This update is specially for one special person in my life, she is butterfly/fireball for me
that absolute bundle of dhamaka she is and its her bday coming so this is only for her.
Manal aka FlawlessSarun ... Happy Birthday my Arab Beauty ... you know you always make me feel close to my home that I always miss so now that Arshi are on their honeymoon in Dubai and its your bday then how could you not be part of their lives !
so here you go my love !!
loads of love
PS .. banner credit to rockstar Tammy 
Khushi found him sitting in the lounge, even from far he looked sad and heartbroken and she couldn't bear it, she couldn't bear knowing she was the reason behind his hurt. She walked over to him and sat down next to him, Arnav knew it was Khushi but he didnt look at her, he didnt have the energy to tell her anything more, for him being angry with her was the worst thing to do, he was a man who ran his office with an iron fist but when it came to Khushi, it took everything in him to shout at her. He felt her fingers slipping into his, he tried to pull away but she held on tighter, with her free hand she cupped his face and made him look at her in the eye, the guilt he saw in there wasn't easy to bear but he couldn't find the right words to console her either, but for Khushi his bloodshot eyes and the barely there tears was harder to contain, she wiped the faint traces of tears away and held him firmly,
"come back to the room with me Arnav. Just come back with me once and hear me out and after that you can decide what to do about the rest of the trip" Khushi said beseeching him silently with her eyes.
Arnav stood up, "fine lets go back then " he replied as he walked away, it hurt him to be rude with her but he desperately wanted Khushi to give him the time he needed from her. Khushi meanwhile was stung by his distance but walked with him and pulled his hand into hers and Arnav didnt pull away.
As they entered their room, Khushi shut it behind them and locked it, Arnav turned to her and crossed his arms,
"what is it Khushi ?
What do you want me to hear ?
Do you want to go back ? shall I ask Aman to book the tickets ? then you wouldn't have to worry about our families anymore because you can take care of them firsthand.
And don't worry about me, I will manage. I have always been alone so I am used to it "
Khushi felt tears filling up in her eyes as she heard him speak, she knew itwas her fault that he felt lonely and unwanted. She walked upto him and tried to hug him but he resisted but Khushi didnt back down, she hugged him irrespective of whether he hugged her back or not ..
" I am sorry Arnav. I am so sorry ... this isnt going to be enough for how I made you feel.
You are not alone ... you were never alone Arnav, I know how you feel but to make you feel unwanted or unimportant in my life was not my intention. You know I love your family as much as mine. And I love them because they are yours, the sense of responsibility you feel towards them, I have the same feelings for them.
But they are important because you are the most important person in my life ever since I fell in love with you.
This trip with you is special to me as well and yes I am sorry that I got carried away in between and I promise that I wont let it happen again. Spending time with you ... even my heart craves for it Arnav and I don't want to miss any of our time together.
Arnav ... within your arms ... thats where I would want to spend my life forever. I am so sorry and I don't want to go back. I want to be with you wherever you wish to go. I just need you with me. " Khushi's words fell in torrents as her tears wet his shirt.
Arnav felt his heart beating wildly hearing her speak, he badly wanted to take her in his arms and apologise for all the rude and harsh accusations he threw at her in his anger. He knew deep in his hearts that Khushi was ignorant of her actions, he only wanted her to realise that he craved her attention, he had never intended to heart her so much but somehow he couldn't console her just yet, something kept stopping him, it was like his heart felt Khushi had to prove through her actions that she meant every word she spoke to him, he pulled her back and looked her in the eye,
"you want me to believe you ?
Then you have to prove it Khushi ... prove it through your actions that this trip is as special for you as it is for me "
said Arnav as he walked off and went to lie down on the couch. He closed his eyes waiting for Khushi to make her move.
