Banner credit to Mandy !!! 
Khushi woke up as the first rays of the sun penetrated through the French windows...she turned towards Arnav who was peacefully sleeping...he looked like a baby while sleeping...a small smile on his lips...he slept like a happy man nourished by the love of his wife...she got up slowly careful not to wake him up...she went to washroom and quickly took a shower and came was time to wake him up the way he liked it best...she went and sat next to him and slowly bent over so that droplets from her wet hair fell on his face...Arnav moaned in his sleep and slowly opened his eyes to see the most beautiful woman staring at him...her eyes filled with love for him...she slowly bent over and kissed him on his lips...that was his wake up kiss...he held onto the kiss for some time and reluctantly broke apart...a smug look on his face...she got up and turned to leave when Arnav stopped her again...he slowly got up and went down on his knees and then lifted her salwar top and kiised her on her tummy and whispered "good morning baby...papa loves u"...khushi looked at him with tears in her eyes...she kew she was blessed to have him in her life...she hugged him and they stood like that for what looked like an eternity when all of a sudden there was a loud bang on the door...they broke apart laughing...they knew who it could only be lil mother like daughter thought Arnav as his niece continued banging...Di used to disturb them before and now it was Dia...she had a made a routine of getting up in the morning and slowly walking upto their room so that she could be cuddled by say Khushi and Payal were second mothers to her would be an understatement...they were truly like her own mother to her and they pampered her for all she was worth !!!
Khushi opened the door to see Dia smiling up at her...she held up her hands so that Khushi would pick her up and then she gestured towards Arnav who was watching the duo with a smile...he came over and hugged them both and gave Dia her morning kiss...this was her routine...Arnav went to get ready and Khushi took Dia downstairs for her breakfast...chaos reigned in the hall...Anjali and Payal were taking care of the puja preparations...and to her enormous surprise she found NK and Akash cooking a special breakfast for her and making a mess in the kitchen...Di informed Khushi that she had called the Guptas to give them the happy news and to invite them for the puja...they were thrilled to hear the news...they would soon be coming over to see her and Arnav came down in casuals and Khushi looked at him puzzled..wasnt he going to the office ???
Then she remembered his promise of staying with her and he was true to his word...Akash would take care of all the work at office along with Aman and he would help them from was settled and Akash was only too happy to help his brother...Khushi's phone started ringing and she picked it up seeing Lavanya's name flashing...they had developed a close friendship over the last 2 years...Lavanya was happy that Khushi and Arnav were together and she remained a true friend..she was a regular visitor at RM mansion these days...Khushi invited her over for the puja...when she asked the reason behind the puja Khushi told her it was a surprise and that she would have to come over to know the reason and Lavanya promised that she would.
Soon after she got off the phone with Khushi she got another call...she picked it up since she knew that it was a call she had been waiting for 2 years...
"Lavanya we need to meet soon...I was released last night...its finally time to put all our plans into have patiently waited and earned yourself a good relation with the raizadas even though you hate them as much as I hate them...its time to use that relation to completely destroy them !!!"...said Shyam
"lets meet today evening at my place...I have also arranged accomdation for you next to my can come over now itself and freshen up and then we can meet at my home and discuss further"...replied Lavanya
Lavanya sat lost in her thoughts...she thoughts back to the days soon after her break up with Arnav...she had spent days in her room trying to console herself...telling herself that Arnav didn't deserve her because he never loved her and that it would have been painful to be married to him when he didn't love her..days passed to months and slowly she felt hatred building up inside her...she thought of all the pain and effort she took to fit into his family and what had she got in return...only rejection...she had altered her character..her sense of clothing...her manner of speaking and what not for him and he ended up falling for Khushi...she had always loved Khushi but now Khushi started emerging as the witch who stole her prince from her...her twisted mind started seeing things in a different manner and started drawing conclusions that Arnav and Khushi had played her !!!
She swore to herself that she would make them pay back and take Arnav for herself...but she was too late...Arnav had married Khushi by then...she kept her relationship friendly with them so that she could be around them..she waited biding her a serpent waiting to strike...thats when the Shyam drama happened and everything fell into place...she watched helpless as Arnav and Khushi reunited and started their life fresh and this time totally in love...she used to seethe in anger each time she saw the lovey dovey couple but she knew her time would come and this time she was not alone...she had found her accomplice in Shyam..she frequently visited him in jail...he too wanted they started plotting...Lavanya wanted Arnav and his wealth...and shyam wanted Khushi and also Arnav's wealth...they decided to split the wealth between them...Anjali would die and so would Dia...Shyam swore to himself that he didn't wanted a child of his blood with Anjali...Anjali was the reason Khushi rejected him initially and then her love for Arnav came in the way...and Shyam swore to himself that Khushi would loose both Anjali and Arnav.
Meanwhile at RM mansion Khushi was resting peacefully in her room with Arnav next to her...Dia was playing with Arnav as Khushi watched them...she knew that he would be the best papa knowing how much he dotted on Dia...the others were taking care of the puja couldn't have been more beautiful and peaceful thought Khushi...little did she know the horrors that was coming her way intending to separate her from Arnav again and the destruction her family was about to face !!!!
Loved the update. There is a storm coming