I am extremely sorry for the very long delay, my final year of post grad started and my schedule has become so tight that am barely finding time to write these days. I dont think I will be able to do weekly updates anymore,m I will write whenever I manage to find time and will post the updates, I think I can do an update every 2 weeks as of now. I know it will be long gaps but I dont have another option .
all readers, please check your EMAILS for update alerts as I wont be sending PMs anymore.
as for this update, I know its not ending on a good note but this phase was something I had in mind for a while, Khushi no matter how much she knows that Arnav loves her always nurses a guilt inside that she is the reason for all the problems, and its time that the guilt is taken care of once and for all.
Happy Reading 
update dedicated to every single reader of LMLY 
The men followed the Raizadas at close range, the instructions given to them were clear, kill them all .. Arnav & Khushi and anyone who is with them and destroy the evidence of the accident, so they knew they had to make a cleanjob with this assignment.
Meanwhile, Arnav noticed the car that was tailing them and decided to let them pass and he pulled away a little from the road to give them side to move past but they didnt and that increased his suspicions of being followed, he turned to Akash ...
" Akash, call Aryan and give him our location, I think we are being followed, we need a backup, I am not taking any risks with Khushi. " said Arnav as he kept driving, keeping an eye on the car behind.
Meanwhile Akash rang up Aryan and explained the situation and Aryan listened to him carefully,
" alright Akash, tell Arnav to stick to the same road, no deviations, am sending my men out now, also Arnav told me that he got a licensed pistol recently, tell him to shoot point blank in case of any danger, I will take care of the consequences. " said Aryan as he hung up and send out an immediate dispatch.
Meanwhile, another car joined them on the highway a little while later and Arnav knew they were surrounded, there was no point driving ahead any longer so he turned to Khushi who was looking at him worried, he cupped her face and pulled her close,
" Khushi , no matter what happens, stay inside the car .. do you get me ?? " Arnav saw Khushi opening her mouth to speak and hushed her up,
" I will be fine .. Aryan is sending his men as we speak, so I wont be alone but I need you to stay in here. " said Arnav firmly as he turned to Akash,
"stay with Khushi ... make sure they don't come anywhere near her, I am going to find out what these bas***ds want from us !! " Arnav said as he halted the car and got out straight away.
The 2 cars following them halted in their tracks and the men got out and surrounded Arnav who looked at them grimly,
"now the fact that you were tailing my family and me is no shocker, so what is it guys ? who send you and what do you want ? "
One of the men stepped out and advanced towards Arnav,
" well you have made our job easier now, and don't bother trying to find out who send us, all you need to know is that whoever send us wants you and your wife and whoever is with you , all DEAD. And thats what we are here to do, ready to go Mr.Raizada ?? "
Arnav took a step closer to the man in front of him,
"well you know I am not the type to easily walk into a grave, so yeah let me see you try and you better be confident that you can nail me, because if you fail to kill me here then mark my words, I will make sure your are gone for good before sunrise tomorrow , so yeah take your best shot "
The man fixed him with a malicious stare, his lips curling into a smile that didnt bode well at all for Arnav,
"you know Raizada, we have orders to kill your lady love FIRST, make you watch her die and then pull the plug on you, so lets just say we are in for some fun time here. And I hope the man inside your car doesn't pull up any tricks because my snipers know their job quite well.
So now you listen to me, stand still while we bring your wife out and don't make any move because that will be the cue to pull the trigger on Khushi. " the man called out as Arnav stood still, waiting for Aryan and the men to arrive, he knew that till then this was a delicate situation.
Arnav clenched his jaws in blood curdling anger as he saw the goons bring Khushi out, Akash was pulled out right behind her and they were all forced into the circle. Arnav immediately shielded Khushi in his arms while Akash stood close,
"so whats the motive here ?
I presume we have no history together so it must be money and you guys are hired killers, so will you waste your energy if I say, I could pay you double of the money you got, and then you can call off this murder you are planning ? " said Arnav looking them firmly in the eye while he tried to calm down Khushi who was shaking in his arms.
The men laughed around them as the guy in the front fixed him with a cold stare,
"you are smart Arnav but you don't know us or what we do. You see money is just one of the benefits that comes along with this job, we are professional assassins and we LOVE our job.
Yes you heard us right, we love doing what we do. We don't feel guilty, on the contrary we feel happy.
This earth is filled with so many pathetic humans, who are so lost in the world of fake emotions, all this crap of love and family you lot feed on, its all crap to us.
We have lived our lives too, but we know the reality much better than you lot. There is nothing called love. Its just a lie fed to humans to make them think they are special. So how do you expect us to let you live in your delusions while people like us struggle to live our lives ?
