Banner credit to Mandy !!! 
The morning dawned cold and gloomy...there was a chilly wind blowing...maybe a premonition to the beginning of chaos in Shantivan.
The ladies were busy in the living room while Akash Arnav and NK were working out the details on the latest deal...just then Akash got a call from Aman who asked him to check out the leading web broadcasters for the latest update in the fashion world and gave him the links...just as Akash checked it out...he was left shocked...they all carried the same headlines...headlines that could not only bring an end to AR industries but also an end to Arnav and Khushi's marriage...
the headlines AR model Alina in compromising positions with their CEO Mr.ASR...but the real horror was the defamation claims that were being launched against AR and its CEO Mr.Arnav Singh Raizada.the news item showed Alina claiming that she had an affair with ASR and that she had been terminated from AR designs because she had demanded ASR to marry her.she claimed that ASR had promised he would marry her soon after divorcing his wife Mrs.Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada.but later he had gone back on his word and had terminated her contract giving false allegations against her.she claimed she had no idea how the pictures were leaked out...she said she suspected foulplay but claimed that the pictures were very much real.
She was claiming compensation from AR and also demanded a law suit against the organisation for which she agreed to testify against AR and its CEO Arnav Singh Raizada.the news article had been an instant hit...the kind that became increasingly popular on the page 3 section of all leading fashion news broadcasters recieving millions of hits.the media carried the article like a war cry.
they immediately carried stories of Arnav's life...his ascent to being the number 1 fashion tycoon...his marriage to Khushi...his and Khushi's snaps at various events and the love they shared and speculations on how his marriage will survive amidst this crisis...some reports even claimed that Khushi had walked out on him.
to say that Arnav was shocked would be an understatement...he was reeling...he really couldnt figure out from where such earth shattering claims had come up...meanwhile Aman called up Akash to inform him that many of their clients were calling and that they were thinking of terminating their assosciation with AR designs amidst the current scenario while there were others who had simply called just to assure Arnav that they trusted him blindly...and that they knew there was foulplay and would stick with him as he proved the claims false.
but all in wasnt a great day because AR would be losing millions if some of their clients pulled out...but that was not what worried Arnav...he didnt know how to break it to Khushi & his family !!!
he was dreading the hurt and pain Khushi would undergo...what she would think ?? he looked at Akash and NK helpless...Aman in the meanwhile traced the Alina and found out that she was the very same one whose contracts had been terminated because of her breach on their contract of exclusivity and had shot for ads without the permission of AR.
Aman called Akash to pass the information...Akash NK and Arnav worked out the was easy for them to conclude who was behind this...they could see Lavanya and Shyam behind all this.
it was their plan to bring down AR and also break Arnav & Khushi's marriage...what they needed was solid proof...Arnav called up his agents whom he had asked to keep an eye on Shyam & Lavanya's
activities...he ws furious that they werent aware of this beforehand...he asked them to collect all information possible and keep them posted.
Arnav sat back in his chair...worried and hurt...he didnt want Khushi or anyone in the family to know about the scam...Khushi was pregnant after all and she had to be kept happy...but he couldnt see how he would be able to hide this from her when all the news channels were screaming it out from their rooftops...he looked at Akash and NK who were equally worried...
Arnav: Akash how do I tell Khushi about this ?? I know she will never doubt me...but this is going to hurt her so much...the media making a mockery of our will she take it ??this is not what she deserves...she deserves to be happy now dammit !!! how in the world will I hold her calm...she is going to worry until AR is free from these accusations...what do we do ??
Akash and NK couldnt see their brother so worried...they had never seen him break down no matter how stressful the situation was...but this was about their family...his love...they both knew that Arnav couldnt bear anything that hurt his family and Khushi...
Akash: Bhai I know your fear but Khushi deserves to know...she is your better half...u both have taken vows to share your pain with each other during troubled times...she is not with ujust to share your happiness...she is yours to share your pain too...and I know my sister...she is going to stick with u no matter far as her pregnancy is concerned...we are all with ualways...we wont let anything go wrong...she is going to be fine.
NK: Akash is right Nanav...Khushi has the right to know...she needs to hear it from u rather than finding it out from a third person...u cant hide this from her...U dont have to...she will trust u just like how we did without asking for your explanation...u need her now more than anyone...go to her Nanav...tell her the truth.
Arnav had tears as he hugged his brothers...he felt awed that his brothers had not even once doubted him...he was so thankful that he had a family who would stick with him through thick and thin.
Arnav Akash and NK headed downstairs to tell the ladies about the disaster that struck AR when they saw that the ladies were watching the news...they saw the ladies sitting stunned as they heard the broadcaster going on and on about how Arnav had allegedly had an affair with his model Alina and how he was planning to leave his wife for his model.