Khushi looked at him shocked for a while but again she couldn't blame him, she could feel his need to believe her words, she stood for a few minutes wondering how to bring their honeymoon back on track, after a few minutes of pondering, an idea struck her, she walked upto Arnav and placed a kiss on his lips, he opened his eyes to find her staring at him with a smile,
" wait here Arnav, I will be back in 10 mins, just going down to the reception. " said Khushi and before he could stop her she had walked out leaving him puzzled.
Meanwhile Khushi was talking to the tour guide of the hotel about the major attractions of the desert nation, and one particular idea got her attention, she immediately asked for more details and then instructed the tour guide to arrange a date for her and Arnav for that very evening.
With a spring in her walk, she went to their room and pulled Arnav up,
"get ready husband, I have ordered lunch , you got to finish it up soon and then we are going out. And no more questions, its a surprise. " said Khushi as Arnav looked at her confused,
"but Khushi ... how did you ... " but he was stopped by Khushi as she kissed him hard on his lips,
" I am Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada !!
I know what I am doing ... so just do as I say "
Just then they were interrupted by room service as the lunch trolley was wheeled in, Khushi thanked the waiters and tipped them off before turning to Arnav, she made him sit on the couch and loaded his plate with food and before he could speak another word, she started feeding him with her hands and all he could do was stare at her, when she saw Arnav unable to speak, she smiled slightly as she poked him,
"you can stare at me later .. are you going to make me sit hungry now ?
Feed me Arnav, I am waiting "
Arnav couldn't help himself as he lifted his hand to feed her and they ate in silence. As soon as they were done, Khushi send Arnav to take a shower and in the meantime she got packing, she rummaged in her wardrobe for a while before she found her target items and mentally thanked Anjali and Lavanya for insisting that she take it,
It was a silver grey dress that Khushi had tried on while they were shopping, she could still remember Lavanya's voice in her head,
"take it Chamkili, keep a few casual wear, we are sure ASR would love to see you in it. Its your honeymoon and you should go out of the box and have crazy wild fun. Stop being shy, you are Mrs.ASR now !! "
And then came Anjali's voice,
"and make sure you pack casuals for Chottey, he will load his suitcase with his black formals but you pack in a few casuals, and make sure he wears it !! "
And now Khushi mentally thanked both of them for their foresight.
When Arnav came out, Khushi gave him the casuals and fixed him with a firm look,
"the car will arrive at sharp 3:30, get dressed husband and wear what I gave you and no questions, I am going to get dressed. "
And before he could even call out, she had vanished into the shower, Khushi had to admit to herself that she was enjoying having Arnav so clueless but she was determined to prove it to him that all she needed was her husband.
Outside Arnav got dressed as though in a daze, he still couldn't figure out what was happening but deep inside he enjoyed having Khushi take full reign and decided to play along with whatever she wants, but he was soon taken out of his musings and caught speechless as he saw Khushi come out of the shower clad in a dress he never thought she would wear on her own decision.
His Khushi looked nothing short of a stunner in the dress and he couldn't take his eyes off her, it took everything in him to not reach out and kiss her senseless, meanwhile Khushi was enjoying the effect she had on Arnav and acted ignorant as she got dressed, after a while she walked upto Arnav all ready and stood in front of him, she held up a tiny box for him, which he saw contained sindoor, he saw the silent gesture in her eyes and took a pinch of it and filled her maang. Khushi kept the box aside and slipped her hands around him as she kissed him deeply and this time he kissed her back, unable to resist but before he could continue she pulled away and went to collect a small suitcase that was packed, he looked at her confused,
"Khushi .. why do you have a bag ? where are we going ?? "
She smiled at him in return, " all in good time husband, lets go now, you don't want to be late. " she replied as she dragged him out by his arm.
Downstairs, she thanked the hotel
staff for arranging everything at short notice and led him out where a car was waiting for them, she gestured him to get in and soon they were off. Through out the journey Khushi had her head over his heart and he held her firmly. No words were exchanged.
Soon they reached the starting point of their journey and it dawned on Arnav when he saw the boards. Khushi had planned a FREAKING DESERT SAFARI for the night !! they were camping over night at the desert !!
