Banner credit to Mandy !!! 
The party went on and the couples were having the time of their lives. Lavanya and NK had already told Rahul about Anjali's past and that she was expecting her baby soon. Rahul felt an unknown pain clench his heart as he heard the trauma the beautiful lady in front of him had to go through...he couldnt fathom how any man could have hurt a soul so pure...for Rahul it was love at first sight...Anjali's blooming motherhood added an unusual glow to her already beautiful face...and Rahul couldnt help wishing that the baby was his too...he already felt a connection with the baby as though it belonged to him too...he wanted to lay the world at her feet...he wanted to be around to love and protect Anjali and her baby...meanwhile Anjali found herself drawn to Rahul but at the same time she didnt want to give wings to her feelings...Rahul was handsome and had a beautiful heart and according to her he deserved a girl who was truly deserving of him...not someone who carried with her a traumatic past and a baby whose father turned out to be a slimy creep...but Anjali couldnt help wishing that someone like Rahul to enter her life...
She looked around and saw that Lavanya Payal Akash and NK were having fun teasing Arnav and Khushi...Arnav wanted to get away from them and take Khushi along but looks like he wasnt going to be spared soon...she watched her chottey so happy in love and a slow smile crept upto her lips...she didnt know when she had started talking...
Anjali: Rahul...u know Chottey had always been my strength...he shouldered the resposibility of our family at a very young age...whatever he is today...he is a self made man...but I was always worried about him...ever since the death of our parents...Chottey had turned his heart into a stone...always cold hard and ruthless...if he showed emotions...then it was only for his family...he lost faith in love and marriage...I was always scared that my chottey would be alone all his life...thats when Khushi walked into his life...she was the exact anti-thesis of chottey...she lived her life to the fullest...she believed in true love...just like her name she spread happiness and love to everyone around her...and my Chottey fell in love with her...but their love wasnt ex husband...well he did betray me but he also tried to ruin another girl's life...he cast his eyes on Khushi...he came between their love...Chottey and Khushi suffered a lot of pain to keep my marriage intact...even then I was too blind to see my husband's deception...I hurled insults at Khushi...I made her life difficult and eventually when I realised my husband's true was too late...Khushi had been hurt beyond was chottey's love that healed her...thanx to Khushi my family is intact chottey learnt to live his life...he learnt to love and smile...I have a bhabhi who love me like her own long as I have my chottey and his Khushi with sure my life will be beautiful Rahul...
Rahul watched Anjali speak...her tears falling he wished he could wipe them away...he found himself loving Arnav & Khushi more...he fell in love with the Raizada family...he looked at Khushi who was enveloped in Arnav's arms and wanted to walk over and hug her and promise her the love and protection a brother can offer...he wanted to walk over and hug Arnav and tell him that he would always take care of his Di...he was so lost in his thoughts that he didnt realise when his thoughts had fallen out of his mouth...
Rahul: u mind adding me to that beautiful heart of yours ??? I know u have a family that loves u to bits but I want to be a part of that too...after meeting u all...I dont want to stay apart from all of u...I want to make u mine forever...I promise Anjali...I will love your baby as my own...infact I already love your baby...its as though the baby belongs to me too...I love U Anjali Raizada and I want to give u all the happiness in the world...pls marry me and make me the happiest man in the world.
Anjali was stunned hearing Rahul's was like her dreams were coming was like gods were giving her another chance at love...but she hesitated...she loved Rahul but something stopped her...
Rahul saw the hesitation and fear in her eyes...he cupped her face and looked straight into her eyes...Anjali got lost in the pool of love and care reflected in his eyes...just for her...
Rahul: I can see the fear in your eyes Anjali...but u dont have to be scared of me...I love U...I dont care about your past...I dont care that u were married before...that u are carrying a child from your first far as I know...the baby is mine now...I wont leave u alone ever...I love U Anjali.
that was all that mattered...Rahul's words were like music to her ears...his words healed the wounds in her heart...Anjali felt complete again...words deserted her...a soft blush crept into her cheeks as she looked at him...a small smile adorning her she held his hands...Rahul felt his heart soaring as he saw her accept his love...he hugged her tight in his arms...
the love birds were oblivious to the fact that their confession had been witnessed by their siblings...Arnav's eyes teared up as he saw his Di happy again...he looked at Khushi and saw his happiness reflected in her eyes and she hugged him tight and cried...for Arnav & Khushi there was nothing more important that their Di's life and they both were truly at peace seeing Di with her soulmate...they had heard Rahul's assurance...Arnav loved Rahul...he was everything that he wanted for his Di...Akash and Payal Hi-Fived NK and Lavanya on the success of their plan...Arnav and Khushi were shocked to realise that these 4 were playing cupids for Di and Rahul...all the 3 couples hugged each other tight...Arnav and Khushi couldnt stop thanking them for bringing rahul into Di's life...
