thanku to the wonderful response on the previous update !
thats one very important phase of the story passed and now its time for a little rundown into the past !
Fari ... thanku so much love for creating the perfect banner for LIDV !
Khushi was the first one to stir, silence enveloped them as she opened her eyes yet there was a sense of serenity in the air. She felt herself wrapped into a protective embrace and turned to see Arnav sleeping peacefully with a smile on his lips, even in his sleep
his protective stance around here didn't change.
Khushi blushed as she remembered the memories of the previous few hours, she had never been more happier, she had never felt more feminine in her life, she was a marked woman now.
A woman marked by love ..
A woman marked by her own man .. the one for whom she had been waiting for so long.
Just then she felt Arnav stirring slightly and she watched as he slowly opened his eyes.
The first sight that met his eyes was Khushi's smile ... a warm glow on her face as she looked at him totally entranced. The feelings that surged through him as he watched her, he knew he would never be able to put them into words. This woman had breezed into his like she owned him, she had captured him from the first glance and today he couldn't think of a world that didn't have her alongside him.
And last night, she completed him. As much as a man completes a woman, Arnav felt truly a male now and as if echoing his thoughts, he heard Khushi speak,
" A man who hasn't known the love of his woman ... doesn't deserve to be called a man. "
Arnav smiled at her , a smile of absolute passion & fierce possessiveness, he cupped her face and ran his tongue between the seam of her lips,
"And I am a man Khushi, there isn't an inch of you that hasn't known my love last night. "
Khushi blushed as she deepened the kiss and thus came the first morning of their new dawn, a dawn that would bring answers which would unravel their history.
A while later, Arnav & Khushi were dressed and they walked out of the cave, there was a silence in the air that was calming and foreboding at once, they held hands as they headed towards Elissa whom they knew would be waiting for them.
As they walked into her earthly abode, she smiled at them, Khushi blushed when she saw the teasing glint in her eyes while Arnav flashed her proud smirk. Dayeus, never one to reveal his emotions, concealed his mirth at the sight of the besotted lovers but no one could miss the silent rumble of his chest as he silently chuckled.
Khushi went and sat beside Elissa and looked at her beseechingly,
"Elissa, since the day I remember, you have always been my guiding light, you have always led me to my destiny.
You made sure that I meet Arnav at the right time. you said it was foretold that Arnav & I were to be the destined lovers who would resurrect Nysa.
And till date, we have followed everything as per your orders and you haven't led us astray.
But now we need answers Elissa !
You are very well aware of what was shown to us in the trial by fire, everything of the past played out and most of it we understood sans one event.
We saw ourselves in the past too, I saw myself hurling myself to death, Arnav watched me die.
What does it mean ? are we reborn ? do we have a history that you haven't told us yet ?
Why did I kill myself Elissa ? pls answer me ! " begged Khushi, her eyes glistening with tears, Elissa looked at Arnav who had the same tormented expressions as of Khushi.
She beckoned Arnav to sit by her other side which he did and then she looked at both of them, ready to tell the story of their past and the cruel deception that destroyed their love and ruined Nysa.
"you will get your answers today, but do not let your previous birth haunt your love today, its too evil to even have its shadow upon yourselves.
You have retained the purity of your love , now sustain it and cherish it because not everyone is fortunate like you both to get a second chance at what they deemed to have been lost forever. "
Arnav & Khushi clasped their hands together as they gave Elissa the silent oath of promise.
Assured Elissa began to narrate the story, a story of such evil that even today, it haunts her to even think of it,
" centuries ago, when Nysa was at the height of glory and splendour, a land that was blessed by all heavenly beings. It wouldn't be wrong to say that Nysa was truly heaven on earth, an abode for all Gods, a home befitting the King of Kings & Queen of Queens.
It was ruled by Eklavya, if I say he was blessed, it would be too little; no human could have lived a more godly life than him.
A man whose heart was so pure, that his belief in the goodness of all humans brought about his own downfall. Eklavya was married to Aditi, a queen truly befitting Nysa and they had a beautiful daughter, the cherished princess of Nysa, it was you Khushi, you are the princess of Nysa ! "
Arnav & Khushi listened spellbound while Elissa continued,
"you bloomed into the most beautiful woman Nysa had ever beheld, loved and adored by all, you had the heart as pure as anyone's could be, just like your parents and you gave your heart to the knight of Nysa, the land's protector he was, you gave your heart to Arnav.
