2 very important notes.
first of it, today will be the last time I send PMs for my updates, from my next update onwards, it will be email alerts. also along with sending PMs today, I will be sending the alerts through email too so pls check ur emails and if you havent received my email then pls send them to me if you want the weekly update links.
thos who have send in your email IDs already, thanku very much
the others who want the alerts, pls send me ur email IDs ASAP.
2nd note, well this is about the update and I just want to clear my stand. there is a part in here where our protagonists consume Alcohol and yes am aware of the social stigmas associated with Alcohol. personally my belief is that to consume Alcohol or not is an individual's choice. also as long as it is consumed in right amounts, it causes no harm to anyone be it a boy or a girl. I find it nothing but hypocrisy when the society has no issues about men drinking but they blatantly blame the women for the same.
I am not saying you need to consume Alcohol to be called modern, but its a lifestyle that you choose if you want to and if you live it the right way then no harm comes of it. I know there are religious tabboo on it but then again, I believe each one to their own and I am no one to judge.
I come from a family where I have been raised to the fact that Alcohol is just a pleasure drink if taken in the right amount, I myself have tasted the drink though I dont consume it on a regular basis, but I know people in my family who does, they take it in the right amounts and they live perfectly healthy and happy lives.
so thats my point and if anyone has any issue stomaching the fact that the characters in LMLY do consume Alcohol, then am sorry you feel that way. like said I wont judge you and I expect the same from you too.
thank you
Happy Reading 
Meanwhile back at the bonfire party, the fun had just begun, there were new people to be met and bonded with and the old friendships were re-lived. Rehaan & Alaka being the same age had always got on like a house on fire and it was Alaka who had so much to tell him about the time they weren't in touch, she had never hid anything from him but Rahul was a phase of her life when even Rehaan didnt know,
" why did you tell me Alaka ? I thought we told each other everything ... then why hide this ?
Why did you decide to shoulder all that pain alone when I was just a phone call away ? "
Alaka laid her head on shoulder, snuggling close to him,
"don't know Bhaijaan, I sometimes wonder where I got the strength to take it all alone. There were days and nights when I was tempted to tell someone. Days when my head and heart screamed and raged in pain.
The void I felt after Rahul's death, the uncertainity of life that faced, there were moments when I didnt want to go on in life, when I wanted the pain to stop once and for all.
It was Bhabhi's existence that kept me strong, I was the only one who knew of her fate and the pain and torture she has undergone since the day she can remember.
I remembered how much Rahul wanted to give her a different life, a life with Bhai and if I broke down then all those dreams would stay unaccomplished.
Also his murderers were still out in the open and I couldn't just die knowing that they are still free and alive, I want to see them pay for all the lives they ripped apart, Bhabhi's Rahul's and mine.
And so I waited and now part of Rahul's dream is done and the rest I know will happen too. "
Alaka said with a smile on her face and Rehaan pulled her close,
" well I didnt know that my sister had grown up to be so strong but you make proud sweetheart and just remember this, you aren't alone anymore.
You have all of us and I am definitely going to be there to make sure you watch it when we take the murderers down. You have my word. "
Alaka hugged him close and that's when she saw Payal watching Rehaan from far, it felt like she couldn't take her eyes away from him, when she noticed Alaka looking at her she immediately turned away but Alaka was too smart to not notice her interest and so she excused herself from Rehaan and walked over to Payal,
"you know Payal, if you want to talk to Rehaan, then go ahead and talk, there is no use staring at him from far like this !! "
Payal looked at Alaka hesitantly,
" He seems like a nice guy Alaka but I don't think he is going to want to be my friend. He knows what I have done and why would he want to talk after that ? "
" Payal if you wish to, then you can live in the shadows of your past forever. Let me be frank, its not easy to forgive you for what you did, even now when I am speaking to you, I can't say you are my friend, I can't say my feelings are all warm and cozy for you.
But we all know that you are trying your level best. True that it did take a lot for you to realise the gravity of what you did but we do see you trying and we are all humans.
None of us here have the right to make you slave the rest of your life when we see you trying to change.
Part of the blame goes to your parents who raised you all wrong, you were raised to hate Bhabhi and her happiness, you were raised low on morals, spite and jealousy dominated your life.
