Banner credit to Mandy !!! 
The morning dawned bright and sunny...the weather was pleasant...a cool breeze blowing...Khushi woke up and freshened up...after her morning rituals of waking up Arnav she got ready and went downstairs to make breakfast...she found Di and Payal already dressed and busy in the living room...getting things set up for the puja...Akash and NK were helping them and this meant that breakfast was going to be late unless Khushi decided to help them out in her own way...she silently made her away to the kitchen knowing that if they saw her they wouldn't let her make breakfast but Khushi was determined to enjoy her pregnancy but at the same time ensure that she did her bit to help her unnoticed by the rest of the family she quietly made breakfast and not until the aroma of the aloo parathas started wafting through the kitchen did the rest of the family notice her activities and whoa !!!!...what a fuss they made...only Naniji stood by Khushi...glowing with pride for her bahu...Arnav came downstairs carrying Dia...wondering what the fuss was all about and when he came to know that Khushi had prepared breakfast he pretended to be furious though he was secretly happy because he had become accustomed to eating food made by her hands and he loved her cooking !!!!
Khushi made everyone including Arnav promise her that they would let her help them out as long as she didn't over do her bit and Di was actually glad Khushi would be around.since the past 2 years Khushi had taken complete control of the household and no one knew better than her as to how to run things around...Di and Payal only had to be with her as she told them their daily routines and they liked it since she planned everything for them and they never had to worry about any of the details...Naniji kept telling Khushi that she was pampering Anjali and Payal but Khushi did not listen since she loved to work and also because Di and Jiji always shared in her work and made her days was like having 2 elder sisters who helped her and supported her in every way she wanted.
Later in the day the gupta parivaar had arrived at Shantivaan...they were very happy for Khushi and Arnav and they always had tears in their eyes seeing their 2 daughters being dotted on by their loving damads...according to them life couldn't have been more perfect and now they were soon going to be grandparents...they had everything that Devi Maiyya could have possibly blessed them with and they couldn't thank DM enough for her blessings !!!
Arnav took Khushi upstairs with him to get ready for the puja...he had already laid out her outfit for the day along with all the necessary accessories...but instead of going to get ready Khushi came and hugged Arnav tightly and held onto him...he was always happy to hold her but he noticed something different in her wasn't was an intense hug that spoke volumes of her need for him emotionally and physically...Arnav though puzzled initially suddenly remembered his Di's convo with him from the previous night...she had told him how pregnancy made a woman feel more vulnerable and how they craved their husband's love more during this period...she had told him that khushi would be going through mood swings and that she would need his prescence around her all the time and he had promised himself and Di that he would be with Khushi at all times possible...Di was happy to hear his decision to work from home...his Di was truly happy that he had someone like Khushi in his life...Di could see the changes that Khushi had brought about in Arnav and instead of Arnav being more distant from Di since he had one more person who was as important or maybe even more...Khushi had ensured that the bond between Arnav and Di didn't fade and thanx to her that bond had become more stronger...for Arnav and Khushi there was no one who was as important as Di in their life apart from Dia and their baby...Di and her daughter's happiness were of utmost importance in their life...and more than Arnav it was Khushi who took care of Di and Arnav loved her for that !!!...she had truly turned his life into a paradise.Khushi also noticed that she had a strange need for Arnav's prescence these days and she had spoken about it to Di and Anjali had assured her that it was natural for her to feel this way during this period...Arnav held onto her tightly and slowly took her to their bed...he made her lie down and after ensuring that the door was locked he went and lied down beside her and pulled her onto his chest...she kept her head on his chest feeling his heartbeat..she felt secure and happy but she wanted more...her body was craving for more intimacy and she blushed crimson at her own thoughts but that didn't stop her from hugging him more tightly and slipping her hands beneath his shirt feeling and revelling at the touch of his body...he understood how she felt and slowly turned her so that he could see her face...he smirked seeing her blush crimson as he stared deep into her eyes...their eyes speaking a million words and emotions...he slowly slipped his hands down to her stomach and secured them around her waist and buried his head into her long tresses...she hugged him tighter and he raised his head and slowly kissed her on her eyes...she knew he wanted her as much as she wanted him...he slowly but passionately kissed her on her neck...his lips slowly tracing down her shoulders down to her womb...she loved the way he held her around her stomach indicating that he always remembered that their little bundle of joy was on its way !!!!!!!!
Lavanya was on her way to RM...she rang the bell and NK opened the door and greeted look around the house and she knew something had happened which had made the raizadas very happy and this caused her to frown...happiness for raizadas meant more misery for her and it was always a mystery to her how the Gods continued to shower the very same people with blessings that she detested so much !!!
NK was literally jumping up and down like a baby as he gave her the news of imminent arrival of their newest member that he failed to notice the look of pure loathing that flashed in her eyes...which she quickly erased with a plastic smile that didn't reach her eyes...NK dragged her into the living room and she could see everyone glowing as they got everything ready...she pretended to be happy as she helped them around...then she noticed that the couple themselves were missing and when she asked Di as to where Arnav and Khushi were...Di told her that they were upstairs getting ready...Lavanya decided to go upstairs and meet them...she always seethed at the thought of Arnav and Khushi spending time alone and never lost the chance to subtly interrupt them...she pushed their door but found it to be locked so she knocked and a glowing Khushi opened the door and threw herself into Lavanya's arms...Lavanya pretended her show of happiness and found that Arnav had eyes only for Khushi who was dancing around with Lavanya...she seethed with anger as she saw the love between Khushi and Arnav as Arnav caught hold of Khushi asking her to stop and she obliged him..he hugged her and then turned and smiled at Lavanya...she walked forward to hug him and congratulate him but Arnav reciprocated the hug half heartedly...though all the family members were comfortable around Lavanya...Arnav didn't enjoy her prescence...he could never pin point what made him uncomfortable around her and so he put up with her for his family's and Khushi's sake...maybe it was the negative vibes around her that he felt since he knew her best in the family apart from Khushi...there was something about the way she behaved with she tried to physically invade his space that he had reserved for Khushi alone..the way she tried to hug him whenever chance allowed her...all these made Arnav wary of her and he was always alert around her so that nothing unpleasant a way it was his ASR senses keeping him alert whenever she was around...and Lavanya was also aware of his attitude...she knew that he was not comfortable with her prescence in his family and this only infuriated her more...she couldn't deal with his rejection in the slightest manner and he from his side assured himself that he would throw her out the minute she caused even a slight pain to anyone in the family...initially he didn't want her around since she served as a reminder to Khushi of his past but when he voiced his thoughts to Khushi she had assured him that she was not at all pained by Lavanya's prescence and that she knew that he had only loved her and that it was all pretences with Lavanya...this had soothed him but he was always alert !!!
Suddenly Lavanya got a call on her phone and seeing Shyam's number she tensed up and immediately excused herself but the tension and fear in her eyes didn't go unnoticed by Arnav and he knew something was up...he swore that he would keep an eye on her !!!
Khushi was ready and Arnav took her down for the puja unaware of a pair of eyes following them...stalking their every step...filled with hatred for them and for everyone whom they loved insane and made their world !!!
Lavanya has evil intentions and he senses that