It was a union destined & blessed by the Gods themselves, your love story was written down in Golden Ink in the memoirs of Nysa, the people of your land considered it blessed to have lived to witness your marriage.
But evil lurked, and your father's ignorance let the evil grow. Ahi, a powerful sorcerer was a resident of your father's court. A man your father relied upon to belay any disaster that would strike Nysa.
Many a time, the wise men of the court tried to advise your father to be cautious of the man's powers, because no one knew the source of his powers, but your father respected and relied on the man too much to heed their wise words.
Ahi being his trusted friend had complete freedom in the palace, in your family. Infact your marriage to Arnav was Ahi's responsibility to be conducted in royal splendour and indeed it was a wedding that no one would ever forget, the irony of that day never fades.
For no one knew that you were more than his king's daughter in Ahi's eyes. Ahi coveted you since the day you became a woman in all its sense. His eyes have always followed you like a hawk. Your every wish was his command but the world turned dark the day he realised that he had lost you to Arnav.
You meted out the first ever defeat in his life, a betrayal of the most cruel cut, you broke his heart and dashed his dreams of acquiring the throne of Nysa one day.
But he could do nothing because your father loved Arnav as much as he loved you and was only too happy to give you away to Arnav !
And so he watched in agony as your courtship with Arnav bloomed. Your love blossomed in an intensity never felt before and Ahi was the silent spectator.
Arnav on his part held Ahi at great respect for he was your father's most trusted friend. And Arnav had witnessed Ahi's overwhelming care for you on numerous occasions which he mistook to be fatherly affection considering the fact that Ahi was your father's age.
But Ahi wasn't one to walk away silently in defeat, he vowed to punish you for being blind to his love, he vowed to never let you be happy for the grave sins you had committed on him.
And so he planned, having the freedom to be close to Arnav, Ahi managed to obtain a little of Arnav's blood, and then he managed to acquire your blood, both which he required. A cunning sorcerer, he had his apprentices brew the potion that would spell doom for you as well as Arnav.
He concocted a plethora of nightmares that he intended to unleash upon you on your wedding night.
On one hand he planned your wedding to perfection but on the other hand, he scripted your death for he knew Khushi wouldn't survive the darkness.
On your wedding night, Khushi awaited you on the marriage bed and you Arnav entered the chamber with Ahi's gift for your wedding night. A drink of the deepest red that was ever seen.
Ahi had said that the drink was a blessing to the future King & Queen of Nysa, a drink that would cleanse their body and soul and make them befitting of the heavenly kingdom of Nysa, he had insisted that they partake from the drink before their earthly union of body & soul. And Arnav who trusted him completely promised him he would.
And thus, you and Khushi drank from it, but the iota of time suspended, as soon as the liquid reached your blood, the downfall began as the Gods watched helpless.
Horrifying visions clouded your senses, you both were spectators to the same illusion, a tangled Arnav who had to watch helplessly as Khushi was made to share her bed with the most evil of existences ever known in Nysa.
The Daityas, Ahi's guardians of the evil spirit. Everyone in Nysa held the belief that the Daityas were used by Ahi to contain any evil that threatened to invade their lands. No one realised the real truth that the Daityas were perpetuators of Ahi's hidden world of evil and darkness, that they were his kost faithful servants.
Khushi and Arnav were driven to the point of agonising madness as the illusions entrenched deeply into their minds and souls. Arnav roared in agony as he viewed Khushi being ridden by evil, her agonized cries killed his heart, time passed and the illusions faded.
Khushi lay in a crumpled heap while Arnav lay too weak to rise from the darkness, but as soon as they regained their memory of the nightmarish events, they immediately believed all of it to be true. But Arnav's love for Khushi was beyond the beauty of her feminine perfection, all he wanted to do was take her into his arms and make her realise her own beauty but Khushi was too broken beyond recall.
And she fled the palace, with Arnav following her closely. And the rest you already know.
Khushi killed herself before Arnav could save her, their love destroyed by an illusion that was never real. In all reality Khushi was as pure as any virgin could be, she hadn't been touched by anyone but Ahi had exacted his revenge in the most cruel way possible.
He had ensured Khushi's virgin death, what was denied to him, he denied it to the entire world !
The princess of Nysa was lost forever !
Arnav was blinded in rage, also the realisation that it may have been the drink that caused it all to happen destroyed him and the worst would happen to Nysa if the knight of the land decided to withhold his protection.
Arnav used his powers as a knight to ensure that he was no longer bound to the land that took his love away from him.
And thus the end of Nysa was unleashed. "
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