He just stared at her wordlessly as she truly became Mrs.ASR and handled their bookings, the staff smiled at him and one of the guys walked upto them, he was Arab but spoke fluent English,
"welcome to the starting point of your trip Sir & Madam. You will have 20 minutes of a ride through the desert, well we call it dune bashing and then you will be at your campsite where there will be more activities planned to entertain you.
If you are all ready to go then please join the rest of the passengers right over there. "
After thinking for a while he added with a smile towards Khushi,
" I must say this Sir ... you have a gorgeous wife ... you are a lucky man "
And he walked off as Arnav clenched his teeth in anger, he wrapped his arms possessively around Khushi and she enjoyed watching him.
Khushi noticed a group of girls, all excitedly crowding around the car, since they were also allotted to the same car, Khushi and Arnav moved towards them but they didnt get a chance to speak as they were all strapped into the cars and they were OFF.
Khushi clutched Arnav tightly as the car zig zagged ... climbed to dizzying altitudes and then dropped to scary depths, the music was Arabic and it added to the adrenaline rush but as she got used to it, she enjoyed it all, Arnav had his arms wrapped around her tightly , and enjoyed watching the thrill on her face, the group of girls were screaming hoarse as the speed increased but he could tell they were enjoying it all and very soon Khushi joined them too and it was a full galore as the driver revelled in their excitement.
Just then Khushi saw a shooting star fall across the skies and clutched Arnav's arm as she covered his eyes with her other hand, whispering in his ears,
"make a wish Arnav "
Arnav closed his eyes and had only one prayer ,
" if there is anyone hearing my heart's desire right now ... then I just have one, keep my wife happy and healthy and blessed and give me an eternity with her ... all I need is her in my life "
A prayer that was echoed by his Khushi too,
" All I need is my husband Devi Maiyya, keep him happy and healthy and give us our forever "
They opened their eyes and were about to kiss when a loud scream echoed within the car, one of the girls was staring at them like she had been electrocuted and then she let out a loud whoop as she clutched Khushi's hands,
" OMG its Barun Sobti & Sanaya Irani !!
Allah I must be dreaming ... please someone pinch me , this cant be real !! "
Khushi looked at her scared and snatched her hand away,
"excuse me but you must be mistaken, we are not whoever you just called is to be.
I am Khushi and this is my husband Arnav Singh Raizada.
I think you got the wrong people "
But on the contrary the girl looked even more excited !!
" Mistaken ???
I can never be mistaken about both of you ... I carry your pictures wherever I go, want to see ? " she asked as she whipped out her phone and opened her display for Khushi and Arnav who were both shocked to see their faces staring back at them, a couple their exact replica romantically posed. They looked at the girl shocked,
"who are you and who are these people ? how did you get those pics ?? " asked Arnav, completely shocked out of his wits !!
The girl looked at them weirdly for a minute before chattering back excitedly as the other girls in the group watched with amused exasperated looks,
"I am Manal and I am a huge fan of both of you , you both are doing such an amazing job playing Arnav and Khushi in Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon !!
The entire world is mad about you ... so stop fooling me.
You know its always been my dream to meet you both and I cant believe I am travelling through the desert in my own hometown along with you two on my Bday !! "
Arnav and Khushi were completely shocked now, their head going dizzy with all the unbelievable information Manal was blabbering away, they were shocked to see their own self dancing and romancing each other as she played some of the videos in her phone, in the meantime they had reached the campsite and Arnav and Khushi got out asap hoping they had dreamed everything but Arnav groaned as he saw Manal getting out after them, looking excited beyond imagination and then they knew they had allay her confusion, Khushi held Mana's hand firmly and looked at her squarely,
" Manal we are sorry to disappoint you but we have to tell you the truth.
We are Arnav and Khushi for real and not fictional characters and we are here on our honeymoon.
We cant begin to tell you how shocked we are to know there is a show that runs in India where we have 2 actors who look exactly like us are acting on characters that share our names.