Khushi felt her heart break as she heard it all...she couldnt bear the allegations her husband...the assumptions that their marriage was over...that she had walked pout on him...the pictures that kept flashing of Arnav with another...woman..she knew it was all fake but she couldnt handle any of it...she broke down...Anjali and Payal were too stunned to say anything...
just then Khushi looked up and saw Arnav standing next to her watching...his eyes red...he was worried...he didnt know whether to take her in his arms and hold her close or to keep his distance...Khushi saw his fear...his fear that she might doubt him and keep him away...she couldnt bear to see the pain in his heart...she pulled him down next to her and threw herselfinto his arms...they both broke down in each other's arms...Arnav couldnt stand her pain...her tears which were falling freely now...
Akash and NK were holding Anjali and Payal who were too shocked to one is the family doubted Arnav's innocence !!! but what they couldnt figure out was who is behind all this !!!
Anjali looked at Shyam who was watching everything with a feigned serious expression on his face...he was holding Dia who looked at her mother who was crying on NK's shoulders...Anjali suspected Shyam to be behind all this...but she couldnt figure out how...she knew for a fact that he never left the house in the past few days...then how could he have organised this !!! she also doubted whether her concerns were genuine...she knew she was suspecting Shyam because of their past but what if it was a totally different third party..some crazy rival
trying to defame AR designs and her brother.she knew she would have to wait and trust Arnav Akash and NK to solve this...
Aman meanwhile barged in...he looked tensed and worried...he could see Khushi crying in Arnav's arms...they both looked up as they heard him barge in...
Aman: sorry Sir...I came without informing but this was urgent...a law suit has been filed against AR and its CEO by Alina's attorney...also there was a possibility that ASR could be arrested for leaking the pictures to the media...the cyber cell has traced the computer from which the pics were released to a computer in its confirmed that some of our employees are involved in thisbut we need to figure out who it is...I contacted our legal advisors and they have managed to get ASR an anticipatory bail so they he is not arrested...
Aman finished speaking in a single breadth leaving a stunned silence...and the next thing he knew...Akash and NK had hugged him tight...Aman was stunned to see his bosses hugging him.
Akash broke out of the hug and gave him a smile and looked at NK who was still hugging Aman...not letting him go...
NK: thank you Aman...I know u will say that u were just doing your job but I have to tell u...its because of trustworthy employees like u that AR is a huge firm today...what u did todaywas more than your job...U have literally saved our family from a big crisis...if the police had come to arrest Nanav...we really cant imagine that situation...
Aman looked at his boss...who was looking at him...he could see that Arnav was at a loss for words...Aman walked upto him and hugged him...and pulled back...
Aman: Sorry sir I hugged U but I just want to let u know that all your employees trust u and that we will be there with u in this crisis...we will find out the culprits no matter where they hide
and make sure that your name is cleared.
Arnav didnt let Aman complete...catching him in a tight hug...
Arnav: thank you Aman...thank you...thank you for always being there...I know am not an easy person to work with but even then u stuck on with me...thank you for bearing me for so long and next time I shout at U...u are most welcome to kick me on my butt...I swear I wont do anything...
Aman laughed...he couldnt believe that it was ASR talking to him...
Aman: no way never going to kick you...when all this is settled...we all want u back in your ASR matter how difficult u are...we all know your love and sincerity to your staff and work and thats what keeps us yes we want our ASR like this always along with his brothers Akash Sir and NK sir...we are always proud to be part of AR designs.
Khushi Payal and Anjali smiled hearing Aman...they felt truly blessed that AR had such amazing employees who trusted their bosses 100%.Naniji Mami and Mamaji had proud smiles as they saw their family united and strong in their love and trust...
Aman left soon after...Shyam felt that he might throw up anytime...he couldnt believe that Khushi had never suspected Arnav even once...the entire family stood rock solid determined to fight their recent calamity to oblivion...he smiled...he wanted to see how Arnav was going to get out of this he was going to prove the pictures wrong.he looked at Khushi who was still in Arnav's arms...he remembered how she had slapped him when she had realised that he was Anjali's husband and here she was...hugging her husband despite seeing pictures of Arnav with some other woman...he was furious that he couldnt break her trust on Arnav.
Arnav picked up Khushi and walked off to their room while NK and Akash dealt with the rest of the family...
In Arshi's room...
Arnav: Khushi I...
but he never managed to get his words out because Khushi had kissed him just then silencing him...she kissed him like never before...she put all her love and trust and faith in her husband in that single kiss...Arnav kissed her back...he wanted her love so badly...he poured out all his pain and anguish into it...he conveyed his apologies for causing her so much pain...he wanted to let her know that he was only hers and no one else could stake a claim on him...his pictures with Alina flashed through and Khushi kissed him harder...Arnav responded with equal passion...
both of them trying to erase the images...they broke apart...but Khushi didnt let him go...She hugged him close in her arms...he sighed as he buried himself into the crook of her neck...seeking his personal haven in her arms...
Some weeks ago my boyfriend broke up with me due to some issues.
ReplyDeleteI did everything to get him back but nothing worked.
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Never too late to fix your broken heart.
You can still get your lover back...
Fix broken relationship/marriage...
Thanks a lot🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
address:::::: R.buckler11@ gmail. com