I am so happy u loved the Holi update
all the love and appreciation ... it means a lot !
so yes without further ado ... here u go with the next update !
Happy Reading ! 
M ... thanku so much for this banner ... it was a very special holi gift from you !
an early special update 

Introducing Aryan Kapoor
I had mentioned him the character sketch of LMLY, but incase all of you want to remember him ... here he is 
As the days passed, Payal had recovered exceptionally well, Khushi had been by her side throughout these days, making sure that Payal didn't feel left out or stranded. Khushi took Payal along with her everywhere, be it for shopping with Alaka, or their work at the art gallery, Payal was kept thoroughly engaged. Though Arnav & Akash did maintain their distance, they were accommodating while Alaka went out of her way to make Payal comfortable.
Akash and Arnav were busy on trying to track down the photographer and finally they had the lead they wanted. The agency had indentified the free-lancer as Nikhil Vaid and they had captured him at a beach in Goa where he was holidaying with his friends and now he was being brought back to Delhi.
Meanwhile Alaka Khushi and Payal were having absolute fun at the gallery as they tried to finalise the colors and shades for the interiors, once they designing of the gallery was done , they intended to start on their art works, Alaka & Khushi had almost decided on 50% of the works they needed, which were picked from their already completed collection and remaining they would start on them soon.
As the orders for the antique utilities of the gallery were finally placed, the workers has informed them that the wall paints they had selected for the gallery would be delivered over the weekend. Just then Khushi got a call from Arnav,
" hello princess ?? what are you upto ?? "
Khushi couldn't contain her excitement as she told Arnav all the work they had managed to finish that day, she kept the phone on speakers so that Alaka could also talk to Arnav and Akash.
Arnav looked at Akash, they knew that after all the fun the girls were having, the rest of the day would be pretty stressful but nevertheless they had to get done with it,
" Khushi, after lunch, could you come to the office along with Payal and Alaka ?
The free lance guy who took Payal's pictures, he has been arrested in Goa and is being flown back to Delhi, and they want Payal to come and see if she can identify the guy. "
Khushi gave Payal a reassuring smile as she replied back to Arnav,
"sure Arnav .. we will be there in an hour. "
Meanwhile Nikhil was brought into their office, looking absolutely annoyed at being caught but not an iota of fear at what his future would be, he looked at the men arrogantly as he was led into the conference room.
Arnav and Akash were absolutely cold in their demeanour as they observed the guy in front of them, from his posture and mannerisms, he looked least concerned at being cornered, he even had the audacity to challenge them,
" don't know what you guys think that you can do to me by holding me here ! if you think you can make me pay for whatever you think I did, forget it guys, you will watch helpless as I walk out from here and you won't be able to do anything ! "
Akash fixed him with a cold stare,
"lets see Nikhil, very soon Payal will be here, the negatives of the photos you took will be here and I want to see how you can deny it !
This time ... you won't walk free ! "
Just then, the officer who had led the team in Goa in Nikhil's capture walked in, a good looking guy of about early thirties, he looked handsome but of good character, there was a confidence in his gait and strength in his mannerisms, he walked upto the Raizada brothers and greeted them,
" hello gentlemen, Arnav & Akash right ?
I am Aryan .. Aryan Kapoor . "
Arnav and Akash smiled at him as they shook hands,
" thank you so much for all the help Aryan, thank you for finding Nikhil for us.
We are just waiting for Khushi and Alaka to bring Payal and then you can proceed with your interrogation.
And thank you for obliging by our request of having it done here. We wanted this to remain a private affair. Once all the details are obtained, then with your permission, we will notify the media and clear Payal's name " replied Arnav.
But before Aryan could reply, Nikhil spoke ..
" Khushi Gupta is coming ?? !!
Now thats brilliant news .. makes my work all the more easier !
Let her come and then lets try negotiating the best deal in her name boys ! "
Arnav and Akash exchanged confused looks, what did Nikhil know about Khushi that he seemed so happy to know she is coming !
They very tone in which he took her name made Arnav loose control, he walked upto Nikhil and clenched his collars,
"I don't care what you know about Khushi but get this straight into your head, try messing with my wife and I promise you that you won't be alive for long ! " spat out Arnav onto Nikhil.
Aryan came and restrained Arnav,
"let go Arnav, nothing should happen to this guy while he is in our custody, once we have ample proof against him, then we will make sure he doesn't click another illicit snap even in his life ! "
Meanwhile the girls had reached and they were directed to the conference room, as soon as Khushi entered the room, her eyes fell on Nikhil and she recoiled as though she had met the devil himself !