But we swear that we are not Barun and Sanaya.
We are Arnav & Khushi . "
Manal looked at them for a long while and then nodded her head with a smile,
"Okay I believe you.
For one I know there is no way Barun & Sanaya are in Dubai when I just saw an SBS segment a while back of them shooting for the episode tonight so you really must be telling the truth.
But all that apart I am still amazed and happy to know there is a real Arnav & Khushi out there who look exactly the same.
Please can I take a picture with both because none of my friends will believe my story otherwise !! "
Manal looked at them with puppy dog eyes and Khushi felt her heart warm upto the girl whose eyes were bubbling with childlike innocence.
Khushi smiled at her as Manal asked her sister to take a picture of her along with Arnav & Khushi. They took a few pics and then Khushi turned Manal around and to her utter shock hugged her and whispered into her ears,
"Happy Birthday Manal !!
Hope you have an amazing bday , a blessed year ahead and I sincerely hope you meet Barun and sanaya someday like how you dream. "
Manal was positively beaming as she hugged Khushi back and then to her utter surprise Arnav wished her and he smiled at her affectionately, ruffling her hair,
"Happy Bday Manal , and my wish is the same as Khushi.
Always stay happy and we are sorry to disappoint you "
Manal couldn't believe that Arnav had just wished her on her bday and shook her head violently,
"please don't say Sorry, you didnt disappoint me !
This has to be the craziest and best bday I ever got !! " Manal hugged them both once more and walked away with her sister looking back at them repeatedly
Khushi looked at Arnav with an amused expression, "now thats definitely aced to the top of the list of everything weird I have ever encountered. "
Arnav nodded silently but soon they were both distracted by the beauty and atmosphere of the campsite.
Surrounded by nothing but the vast expanse of desert, a cold chilly wind blowing through the night, the warmth of the Arab hospitality welcomed them with open arms. Arnav caught Khushi in his arms and turned her around,
"I love it Khushi ... I love everything that you have planned. " , but Khushi silenced him by placing her hands over his lips,
"we can talk later Arnav .. lets just enjoy ths night for now " she smiled at him as they walked inside.
To their amusement and Manal's surprise they were all allotted the same quadrant of the camp for the dinner and festivities.
Khushi watched in fascination as she watched the lives of the natives, she watched Manal and her group, amused at their craziness and antics, she saw them smoking something and looked at them curiously, she turned to Arnav asking him what the girls were smoking, Arnav glanced at them once and replied back,
"thats called Shisha ... its quite popular in the Middle East, do you want to try it ?? "
But before she could reply, Manal who had noticed Khushi's interest walked over to them, she looked at Arnav tentatively and asked him,
"do you mind if invite Khushi to join us for Shisha for a while ? "
Arnav glanced at Khushi looking apprehensive and smiled at her reassuringly before looking at Manal,
"sure you can take her, just don't scare her because all this is new to her. "
Manal happily nodded as she led Khushi away, she quickly made introductions within the group and introduced Khushi to her best friends and sister, she then made Khushi sit next to her and made her take her first shot of Shisha, Khushi coughed a bit but then tried again and to Manal's absolute joy seemed to enjoy it , while Arnav watched her amused from far, he spend the time clicking her pics.
As time passed Khushi got comfortable with Manal and as Shisha took its effect, Khushi got emotional, she thought back to the fight between her and Arnav, she looked at him watching her with adoring eyes and felt her eyes well up, Manal saw the shift in her mood and asked her what happened, Khushi looked at her tearfully as she related the fight between her and Arnav and how badly she wanted to make it upto him.
Manal listened to her in astonishment and as she finished burst out laughing while Khushi looked at her annoyed that her situation was being treated so lightly, but as Manal calmed down she caught Khushi's hand,
"you know have to tell you , you both are exactly like our onscreen Arshi. Arnav feels ignored by Khushi and then later she spends her time making it upto him
Don't worry, I think he has already forgiven you, I can see that with the way he is watching you. You are at one of the most beautiful and romantic places on the planet Khushi.
