okay an update after a long time but I promise to be more regular henceforth, you can expect an update every alternate week on MHIY 
without further ado ... here u go !
Happy Reading !
Arnav , clad in a white buttoned down shirt and blue shaded jeans was waiting in the living room as Khushi got ready, Aman was updating him on everything that had happened at the office , even though Arnav had handed over all the responsibilities of AR to Akash NK and Aman, they still made it a point to brief him on everything and he wasnt complaining because it gave him peace of mind that everything at work was in order, but he had given absolute instructions to all of them that he wasnt to be called upon for any help regarding work, they could decide as they deemed best and he would trust their choices completely no matter what the consequences were. Along with giving his complete time to Khushi, he also wanted his brothers to take equal charge of AR.
But right now , Arnav was restless wondering what was taking his wife so long and decided to go and check it out himself, he opened the door to see his gorgeous wife standing in front of the mirror trying to tie the dori while her face was screwed up in impatience.
He made slow measured steps towards his wife who looked nothing less than a vixen born to seduce him, the sari he had specially selected for her hugging her bodily curves to perfection , the skin color of the sari suiting her creamy skin tone while the red borders accentuated her curves. Promising himself to be a gentleman , he reached his wife with a heart only with the good intention of helping his wife dress up.
Khushi was unaware of his presence amidst trying to get ready and gasped as she felt cool fingers touch her back , she didnt have to loop up to know that it was her husband but the sight of him through the mirror in front, his eyes on hers as he caressed her back send shivers down her spine.
Her hands fell limp on her sides as she let her husband take over, Arnav slowly traced the skin of her back as he took the 2 strings in his hands, and tied them neatly while not leaving his gaze on her eyes. And as he finished he placed a soft kiss on her back which made Khushi lean into him.
Arnav saw her gesturing through her eyes and followed her gaze to see the ruby and pearl necklace lying on the dressing table along with her mangalsutra.
He smiled at her as he bend and picked up the necklace, without breaking away from his gaze, she moved her hair to one side, inviting him to make her wear it, his fingers slightly shaking at the willpower it took to not ravish her, he fastened the necklace and then picked the mangalsutra and tied it once more around her neck, their eyes not leaving each other.
Khushi blushed as she saw her husband bury his face into the crook of her neck as he sucked deeply at her erratic nerve center, she felt his cool tongue laving the spot before he looked up and made her gently sit on the couch in front of the mirror, he knelt down by her side and took the bangles he had got for her , taking her hands in his, he slipped each one of them into her hand
but not before kissing her arms making Khushi shiver but she couldn't look away from the tender expression in his eyes.
He then picked up the platinum diamond bracelet and adorned it in her other hand and kissed her fingertips.
But just when she thought he was done and tried to get up, he motioned her to remain seated and turned her to the mirror again, he came behind her and to Khushi's utter shock, started working on her hair.
She tried to protest but a single glance of adoration and love and she quietened down as she watched in wonder as her husband braided her hair.
"Where had he learned to do all this !! " , that was the only question in her mind as she watched him weave magic on her hair, transforming her into a beautiful woman that she herself couldn't recognize !
As though in answer to her query, a single line was the reply,
" AR is the international status symbol for all things feminine Khushi, its my job to know but rest assured , you are the only woman I have dressed up with my own hands, that privilege solely belongs to you .. Mrs Raizada ! "
Her lips trembled in emotion as her eyes welled in the face of such love and care, but he wouldn't have any of it, he stopped her tears even before it escaped her eyes and went back to braiding her hair into an intricate design.
Once he was done , he gently made her stand up, taking up the little jewelled box on the stand , he opened it and looking deep into her eyes, he took a pinch of sindoor and traced it onto her vermillion. He then kept it aside and placed a soft kiss on her forehead,
" now you are truly my wife in appearance Mrs. Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada , wholly adorned by me.
You are mine " said Arnav as he placed a soft tender kiss on her lips, Khushi hugged him tight, too overwhelmed with emotion, Arnav whipped out his phone and clicked their reflection on the mirror where Khushi was in his arms, her head on his chest, her arms hugging him tight around the waist, her one palm over his heart, and without a word he made it the wallpaper of his phone.
Khushi not wanting to be left behind gave her phone to him and he understood her unsaid plea, he transferred the same picture onto her phone and made it her wallpaper too before holding her hand and leading her out.
Their hearts speaking louder than words.
Arnav had arranged for dinner in the hotel restaurant itself , since he didnt want to tire her too much, but the evening held a surprise too.
