So me back with another update
okay I dont know how this has turned out, I wanted it to be naughty and fun but I am a little tensed coz I wasnt in my best of modds while writing this, for some reason I had a lot of trouble writing it,
I have to thank 2 amazing people for staying with me as I wrote out this update,
Jenny ( Londonchick ) Bacchi ( Ara_000 ) and Pallu ( Mastermagician ) , without u three this update would never have happened... hugs to all of u !!
this update is for u 
Also this is dedicated to 3 amazing ppl in my life, I had a total riot with them as they picked the lingerie selection for this update
all the pics u see in this update were picked by Saru (saruuipk ) and Saij - 2 of my amazingly beautiful friends and I just discovered their naughty side !!
and Khushi and me had a total ball laughing our heads off at their selections !!
anyways enough of my blabber, enjoy the update !!
Happy Reading Lovelies !! 
Khushi , Anjali , Payal and Lavanya were surprised when they found the staff at AR Lingerie store waiting eagerly for them, none of them could understand how the staff had found out about their arrival , right on cue Anjali spotted Aman giving instructions to some of the staff and she walked upto him, only Aman could clear the confusion now,
Anjali tapped Aman on his shoulder, who immediately turned around, seeing ASR's sister in front of him, She gave him a confused smile,
"Aman, what exactly is going on ? the staff looks like they already knew about us coming over today, I didn't inform anyone so how did all this happen ?? "
Aman was actually embarrassed to be here right now, he had always followed ASR's every order to the T but this one was really awkward for him but he could never tell NO to his boss, he knew it was as good as inviting his own expulsion from AR,
"Anjali Mam, ASR called me sometime back and told me that the ladies if his house were to be expected here for some shopping for Mrs.Raizada, he instructed me to make sure that everything was in order here so that you can shop without difficulty !! "
Aman gave her an embarrassed smile as Anjali burst out laughing, Khushi turned beetroot red on hearing about her husband's atrocious demands , she wished the earth would open up and swallow her that very instant as she saw her Nanad Jiji and best friend give her teasing smiles, she looked around to see that the rest of the staff were barely hiding their smiles at her predicament.
Meanwhile back in RM, the boys had just got ready and had all sprinted out quickly, Arnav tokk to the driver seat as Rahul got in next to him while Akash and NK took the back seats, they were all still laughing thinking about Arnav's phone call to Aman,
Half an hour back ..
"Arnav : Aman, Khushi along with Di Payal and Lavanya are going shopping, they will be dropping in at AR Lingerie Store, I want you to go ahead and make sure everything is in order, make sure the staff helps them find what they want and there shouldn't be any kind of mess up, do you get me ??
Aman was literally stuttering as he replied...
Aman: ASR the store is in perfect order, am sure Mrs.Raizada and the others wont have any trouble finding their pick, do you really want me to go there ?? I mean, wont the ladies be embarrassed to see me there ??
Arnav : What the hell Aman !! I am not asking you to help Khushi with her shopping, Di Payal and Lavanya are there to do that, don't you dare hover near my wide while she is shopping, I just want them to shop without any hassles !!
Aman : okay boss, am on my way !!
Aman had disconnected the call and dashed away as instructed while on the other end the boys Hi5 ed each other, they girls had no idea what was about to hit them !! "
Meanwhile the ladies were having fun selecting the apparels for Khushi who wasn't uttering a single word all through out except the occasional blush or nod, Khushi had an utterly scandalous expression on her face when she had seen the first selection that Lavanya had picked for her ,
Khushi couldn't imagine her condition if she had to wear such stuff in front of Arnav, Anjali decided to rile up Khushi a bit …
Anjali : Come on Bhabhi ... Are you scared that Chotey wont like it ?? Scared that you cant carry it off ?? If you are feeling uncomfortable then we will leave, am sure Chotey wont mind though he would have loved some spicing up, he loves you so much as it is that he wont mind what you wear !!
Anjali's words did it for Khushi !!! She wasn't the one to back out or give up, she thought back to her last night with Arnav, she knew he was affected by her as much as she was by him and she wasn't going to go a notch down or shy away, she thought back to everything that Arnav had done for her and she decided to spibe things up for him and so the fun riot had begun, the ladies had fun as they made Khushi try out various outfits , Khushi tried them all, picking her favourites, she blushed as she imagined wearing them in front of Arnav !!
Meanwhile the boys had arrived, they walked in casually, the ladies who were busy selecting didn't notice their arrivals, Arnav as disappointed when he saw khushi wasn't around, Lavanya gave a yelp when NK went and hugged him from behind !!
