( This is the first time I am making a banner for my works, so pls excuse this lame attempt, I usually have my friends make them for me but I dont know why, just felt like giving it a try, please dont mind the poor attempt, I hope the OS makes up for my lame banner creation !!
This is what happens when one is obsesses about a particular someone or something 24*7. I still cant believe that this idea for the OS just happened to me out the blue while I was going off to sleep last night.I don't know how its turned out and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
This OS is dedicated to my crazy group of friends in Tina's Secret Lounge.
The names mentioned hereare very much real and even more crazier than how its written here.
If I have left out any names from the CC, its not coz I don't love you or because I forgot, I just mentioned the active members of the CC as of now but this OS is dedicated to Tina, the captains of each of her works and all CC members !!
A little about each member mentioned in this OS ..
Aru ' well she is my bacchii , my crazy lil munchkin who makes sure that am always happy and rocking !!
Anki ' She is my Dia and I mean it literally, she is the light that keeps me strong all the time.
Pallu ' My VEIL, my masti partner, me ever so naughty lil Moody , Uss Par Sirf Mera Haq hai.
Sim ' My Jhalli who is as crazy as her name, my day feels bland if I don't talk to her.
Jenny ' Our resident Food Fanatic, she loves torturing me 24*7 by making me hungry !!
Hiru ' She is my Heer , she calls me her Ranjha no 2, her stand by when her ASR aka Tina goes missing !!
Roka ' I have been thinking of a name for her all these days, and well found one while writing this OS, I guess we can call her Sagaai, the invisible engagement thread that keeps us all together and crazy. Lol I know it sounds lame...just kidding !!
And last but not the least, the lady herself, who is singlehandedly responsible for bringing us all into our crazy world, a world where Tina's beautiful works on Arhi, are our love language and religion , I know no matter how much I tell her, I will still keep telling her, I love you my Mistress Of Spices !!
Thanks for coming into my life and making it so beautiful !!
Tina & Tina's Fanatics ' this is for all of you ' Love u all !!
Happy Reading !! 
Arnav cursed the heaven and hell as he stood under the shower, the cold water giving him no respite to his hardening erection, well how could he blame the water for not giving him the release that only his wife can give him !!
"Damn you Tina, damn Tina's fanatics !! curse the day they were formed, ever since its creation, I guess Khushi has kissed Good Bye to our sex life !! How can chatting with a group of crazies about some fictional couple be more interesting than making love to your husband !! "
Arnav raged on and on under the cold shower, meanwhile his wife outside, Mrs.Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada was happily munching Jalebis, as she typed away in a flurry on her laptop, a happy dreamy smile on her face, she seemed to be in fits of laughter as the conversation raged on, just then her phone rang and as soon as she saw the caller ID, she picked it up...
"Hey Tina !! Damn u lady, get onto the CC, you wont believe whats happening there now . your last update of Desert Heat has left us all in a mush !! "
" Oh curse my workload, sometimes I really wonder why I decided to be a doctor when I should be a writer ot else I should have got married like you and been at home so that I could happily write and chat with my besties to my hearts content !! "
Khushi laughed as heard her best friend complaining about her ever increasing workload , she knew better, she knew Tina's passion to her work which was as strong as her love for her writing,
"Come on Spice Queen, stop whining, finish up your work and join us, we will be waiting for you to brainstorm your latest update and i know you have heard this a lot from me, but I can never tell you how much I love you for naming the lead characters of your story after Arnav and Myself. !! "
Tina wanted to kill Khushi for calling her Spice Queen, well more like kill Jyo for giving her the name in the first place !!
