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I did think about sending email alerts before instead of PMs but I withheld the idea coz PMs were preferred but with my crazy university schedule, sending PMs is taking a lot of time so yes I have decided to start sending email alerts. I will be sending PMs for my FF updates only till my next set of updates next week, send me ur email IDs if you wish to receive alerts for my works by 25th of this MONTH. you can either scrap me your email id or PM it to me but kindly do it before the 25th.
Happy Reading 
The days passed in bliss for Arnav & Khushi. Arnav had taken Khushi around to some of the biggest shopping destinations in the country, Khushi only had to pick what she wanted and it was her's but to Arnav's surprise, Khushi's obsession was to shop for the family, her main shopping agenda was for Di's baby. She was on call with Anjali most of the time and took in her preferences as well as she went on a spree for the youngest Raizada to arrive.
Meanwhile back in India, Rahul & Payal accompanied Anjali for her regular checkups and the Doctor had some great news for them, as she smiled warmly at Anjali,
" there is nothing to worry Anjali, you and the baby are absolutely healthy
and we can expect the baby to be with you very soon. So just enjoy the last days of your pregnancy because you will be having your bundle of joy with you any day now. "
Anjali beamed in happiness as she thanked the doctor and stepped out, Payal left the couple for a while as she went to get the medicines, Rahul looked at Anjali's happy face as she leaned against him as they sat in the hospital gardens, Rahul had something in his mind which he wanted to discuss with Anjali and he thought now would be a good time,
" Anjali, I have been thinking, do you want us too bee married before the baby arrives ?
You know it makes no difference to me because for me the baby is as good as mine but I do not want others to see the baby as Shyam's.
But the decision rests with you Anjali. "
Anjali thought for a while and then she looked at Rahul,
" I understand what you are trying to say Rahul, I wouldn't want anyone to say that Shyam is my baby's father because he is everything a father should never be but just for that, I don't want to rush what we have between us.
I am tired Rahul of living my life to satisfy the society mongers, I don't care anymore as to what the society thinks or expects me to do.
Its our life and we are the only ones who have a right on it, our baby will arrive soon, Chottey and Bhabhi will be back with us by the time the baby arrives and then I want them to be the ones too conduct our marriage.
If we decide to have it now then Bhabhi will insist on cutting short their honeymoon to be by our side and I will not have that.
They have sacrificed a lot of their happiness for my sake, they have just started living their life, let them enjoy their holiday and then they can worry about their family.
But for now, this time , its only about them and not about any of us.
I am sorry if I hurt you Rahul but this is my decision.
Chottey and Bhabhi, they have taken care of me and our families for a long time now, its time we took care of them. "
Rahul hugged Anjali to assure her of his acceptance of her decision and just then their phone rang and Anjali smiled as she saw the caller ID,
"Hi Bhabhi ... how are you ?
You know you are on your honeymoon ... aren't you supposed to be lavishing your attention on your husband ?? " teased Anjali.
Khushi had kept the phone on speaker so that even Arnav could hear Anjali and he smirked at her as Anjali vouched for him but Khushi ignored him,
" Come on Di , I am taking care of your brother but why would that stop me from enquiring about you ?
You had your doctor's appointment today ? how did it go ? "
Arnav rolled his eyes as he looked at his wife lying in his arms as she spoke to Anjali, they were still in bed and her bare arms peeking out to him looked inviting, he moved closer as he buried his face onto the base of neck as he kissed her softly, Khushi squirmed in his arms she tried to talk to Anjali in peace,
"Bhabhi, the doctor said that the baby and myself, we are absolutely fine and there is nothing to worry.
We can expect the baby anytime soon so I guess you will have your youngest Raizada waiting to welcome you when you get back home !! "
Khushi who was lost in her husband's assault of her senses snapped her eyes open,
" Di !! the baby is to arrive soon and we aren't there ... I don't want to miss that !! "
Arnav looked at Khushi, his eyes warning her to shut up, he didnt trust his family at all, if Di asked Khushi to come down then she would drop everything and rush back but his sister's reply helped him relax,
" Stay right there Bhabhi !!
You aren't dropping your honeymoon to be with me or the baby, our entire family is there to take care of me and when you come back, you can spend as much time as you want with the baby but you are not cancelling your honeymoon. Do you get me ?
Dont even think about it ? I can already imagine chottey ready to bust you for even thinking about it.
Now go and spend time with him and don't worry about me, do you get that ? "
Khushi smiled sheepishly while Arnav grinned at her, she spoke a little more before Arnav grabbed the phone and disconnected it and threw it on the bedside cabinet out of her reach. He covered her lips as she was about to admonish him,
"just shut up Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada , just shut up before I am tempted to bind you to this bed.
