Banner credit to Mandy !! 
RM Mansion
Chaos reigned...Payal gave the truth to Shyam had arrived as a paying guest and how things went on from then and how Khushi found Shyam to be a cheat and the reasons as to why Khushi never gave the truth to Anjali...Akash,Naniji,Mamiji and Mamaji...all of them stood rooted to their spots digesting the enormous truth and believing Payal but not Anjali...she was blinded by her love and she decided that she would only believe what Shyam had to tell her and so she waited for him to return and return he did for his rani sahiba was the only hope he had to ensure that he could stay at RM and plot further menace...he came and took her to their room and fed her a cock and bull story apparently putting all the blame on Khushi and how she had forced him to sign the divorce papers so that Khushi wouldn't harm their baby !!!!
And rani sahiba believed him blindly...he convinced her that whatever Payal said was to protect her sister...meanwhile Arnav and Khushi had arrived at RM with NK...enroute NK and Khushi filled in Arnav about all their activites since the kidnapping and all that Khushi had to endure from Shyam so that they could find Arnav and get the will back in his name...Arnav had tears in his eyes as he listened and didn't know what he had done to receive a second chance with Khushi..khushi's eyes conveyed to him that no apologies were required because all was fair in love but he swore to himself that he would stick with khushi even if hell freezed over !!!
The threesome were soon met with enquiries as to what happened and the story was relayed once more to the family the end of which only one name stayed on everyone's lips "Khushi"...she was true to her name...she had ensured the happiness of everyone else even if it meant sacrificing her own...they were glad that Arnav had found his love in Khushi...and finally Arnav confessed the truth about the marriage but as they say everything is forgiven in love and so the family decided to put everything behind them.Arnav was informed by Akash that Shyam had successfully brain-washed Anjali and that Anjali had threatened to banish Khushi from Arnav's life but that was not to be !!!
Arnav tried his level best to convince his Di about the truth...he told her everything that happened but insanity had gripped Anjali and she refused to accept the truth and decided to stick by her husband but she realised she would never be able to remove Khushi from RM and so life started at RM but Anjali waged war against the rest..particularly Khushi.but everyone put up with Anjali as they all knew that truth would come out and Anjali would need all their support when she finally realised that she was fighting for the wrong person.Khushi swore that she would nurture Anjali back to life !!!
The moment of truth was not far away...shyam who was still plotting ways to get close to Khushi was caught in his act by Anjali herself...shyam who had run out of patience trying to be good to khushi decided that he would have her by force...and tried to force himself on her when arnav was away on a foreign trip...Anjali and Akash who happened to be passing by the room heard Khushi's screams and opened the door and were met with a sight that chilled the blood in their veins...Akash seized Shyam from Khushi and threw him out of the room...Anjali had gone into a state of shock..Arnav was summoned back immediately...Shyam was handed over to the police and was sentenced to two years in prison for attempt at molestation...Anjali lost her baby in the shock and later slipped into a coma...RM mansion slipped into sorrow once again...but Khushi found strength and confidence from her Devi Maiyya..she swore to herself that she would bring RM to its normal self...and she found that she was not alone in her mission...Arnav was with her...together they brought laughter and joy back into everyone's life. Khushi took care of Anjali like a sister...she knew that Anjali would recover one day and she promised Anjali a happy life once she recovered..Arnav used to watch with tears of joy Khushi taking care of his Di.
And finally during a family holiday in Nanital in December...Anjali spoke for the first time and her first word was "khushi"...the entire Raizada family rejoiced...Khushi had done it again..she brought back Anjali to life..slowly as months passed Anjali started walking and she was her usual self...she never asked about Shyam...she didn't want to know'she did love him even now but she never shed a tear for him...all she cared about was her family's happiness but she had a surprise waiting for her...Shyam had undergone a complete transformation while in jail and the reason yet again was khushi...unknown to all but Arnav...Shyam had visits at the jail from Arnav and Khushi...Arnav was convinced that if he deserved a second chance with Khushi then Shyam deserved a second chance at life...Arnav after a lot of contemplation with Khushi decided to forgive Shyam for everything that he did to his Di and Khushi..Khushi too forgave him...they visited him frequently and slowly Shyam saw the sins he had done on full light and prayed to Devi Maiyya for forgivenss...he truly repented..he was distraught when he learned of Anjali's condition and the loss of his baby...he begged for forgiveness from Arnav and Khushi...once he was released he met Arnav and Khushi and asked them if they would give him a second chance at love...they discussed the matter with the Raizada family and then planned a surprise for Anjali on her wedding anniversary which she ignored as it no longer mattered...Shyam sought her hand yet again...Arnav and Khushi explained everything to Anjali and Anjali being Anjali decided she would have a second innings with Shyam...after all she still loved him and so Khushi had won...she had brought back happiness into everyone's life at RM including Shyam who had done so much to destroy her and her family...she had turned an evil soul and brought happiness back into Anjali's life...into Arnav's life..she had found goodness in all the souls around her'into the Raizada parivaar !!!
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