Banner credit to Mandy !!! 
It was busy morning at RM,Khushi stayed with Anjali and Dia through out, she was extra conscious now that she knew Shyam's real face, she wasnt ready to leave Anjali & Dia alone at all,she saw Dia and Shyam playing around in the living room, she could see Shyam throwing her furtive glances which she pretended to ignore, Payal and Anjali were laying the table for breakfast while Pooja stayed with Khushi,she could see that Khushi was worried and she didnt want it to take a toll on her health, meanwhile Arnav & Akash along with NK and Varun were laying the final touches to their plans to expose Shyam and Lavanya, Phase 1 was about to begin and Arnav was extremely worried, He knew Khushi was stressing herself sick over this whole issue and he knew it was about to get aggravated over their upcoming plan.
The 4 of them walked down to see Khushi sitting with Dia in her lap, chatting with her animatedly,Arnav walked over to them and sat down next to them,Dia immediately clambered onto his lap while Khushi rested her head on his shoulder...Arnav smiled seeing his angel smiling at him...He started tickling Dia who was laughing in his arms...
Arnav: whats my angel and princess upto ???
Anjali: well its time for your angel to have her breakfast and for your princess to have her milk as well and am sure Payal and I will have to run behind her to make her drink it !!!
Arnav: Di dont take tension for today, I will make my princess have her milk, am sure she wont refuse her Mamu !!
Anjali handed over the glass of milk to Arnav who took it and turned to Dia who had moved to Khushi's lap,as everyone watched in wonder,the usually naughty Dia who ran away from milk drank it up from Arnav's hands while Khushi held her,they both placed a kiss on her cheeks as she finished her milk as they hugged her close,Anjali watched them with tears,she knew her baby had the best parents in the world in Arnav and Khushi,Arnav watched his Di tearing up,he knew she was again goin to get hurt but he swore to himself that this would be the last time his Di got hurt...
He walked upto Anjali and hugged her tight...
Arnav: I promise Di,I will always be there for u and Dia and I wont let anything happen to either of u,I promise u I will always protect both of u from anything or anyone that threatens to harm u...
Anjali was worried seeing Arnav emotional but she decided to comfort him,she cupped his cheeks,placing a kiss on his forhead...
Anjali: Chottey,u dont need to assure me,u and bhabhi has given me and Dia so much love that I know I dont have anything or anyone to be worried of.
Arnav: Di I have to go to office today,an urgent meeting has come up and they need me there,I will be back in 2 hours I promise and this entire scam will be cleared soon but until I come back,pls Di make sure u all stay safe until then !!
Varun: Arnav dont take tension,u Akash and NK will be enough to handle the meeting today,I will stay back her with the ladies and dont worry nothing will go wrong here !! get going and come back fast,we will be fine !!!
Arnav smiled at Varun and gave him a hug and then turned to Khushi who was looking at him fear in her eyes,he walked over to her and hugged her close...
Arnav: Khushi jaan,pls dont get scared,u know I cant leave u here in peace if u are going to get so worried,its all going to be fine,the people responsible for this mess will be cleared off soon and I will be back here with u,but u have to promise me that u wont stress yourself !!
Akash and NK too joined Arnav...they gave her a side hug and gave her a slight peck on her forhead...
Akash: haan bhabhi,no worries at all,by the time u take a small nap we will be back home and bhai will be with u safe and sound !!!
Khushi: all 3 of u...pls take care,I know there is no point in asking u to take me along too but I want all 3 of u back here soon,dont worry about me or any of us here,Varun is here and if there is any trouble we will call u.
Arnav placed a swift kiss on her lips crusg=hing her in his arms before walking out,as he turned to face the world Arnav had transformed effortlessly into ASR,the man eternally feared and respected by his employees and some of his employees were going to get a taste of how it is to get on his wrong side !!!
At AR designs
Arnav Akash and NK were in the conference room along with Aman and Liya,their lawyers were also present and as they waited the door opened and Arnav's agents brought in Alina who stared back at them with a defiant expression...
