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Happy Reading 
As Elissa finished narrating their previous lives, Khushi had tears gliding down her beautiful face, the treachery and betrayal that had been meted out to them was too cruel to even fathom, she couldn't imagine living through such pain, as the past became vivid, Khushi could almost recall the agony that she had to endure.
But Arnav was filled with rage,
Ahi ! the one whom he had seen right since his rebirth into the world, the one who had always guided his cold blooded ruthless cruelty, the one whom he had trusted above all had been the one for all the destruction, he had caused Khushi's death and the downfall of Nysa, he had created Death Valley, the rotten and filthy remains of Nysa, he had turned every creation of beauty and perfection into something vile and monstrous. He had caused the land too be cursed with perpetual darkness to an extent that its denizens could no longer stand to face the blinding perfection of the sun.
But there was one question that was yet to be answered about Nysa's destruction and he turned to Elissa,
" Elissa tell me this, how can my death and withdrawal from Nysa cause its destruction, how can a knight be so important ? "
Elissa knew Arnav would definitely ask her this question and she had the answer prepared because no one knew better than her how important a knight was to its nation,
" Arnav, a knight is not just a guard to its territory, he becomes the protector of all the lives living there and for its own reasons, there aren't many men qualified or blessed with the perfection a knight requires.
You are not just a soldier to Nysa, knights are blessed with an inherent bond, a bond that comes to life when you willingly accept your duty to be a land's protector.
The day you accepted yourself as the knight of Nysa, your bond with the nation became irrevocable.
Whatever you do will also affect the land and its people, if you were to die a natural death then it falls as your duty that you find a suitable person to take over as the knight from you before you ascend to the heavens.
But in your agony of losing Khushi, you were too deeply lost that your forgot you are a knight and you caused your destruction and so Nysa also faced its downfall.
It was a terrible spectacle which even the Gods couldn't contain, it was the law of nature that could never be reversed.
The entire land perished into darkness and evil. Khushi's parents were narrowly rescued by the angels but only because it was written in the fates that their lives still held purpose.
Soon after Nysa's destruction began, the Gods decided on how best to reverse the situation. They couldn't bring back everything in a single twitch of their fingers.
This was nature's laws we were dealing with and so everything had to run its due course of time before change could come into effect.
Death Valley would continue to exist until the time came for the return of the lost princess and knight of Nysa to resurrect it to its true glory and if they fail then the land is lost forever to the evil.
The king and queen were kept alive, the lost princess was re-born, but Khushi was taken away from her parents as punishment for being blind to the evil force of Ahi, and it became my duty and honour to raise Khushi.
You Arnav was punished for ignoring your duty as a knight. The gods couldn't bear to send you to a cursed re-birth in Death Valley but they were bound by their own rules.
Its the first and foremost rule that a knight would put his land and its people ahead of his own emotions and it was this rule that you broke in your pain of losing your love.
No matter how great that pain was, the rule stood firm and you had to bear the consequences and so you became the prince of Death Valley, your heart was maligned by the evil in it as the fitful punishment because it was your destruction that led to Death Valley's creation and so you were duty bound to feel the touch of its reeking evil.
During your birth, a prophecy swept over Death Valley , that spoke of the love that would revive your soul from the pits of hell and resurrect Nysa in its old grandeur.
Ahi was terrified and he plotted to stop the fates and that was the reason you were taken away from your own mother !! "
Arnav and Khushi who had been listening intently till then exchanged shocked glances at the mention of his mother and Khushi interrupted Elissa,
"but Elissa, how can that even be possible ??
How can Arnav not have met her, no matter how hard Ahi tried, how can a mother keep herself away from her son when she had him so close for so long ! "
Elissa smiled sadly at Arnav because she knew the answer to that would be painful for him to bear,
"because his mother loved Death Valley more than her child !
Your mother was heart-broken to loose you Arnav. When Ahi ordered that you were not to be brought in the vicinity of anyone of the feminine race, despite being in pain she kept away because she was too long gone in evil.
She is the queen of Death Valley and revels in it and for her the existence of the evil mattered more than the love of her own blood.
