okay am back with an extra-long ... Holi special mahaupdate for LMLY
but pls dont think its only holi ... its a intense update for most of the part and Holi celebrations r a part of it !
March12th - March 15th 2012 was the Arshilicious Holi days of our show and this is just me remembering all those beautiful episodes !!
hope u enjoy this update !
posting a small banner ... its not much but I just felt I had to do something with Arhi in it ! 
dedicated to all my super special readers !! 
PMs will be send out by weekend
Raj & Maya had the shock of their lives when they saw Payal & Khushi at their doorstep accompanied by the Raizadas, Maya smiled at Khushi but completely ignored Payal which had never happened before,
" Khushi !!
My love ... do you know how much Mama missed you ??
Why didnt you tell me you were planning to drop by ??
I could have cooked something specially for you , its been ages since I fed you with my hands !
And why is Payal with you ??
Stay away from her sweetheart , you don't want the darkness of her life to fall like a shadow on your happiness !! "
The Raizadas were literally stunned into silence watching Maya's perfect fake act of love but none were more flabbergasted than Khushi & Payal !!
They didnt know if they could even consider Maya human anymore , she had to be chameleon , or else how could anyone change colors so fast ! but if Maya had the sweet tongue then Khushi had the spice needed to balance it and Maya was about to get a taste of it,
"Really Mrs. Maya Gupta ?? !! am your sweetheart now ??
You want to protect my happiness ... not Payal's ??
You want to feed me ?? what do you want to feed me .. Poison ?? so that you can put an end to my existence like you always wanted to ?? "
Raj was fuming seeing Khushi openly shun Maya in front of the Raizadas, it could damage the image he had built in front of them, little did he know that his true colors had been revealed ages go !
" Khushi ! .. enough ... is this the way you speak to the woman who treated you like her own daughter ??
I can see Payal's influence already working on you , you have always been an obedient child and now you are raising your voice !! "
Khushi rounded on her father now , she had enough of keeping quiet !
" really Mr.Raj Gupta , this woman here raised me ??
Is that why she came into my life after helping you in making my mother bleed to death ??
Now Payal is the bad influence ?? there was time when I didnt even exist for you while Payal .. oh sorry , your Pia was the apple of your eye !!
So then what happened now ??
Why did you discard her in a matter of minutes at a time when she needed her parent's protection the most ?? "
Raj advanced on Khushi and grabbed her by her shoulders,
"do you really want to know why we dis-owned her ??
She was a daughter of this house .. YES but that was before she humiliated us by getting herself raped in public and brought shame on the family with her immoral ways !!
This house doesn't need a daughter like that and you don't need a sister like Payal !!
Do you get me ??
Henceforth I forbid you from having any contact with her !! "
Khushi was shaking in fury but there was another soul in the room who was ready to rip Raj Gupta into shreds, Raj clouded in his anger jerked into attention when he felt a strong hand pulling his hands away from Khushi, he turned around to see Arnav looking at him in cold fury, his fists clenched , the muscles in his jaws twitching , the veins on his forehead throbbing !!
He pulled Khushi into his arms and pushed Raj Gupta into the couch nearby, the words that came next guaranteed certain death for Raj ,
" Raj Gupta , henceforth you will do well to remember that you have no rights to order my wife around !!
Who she meets , whom she spends her time with , what she does with her life , none of this will concern you !
And you can drop your vile act , you can drop the facade of love and warmth because your reality was revealed to us longtime ago and mark my words Gupta, if you dare to touch Khushi again, it will be the last thing you ever do in your life !! "
Raj got up in fury and hurled Arnav by his collars,
"how dare you tell me that I have no rights on my daughter ??
What do you even know about her and since when did she become your wife ??
Remember Arnav .. she isnt married to you yet !! "
Akash tried to get in between but Arnav raised his hand stopping him and beckoned him to take hold of Khushi and then he looked back at Raj, throwing his hands away from his collars, Arnav grabbed him by his collars and hurled him against the wall,
" your daughter ... what do I know about her ??
Well I know her father got her mother killed so that he could marry a prostitute !!
I know that you killed your own son Rahul from Khushi's mother's sister in cold blood so that he wouldn't tarnish your name !!
And for a matter of fact , I know that you have no rights to be Khushi's father , not after what you did to her , you freaking son of a bitch !!
What kind of a father lets a group of bas***ds rape his own daughter and aid the act ??