Anjali looked around to see her family smiling at her happily...each one of them were in tears...she walked over to them...she looked at Khushi and opened her arms for her who ran to her and hugged her tight...Khushi & Anjali and their bond was something that only the two of them could truly understand...Arnav watched with tears as the two most important people in his world laughed and cried together...Arnav looked at Rahul who smiled at him...he walked over and hugged Rahul tight...Arnav couldnt thank him enough for giving his Di the happiness she deserved.
Rahul: Arnav I promise...I will love Anjali and her baby...I will always keep them happy...I will always be there for u as an elder brother...I know U have shouldered the responsibility of your family from a young age...u arent alone anymore Arnav...U have an elder brother u can always depend on.
Arnav: only too happy to call u Jeeju...I know U will keep Di and her baby happy...U will be the best husband and best father to my di and her baby...and with an elder brother like U and 2 younger brothers like Akash and sure I can die in peace...even if something happens to me...I know u will all look after Di and Khushi !!!!
Arnav had barely finished speakin when he felt himself getting punched to pulp by NK Akash and Rahul...all three of them were horrified to hear Arnav speak about dying...but for was the truth...he was always scared of death...coz he didnt know who would take care of his Di and Khushi if something happened to him...
Anjali and Khushi stood shocked hearing Arnav speak of dying..but it was Payal & Lavanya who got there first...they both gave him admonishing stares while he gave them a sheepish apologetic grin...
Arnav went and held Payal and Lavanya in his arms...and looked at his Di and Khushi...who were giving him death glares...
Arnav: Come on ladies...dont u all know that am Khushi's stone hearted Laad Governor...Payal U should be happy if something happens to me...atleast your sister would be free from someone who hurts her all the time...Lavanya...u should also be happy coz then I will be punished for breaking your heart...Di...u will be relieved coz u wouldnt have to worry anymore...and Khushi u should for sure thank your DM coz u wouldnt have to deal with a hot headed angry young man forever...
no sooner had he finished speaking that he earned himself 3 tight slaps from Di Payal & Lavanya...
Di: Chottey dare u speak like that again even for a can u talk such rubbish when all are happy...
Payal: Arnav...if u think my sister will be happy with u going away...I guess u dont deserve to marry her...if something happens to u...then we all know that Khushi is as good as dont u ever talk nonsense like this...
Lavanya: ASR true that I got hurt when we broke up but now I know that we were never meant to be...we have always been good friends...and Chamkili is my best friend...dont u dare speak things that can hurt her...I for sure wont spare u if u hurt her again !!!!
Arnav smiled as he heard the ladies speak and hugged each one of them tight...but Khushi stood still watching him...his words had scared her...she had unknown fear creeping in her heart...what if she lost him ?? she couldnt imagine her life without him...Rahul understood Khushi's pain...he glared at Arnav and walked to Khushi who was standing still...watching Arnav...Rahul hugged Khushi tight and made her look at him...he cupped her face as he spoke to her...
Rahul: Khushi...dont take Arnav's words to heart...he is a prankster and he is just one is going to take your love away from one will ever come between the two of here as an elder brother for U...I know U have NK & Akash but now U have me too and I promise my sister that nothing will ever happen to your Laad Governor...I promise.
Khushi looked at Rahul as he gently placed a kiss on her forhead...Anjali and Arnav watched with tears seeing the bond between their soul mates...Khushi hugged Rahul and cried as he hugged her tight...and then she couldnt take it any longer...she broke free and ran straight into Arnav's arms and hugged him and cried...Arnav felt hurt seeing Khushi in pain...he was just joking around but he didnt realise that his words would affect Khushi so badly...he cursed himself for hurting her again...Akash NK and Rahul gave him death stares while Anjali Payal and Lavanya silently admonished him...he gave them all an apologetic smile and took Khushi with him to his room in the farmhouse...
He knew he had to make it upto her...the others left the love birds to themselves...they knew only Arnav could cheer up Khushi they settled themselves...talking about random stuff...discussing the upcoming wedding...Akash called up Nani to tell her about their small party and assured her that they would make it back home in time for the wedding.
meanwhile in their room...Khushi was in Arnav's arms...her tears cascading down her cheeks...
Precap: Arnav makes it upto Khushi...more romance 
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