Why should we let you have all the fun while we live in deprived reality ? how is it fair that some of you are so lucky to be blessed with a magnificent life while the rest of us lost everything we once held close ?
The world is one bloody unfair wasteland and we are here to clean it up for good, everyone who joins our organisation have only one emotion, our hatred towards the so called goodness of humanity which is nothing but absolute nonsense and we relish the chance to kill the ones who claim to have found true love in their lives.
So you cant buy us Arnav, we will kill you all and then walk away !! "
Khushi felt an odd chill creeping up her veins, the words of the man felt like death calling, the determination in their scared her, and she looked at Arnav who had her shielded in his arms, only one thought in her mind,
She couldn't watch Arnav die !!
She turned to Arnav and cupped his face,
"Arnav, sshh pls don't stop but let me talk, these men came after you only because they want me dead, am sure they were send by none other than my father, I will never be at peace if Alaka, Mama & Papa loose you and Akash because of me, so please just take him and leave.
Just go Arnav !! "
It was Arnav's turn to stare at her furiously as she started moving away from him,
"Khushi what the hell do you think you are doing ?
You expect me to just leave you here and save Akash and myself and flee ? have you known me only so little that you think I am going to be OKAY without you ??
Just come back woman, I am not leaving you and going anywhere, not even if you tell me that you hate me for all I care. " spit out Arnav as he caught hold of Khushi's hand once again as she tried to wrench it out.
The men were watching them amused as they saw a couple fight with each other in their attempt to save each other.
But thankfully Arnav didnt have to wait long, the headlights shone bright as Aryan and his men arrived on the scene, but what happened next baffled them all, most of the men as soon as they saw the police lights, dropped their guns and whipped out something small out of their pockets, unwrapped it and swallowed it immediately and within seconds, they dropped down limp onto the road.
Arnav immediately realised that they had poisoned themselves. The situation quickly came under control, Aryan got his men to remove the bodies and have them taken back to the crime cell. Khushi who had been watching everything, was left too stunned to speak, her hand clutching Arnav's painfully tight, Arnav looked sadly at Khushi and wrenched his hand out of her's as she gave him a confused look, he turned to Akash,
"Akash, take Khushi and return home now. I am going with Aryan over to the crime cell. Call me once Khushi is home safely. Call up Alask and ask her to return home asap. " said Arnav as he turned to walk away, not looking at Khushi even once but she ran after him and held his hand,
"Arnav , what wrong ?
Are you going to just leave me here like this ? please come back home. "
Arnav fixed her with cold eyes, "come back with you ? why Khushi ?
Didnt you just ask me a while back to abandon you and escape ?
So why should I stick around now ?
I have had enough Khushi , enough trying to make you understand that I LOVE YOU and that means , I am ready to die with you but I will never leave you ever.
But you haven't understood that yet Khushi.
Everytime we are in danger or something goes wrong, you take the blame on yourself and try to push me out of your life and that HURTS more than anything else I have ever faced.
So this time, it wont work like always.
I am not going to sit with you again and make you believe what our love means to me.
You have to decide now, you need to take time away from me and decide how you want our lives to be.
None of us can make you understand that unless you are ready to believe it. So leave me alone for a few days and you sit down and sort it out in your head. Just remember this,
I love you. Heart Body and Soul I love you and its only you and if I have a wife, then its only you. I don't care of your life is surrounded by a gazillion death threats, I am ready to die with you, or die trying to save you, I am ready to do whatever it takes to live my life with you.
Question is .. are you ready to let me love you ?
Find out the answer to that once and for all and then we will talk. Till then you wont see me and this time no one will come to persuade you or make you understand what you mean to us.
You are an adult Khushi, you are a mature sensible intelligent woman and you know what you want. So figure it out.
Bye "
Arnav turned and walked away as Khushi stood in shock. Akash couldn't bear the pain he saw in both their eyes but he knew his brother was doing the right thing, so like the good brother he is, he helped Khushi back into the car and drove away to their home, they didnt speak at all, as soon as they arrived, Khushi headed straight into her room while Akash hung back and explained everything that happened to the others but he didnt tell them what happened between Arnav & Khushi. He felt it was upto Arnav & Khushi to decide if they wanted the family to know.
But he gestured Alaka to join him in his room later and when she came, he related the fight to her because he knew that nothing was ever hidden between Arnav, Alaka and himself ever since the time they were kids.
Even Alaka agreed that Khushi needed to fix this on their own and decided to give the couple the time they needed.
nic update. Who is the enemy? The father of khushi? Or some one else
ReplyDeleteam so confused as to who who is after them. why dont people let them live in peace
ReplyDeleteArnav is right