okay I have a news to share ... my UNI has made our schedule for 6 days a week so now am practically having a worser than ever packed schedule , I will be posting 2 updates , one of LMLY every week and another of LIDV/MHIY alternatively along with it, PMs for both updates will be send during the weekends.
so please bear with me !!
thats all about the rant.
Happy Reading !! 
Part 28( specially dedicated to my fighter queen Vixxy for her never say die spirit !! )
Arnav waited outside as Khushi helped Payal get ready, the doctors had just signed over her discharge papers and Arnav and Akash had made sure that the media got no wind of Payal's recovery, the last thing they needed was for the media to hound her. The Raizadas were worried when they heard from Arnav that Payal wanted to meet the Guptas,
" Arnav do you really think its wise for her to meet them now ??
Knowing what they are capable of and how they disowned her without caring an ounce, what's the point ??
Don't you think it will just add to her trauma ?? " , asked a worried Sayali as they waited for Khushi and Payal.
Everyone had the same thought in mind but none of them knew what was the right thing to be done.
"Maybe meeting them is the wrong thing to do now .. maybe she will only be hurt more.
But we cant always protect wrap ourselves in a bubble based on our imagination .. Payal will never have peace of mind unless and until she faces her parents.
She needs the confrontation no matter what the outcome maybe and what we can do is be by her side as she deals with them. " explained Alaka whose words brought in a lot of clarity while Samar looked proudly at his daughter, he wrapped his arm lightly around her as he looked at his sons,
"your sister is right ... what's important here is that Payal knows she aint alone in her life anymore. "
Meanwhile Akash had something important to discuss as well,
" regarding the identity of the photographer who snapped those pics, Bhai I think we have a solid lead now, we have tracked down the person who received the pictures first and right now the cops are interrogating him about the photographer's whereabouts, from the initial round of information, it looks like the person whoever he is a very much in demand free-lancer and also sounds like someone with influences because they were initially scared to reveal his name thinking that he might cause them harm. "
Arnav listened carefully , his mind formulating a plan as he listened,
"Akash lets do this carefully causing as much least damage as possible to Payal. Whoever the guy is, one thing we can be sure of is that he is the sort of person who is ready to do anything for money and like you said he might even harm the informants.
And we should see to it that there is no bloodshed because of this whole incident, no one innocent should be harmed. His buyers , whoever they are shouldn't be intimidated that they stop cooperating with us.
So lets hire a private agency to offer their security services to anyone who might be targeted for sharing information with us, point is that the people who help us should feel protected and free enough to speak.
Also I will ask Aman to round up a list of all the free-lancers in the city with their full profiles. With luck we will find our target in the list and once he is cornered , he isnt going to be able to avail any of the escape routes that our legal system provides him but we will deal with him in our own way ! "
Akash listened in rapt attention as his brother spoke, there was a deep sense of awe filling him as he watched the man in front of him, his brother who was always loving and gentle with his family , when he turned ASR, there was an aura of power and brutality around him, a kind of rage that could threaten to destroy anyone who tried harming the people he loved and cared about, and this was for Payal because she was Khushi Bhabhi's sister, Akash shuddered as he thought of his Bhai's reaction when he would someday corner the ones who had harmed his Bhabhi , one thing was clear, those low lives would literally be face to face with mortal death.
Meanwhile unknown to them Payal and Khushi had walked out of their room to hear Arnav discuss his plans with Akash and Payal's eyes teared up seeing all these people whom she had deceived so badly standing up for her, always keeping her protection their top priority, specially Arnav whom she very well knew hated and loathed her.
Arnav turned around sensing Khushi's eyes on him and saw Payal gazing at him deeply, and frankly he didnt like it, whatever her situation was today, Arnav wasn't ready yet to forgive her for everything that she had done to Khushi in the past even thought it seemed like Khushi had already forgiven her sister, but Payal had a question for Arnav and Akash, she looked at them squarely ,
" Why are you all doing all this ?? I am very well aware of how much you all hate me and I know I deserve it , but I don't understand why you would all protect me when my own parents abandoned me like a piece of trash ! "
She turned to look at Arnav,
"specially you Arnav , I know you cant stand even my shadow after what I did to Khushi, then why are you doing all this ? "
Arnav looked hard at Payal , it was time that Payal knew the intensity of real love and relationships, the meaning of having a true family, he walked upto her and stood next to Khushi and held her hand and then turned to look at Payal,
" because of this woman standing next to me , whatever I am doing for you , its for Khushi.
She is my wife Payal, the woman I love , my soulmate and I can do anything for her happiness. Even if it means helping people I may not generally like.
I will be honest with you Payal, this might hurt you but my heart hasn't forgiven you for what you have done to Khushi in the past and I don't know if I ever will be able to do that.
But I can accept your presence in Khushi's life if its necessary.
Khushi has forgiven you , she loves and treats you like a sister and that means whether I like it or not, you are family for me.