The expression of shock on their faces was a sight worth watching, all of them looked stumped, Payal was the first one to find her voice ..
"what in the name of Victoria's Secrets are you guys doing here ?? weren't you lot supposed to be home ?? "
Akash gave her a naughty wink ...
"ummm Payal, we thought it would be more fun out here, Bhai wanted to help Bhabhi pick her stuff and we thought we would also join, you know help our ladies get something new for themselves !! "
Anjali blushed as Rahul winked at her ... just then Arnav spoke up..
"Di where is Khushi ?? "
Lavanya giggled as she saw Arnav asking for Khushi...
"ASR, your Khushi is trying out stuff we picked in the trial room "
Arnav : oh great I will go to her.
Just then Anjali jumped in...
"no way chottey, you cant see what she is wearing, whats the surprise if you already see her in them !! "
Arnav glared at his Di ...
"Okay fine I wont go in, I am just waiting for her outside the trials, am sure she wont come out of the trails wearing lingerie !! "
Without waiting for her reply, Arnav walked to the trial rooms...
Khushi meanwhile had just come out expecting to see Payal...
"Jiji I think I like this one, but there was another one that caught my eye, maybe we shud check ... "
Khushi trailed away mid sentence as she walked into her husband who was grinning at her unabashedly !!
"Arnav.. you here ... what are you doing here !! "
Arnav smirked as he walked towards her...
"stop stuttering Khushi... what were you telling ... which one do you want to check out ?? "
Khushi who had meanwhile got out of the initial shock pushed him into the trial rooms ... Arnav was shocked at her sudden act but went in gladly .. happy that he was getting some privacy finally !!
Khushi : What the hell do you think of yourself Laad Governor !! you send Aman here to make sure our shopping goes well ?? how shameless can you get that you ask your trusted employee to see that your wife's Lingerie Shopping goes without any trouble !!
Arnav pulled her against him possessively, his hands gripping her waist intimately making her squirm in his arms ...
"Shut your sweet mouth Mrs.Raizada before I silence you in my own style, I only asked Aman to make sure that the store was in perfect condition, I didn't ask him to go along with you on your shopping !! and now I am here because I want to pick a few things for you !!! "
Before Khushi could protest, Arnav placed his lips on her nape, whatever she wanted to say died on her lips as she felt her husband trace his sinful lips on her over sensitized skin, she moaned as he traced his lips towards her neck, pressing hard on her pulse point before moving to her face, he dropped kisses on her eyes .. nose... relishing the delectable noises that his wife was making, he moved to her lips, watching her expression, her eyes closed, her lips parted, anticipating his kiss, and thats when he decided to tease her ...
Khushi felt surprised as she felt Arnav pulling away, she opened her eyes to see him smiling at her teasingly .. .
"come on Khushi, lets get your shopping done, we are getting late, remember we have to meet your Amma Buaji and Bauji before leaving . "
Khushi looked dazed as she tried to register his words, Arnav chuckled as he pulled her out, the others were meanwhile busy with their respective partners, the men teasing their woman as the ladies blushed to no ends.
Arnav pulled Khushi along with him as he instructed his staff to pick out a few choice selections, Khushi blushed a deep rosy hue as she watched Arnav go about picking stuff, the stuff were trying their best to look professional but she could see that they were bubbling with amusement as they saw the normally composed ASR go all out shameless for his wife !!
Khushi sighed as she gave up, she knew her husband wouldn't stop and she didn't want to spoil this for him… she joined him in selecting her picks...
Meanwhile Arnav who had been so far selecting stuff moved to watch her go through his selections...
As Khushi picked up a red outfit, she felt startled to feel his hands on her waist, moving to her bellybutton, his husky voice breathing down on her ears...
"Pick it up Khushi, I love the design and I really want to see you in it, want to watch you walk towards me wearing it, see you as I take it off "
Khushi leaned back into him as he assaulted her sense, his words giving her vivid imaginations as she imagined them alone with her wearing it...
"or maybe the pink one here, baby pink .. I know its going to look ethereal on you, pick it up Khushi, I want to see how well pink tones on your milky white skin … "
And so it went on as Khushi picked her selection with Arnav dropping in his thoughts... all the while assaulting her senses.
And finally the Raizadas and Rahul and Lavanya left the store, done with their shopping, the men wearing an extremely gloating expression on their faces while their ladies looked like someone had set them on fire. Khushi could barely make eye contact with the staff at the shop, all of whom seemed to be ready to break out into fits of laughter seeing her predicament and thats exactly what they did, break out into howling fits of laughter, still awestruck to see the loverboy ASR as they wished and prayed for the long life of this madly in love couple.
blush blush