You are just beginning to love Payal, I know you find Rehaan interesting, maybe as a friend or maybe something more.
That's upto you to decide but the only advice I have for you is that, you don't hold back on what you want for yourself just because of what happened in your past.
We all are giving you a second chance, its high time you gave yourself a chance. " Alaka said it all to Payal and walked away without waiting for a reply, she wanted Payal to figure out her life on her own and for that she needed to be given the right space.
Payal watched her walk away but she was lost in her own thoughts,
If only I could Alaka, I wish it was as easy as you just said. But to live as a human after living the life of a beast for so long ... I need time. but you are right about one thing. I am trying ... very hard.
Rehaan saw Payal looking at him and he smiled at her before walking over to join the others.
Meanwhile Naina and Akash were meeting after ages and despite the age difference, they had always had an amazing connection, they could talk on for hours and they wouldn't even realise the time and today was no different,
"you have been out of touch for so long Naina, were you working out of town ? what's your new project ? " asked Akash as he offered her a beer,
Naina took a sip before sharing her latest project with Akash, " well I have been out of town Akash. I was taking a tour of the rural regions in India, down south and around north too. It was part of a study to assess the cultural differences and social conditions.
Results were quite shocking, you know even in the rural regions, the life of the people vary from state to state. Like if you go to the states with an average or above average level of literacy, their living standards show the impact of the education they have.
Their thoughts and principles in life are pretty much improved and modernised and socially aware. They treat their women right, they try their best to lead a respectable life, of course the bad eggs are there as well but its a definite minority.
Whereas if you take rural regions where education is yet to be popularised, the lives are shocking. They literally live wild uncivilized lives. You can hardly call them humans and the condition of the women are pathetic to say the least. Its a near inhuman animal existence that you get to see.
What our program is thinking of doing is that, we have to present a study as to how much good education can change people's lives for the better and also we want to rehabilitate the people stuck in adverse conditions, give them a new home, a good education and a meaningful life, so that atleast the next generation can lead better lives.
Its a tough job and we need proper funding, its best not to expect anything from the government because they look for their advantage in all of this before investing. I briefed Arnav about this program and he is ready to fund it so thats a start. "
Akash stared at Naina for a longwhile, with every passing conversation, his respect and admiration for the woman in front of him only increased to say the less but deep inside was a need to be part of her life, to know her more and to be with her in everything she wanted to do and he knew he would as long as she didnt mind having him around,
" well Naina Shastri, count me in because I am definitely hitting the war path with you. Any help you want from me, I will be there and to that lets says cheers !! " said Akash as they raised their glasses to the new deal they struck, a deal that could last a lifetime if they took the right decision for themselves.
Meanwhile another couple were lost in their own thoughts, Zee looked at Alisha thoughtfully as he stroked her hair, she was lying on his lap, a few minutes passed and he asked her the question that had been troubling him,
"are you okay doing it jaan ?
I mean this is hard and I don't want you to feel like its a burden on you, if you want you can back out and we will have someone else do it instead. "
Alisha turned around to face her husband, she stroked his face and smiled at him reassuringly,
" I am fine Zee, I really am. I cant say I enjoy doing this. Its not like I revel or take pleasure in this activity. I am not a sadist.
But I am a woman, I can imagine the horror Khushi must have undergone, the horror every girl undergoes and no matter how harsh the punishments are, nothing can be as harsh as robbing a man of his masculinity.
To have his existence taken away from him, to realise that he is just a piece of vegetable that's decaying slowly, that he cant call himself a man anymore and neither a woman.
To have no name for his existence. Thats the worst punishment such men can get and thats exactly the right thing to do.
And I am a surgeon, I am not averse to seeing human body parts, this is my job and I wont loose this chance of using my job to do a noble and just activity.
As a woman and as doctor, I will make sure Vaid feels his manhood getting taken away for good forever.
And I will make sure he is healthy enough to live his life in that memory. "
Zeeshan stared at her wordless as he registered the venom in his wife's voice, the cruelty he sensed there was alien to him but he knew the fury was for the right reasons, he shuddered en though as he pulled her to face him,
"well am glad that I am not at the receiving end of your fury because just hearing about it gives me chills Alisha.
I swear I will never get on your wrong side " he added with a wink as they shared a laugh.