Alina: Hi ASR !! how are u today ?? hows your life and hows your pregnant wife ?? did she leave u after seeing our little escapade or did she go into nervous shock ?? knowing her she must have probably left you by now !! what did u think when u fired me ?? that i would let u live in peace ?? let me see how you are going to prove my claims false !!! want to see how u try proving those photos false !!!
"Neither will I leave my husband because a prostitute like u spoke nonsense about him and neither will u be able to cause any harm to him or our family and neither will u get away with tarnishing our name in public !!! "
Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada's voice rang loud and clear like a battle cry all through out the conference hall as she stood in the doorway looking livid !! She walked in taking in the stunned expressions of the onlookers !! She reached Arnav who quickly regained his composure...
Arnav: Khushi what are u doing here ?? I thought I asked you to sta at home ?? how did u reach here ??? did u come alone ?? I cant believe Di and varun let u come here !!!
Khushi cupped his cheeks and placed a kiss on his lips calming him...
Khushi: Arnavji pls relax,I came here coz I couldnt sit at home knowing who u are dealing with,I convinced Di that i would be fine and asked Varun to take care of all of them.and I didnt come alone,Pooja also came along with me.I could stay away from giving this wretch of a woman a piece of my mind after what she did to break our marriage !!!
just then Pooja walked in and stood next to NK and Akash who smiled at her.
Khushi then turned towards Alina who flashed her a devilish smile !!
Alina: pleasure to meet u Mrs.Raizada.Am surprised that u are still with ASR whom u claim to be your loving and devoted husband.didnt u see the pics I gave the media ?? or are u here to hear more ?? as to how good your husband is in bed with me ?? am sure u already know,seeing that u are pregnant with his baby,well u see your darling ASR got frustrated that his pregnant wife cant satisfy him so he came to me and I am sure he was very happy with my service but he made the mistake of throwing me out after using me and now he is going to pay hard !!!
none of them were prepared for what came next yet all of them saw it happen.
the slap that Khushi gave Alina send her reeling,she turned back shocked and as she tried to retaliate,she felt another slap landing on her face,this time from Pooja !!
the men watched stunned as the ladies went into action !!!
Pooja: that was for all the nonsense u did to my brother and his wife and also for all the shit u just babbled and also for trying to retaliate and hurt my bhabhi !!
Khushi: if u ask me why I slapped u,trust me u will get slapped again !!
lets start from the beginning...shall we ??
U thought I was going to leave my husband because a wh**e like u spoke rubbish about him ?? well young lady it will take more than a s**t like u to make that happen,even if all the gods in this world conspire against us,even then no can take me away from my husband and my baby's father !!!
now coming to your so called pics,wait here and watch us prove your pics false !!! mark my words Alina I wont spare u for making a mockery out of my husband and our marriage !!!
as to whther I know my husband is good in bed,well i dont think u will be able to bear the heat if I give u all that details !!!
coz u have seen only men who sleeps with u at the drop of a hat and then throw u away !! u havent seen men who are in love and unless u see such men u will never understand what Arnavji and I share...our love is beyond the understand or imagination of a s**t like u !! so dont u dare talk about what u dont understand !! try again and even the world's best dentist or cosmetic surgeons wont be able to rectify the damage Mrs.ASR inflicts on u !!
Khushi then turned to Arnav who gave her a proud smile,he couldnt believe it was his Khushi !!! he opened his arms for her and Khushi happily went to him,she crushed him in her arms and buried her face in the crook of his neck...she looked up at him and gave him a smile...
Khushi: what did u think Arnavji ?? I will let the wh**e who created so much pain in our lives walk away not knowing what Mrs.ASR is like when she is annoyed ?? told u that I will always be with u no matter how big the crisis is and now Alina and her friends are going to see what Mrs.Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada is like when someone trys to mess with her marriage !!!
Bravo 👏 Khushi 👏