Okay so I know its a surprise , I said update tomo but here you go, I wrote it and i just couldnt resist posting !!
On an important note
you all know I have 4 stories running in parallel...
Our 9 Months
Love In Death Valley
Let Me Love You
My Heart Is Yours
I try to give updates on all my works every week and its taking a toll on my other day to day activities.
So I am cutting down to 2 updates a week, I will update 2 stories of mine per week.I hope its fine with you all. because its really taking a toll on me trying to update 4 stories every week.
Coming to this update, well the revelations have started and pls dont throw tomatoes for stopping where I stopped, there is more coming in the next update.
I hope you all like the new entry.
okay enough of my blabber...and pls ignore typos.
Happy Reading !! 
Naina Shastri was on her way to the Raizadas, she had just got off the call with Alaka and she knew it was an emergency, she was lost in her thoughts as she thought back to the day when she had first met Khushi, Naina was a reputed psychiatrist and a lot of families came to her on a daily basis, she specialized mainly on the youth, she was well aware of the problems that the youth of today faced and she had taken it as a mission in her life to help them out as much as possible, when Raj Gupta had first contacted her in respect to his daughter's case, she was reluctant to take it since she had her hands full, she really wasn't sure if she would be able to devote time to Khushi, but that's when Alaka called her, Alaka had been a friend of hers for quite sometime then and they shared a very special bond, Naina cared about Alaka deeply and when she heard of how Alaka and Khushi were connected, she knew she couldn't refuse Khushi and that's how Khushi had reached her hands.
Her heart went out to Khushi the first time she saw her, such a young girl and she had been through so much, and when she saw Raj gupta pretending to be the grieving father, all she wanted to do was take Khushi away forever from the Guptas but Alaka had already filled her in as to what she wanted for Khushi's future, and so from that day onwards Naina had been Alaka's confidante when it came to Khushi, under Naina's care and her medication, the change in Khushi had been very subtle but very much positive, Khushi was a strong girl by heart and she had fought back well but Naina knew that she was from bringing Khushi to her happiness.
Naina was brought out og her reverie when she felt the car stop at Shantivan, Alaka came out to receive her,
Naina : Hows Khushi now ?? what happened ?? was she missing any medicines ?
Alaka : I don't know about what happened Naina, Bhai got Bhabhi home today and she was fine but then you know she has always underwent sudden bouts of depression, maybe this was one of it, Bhai is with her now, Ill take you to them.
Naina walked in and she was greeted by Sayali and Samar, Alaka gave them a reassuring glance as she ushered Naina away, as soon as Naina walked in, the sight that met her , no words could ever explain the happiness that Naina felt when she saw Khushi in Arnav's arms, right then she knew that Alaka & Rahul had been right about Arnav being the perfect choice for Khushi, what stunned her was the concern and love she saw on Arnav's face, his facemirrored the pain in his heart as he held Khushi in his arms, stroking her forhead, holding her hands tightly in his.
Alaka went over and touched him on his shoulder,
Alaka : Bhai meet Dr.Naina Shastri, she is Bhabhi doctor from a long time, she is a well known psychiatrist in Delhi and Bhabhi has been under her treatment.
Arnav was still lost as to how Alaka knew so much about Khushi but his questions had to wait, he watched as Naina moved to examine Khushi, just then Akash arrived and he rushed into the room, he saw Naina checking over Khushi and went to stand by Arnav, his silence being his support. Meanwhile Arnav went and locked the door, he knew there was a lot he needed to know and he didn't want his parents coming in as yet, he would tell them when the time was right.
Slowly Khushi regained consciousness, her vision was blurred but as she came into focus , the first thing she saw was Naina keenly watching her, Arnav rushed over as he saw Khushi open her eyes , she was trying to get up and he reached out to help her sit up, her eyes locked with his, Naina waited for Arnav to help her sit up, thats when Khushi realised that Naina was at the Raizadas, she turned towards her,
Khushi : Naina how did you reach here ?? who called you ? How did you know that I was here ??
Alaka spoke up : I called her here Bhabhi, when Bhai told me that you had fainted, I knew I had to call Naina in.
Khushi was totally shocked by now, how did Alaka know Naina ??
Khushi : but Alaka, how do you both know each other ??
Khushi was looking really lost now and it was once again taking a toll on her, she felt light headed and dizzy, Arnav saw that Khushi was getting agitated and he sat down next to her and took her in his arms,
Arnav : relax princess, even I am lost in all this and we will find the anwers but please don't give more stress to yourself, first tell me how are you feeling now ???
Khushi looked at him , she didn't say anything, she felt too tired and her mind was sagging, she leaned and placed her head over his heart and she found her comfort zone, her eyes closing slightly.
