether to kick him out of their room or laugh at his stupid qs...he decided to give it back as goos as he got !!
Arnav : NK what did u expect ?? u thought Khushi and I spend the night admiring the decor of the room or u thought we would spend it stargazing from the poolside !!! grow up NK...u are inside a room in which a couple was celebrating their suhaag raat the previous make it more precise for u...Khushi & I are no longer virgins after last night !!!
so I guess its clear to u what we were doing last night or do u want me to explain more ??
Anjali Payal & Lavanya looked stupified as they gazed at Arnav..they had never expected him to be so on their face !! Akash was lost...he had never had the guts to romance Payal in front of his family and here his brother was talking about his sex life to them !! Rahul gave Arnav a proud smile as he winked at Anjali naughtily while Lavanya looked at NK who was opening and closing his mouth like a goldfish !!!
just then they heard the washroom door open and saw Khushi walking out...she was blushing seeing them all grinning at her...they saw Arnav who was drinking her in...he seemed lost as he gazed at his wife who was wearing a red & green sari..she looked ethreal as she slowly made her way towards them...she smiled at him as she stood next to him and gently slipped her hands into his and gave a tiny squeeze bringing him back to earth 
Khushi: Di am ready...isnt it time for aarti ?? shouldnt all of us be going down ??
Anjali: u are right bhabhi...we came here to get u both down for the aarti...but looking at chottey...I think he needs a little more time to get ready and also we think u both need time to tidy up your room too
come down soon both of u !!
they left the love birds alone & Arnav heaved a sigh of relief as he locked the door and turned to Khushi...
Arnav : thank god they didnt take u away...I would have seriously blown them apart if they taken u along too...I have decided Khushi..we are leaving for our honeymoon today itself !!!
Khushi walked upto Arnav and wrapped her arms around him...she pressed a kiss over his heart...her voice barely a whisper and yet he could hear it clearly since it was just for him to hear...
Khushi: take me away Arnav...all I want is to be alone with u in our small haven...take me away as soon as u can !!!
Arnav hugged her tighter...loving the new bolder side of Khushi...he was happy to see her so comfortable...happy to see her sharing all her desires with him...happy that she let herself free in their intimacy !!
Arnav took her to their mirror...he picked up the mangalsutra and tied it around her neck...watching her expressions through the mirror..he then turned her around to face him...he took the a pinch of sindoor and filled her parting...she closed her eyes...tears in she thanked her DM for giving her the love of her life !! Arnav cupped her cheeks and placed a gently kiss on her lips...and hugged her close...
Arnav : 10 mins Khushi...Ill just take a shower and then we both can go down for the aarti.
later they were all standing for the pooja...Anjali smiled happily as she saw Arnav also joining them...Arnav & Khushi did the pooja together...Arnav holding Khushi possessively by her waist...Khushi smiling away happily...a glow on her face...all could see how happy the love birds were in each other's company !!!
they took the elders blessings and were greeted with hugs from their siblings...all of them settled down for their breakfast...and Akash and NK decided to start their teasing session again
little did they know that Arnav was too shameless now to shy away !! 
Akash: so bhai...whats your plan for honeymoon ?? are u going on one ?? I mean u never stay away from work so we were wondering about it !!
Arnav: didnt I tell u Akash ?? Khushi & I are leaving tonight...u and NK can take care of the office while am away...Aman will be there to help u !!! and pls make sure everything is fine coz u wont be seeing us for quite sometime
Akash and NK choked over their food while Anjali & Payal patted them on their backs while Khushi looked away blushing !!! 
Anjali: wow chottey...where are u off to ?? do tell us and go so that we can drop in if we miss u both 
Arnav: thats exactly the reason why am not telling anything about the trip to any of u !!! U see I know my family really well and I know privacy is the last thing I will get if u all are around !! and i want Khushi all to myself for sometime and knowing my family I know it wont happen if u lot are around me so everything about the trip is top secret and dont bother asking Khushi coz its a surprise for her too...she doesnt know where am taking her !!!
Rahul: whoa Arnav..u sound like u are taking Khushi into the Amazons or the African jungles to keep us away !!
I hope u are taking her to a romantic destination 
Arnav: dont worry my soon going to be jeejaji...if u have any doubts about my romantic skills u can ask your sister sure Khushi knows by now how romantic I can get 
Anjali blushed hearing Arnav call Rahul jeejaji while Nani & Mami shared a secret smile !!
another person who had blushed crimson was Khushi as she saw her husband being hopelessly shameless...and to add to her misery he leaned in right them and gave her a soft peck on her lips...while the others looked stumped...
Arnav : eat fast sweetheart...we have loads of packing to do...remember we are leaving tonight !! also we should visit your parents before leaving...I know u are already missing them !!!
Khushi smiled at him...she could see the care and concern in his eyes...she smiled seeing her one big happy family...she couldnt wait to go on their honeymoon...and she also knew that there would be 2 more weddings to plan once they got back !!!
Life couldnt have been more perfect !! 
Lovely awesome wonderful story.... beyond the imagination...