And so she stayed away from your sight. "
Arnav felt his blood curdling in rage at the mention of his heartless mother who had chosen hell over her child,
"give me a name Elissa, I will hunt her down myself, she will have to face her child someday who will be the destructor of her perfect world !! "
Elissa placed her hand over his head as she calmed him down,
" hold your anger Arnav ... you can use it later.
Its not in my place to reveal your mother's name. Its not in my place to reveal the identity of any of the evil that reeks down there other than Ahi.
Its part of your war to resurrect Nysa, that you will unveil the real identity of everyone assosicated with your past, its upon you to destroy the evil while your protect the innocent and give them a life in the Nysa you and Khushi will bring back.
But do not yearn for your mother Arnav because she lives today only to destroy the one person who taught you to love.
Yes Arnav, your mother hates Khushi because she is the reason you were taken away from her at child birth.
She took an oath that moment to destroy Khushi and regain her son.
Infact all the evil in Death Valley has only one supreme enemy and that is Khushi.
Because once she walks into your life, it marks the beginning of their end. The omens have already started showing up down there. And they are already terrified.
Ahi is looking for you as we speak and very soon you both will have to face the wrath of the entire nation.
Let me assure you that you wont be alone in your battles. You will be aided by the heavens.
The celestials will be send down to aid in your time of need and even then the struggle ahead will be fierce, you will have long battles to fight before you are able to bring back Nysa.
And Nysa can exist only if you & Khushi remains alive.
Without one of you ... the land remains lost forever !
Its upto you both now to decide your path ahead ... because this is a journey that can be started only by your independent consent, even the heavens can't order you to take it, its a journey that depends on your free will.
You have one day's time to give your answer.
Tomorrow at dawn you will have to decide and give the answer at the altar of the Gods to which I will escort you.
Now its time for both of you to leave, no more questions because my time of answering them for today is over.
Go now !! "
Elissa said firmly as she dismissed them and turned to walk away, Arnav tried to call her back but Khushi stopped him and led him out of the room.
Dayeus met them outside and gestured them to follow him. They walked silently behind him, their hands clasped in each other's.
Dayeus led them through winding corridors and Arnav's mind swirled with the sculptures carved on the wall, they were breathtakingly beautiful and looked stunningly real. Telling tales of the lost golden ages. He was struck by a sudden thought and called out to Dayeus,
"Dayeus, if you don't mind but I have a question.
These sculptures ... are they depicting Nysa and its people ?? "
Dayeus looked at Arnav carefully, a little surprised at how rapidly the knight had identified his land and nodded slowly,
"yes ... these walls and many others speak of the glory of the city and its people that was once considered to be the heaven of earth.
Nysa was so beautiful and perfect that even the Gods wished to live down there rather than their heavens.
Those were the golden years Arnav ... and those memories live on forever in our memories.
But more vivid are the memories of destruction, specially among the knights and sooner or later .. you will know why !! "
Finished Dayeus but Arnav couldn't help but notice the harsh undertone of his voice at the mention of the knights.
Khushi looked worried because she had never seen Dayeus more distant or cold before and she knew that it meant not so great news for them in the near future.
But just then Dayeus turned around a narrow corridor and led them into an open ground concealed by curtains that barely looked like curtains but more like an entry into a dreamland.
The beauty of room grounds and the little house that stood amidst it never be captured in words, a wide open courtyard with mother nature flowing all around it.
The rivulets running rapidly, the waterfalls cascading down
... the birds chirping happily, the fragrance in the air bewitching,
the place truly resembled heaven.
Dayeus turned to face them, his eyes serious,
"this place is the result of Elissa's gifted powers, this place resembles Nysa in its true glory !
Yes you heard me right, and it was created to help you both realise what you both will be seeking to resurrect.
And to bring back a nation of such perfection, the battles will be long and hard fought where you might encounter death and perilous journeys innumerable times.
So whatever you decide, be prepared to fight long and hard because once you make your decisions, there wont be any more looking back.
You will either win and Nysa will return or you both will perish forever.
You have time till dawn the day tomorrow to decide !! "
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