Don't sit here and waste it away, go to him, take him out for a walk Khushi, its a full moon night so go ahead and spend it with your husband !! "
Khushi's face lighted up as Manal encouraged her, despite the fact they were complete strangers, Khushi felt happy in Manal's company, she felt like a long lost friend. Khushi hugged Manal and cupped her face, placing a kiss on her forehead,
"you know you really remind me of a butterfly, spreading smiles and colors as you fly around. We hardly know each other but you make me feel like I have known you for ages.
Thank you so much Manal, I am going to Arnav now, will meet you here later. "
Manal clutched Khushi tightly as she smiled back at her,
"well it sure is weird how we met Khushi but like you said I have known you for ages, and don't think you will see me when you get back because we are here only till dinner and then we will be leaving, so enjoy your stay here and take back the best memories of your life from Dubai.
I will never be able to forget the time spend with you and Arnav. "
The ladies hugged and parted, Arnav waved at Manal as Khushi walked towards him, she held out her hand which he took,
"walk with me Arnav " Khushi said as she looked at him, her eyes filled the blazing intensity of her love for him.
Arnav smiled at her as he led her out, they soon left the campsite behind and walked the sands, there were people sand biking around, it was full moon night , beautiful serene and calm, surrounded by nothing but wide expanse of sand.
Khushi snuggled closer into Arnav arms as the wind blew around them, Arnav held her within his warm embrace and they walked on, their hearts beating silently. Khushi halted after a while and turned to face Arnav, looking deep into his eyes,
" I cant live without you Arnav.
I love everyone in our world, they all have a place in my heart and taking care of them, loving them, thats what my life is all about ... BUT
You ... you are my LIFE Arnav and everything I do would become meaningless if cant keep you happy.
What matters most is you and your happiness and our marriage for me.
I want to be your perfect wife ... your perfect woman ... the perfect lover for you.
I am truly sorry for everything that happened, for all the pain I gave you ... for making you feel unwanted.
Coz all I need is you and thats all that matters !
Please forgiv... "
Khushi couldn't complete her sentence because Arnav placed his lips on hers for a soft kiss, he pulled back and cupped her face in his hands,
" Ssshh Khushi.
No more sorrys, I know I said a lot of things I shouldn't have in my anger.
You are perfect for me Khushi, you are everything I would ever want.
My perfect wife ... My perfect woman .. My perfect lover and the perfect daughter for my family and whatever you do for my family, it makes me feel lucky and blessed.
Manal is right .. I am a lucky man !!
Please forgive me Khushi for causing you so much pain !! " ... he placed his fingers on her lips as she tried to speak, stroking the loose strands away, bringing her face closer to his, his lips caressing hers as her hands went around his waist,
" all I need is your time ... your love and your care, you can be how you are, never change, take care of our families however you want and I will never stop you but support you all along.
I know you love me, its unquestionable, but all I need is you to give me the attention that your ever demanding husband needs.
Shameless I am but I will say this ... I want you all to myself Khushi. !! " said Arnav as he grinned sheepishly at her and his wife smiled at him tenderly, her eyes sparkling with deep affection and overwhelming love for her husband, she pulled him closer such that their lips were touching each other,
"am all yours Arnav "
Khushi whispered softly and closed her eyes and waited for Arnav to kiss her, he stared at his wife waiting for him, and took her lips into his, a full scorching passionate kiss that seared through like blazing heat through the windy full moon night !!
There stood 2 lovers surrounded by nothing but the magical beauty of the nature as they forged their love as new as ever. The promises they made lasting forever !
Meanwhile Manal was in her own world, she had just posted about her magical meeting with Arnav and Khushi along with the pictures onto her FB account and she was having the best bday of her life as she stunned her friends who were equal Sarun/Arshi maniacs with her supernatural encounter !
Precap : night under the stars
Beautiful lovely adorable