This is our honeymoon, this is the time where your entire attention belongs only to your husband and I am not going to let you just throw it all off and run off to our family.
I love my sister too ... I love her baby as well and am equally excited but that does not mean I am going to compromise on my time with you !! " snapped Arnav as Khushi looked at him annoyed,
" but Arnav, Di might need us ... these days are special, wouldn't she be hoping for us to be with her ?? " asked Khushi adamant on her point.
But Arnav had enough, he was tired of seeing Khushi choose their family over him and he was done explaining to her, he pushed her away as he got up from the bed and looked at her,
" fine Khushi !!
Is that what you want ? you want to go back home now ? just decide and let me know and I will ask Aman to book our return tickets, you want to leave this evening ?
Just pack your stuff and we can leave.
I am not interested in keeping you here if you are more interested in everyone else other than me.
But tell me one thing Khushi ... what about us ?
What about ME ?
Why is it that you cant just stop thinking about families and responsibilities for once and just think about your husband ?
Am I not important to you ? am I not visible to you ?
Cant you see how much I want you to myself ? is it so difficult to understand such simple facts ?
Why did you even agree to come on this trip if you were going to spend your time thinking about everyone else around us ??
I am tired Khushi ... I am tired fighting for your love and attention !! "
Arnav gave Khushi one long hurt furious look before he stormed off into the washroom while Khushi sat shocked on their bed, she felt her heart clenching as each one of his words resonated through her head repeatedly, she had never once thought that her concern for their family would make Arnav feel not loved, she had been completely oblivious to his deep sense of loneliness and she couldn't fault him this time, she could see how badly he was hurt and she also knew there was truth in what he said.
She snapped out of her reverie as Arnav came out and dressed himself before he stormed out of the room without a word to her, ignoring her calling out to him.
Meanwhile Khushi couldn't stop her tears, she could feel her husband's pain even though she wasn't with him, Khushi called up Lavanya and related everything that happened and Lavanya could only fault Khushi for ignoring Arnav, but she also consoled Khushi,
" Chamkili ... can you blame ASR for getting hurt ? how many times have we told you ?
Its hightime you stopped worrying about us and just live your life with Arnav. You two just got married and this is your honeymoon together, you need him as much as he needs you.
These days wont come back Khushi ... life is too short and you cant ignore him for your family.
What if something were to happen to him tomorrow and then what's the point of regretting ?
You have to live each moment of your life ... every second you get with your husband is precious, live it to the fullest.
Your first responsibility ... your first priority is your husband, not the rest of us.
You belong to him first before any of us, cant you see Chamkili ?
ASR has changed so much, there was a time when his Di was everything for him but today you are his world.
He is living for you Khushi, he still loves his Di as much as he did before but he knows she is happy in her life and he also understands that his life has changed, priorities change and you are his world now.
Stop hurting yourself and your husband, stop cursing whats happened and go and make it upto him.
Go NOW !! "
Khushi thanked Lavanya as she hung up the call, she couldn't imagine the pain of loosing Arnav and living a life of regrets all alone. She knew Lavanya was right, Arnav was her priority now, she belonged to him first and there was no point in what she did for the others if she couldn't keep Arnav happy.
Meanwhile Arnav was seated on one of the hotel
lounges and he was lost in thoughts, he couldn't get his mind off Khushi's hurt and shocked face,
I am sorry Khushi, I know I have hurt you badly and I said a lot of things I shouldn't have. I know you are just watching out for our family, I tried my level best to accept it as the goodness of your heart but I can't do it anymore princess. I love you and I want your time, I know you love me deeply, I would never question your love for me.
But I want us to spend time together, I really want that and I want you to understand that.
Khushi meanwhile got herself ready and called Arnav answered her call towards the last ring,
"what is it Khushi ?
What do you want ? "
Khushi hated hearing the numbness and pain in his voice but she knew it was upto her now to make him happy,
"I want to see you Arnav ... where are you ?
Can I come to you ? "
Arnav laughed, his voice filled with sarcasm ..
"you want to see me Khushi ?
And you are asking permission ?
Do you know how much I have wanted you to see me alone for once ?
You aren't just my wife to share my bed Khushi ... you are the woman who holds my heart.
I have been in front of your eyes all these days but all you could see was our family back home.
Do you know how much that hurts ?
I am in the lounge Khushi and you can meet me anytime you want, you don't need to ask for my permission. "
well Khushi do need this little fight.... hope now more Arhi moments on the way