And its my responsibility to help Khushi protect her own sister.
I know all this is difficult for you to understand Payal but when you have a real family who loves you from your heart, then each member in the family go to any extent to safeguard their family and its happiness.
And Khushi is my life today and I can't be happy if she isnt.
Thats the answer to your question. "
Arnav spoke without missing a beat while Khushi looked at him with nothing but love that only increased with each passing second, she knew he was doing all this for her but to hear it from him just made it more real. If there was anyone more in awe than Khushi then it was Payal.
She had never really understood love in its truest form, whenever she had seen Arnav doting over Khushi, it was jealousy and anger that consumed her, the feeling that Khushi had snatched away what was rightfully hers but today her eyes and mind were more open, she wasnt the same Payal.
She knew and understood herself better, she knew the reality of her life and the impact of the sins she had committed, she knew it would be a long arduous task to live her life the right way from now on. Today when she saw Arnav's love for Khushi and also her sister's happiness with him, when she saw Khushi through Arnav's eyes, she finally knew what true love was, and she couldn't blame Arnav for his harshness towards her, whatever he said, she had earned his hate upon herself.
No man who loved his wife like how Arnav loved Khushi would be able to forgive the people who had committed so many atrocities on her.
But Payal was ready for the uphill task, she was determined to spend the rest of her life living a better life and do her best to atone for her sins, she swore in her mind that she would one day earn forgiveness from everyone she had caused pain, specially Khushi.
Payal knew by now what true love could be and now she was about to find out what a true family was like as Akash spoke,
" to answer the unasked question Payal, you want to know why am doing all this for you ?
You want to know why I shielded you from the media ?
You want to know why we all are standing like a wall around you.
We wouldn't want to hurt you while you are still recovering but then again you want answers to your questions and understand is the first step towards healing your wounds.
Just like how Bhai told you, whatever is being done , its for Bhabhi.
You are her sister and Bhabhi is our family, and we will do anything for her happiness.
If you are important to her then that means you are our responsibility too.
Thats how simple it is Payal and I genuinely hope you find your solace someday, its hard to forget and forgive Payal, like Bhai said I don't know if its possible but we will try.
Thats all I can say now. "
finished Akash who saw Khushi opening her mouth to speak but knowing what was coming he walked upto her and closed his palm over her mouth while Khushi looked at him lovingly and Arnav watched them amused,
" no don't u dare Bhabhi !
I know you want to thank me ... show me your gratitude but trust me thats worse than insulting me !
Like I already said , you are family for me , you are my elder brother's wife which gives you the position of a second mother in my life !
And you cant insult my love with your thank you's I don't need it !! "
He then looked at Arnav,
"Ummm Bhai if you could loosen you grip on Bhabhi them maybe she can hug me , am sure she wants to crush me tight in one her tightest hugs !! " laughed Akash as he winked at Khushi.
Arnav scowled at Akash as Khushi broke out of his grip and gathered Akash into her arms who looked very happy to have his Bhabhi fondle him, and Alaka who never liked being ignored by Khushi ran and squeezed herself into their midst while Arnav watched the trio in exasperation while Samar laughed at their antics.
Payal had nothing to say, she could only admit to herself that she was a fool to have lost someone like Akash and she was truly happy for the first time in her life that Khushi had finally found a family who truly deserved her and cherished her like the gem in their lives.
Sayali who knew the isolation that Payal felt went and hugged her who gladly went into her arms, having a mother figure to comfort you in such situations were important and Payal needed that now.
Arnav meanwhile decided to break up the " Bhabhi - Nanad - Devar " hug session,
"okay enough you three !!
If all the hugs and kisses are over , can we move from the hospital ???
I am sure you can continue all this once we reach home !! "
Khushi laughed while Alaka looked teasingly at her brother,
"oh shut up Bhai !! admit it that you are dying to share the hug .. you are just jealous that Bhabhi doesn't pamper you like how she does with us ! "
Arnav smirked as he looked at Khushi who tried to hush him from say anything too shameless with her eyes but he wasnt one to sit quiet now,
"really chutki !
You think I am jealous when you know that I can take your Bhabhi wherever I want whenever I want !
And as for her pampering me , well how would you know that ?
You just don't have the remotest idea about the wife Khushi is or how she takes care of me !
You see most of that happens when we are alone ! "
announced Arnav with a proud smirk uncaring of the fact that his parents were there as well , who were both giving him proud approving smiles while Khushi blushed to her roots as Akash and Alaka laughed at her mortified expression.
Arnav who could see her state opened his arms for her and she buried her face into the crook of his neck as he gathered her close while the others laughed at her adorable shyness while Khushi whispered only for Arnav to hear,
"mark my words Mr.Raizada .. you will have to pay for this when we are alone ! "
Arnav loved her fiery spirit and whispered back into her ears as he nipped her earlobe sending shivers down her spine,
"Am all yours Mrs.Raizada ... cant wait to see what you have planned for me !! "
Beautiful true family