Banner credit to Mandy !!! 
RM was busy as usual in the morning chaos...Khushi was in the kitchen along with Anjali and Payal busy in breakfast preps...Arnav had strictly told Anjali and Payal that he didnt want Khushi doing anything in her present condition and that she was only there to give them company...Khushi gave an angry pout and huffed and puffed as her husband gave her a threatening look before walking away with Dia who was in his arms...Arnav Akash and NK were taking Dia out to the park...soon after the men left with Dia...the phone rang and Anjali went to answer it...
Anjali: Hello...
Buaji: Anjali bitiya...its Buaji...I called to tell u that we are coming over today to take Khushi home...she is past 4 months now...I think its time for her to come to her home...its a ritual...
Anjali had no idea how to reply back...she didnt want Khushi to go...she knew Shantivan will be lonely without her but she also knew that she couldnt deny Buaji since it was a ritual...
Anjali:no problem Buaji...Khushi will be ready in 2 hours...u all can come and pick her up...
Anjali kept the phone and walked back to the kitchen...her face gloomy...Khushi saw Di and she understood that something had upset her...Anjali told Payal and Khushi that Buaji was coming to take Khushi to GH till the delivery...all three women teared up...Khushi missed her parents and Buaji but the thought of leaving her husband and family was too much for her and that too for so long...
Khushi went back to her room...unable to control her would she tell Arnav..she knew it would kill him if she stayed away for so long...
meanwhile the boys had returned with Dia and Arnav was puzzled seeing an upset Anjali and Payal packing stuff...Buaji was already there chatting happily with Naniji and Mami...Buaji smiled seeing Arnav...
Buaji:good that u came Arnav babua...I came to take Sankadevi home till her delivery...
Arnav Akash and NK stood shocked...they looked at Anjali and Payal who nodded their heads say that Arnav was shattered would be too less...he didnt say anything but slowly made his way to his bedroom...he knew Khushi would be waiting for him...
Akash and NK looked at each other and smiled...they decided that Buaji was never going to take Khushi away from them...
meanwhile Arnav entered and saw Khushi lying on their bed...silent tears flowing down her face...he ran to her and hugged her tight in his arms...
Khushi:Arnavji Buaji came to take me home till delivery but I dont want to go...I know Buaji will be hurt if I say no but I cant bear to stay away from U and our family...pls Arnavji do something...pls dont let Buaji take me away from U...
Arnav smiled hearing Khushi...he was relieved that she didnt want to leave...he looked at her with so much love that she blushed and hid herself in his arms...he placed soft kisses on her hair...
later Arnav came down carrying Khushi in his arms...he came down and placed her gently onto the sofa and sat down next to her...Akash and NK noticed Khushi's tear stained face...they came and hugged her and gave her a reassuring squeeze and whispered in her ears..."we are never going to let u go " Khushi gave them a wide smile hearing it...
Buaji was puzzled seeing Khushi not ready and even more puzzled when she saw her curling herself more into Arnav as though she was scared she would loose him...
Arnav: Buaji am sorry but I cant let u take Khushi...Buaji how can u take her away from all these years after marriage we have never stayed away from each other...then how can I eb away from her now...also no one here can imagine Shantivan without her...Akash NK Payal Di Nani Mami Mama Dia...all of them want Khushi here...pls Buaji we will come over for visits but pls dont take her away...
Akash:Buaji I dont care what happens but u cant take Khushi away...we all know that Khushi cant stay without Bhai and its the same for all of no Buaji...Khushi isnt going anywhere...
Anjali and Payal couldnt help smiling seeing the guys adamant not to let Khushi go...Buaji had tears in her eyes...she was sad she couldnt take Khushi but happy to see that Khushi was loved so much...
Khushi: Buaji pls dont feel upset...I am happy here Buaji...I want Arnavji with me always...I will be fine here and everyone here takes care of me like a glass piece that might break if they keep me down...
Buaji smiled hearing Khushi speak...she nodded and gave Khushi a tight hug...
Buaji:theek hai Sankadevi...if thats what u all want then am not taking Khushi away...
Akash and NK screamed in joy and danced around the hall...Anjali Payal and Dia were caught in a tight hug by Akash and NK...but Khushi and Arnav had eyes only for each other...lost in each other...Arnav placed a gentle kiss on her forhead and hugged her tight in his arms...forgetting everyone in their family around them...Khushi buried herself in the crook of his neck oblivious to the teasing smiles of their family...
I really like ur blog although it's sad to see that no one post a comment