The hotel staff were enamoured by this heavenly couple who were in their midst, Emirates was after a place where there was no lack of perfect beauties, the Arab women were born naturally beautiful, their women were considered world over as the symbol of feminine beauty , and their men were considered the very definition of masculine perfection, yet even the passing Arabs turned around atleast once to catch a glimpse of our love birds who looked as though they had descended straight from heaven itself.
Arnav no stranger to the attention that followed him everywhere he went, wasn't affected and neither was Khushi because all her attention were only 2 things, one the food in front of her and the other , her husband who absolutely took her breath away with his attentive glances and whispered sweet nothings.
Like a normal couple , they chatted away merrily as they ate their food, for Arnav it was more about watching the glowing happiness on Khushi's face while for Khushi , it was the fact that she had Arnav all to herself, where she could demand all his attention.
As soon as they finished the simple Indian dinner that they had ordered, since Arnav didnt want Khushi to try anything new while being jet lagged, he promised her he would tickle her taste buds from the next day onwards with the local Arab cuisine !
As they finished and got up, Arnav came to her side and held out his hand which Khushi took with a shy rosy blush on her cheeks and nose, Arnav took the opportunity to tug her close as she gasped while the onlookers tried their best to look away which was proving very difficult in the face of such pure love radiating from the couple.
" Arnav ... what are you doing ??
They are looking at us ... let go !! " pleaded Khushi as she frantically looked around but Arnav only tugged her closer, his voice huskier than usual, he leaned in close to her ears,
" let them see Khushi.
I am with my wife and I can do as I please , if they look then its their problem, not ours !
And just so that you know ,
Its RED again !! " said Arnav as he smirked at his struggling wife who was momentarily confused,
"what is red Arnav ?? "
Seeing her innocent eyes, Arnav leaned in closer and flicked his finger over her nose and Khushi immediately understood, she blushed as she buried her face into the crook of her neck as a laughing Arnav lead Khushi out while the onlookers whispered a silent prayer to always keep the couple happy and blessedly in love.
As they walked out , Khushi turned to look at Arnav,
" Arnav .. where are we going at this time ??
Is it safe to walk out at night in a place where no one knows us ?? "
Arnav pulled Khushi closer and hugged her tight,
"relax jaan ... we are in Dubai and here day and night means the same, in my opinion this is one of the safest places in the world for its natives as well as tourists.
The city is bursting with life and energy .. to me this is the city that never sleeps.
And we aren't going far Khushi ... would you like to take a walk with me Mrs.Raizada ?? "
Khushi was pleasantly surprised that they were out just for a walk, usually Arnav was the one who loved planning huge surprises for her while she did all things simple but now he had planned such a simple and beautiful surprise for her,
A long walk on the outskirts of Atlantis, the hotel looming large on one side while the water surrounded them on the other side.
Khushi happile nodded as she slipped her fingers into his and they walked on , there was a light wind blowing , making Khushi shiver slightly, Arnav noticed it and brought her into the the warmth of his arms.
For a faraway onlooker, they resembled a very much in-love Jodi, Khushi with her head over his heart , hugging him tight while Arnav held her close, and they walked on, revelling in the harmony of cultures that surrounded them, observing and exchanging their thoughts on the various sights that they came across.
For Khushi, the Arabs astonished her, some of them veiled while the others weren't, moving around in groups , the happiness and bliss that the people experienced radiated all around the place, illuminating them all in happiness.
Their beauty left her breathless, a few ladies in their late 20s passing by eyed her and Arnav with great interest, stunned at the love that Arnav was showering on Khushi, they gave her knowing smiles which she returned as they passed her.
They came to a particular spot and decided to halt a bit, leaning against the railing , Arnav enfolded Khushi within his arms, enveloping her as they took in the nightlife of Dubai.
It was already quite late but the city showed no sign of calling it a night as the fullness of life raged on.
But for Arnav , only Khushi existed !
Her face enraptured in happiness had his complete focus, he felt irresistibly drawn to her, slipping his hands through her sari, he splayed his hands across her stomach as he gently caressed her making her gasp, as she turned to admonish him, she was caught in the raging storm of passion in his eyes.
His eyes darkened as he saw that she mirrored his emotions, unable to look away she shivered in ecstasy as he placed soft kisses on her hair and the side of her shoulder, she pulled his arms tighter around his waist as she lost herself in the bliss of his ministrations on her as the wind blew across their bodies causing them wrap around each other.
Khushi when she felt herself going weak and unable to bear his sensual assault, turned to him, her eyes stormy and ragged, her voice a mere whisper,
"take me back to our room Arnav.
Make love to me. "