You left your daughter almost dead at the hands of the wolves and then you killed away Rahul who came to defend his sister !!
Dammit Gupta, you committed such heinous crimes on my WIFE and you expect me to let you dictate her life !!
You didnt destroy just Khushi , but you destroyed my sister's life !!
You left Khushi in her dark traumas and you snatched away my sister's dreams of a happy life with the love of her life Rahul and god damn me if I don't make you pay for it !! " screamed Arnav as he threw Raj across the room,
Samar and Sayali tried to stop while Khushi cried out for him but nothing could stop Arnav today, he was a man possessed , he turned to his family,
" I don't want anyone saying a word , this is my call and I will deal with it as I see it fit !!
And no one , I repeat no one will come into this !! "
He saw Maya running to Raj but he caught hold of her hand and threw her onto the couch,
"stay there and don't you dare go to your filthy husband until am done with him !!
Make one wrong move and I will forget that you are a woman by birth even though your deeds are more of a brothel mistress !!"
Arnav walked towards Raj once who lay whimpering on the ground in fear, the knowledge that the Raizadas knew his truth was much more terrifying than the physical pain Arnav was inflicting, he knew he had made powerful enemies now , Arnav bend down and looked at him in the eye,
" remember this day Gupta ... its the beginning of the end for you !
I will find those bas***ds who gave Khushi hell !! and when I find them , they will get the deaths beyond their wildest imaginations, it will be hell hath no fury !!
And then I will hunt you down , I will make you bleed to your own death, there is no respite for one like you.
You will die feeling the intensity of each crime that you committed !!
And try hurting my family again , try coming near my wife and I will finish you off with my own hands and the world wont even see your mortal remains !! " said Arnav as he kicked Raj Gupta on his shins , which send blood spluttering in all directions.
Arnav was still shaking as he straightened, cold dark fury reigned in his head and heart, Khushi's pain , her cries , her suffering , Alaka's silent agony , all of it together , he was losing control. He turned to the cabinet nearby and gripped the sides tightly as he tried to control himself, but the anger consumed him, Khushi saw him struggle and started running to him but horror gripped her as she saw him raise his hand and smash it right through the glass cabinet which send shards of glass flying while his hand bled.
Everyone watched shocked, no one had seen Arnav loose control like this , no one had seen him in such pain as his roar echoed louder than the shattering of glass which diminished Khushi's screaming out his name, she reached him just in time and wrapped her hands around him tightly, trying to control his shaking body, his bloodied hands held onto her waist as he crushed her in his hug.
Akash and the rest of the family came running to them but Arnav stopped them,
"please , Mama Papa , don't say anything , I need to get out here before I murder that piece of filth lying there.
I am leaving with Khushi , we are going to our place.
You guys , give Payal the chance to finish what she came here for and then take her home. "
But Sayali interrupted Arnav, " Arnav you are hurt and you need to get your hand bandaged !!
We cant let you both go like this, look at Khushi , you have scared her !! "
Arnav saw Khushi looking at him fear stricken eyes, but he knew the fear wasnt because of him but it was for him, he smiled at her lightly, Khushi turned to their family,
"Mama , don't worry .. I will take Arnav straight home and I will get his wounds bandaged.
And don't worry , I will make sure to tell him off for his antics !! " replied Khushi while she glared at Arnav, her tears still not abated.
Payal and the others watched as Khushi led Arnav out.
Payal turned to look at her mother who was trying to help her father sit up, and her own feelings shocked her, she felt nothing but cold fury , hatred and calm indifference towards them. Their ability to cause her pain had died, she walked upto them , her eyes more on her mother, and her words chilled Maya like nothing could ever do,
" I came here to tell you both that I consider my parents dead in my life.
But the impact of everything you did to Khushi , of everything I did to Khushi, I can feel it ripping my heart like never before. For the first time I feel my heart beating and take it from me Mr & Mrs Gupta ,
Not only are you both dead to me but from today onwards , I will be mortal death for you.
I will work day and night to ensure that the world knows your true colors.
Will make sure that you both spend the rest of your lives rotting in your own sins !! "
Payal spoke loud and clear , and then she turned and walked out throw the front door, not looking back even once, the Raizadas followed Payal out, their minds were worried sick for Arnav & Khushi that they didnt feel like wasting more time there, the time to deal with the Guptas were just beginning.
