Banner credit to Mandy !!! 
The Raizada Mansion was as usual busy with the usual morning hustle-bustle...breakfast was as usual a noisy affair but today there was an added excitement...well the weather was cool and breezy with just the right amount of sunshine...inshort the Raizadas just couldnt let go of the oppurtunity to have fun outside...also the 2 reigning queens of the house Khushi and Dia were adamant that they wanted to go out and all the Raizadas were at their command...Payal and Akash fussed over Dia as they got her ready...Anjali couldnt help thinking how cute Akash and Payal would look as parents...they were no less than Arnav & Khushi when it came to pampering Dia.
Anjali: Akash...seeing u and Payal fuss over sure u both are going to be amazing parents...when are u giving us the good news ??? Chottey & Khushi have already taken the lead...when are u both going to follow in their footsteps ??? 
Payal blushed and just as Akash was about to answer his Di...he got a well earned kick from Dia to his chest for not paying attention to getting her dressed...seeing Akash's shocked expression...NK and Di burst out laughing !!!!
Payal: Akash u better get used to it...coz u are for sure gonna get kicked and punched a lot by not just our kids...but also from Dia and also the soon to be born little tyke of Khushi and Arnavji...
NK seeing the fun in his family couldnt help wishing for a family of his own...he was waiting for his dream girl but looked like she wasnt coming anytime soon.Anjali watching the wistful expression on his face could read his thoughts...she gave him a slight squeeze...
Anjali: dont worry NK bhai...u will get your princess very soon and then very soon we will be celebrating the end to your bachelorhood 
NK laughed at his Di and gave her a mighty bear hug...and cupped her face...
NK: I dont care when my princess walks in but I want my Di and my little angel always happy and safe and within my reach !!!!
just then they saw Arnav bringing Khushi down the say that they looked like a jodi made in heaven would be an understatement...the smiles on their faces reflected the happiness & love they shared...Arnav had insisted that Khushi wear something light and soft and he had picked her outfit and she looked ethreal in it...
soon the entire clan was out on the roads...heading for their picnic...they had selected a spot on the outskirts of Delhi away from the hustle bustle of the city...Shyam was also present on the picnic but he had his own plans...he decided to use this oppurtunity to get into the good books of the Raizadas...Dia was his pawn...he knew the easiest way to enter their hearts was Dia...
soon the Raizadas were lost in their fun...Arnav decided to take Khushi for a walk along the place which was very beautiful and quiet...he made sure that NK and Akash stayed with Anjali & Dia while he was away with Khushi...they assured him and asked him to carry on...
Khushi rested her head on Arnav's chest as she wrapped herself around his waist...Arnav held her around waist as they walked...they talked...made plans...dreamt of their soon to be born baby...both couldnt wait to see their symbol of love...
Khushi: Arnavji...isnt it great that our family is happy after all the pains that we faced in the past...Di and Dia are happy and if all goes well Dia will get her father back...Akash jeeju and jiji happy too and our baby going to come soon...Devi Maiyya has answered all my prayers...she has kept my family happy and away from harm...
She paused and looked at her husband who was smiling at her...his eyes her window to his soul full of love for her and their baby...Arnav smiled at her as he cupped her face and caught her lips in a soft soothing kiss...crushing her tight in his arms...she lost herself in the kiss that spoke volumes of his love for her and their baby...breaking the kiss he leaned his forhead to hers...
Arnav: Khushi...U and Payal have been the best thing that happened to my family...together u both have always kept the happiness of my family intact...I love U Khushi...u are the princess my mother found for me...she send u into my life to heal my pain...thats how I believe it to be...and U are all that matters now...U and our Baby and I dont want anything else in my life...
Arnav hugged her tight and they walked back to join their family...coming back Arnav saw NK and Akash watching Shyam with looks of deepest loathing...looking in their direction...he saw Shyam playing with Dia...and he also saw Payal Di Nani and Mami watching them with with a smile...he looked at Khushi who seemed happy seeing Shyam with Dia but he could see the doubt in her eyes...after all his Khushi knew Shyam's evil charms the best !!!
they sat down and NK and Akash came and sat next to Khushi...she saw their tensed faces and gave them a reassuring smile...Khushi leaned Di who gave her a tensed smile...seeing Khushi smile...Anjali felt her tension slipping away and hugged her tight as she watched her daughter play with her father...Arnav was lying down on Khushi's lap smiling seeing his Di relax in Khushi's company...they overheard Mami and Nani talking...