Arnav noticed the change that had come over her and was by her side instantly, she was trembling as she held onto him, her eyes wide with fear but her words shocked Arnav, she looked at Nikhil straight who was smiling at her eerily,
"Nikhil Vaid !!
You are alive ? "
Everyone looked absolutely shocked that Khushi knew Nikhil while Nikhil looked happy to be recognised, Arnav looked at her with a million questions exploding in his mind,
" Khushi ... jaan, you know him ?? "
Khushi could barely speak as fear clouded her mind, she could only nod in affirmation but Nikhil looked eager to help, he got up and started walking towards them, he came close to Khushi and smiled at her,
" ofcourse she knows me Arnav ... how can she ever forget the day she met me ... met us !! "
Arnav felt the blood turning into ice as it sank into him what Nikhil could be referring to, Khushi was literally whimpering in his arms and his hold on her tightened while Nikhil continued undeterred,
"You look beautiful Khushi ... as you always looked !
Never thought we would be meeting like this again ... I see you have managed to snag a billionaire as your husband !
Tell me Khushi ... does your husband know or do you want me to do the honours ?? "
Nikhil looked at Arnav gloatingly,
"remember I told you Arnav .. you cant harm me at all !!
When I clicked those snaps, I knew the girl was Payal Gupta, Khushi's sister and I knew that no one would dare to hold me accountable because if they do, then the worst would happen to another Gupta ... I mean Khushi Gupta !!
Something terrible for a girl to live through that she would rather wish to be dead than live through that ! "
Arnav felt his heart pounding in fear but he felt Khushi tugging at his collars, her voice a mere whisper but they all could hear it,
" Arnav ... he was there ...
He was HIS friend ... he was there that day.
Arnav ... I don't know if he ... but I remember him.
I presumed him be dead, among the ones that Rahul had killed ... I didnt know he was alive Arnav ! "
Alaka Akash and Payal listened in shock as Aryan looked confused at the sudden turn of events, Arnav had to tried hard to control the raging fire in his heart as he tried to hold onto Khushi so that he wouldn't rip Nikhil limb to limb !
But Nikhil wasn't done yet,
"Oh so Arnav knows everything ???
Everyone knows ?? well thats makes things a lot more easier since I don't have to take the pain of explaining everything again !
And Oh .. by the way Khushi.
Just so that you know ... I wasn't directly involved in ... you know what I mean ... don't worry, I never laid a finger on you.
I was there ... all through out.
Want me to refresh it a bit ??
Actually you know what ... I don't think you remember certain parts, you were too caught up in your cries that you failed to notice many things.
Well Jay came for your first and then came the others ... God Khushi ... how you scream girl !
If you had better sense, then you would have just calmed down and taken pleasure in the fact that so many men were so intent upon serving you but NO you screamed the life out of your lungs which is Jay had to stuff your mouth with cloth !
And you know what Khushi ... more than the pleasure that a woman can provide me, I get more pleasure in CAPTURING those moments !! "
Everyone in the room stood paralyzed as they heard him speak, from revolting expression to absolute horror, they listened as though struck mute, Khushi felt her heart dying a million deaths as Nikhil assaulted her with the memories, Arnav wanted to get to Nikhil and drive a stake right through his body but Khushi's grip on him iron tight, he knew she needed him more than ever and he couldn't let her go and so Nikhil got to continue with his horror story,
" yep Khushi ... you heard me right !
All those moments have been perfectly recorded and also snapped in pictures, if you wish to , I could send you a copy just to confirm everything and then you can see how worthless it was to cry through it all, you should have grabbed the chance and enjoyed it girl !
You thought Rahul killed me ?
Well NO, he tried to hunt me down a lot but thanks to your father's intervention he never reached me, your father knows about the tapes Khushi !
He asked me to keep them safe and in perfect quality, told me he would use it on you incase you dared to speak out against his evil acts so that the society would turn you away like an outcaste !
And so ... now all of you here, tell me ..
What can you all possibly do ??
You are going to frame me in the Payal Gupta case ??
Think about it guys ... you WON'T do such a mistake !
If you guys turn me in, then I promise you, my trusted friends will make sure that the tapes and pictures of Khushi will go public all over the internet !
I have already briefed them as to what to do incase I get caught and trust me they will do as required because they are also Jay's friends !
And they have been waiting for this chance for years to carry out their ultimate revenge for Jay's death ! "
Nikhil looked directly at Arnav now,
"try messing up my life and the world will watch your wife's naked body being ridden by not just one man Arnav ... but by many !
You will have to watch Khushi's unheard cries for rescue as she writhed in sheer agony.
The entire world will know the truth about your wife, everything intimate about her body will be public knowledge Arnav !
Now decide ... you still want me ?? "
I want Arnav to brutually n physically punish this nikhil in worst possible way