Meanwhile Khushi had asked the driver to take them to the nearby hospital, she held Arnav's bleeding hands wrapped in her dupatta as Arnav stared hard at her but she didnt look at him, her heart was still fluttering wildly from the fear of seeing Arnav hurt himself in his anger. He tried to speak to her but one look from her and he knew it was best to talk later. They reached the hospital and Khushi dragged him out and took him straight to casualty where a couple of doctors and staff immediately tended to his hand while Khushi watched them and once they were done, she led him out and took him straight home , she was about to enter the house but despite the fact that he was hurt , Arnav picked up a protesting Khushi in his arms and carried her over the threshold but as soon as they got in, Khushi pulled him into their room and slammed the door shut and turned around to face him, but neither of them spoke because the second their eyes met, the pain and fear of the past few hours erupted as they closed the distance between them and their lips met with passion.
Arnav kissed her wildly but Khushi was his equal today, the trauma of what had happened coming out finally as they sought comfort in each other, Arnav pushed her onto their bed as they lay there consuming each other, hands and lips reaching out for each other , they lay wrapped in each other's arms as they tried to control their emotions.
A while later when their hearts had calmed down, Khushi pulled Arnav closer to her and stared at him , she raged at him ,
"what were you thinking Arnav ??
How could you loose control and cause pain on yourself ??
What if something had happened ??
Do you even know how much you freaked all of us out , seeing you unable to get a grip on yourself !!
You scared the life out of me with all that blood !! " said Khushi as she held his hands in hers , heavily bandaged, she knew he was in pain though he didnt show it out, she looked at him and cupped his cheeks , her eyes beseeching him to talk, Arnav looked at her with fierce tender love as he pulled her into his arms,
" I don't know Khushi ... I was so angry and I couldn't control it.
When I saw the way they were behaving , everything they had done to you , Rahul and Chutki came raging into my head and I lost absolute grip on things !!
All I knew was that I wanted to hurt them , to let them know that their facade had dropped !!
I am sorry Khushi , I am so sorry that I scared you.
I just couldn't bear the sight of such evil existences smiling at you and when I saw him handle you so roughly , I lost all control !! "
Khushi didnt know what more to reply but all she knew was that she was possessed by an uncontrollable need to be close to him , a feeling mutually shared by Arnav as well !
They crushed themselves together , their love and passion did the talking , as the hours passed Khushi called up Sayali and assured her that Arnav was resting , Arnav spoke to his mother and told her he needed time alone and Sayali understood his need, she knew that Arnav was trying to get his emotions under control and that only Khushi could calm him down, Alaka informed them that Payal had been settled in. Later on Khushi fed Arnav from her own hands and she helped him freshen up.
All the trauma broke down a lot of barriers that would have otherwise made her feel shy and hesitant, she helped him shower though Arnav made sure he was in his shorts, he didnt want their intimacy to be explored under such traumatic conditions , to lighten the mood Arnav teased her and it worked, Khushi did lighten up and they spend the rest of night teasing each other, their stolen kisses , their passionate caresses , and their words of love providing them with the ocean of calmness they both sought.
A few days passed and Arnav & Khushi kept in constant touch with their family, Payal was already loads better , the family was slowly warming to her, her sins always stood like a dark abyss of memories but the new person in her appealed to all.
And it was a new Payal who came up with the perfect plan to surprise Arnav & Khushi !
It was Holi the next day and Payal and Alaka thought it would be the best way to cheer up everyone after everything that had happened. Soon Sayali Samar and Akash joined them in their plans.
The next day arrived soon and the Raizadas and Alaka were at Vaikunatha, and when Arnav and Khushi opened the door they had the shock of their lives !
Their entire family and Payal was smiling at the with such heartfelt joy that they felt the entire world was illuminated in it !!
Payal stepped forward first and surprising them both totally , pulled Khushi into a hug and then before she knew it , a dark shade of pink was smeared across her cheeks !
Payal stepped back and happily cried out ,
" Happy Holi Khushi !! "
Khushi was still under shock while Arnav understood that this was a plan to forget the past few days,
When Khushi didnt respond Payal pulled her close and whispered just for her to hear,
" I know I haven't been the best sister , infact I was the worst but I felt today would be a good day to begin our relation.
I love you Khushi and I hope I get the same love from you someday before I die.