"Oh shut up Khushi, not you as well , seriously I am going to get back at Jyo for this, you lot have sure given me an array of names that I myself don't know whether my real name is Tina or something else !! as for naming my lovers after you and Arnav, well what can I say, my 2 best friends have the most amazing love story I have ever seen and you cant blame me if that inspired me to start my own stories !! talking of best friends, is Arnav still throwing daggers at you because I got you hooked onto my CC ?? "
Khushi sighed as she thought about her fire breathing Laad Governor who was apparently trying to drown himself in his never ending showers, she couldn't help but find his situation all damn too hilarious
"What do I say Tina, I myself feel helpless, am sure he is going to put us all on fire pretty soon, specially Jenny because she keeps tempting me with all her Foodie Dreams and each time she starts, I run to the kitchen to make something, well interruptions seems to be ruling us each time he comes close to me !! "
Tina chuckled as she heard her best friend's sad tale, she was thankful to the Gods that she wasn't anywhere near easy reach to Arnav, he would have strangled her by now if he could get his hands on her !!
"anyways Khushi, I got to rush now, will get back to the CC asap, don't have too much fun without me and pass my love to the girls !! "
Khushi was about to get back to the CC when she heard the bathroom door opening and saw her husband walk out, shirtless. The water droplets dripping from his still wet hair, the towel drapped casually around his hips, Arnav had seen her oggling at him and before she realised it, he had taken the laptop away from her and pinned her down to their bed,
"well finally my wife gives me her undivided attention, after days you finally notice me Khushi !! that I actually exist !! "
Khushi felt bad as she heard the sarcasm in his voice, she knew he was angry but she couldn't understand why he was making a mountain out of a molehill, why couldn't he understand that she was just having a good time with her friends !! these days it felt more like Arnav was holding a competition trying to find out who she loved more, him or her friends ??
"Arnav stop being unreasonable, its not like I am ignoring you on purpose, Tina is your best friend as well !! She named the lead characters in her stories after the both of us, and this CC is so much fun Arnav, she wanted you to join as well but where do you have the time for that ?? you don't even try to read her stories, do you know how amazing they are ?? I never knew our bestie was so talented !! "
Arnav wanted to tell Tina to come and get married to his wife, it looked like there were engaged in a long distance relationship these days, all he heard from Khushi these days was Tina this and Tina that !!
"Yea I admit that she is an awesome writer even though I haven't read anything she writes, I love our best friend for naming her lovers after us, she truly is awesome otherwise how could she manage to steal my own wife away from me and get her hooked onto her stories and her CC such that my wife doesn't even miss me these days !! "
Just then Khushi saw a red blick on her laptop screen and she new there was a new message waiting for her,
"Arnav leave me please, I think there is a new message waiting for me, please I have to check it "
"Damn you Khushi !! i am trying to remind you that you have a husband who deserves your time and you are still obsessed with your virtual friends !! "
" Arnav its not like that, please this is urgent, it must be Aru, she has been sick whole day, poor my baby, never seen her so upset, please let me go and see what it is, it could even be Pallu, they both have been so sick all these days !! "
Arnav groaned as she heard the concern and care in her voice, if it wasn't enough that she ignored him for the rest of his family around whom she soend her time, taking care of their needs 24*7 , well now he had to share her with people whose faces she may never see in her lifetime !! Aru , Pallu what kinda crazy names do these people have !!!
He watched as his wife got up and started chatting once again , an array of expressions flitting across her face, care, concern, laughter, dreamy smiles, teasing giggles, Arnav couldn't help but smile at the childlike excitement he saw on her face but he really had to do something to get her attention !! this was getting out of hand !!
Meanwhile Khushi was happily giggling away, she knew this was crazy but she couldn't help it, Tina's stories were like a drug to her now, well not as addictive as her love for her husband, but the stories were her 2nd love now and these kids in the CC were so adorable cute.
She couldn't help blush crimson as she read Pallu's latest OS, it was totally naughty and very cute, aww these kids were becoming a part of her life now, a day without chatting with them was making her feel all empty inside out .
She was currently fighting with Hiru who was nicknamed Heer because she was threatening to come down and take care of Arnav if Khushi didn't have time for him, she had to give it to these girls for being so possessive about Arnav just because he shared the same name as Tina's characters. Heer had already started calling Arnav her Ranjha.