Nani: Manorma...look how Dia has got attached to Shyam...maybe he really has changed...maybe he can give Anjali bitiya and Dia the love he denied them...maybe we should give him a second chance...
Mami: u are right Sasuma...Shyam really appears to have changed...I think we can trust him to some extent now...after all how can a father ever hurt his daughter...
Akash and Arnav opened their mouths to speak but Anjali spoke first...
Anjali: Nani...Mami...lets not be so quick...I agree that Shyam is making a real effort to get to know Dia but lets not trust him so fast...we all know what he is capable of...each time I feel like trusting him...I get reminded of what he did to Chottey and Khushi...if it wasnt for Khushi then we wouldnt be having our Chottey with us today...I wont forget all the pain he gave I wont trust him so easily...
Arnav Akash and NK watched their Di...they were proud that Di was being so cautious in trusting Shyam...they smirked at each other knowing that Shyam had a real tought task at hand 
Anjali smiled at Arnav who was lying in Khushi's lap...a content smile on his face...she lightly stroked his hair and turned to look at Khushi who was lying on her shoulder...her eyes closed...she looked at Akash and NK who were throwing things at Arnav who threw them back to his brothers...Payal had meanwhile come to her side and woken up Khushi...Arnav Akash and NK watched with teasing smiles as they saw Diand Payal forcefeeding Khushi who looked like an annoyed baby...
it was getting late and they decided to get back before it was too dark...they had come in 2 cars...going back...Arnav and Khushi were joined by NK Shyam & Nani...while Akash took the other car with Mami Mama Di Dia and Payal...Arnav let NK take the wheels while he sat behind with Khushi...he rolled down the window at his side so that they could enjoy the cool wind outside...Khushi was lying on his chest...enjoying the wind as NK drove back home...the light music and the cool wind gave her a sense of peace as she hugged herself tighter into Arnav's arms...Arnav occasionally placed feather light kisses on her hair and face...Shyam sitting behind them in the SUV turned away seeing Khushi in Arnav's arms which was not missed by NK who could see them through his rearview mirror...he gave a smirk which did go unnoticed by Arnav who winked back at him through the mirror 
it was pretty late when they got back and Khushi was already asleep in Arnav's arms...without waking her up he took her to their room and placed her gently on the bed...just as he was about to leave her...he saw her hand clutching his shirt and smiled at how she would let go of him even in her sleep...Di and Payal came in just then with Khushi's dinner and her medicine...they asked Arnav to go down and have his dinner with the others while they got her changed...he placed a kiss on her forhead and left...Anjali and Payal made Khushi wake up and have her dinner and got her changed and settled to sleep but just as they were about to leave Khushi hugged them both tight in her arms...
Khushi: Di...Jiji...I have never said this before but u both are the best sisters anyone can get...I promise u that I will always be there for U...and U both always stay happy...Di I know Shyamji is making an effort to understand Dia...I hope and pray Di that u get your happiness back and Dia gets her father back...
Anjali: Khushi...Shyam is not a problem for me anymore...I know how to handle him...I dont trust him yet...lets see how things go on...and how can u say that Dia will get her father back ??? she already has the world's best fathers in Chottey Akash and NK...I know they will always give her the best.its U who is our concern now...we want U to be happy and healthy and give us our angel very soon...we all cant wait to see our Chottey and Khushi's little bundle of joy...
Arnav came in with Akash and NK who had Dia in his arms...Dia got down from NK's hold and went and hugged Khushi tight and kissed her and then went to her mom who took her to get settled for the night...Akash NK and Payal all hugged and kissed Arnav and Khushi goodnight and left them to their world...Arnav smiled as he got in next to her and took her in his arms...
Arnav: Khushi I know U are really tired after all the fun we had today...time to sleep sweetheart...
Khushi: I am sleepy Arnavji but I cant sleep unless I am in your arms...I cant sleep unless u hug me tight...
Arnav smiled at her as he kissed her lightly on her forhead and then went down and placed light kisses on her womb where his baby was sleeping and then took Khushi in his arms as they settled for the night...
Arnav: now go to sleep Khushi before I change my mind and decide to keep u awake whole night 
Khushi blushed as she hugged him tight and they drifted off to the world of their beautiful dreams where they were together as always...
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