And FYI , I applied pink on you coz the major honours , am sure only Arnav has the right for that "
She turned to Arnav who smiled at her a little, she held up a palate of red color to him and spoke ,
" Khushi is waiting Arnav and Holi will never begin for her unless you wrap her in the color that runs as deep as your love for her !! "
But before Arnav or Payal could react, Khushi who had gotten out of the shock wanted to make sure Payal knew that she was forgiven in her eyes , she winked at Alaka and grabbed a fistful of pink and completely took her by shock as Khushi glazed her in it, Arnav felt his heart relaxing as he watched Payal run away and Khushi run after her to finish the job.
With a naughty smirk, he grabbed the red and made his way towards Khushi and sneaked up behind her unsuspecting body and grabbed her hands as his hands caressed her , painting her red, he placed a soft peck on her lips as Khushi gasped, while the others laughed. Khushi tried to run away from him but he held her tight , his molten eyes boring into hers,
"how can you go without applying color on me first ?? " Khushi gasped as she felt Arnav draw close to her and rub his face against her cheeks, she didnt know if they were applying color on each other or if they were drowning in passionate tangles as she tried to suppress a moan as his lips left a soft peck and nip on her neck, covered by a cluster of trees in the garden, their passionate rendezvous went clearly unnoticed from their family who were determined to give them their privacy.
For Khushi and Payal both , it was the happiest day of their lives for their own reasons, like one family they celebrated holi , songs , dance , music , fun , it was all there.
Arnav & Akash were terribly drunk after their competition as to who had a better capacity to consume Bhaang !!
Khushi tried to stop Arnav when she saw him going out of control but then seeing the fun he was having she didnt have the heart to stop him.
They partied late into the afternoon before they all decided to calm down a bit, nearly everyone was silently drunk , including Khushi.
As everyone retired to their rooms , Khushi who was more sober took Arnav to their room and as she made him sit on the bed, he pulled her to sit alongside him, Khushi was feeling slightly wobbly and high looked at him with a bright smile adorning her face but Arnav was a downright baby then, he caressed her stray locks out of her face as he cupped her cheeks and looked straight into her eyes, he lowered her gently onto the bed as he laid down next to her, both revelling in the absoluteness of their happiness, covered in various color's and looking absolutely messy but neither cared , and then to Khushi's absolute shock, she saw a single tear glide down his face. But before she could speak, he hushed her to keep quiet as he took her hand and placed it over his heart, his words a whisper just for her,
" feel it Khushi.
Its my heartbeat ... and its beating wildly Khushi.
I cant control it ... I feel its about to burst. Am I sounding like a child to you ?? Am I being overly-freakish ?
I don't know Khushi but that last few days that passed, I feel consumed by the need to protect you , to avenge you.
I want the world to know that you belong to me , I want them to see you through my eyes.
I don't want to loose you to darkness again ... I will die before I let anything happen to you !!
I know you are still worried about what happened a few days back , but look at me now Khushi !! "
And Khushi watched as Arnav like a baby hold up his hands in front of her , her heart cried for him ,
It cried for his agony ...
It cried for the fear he felt ...
It cried as the beauty of love pierced her soul ...
Her heart threatened to combust as she felt the terrible need to comfort him seize hold of her and thats what she did ,
She took hold of him and gathered him into her arms, his face resting over her chest but he was still speaking , his childlike innocence plundering her soul,
" I promise you Khushi ... one day I will rip the masks of all those vile beasts out there who tried to hurt you , who tried to destroy you.
You will stand by my side as I make them pay , you will watch them wither out in front of your eyes.
I promise to be by your side always. " said Arnav as he looked at her again, her tears were glistening on her colored cheeks and he kissed them all away, Khushi hugged him close as he took her along with him as they layed down comfortably on the bed, Khushi speaking her heart to him,
" I don't care whether I am avenged or not but all I care about is our life together with our family and loved ones.
As long as I have you with me , as long we have our haven like this , your arms wrapped around me , I don't think anything else matters.
The evil will be punished Arnav in due course but its this happiness that I get with you alone that matters the most to me.
Let everyday in our lives be like this Arnav , happy in each other's arms.
Let Me Love You " whispered Khushi as Arnav gathered her close into his hug and gave her silent kiss of love passion and the promise of an eternal life together, his words against her lips,
" I promise Khushi ... you and I , hearts beating as one , hamesha & forever ! "
Beautiful lovely