Just then Alisha noticed that Arnav and Khushi were missing and enquired about them,
" guys where are our love birds ?
They have been long gone ... are they fine ?? "
Alaka Payal and Akash shared a laugh as they heard Alisha worry about Arnav and Khushi,
"relax Alisha, Bhai loses the track of time when he is with Bhabhi, am sure they are out there somewhere, they will be back in a while. "
Just then Zee saw the love birds returning and gestured Alisha in their direction,
"and here comes our missing souls ... where were you both and what were you upto ?? " asked Zee as the others hid their smiles.
Khushi blushed deep but Arnav was unabashed, "oh we were taking a walk Zee ... anything we missed here ?? "
" sure it was just a WALK bhai ?? I mean you were gone pretty long " butt in Rehaan as he high fived Akash.
Arnav rolled his eyes but was quick to retort, " well get yourself a girlfriend first Rehaan and then take a WALK with her and see how fast you finish your WALK "
The others laughed as Khushi threw warning glares to Arnav who seemed not to care, "what !! I am just saying the truth, don't tell me we are all Disney kids here that we don't know what couples do when they are alone.
Relax sweetheart, I am going to grab a beer , want one ??
Or you want wine ? "
Khushi shook her head exasperatedly at Arnav as she replied, " I will take wine Arnav, that's more my thing "
In the meantime Alaka had noticed that Aryan was the silent member in the group, he seemed content to have his drink and watch them all goof around so she went over to him,
"you know being a Police guy doesn't mean you cant chill out. This is a bonfire party Aryan, are you going to sit here all night just watching us ?? "
Aryan was quite surprised to find Alaka talking to him, it was always difficult for him to make conversations with new people, he was always a loner so talking to a woman, that too to a beautiful woman complicated things a lot more,
" its not that Mr.Raizada.
Well you see am just used to being on duty all the time that I spend most of my time either alone working on case files or else dealing with the criminals. Everything here ... all of it is just hard for me. "
Alaka laughed out as she heard his formal reply, it took her a while to calm down,
"well for one thing ... stop calling me Ms.Raizada, you make me sound like a self obsessed royal bitch.
Call me Alaka ... thats my name you know. Second who asked you to work every second of your life ?
Thats sounds like a terrible nightmare to me, I mean you should have your own life and friends too. And you wont have friends unless you make an effort. Like you know we could be friends and nothing will happen to your work just because you had fun for a while.
Well lets say, for this evening you are my date, I am not waiting for you to ask me but I am telling you, I am your friend for the evening and lets see, by the end of the party hell wont freeze over just because Aryan got off duty. !! " said Alaka as she winked at him and Aryan couldn't help but smile at her.
It was the first time in ages that someone took the nerve to boss him around and he enjoyed it quite a bit.
It was all chaos after that as they dined together, shared jokes, relived old memories, as the couples stole romantic moments between each other. Got teased and picked at by the others. Shared the latest in their lives with each other.
Later they decided to end the night dancing it away, even Payal and Aryan who were the reserved members in the group did let go of their inhibitions as they had fun.
Those who felt sleepy were resting in the garden, some of them fell asleep only to be woken up by the others. time flew and it was late night, most of them were resting but the couples had stayed on floor, Arnav had Khushi nestled in his arms as he gently slow danced with her, they spoke occasionally and otherwise just revelled in the comfort of each other's warmth,
Khushi had her head on Arnav chest as he danced with her, she had something n her mind that she wanted to share with him,
" Arnav remember Naina's project that you told me the other day ? I was thinking that, the art gallery Alaka and are working on, when we hold our first exhibition, why not have an auction too ?
We could auction the works to the highest bidders, have it as a fund raising gala and all the money can go into funding Naina's project.
What do you think ?? "
Arnav stopped dancing and made Khushi look at him, his expression dead serious,
" you know right ... that you never cease to amaze me ?
What do I think Khushi ?
Well I think its a beautiful idea and we will definitely do it ?
And now let me show you how happy and proud you make me " said Arnav as he pulled her tight into his arms and covered her lips with his as he kissed her hard, uncaring of the gasps and chuckles around them, Khushi tired to push him off but he just wrapped her tight in his hold and assured her he had no intention to let her escape.
Beautiful lovely