The night drifted off as Tina joined them and the girls had a total ball on the CC, meanwhile Arnav had given up hope of his wife joining him on bed and slept off, so he was pleasantly surprised when he saw Khushi jerk him awake in the middle of the night, as his eyes focused on hers, she could see that they were red from crying, he immediately got up and took her in his arms, as she hugged him closed,
"Khushi what happened princess ?? did something happen ?? Is Tina fine ? you were chatting with her right ?? or is it one of your friends ?? "
Khushi cried more as she saw Arnav fretting over her friends,
"They are all okay, but all of them got angry with me Arnav, they were all scolding me and I know I deserve it !! "
Arnav felt his temper level rising at the thought of someone scolding Khushi !! without a word he picked up his phone and dialled Tina !!
Tina saw Arnav calling and immediately picked up the call , she had an inclination as to hat this was about but nothing prepared her for his fiery temper as he nearly smothered her over the phone !!
"What the hell Tina !! why did you all hurt Khushi ?? I though she was happy with all of you but if you girls are so bent upon hurting her, then I would never allow her to chat with any of you !! "
Khushi got startled as she heard Arnav screaming at Tina ,she tried to interrupt him but he hushed her up and went on ranting at poor Tina who couldn't help control her laughter !!
"you think this is funny Tina, dammit this is about my wife and I thought you were our best friend , and here you are having fun hurting Khushi !! "
Tina decide to make her stupid bestie shut up for once,
"Whoa Arnav, hold the fire, seriously I am so right at sketching out your character in my stories, Loverboy Arnav Singh Raizada with his hot blazing temper , breathing fire at anyone and everyone who upsets his wife without even bothering to find out what actually happened !! , now hold your curses for me and ask your dear Khushi, why she is crying and what we told her, am sure she is trying to explain it to you now !! go listen to her before you curse me into oblivion, now leave me alone, will you ?? I am writing a striptease scene for my next update and am sure your Khushi wont spare me if it doesn't come out well !!! "
And with that Tina hung up the call as she left Arnav to deal with Khushi while she got back to writing Secret Passions !!
Arnav had his typical dialogue ready at hand,
"What The !! What the hell was all that about ?? and what did she say last ! STRIPTEASE !! seriously what is she making my Khushi read !! , damn I cant imagine Tina writing something like that and my Khushi reading it !! "
He turned to look at Khushi who was looking at him with a worried expression,
"Arnav, Fari scolded me so much today, you know what, she is usually the quiet one and I never thought she could flare up so much, and I don't want to complain because she was so right, all of them were right and I am wrong. "
Arnav was getting more and more puzzled with this convo, he couldn't understand as to what happened that everyone else could be right and his Khushi could be wrong, He waited for her to speak,
"They were all angry with me because I wasn't giving you enough time !! "
Arnav sat shocked as he heard her !! now this was most unexpected, he couldn't imagine a group of unknown girls take his side and fighting with Khushi !! He tried to control his smile as he let her continue,
"you have no clue how much they all adore you , Tina told them that she had named her lovers after you and me and ever since then, they have all wanted to meet you, they all love you so much and today Tina came to the CC and started scolding me in front of everyone for not spending time with you, and then all hell broke loose,
Aru stopped talking to me telling me that am not a good wife, she is such a baby and imagine Arnav, she was scolding me !!
Jyo & Pallu ganged up and threatened that they would hack my ID and kick me out of IF if I didn't spend time with you ...
Heer said that am not fit enough to be your Khushi and she said she was going to come and take you if I wasn't bothered to give you my time.
Jenny & Fari started sending me hate messages in my scrap and then Fari started sending me Patni Dharam lectures !!
Sim knew I was on the verge of tears and instead of consoling me, she started writing songs as to how bad a wife I am !!
