Banner credit to Mandy !!! 
Arnav decided that Khushi would be less than 12 days time he will win her back and this time forever...Khushi will be Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada forever...his soul mate...his better half...his love...his passion...his heart and soul forever not just for this life but for their next 7 seven lives !!!
Khushi was at GH...lost in her own thoughts...a tiny lil voice nagging her...questioning her actions...accusing her...she knew why she was back at GH but was it the right decision ???...after all in the past few days so much had changed...Arnav had changed...his words and action conveyed his love for her then why was she turning a blind eye to her love...after all she loved him as much as he loved her then why was she going away from him...for a moment she wanted to be selfish for their love...she knew she would miss him...she would miss his care...his love...his angry lil stares that changed into deep pools of love in an instant...she would miss the passion with which he held her...tears welled up in her eyes and all she wanted was to fall into his arms like she did so often and shut out the rest of the world...Arnav was driving to GH...he was lost in her thoughts...he was going to do it her way...not his style...not ASR style...after all Khushi was simple in her portrayal of her love for him then why wouldn't he be a simple man for the sake of his love'.he wanted to hold her in his arms...promise her a lifetime's happiness and love...he was going to love her with a passion never witnessed before...he was going to be open in front of her...Khushi was his reason for existence now and he was going to make it clear to her once and for all...she was his talisman...she kept him grounded...reminded him that though he was the mighty ASR he was still a mortal man and that he did have his needs...and his vital need to survive was Khushi...lost in these thoughts he didn't see the speeding truck heading his way'..he crashed head on...the collision was blinding...and then it all went black...her face remained the last image and her voice the last memory as he faded into oblivion...into darkness...the mighty ASR but a mere mortal lay on the ground...his body a tangled mess of blood and flesh...on the very same day he decided to open his heart forever to the reason of his existence !!!!
Hours later in a crowded yet disquieting hospital ward...Khushi sat in a chair...she was just a shadow of her former self...the ground seemed to slip beneath her feet as she heard about his accident...NK had come to her house to take her to the hospital...everything turned into a blur as she collapsed into his arms and now she waited outside the OT...Anjali holding her...all differences look at Khushi's shattered frame and Anjali had no doubts about her love for for Arnav...this girl who loved her brother so much could never cheat on him with any other man...her husband was the sole culprit...the irony was not lost on her...she realised this blatant truth about her husband's blasphemy as her brother lay on his death bed...covered in a mass of tangled wires and tubes but she couldn't wilt now'.she had to be strong for her brother's sake...for his wife's sake...Khushi was resting her head on Anjali's lap...the rest of the family were around the duo...all with a silent prayer in their heart...for Arnav's journey back to life'.the doctors had already said that if he survived then it would be nothing short of miracle !!!!
Suddenly the doors opened and Arnav was brought out on a stretcher...the doctors informed that they were placing him on ventilator support...and that if he didn't show any sign of recovery within the next 24 hours then he would be declared brain dead and removed from life support !!!!!
The raizadas and guptas stood stunned'unable to move...Anjali slowly helped Khushi to rise...Anjali believed in God and she knew one thing for sure...if there was anyone capable of bringing her brother back to life then it was Khushi...she looked straight into her eyes...Khushi's thoughts mirrored Anjali's thoughts...she had kept him away long enough for the sake of other's happiness but now he needed her and she needed him and she was going to bring him back !!!!
Khushi sat next to Arnav...her hand holding his...her other hand placed over his heart...she prayed to her Devi Maiyya...begged and pleaded her to give her love back to her...she promised DM that she would never leave him ever again...she would remain by his side for the rest of her life...all she wanted was Arnav to open his eyes and look at her...suddenly Arnav's fingers twitched in hers'.slight movement...she watched him move his fingers within hers'.his eyes slowly opened...he looked around taking in the grim hospital walls...and then his brown eyes focused on her does shaped eyes...worn out from crying...pain seared through his body but love filled his heart as he took in the angelic face of his love...the pain was blinding him but he knew he had to speak...what if he never got another chance...what if life left him before he could tell her what he had to tell her...he tightened his grip on her fingers...and willed himself to speak...
"Khushi I love U...I have said these words so many times but I want to tell u more...I have always loved u...u are the reason for my existence...your face is the sight that I want to behold each time I open my eyes...I want to wake up every morning to see your beautiful face on my chest and your petite body in my arms...I want to go to sleep each night with u in my arms...I want to come home everyday to rest my head in your lap...I want to share all my happiness and sorrow with U and become yours forever...I want U to be the mother of my children who will light up our lives...I want to make love to U...want to tell the rest of the world that u are mine...Khushi I don't want to die today...not in this hospital...I want to grow old with U and then leave this world with U knowing that I have lived my life to the fullest...I am scared Khushi because if I die today then I will have to live elsewhere missing U...wherever I go from here I want to be with U...I want to live Khushi...I want to be where U are...I want to hug U and forget the pain raging in my body...heal me Khushi...stay with me...dont let me go...dont let me go to any place that is bereft of u...any place without u is hell and anywhere with u is heaven for me...take me with u Khushi...protect me...bring me back to life Khushi and I promise that I will stay with u forever...I love u Khushi and I want to live another 100 years loving not done loving U...I have just started to love U and I haven't had my fill yet'.if iIdie today then my soul will be the most tormented soul ever to leave this earth !!!!"
Khushi cried silently as she heard his words...she pressed his fingers in hers...willing him to come back to her...she knew her words would be his strength...she said "I love U Arnav...and am not done yet loving U...u are not going anywhere...u are going to use all your will power to come back to love will come back to me...grow old with our kids and grandkids grow up...we will spent decades loving each other and then we will leave the world together...u are not going anywhere without me...u will be mine to love and cherish...I will wake up to a lot many new days for ages to come with u at my side...we will witness numerous sunrises and sunsets for ages to come...come back to me Arnav...I want to love u till the ends of u to eternity...come back love...come to waiting "
6 months later...
Arnav and Khushi were in their room...watching the stars through the French panels in their room...the stars were smiling at them as usual...Arnav and Khushi's prayers were heard...Arnav made a full recovery...nothing short of miraculous...but none of that mattered now as he held her...she was his and he was hers forever...he smiled at her...his eyes spoke volumes of his love and passion for was almost bedtime and he couldn't wait to take her to bed'into his arms...make love to her...cherish her...wake up to a new dawn with her next to him...he had lost track of the days he had woken up next to her...but they still loved each other with the same zeal and passion as that of new love birds !!!
Khushi and Arnav were a pair made in heaven and their love was immortalised forever in the minds of those who knew them...those who had been blessed enough to witness their love called themselves Arshians...
YES...its an ode to all Arshians...all those souls who cant get enough of the love struck ode to the most beautiful couple ever and to all those who witness their love with a passion that is unrivalled !!!
Arshi I love u...this story is my tribute to your beautiful love story !!!!
amazing one.....
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