Roka and Anki were the only ones who didn't scold me openly, but they were both so silent and then they joined Tina and started telling me about how much you love me and how upset you were that am ignoring you !!
What the hell Arnav, these girls don't even know you and they all took your side !! "
Arnav was laughing by the end of the speech, he really had to give it to the girls, they had done a good job of riling up Khushi , he could see that their words were pinching her too much, but he still couldn't see her tears, his Khushi was so adorably cute !!
Arnav cupped her face and kissed her tears away, he placed kisses all over her face, and hugged her close to his heart,
"Its okay Khushi, they are your friends and they didn't mean it all seriously, Tina must have told me them how annoyed I was and they just decided to pull your leg,
Come on Jaan, Tina knows how much you love me, I know how much my Khushi loves me, you think we will doubt you ?
And your friends were just teasing you Khushi, they all that you are my perfect wife, and no Heer can take me away from you !! even Heer or whatever her real name is...Hiru right ?? even she knows that !!
The girls love Tina's stories and they knows its inspired by our love story , so they must know for sure that no one can come between us !! your Hiru was just kidding, thats all Khushi !! "
Khushi looked at Arnav who was consoling her all this while, the girls were right in scolding her, and now thinking of it, she knew it was her fault that she had got carried away in the CC and ignored him all these days, she realised how much she had been missing him, it was always there but then she had ignored it and now all she wanted was time with her husband, she silently thanked the girls for making her realise how much she missed Arnav,
Arnav saw her blush as she started playing with his shirt buttons,
"Arnav, its not that I didn't miss you, I missed you so much, its just that I was having so much fun with the girls and Tina, they are so naughty and so much fun to be around !! you should also come there Arnav, they all want to talk to you so much, we have so much fun teasing Tina for all the naughty things she write, you have no idea how naughty our crazy Tina is !! "
Arnav pulled her closer, his lips touching hers...
"well I have vague idea now as to what you girls write and discuss, Tina let something slip and I cant believe that my wife has been reading naughty stuff and still she was able to resist her husband who wants her so much !! , you can tell the girls that I love them for letting my wife spend sometime with me though I know how much they love you, but am not coming there Khushi, am always going to be a mystery for them, a mystery whom they will always know as Khushi's Arnav !!
Now shut up and don't interrupt me Princess, I missed you so much, body and soul, am aching for you !! "
Khushi pulled her husband closer into her arms , her lips coming close to his, but just then she felt him pull away,
"one minute princess, I have to apologize to Tina for screaming at her, let me just text her !! "
Khushi pouted as she saw him pull away, and Arnav laughed, seeing his wife angry at him, all these days she was the one ignoring him and now she wanted him so badly !!
He took up his phone and texted her...
"Hey crazy girl, don't know whether to thank you or scold you more, am still angry at you and the girls for making my princess cry but love you all the same for letting me having my wife back again !! "
He pressed send and was about to turn to Khushi when he heard her yelp !!
"What is it now Khushi ?? Aru still having stomach pain or did Pallu hack your account ?? "
Khushi threw him daggers as she replied,
"Its worse, Jyo just left me a scrap, she is writing an OS on how all of them together gave Khushi back to her Arnav !! "
Arnav smirked as he imagined people reading about his Khushi's antics,
"Now thats not a bad thing is it ?? let them know how crazy I am for you , give my blessings to the CC girls and my nest wishes as well, tell them I love the OS idea !! now come here and don't say another word, the only thing I should hear on your lips now is my name "
And with that he took her lips in a searing kiss, as finally Arnav got his Khushi back all to himself, thanx to Tina & her Fanatics, and they spend the night making up for all those days when his crazy wife had been too obsessed with Tina's Fanatics.
A Proud Tina's fanatic from TinaKePyaarMeinPaagal.Com
hey jyo this is simply superb.. can understand arnav's anger even have somebody around me sometimes telling me don't you think even i exist other than you arnav, khushi and your SARUN fan group girls.. loved the OS and was laughing all the time reading it..