Naina : Khushi , I need to know baby, did you miss out on any of your medicines ?? how are you feeling now ?? too tired ?? , or do you feel like getting out for sometime ??
She saw Khushi shaking her head in the negative ...
Khushi : Naina , I didn't miss out on my daily doses, I took them all today , I am fine Naina, It just happened out of the blue.
Arnav broke in ... "thats not true " !!
Naina looked at Arnav ...
Arnav : hush princess, Naina needs to know what happened...
He turned towards Naina...
Arnav : Khushi was talking to Mama and Papa and then they asked her about how Maya and Payal are with her, and about her childhood etc etc, thats what triggered it...
Naina listened carefully as Arnav explained everything that happened after that, thought he didn't tell what Khushi had mumbled in her sleep, that was for him alone to hear.
Arnav looked at Akash who was watching everything silently, when Akash saw Arnav look at him, he returned him an assuring smile and urged him to go on.
Naina looked at Khushi who was hugging Arnav closer to herself...
Naina : Khushi you need to get a grip on yourself baby, remember what I always tell you ?? , don't let the past kill your present Khushi, I can see that you are very happy with Arnav, I can see you clinging to him right now like your life depends on him, then why were you running away from him ?? Take him Khushi, live with him happily, Cant you see that he is all yours ??
Khushi felt her eyes well up as she heard Naina, she moved from Arnav's arms and threw herself into Naina's outstretched arms, crying her heart out, Naina hugged her tighter, thats when Arnav got up and walked over to Alaka, he took her hands in his..
Arnav : Chotti please don't try to hide more, I can see that you are aware of Khushi's past, i don't know how much but you do know, and i want to know everything.
Enough of secrets Chotti, me and your Bhabhi, we both are tired of it. Tell me how do you know that Khushi was under treatment.
Alaka smiled at him and went out of the room, Arnav was puzzled with Alaka's behaviour and was about to go after her but right then she came back, he saw her holding her violin and an album in her hands, the sight of the violin unsettled him more than anything else, he knew the significance of violin in Khushi's life and seeing Alaka bringing it in right now set his thoughts racing, he could see an invisible connection between Alaka & Khushi , he was scared as to what they were about to hear.
Meanwhile Alaka went over to Khushi and sat down next to her, Naina moved aside to make space for Khushi, but her hands held Khushi's tightly clasped in hers, Khushi's eyes widened in shock as she saw the violin, she looked at Alaka who was watching her with a sad smile,
Alaka : do you remember this violin Bhabhi ?? do you remember all those times when you chased Rahul around for being obsessed with his violin ??? I used to do the same Bhabhi !!
Khushi stared at Alaka in shock, Arnav stood rooted to his spot, Alaka knew Rahul but how ?? it made no sense at all as to how his sister was connected to Khushi & Rahul !!
But what came next shocked him all the more...
Khushi : You are Rahul's Pari ... Arent you ??
Alaka felt tears flowing down her eyes as she realised that Khushi had recognised her. It had been a long time since she had been called Rahul's Pari .
She gave a slight nod as Khushi pulled her into his arms, hugging her tight !!
Both the women were crying, like 3 long lost sisters who had finally met. Arnav could make neither head or tail but he understood one thing, Rahul had been someone very special not just to Khushi but to his Chotti as well !!
Alaka broke out of the hug and gave the violin to Khushi...
Alaka : Its the only thing of Rahul I could save after his death, and these photos Bhabhi !! These are the only memories left now !!
Khushi cried as she took the violin in her hands, she had known at first glance that it was his, it was too special for her, how much she had tried to get to Rahul's belongings but her father wouldn't let her, she had tried in vain to reach Rahul's friends. She could see the R that she had engraved on the violin , right beneath the R , 2 more letters were added, K & P on either side of the R, K for Khushi and P for Pari.
Khushi : I still remember the day when I saw with Rahul near the temple, that was the day he told me about his Pari, that day I had engraved our initials along with his on this violin.
I begged Rahul to let me meet you but he wouldn't budge , it was always the same dialogue he would give me,
"Chutki now isn't the right time yet, you will meet your Bhabhi soon but you need to wait "
Alaka laughed as she saw Khushi imitating Rahul , yea Rahul called Khushi his Chutki !!
Alaka made Khushi open the album, Arnav moved in for a closer look, it contained pages and pages of pictures, some of Khushi with Rahul, some were of Alaka and Rahul, Arnav slumped down next to Khushi, Khushi smiled at him as she moved closer to him, holding out the album to him .
He took it from her and flipped through the pages, Alaka watched her brother with a sad smile,
Khushi : This is Rahul , my brother, Paris Rahul', I never had any of our pictures together, Rahul kept it all with him because he didn't want Papa finding out about me meeting Rahul, thats how happy I was Arnav, always happy with Rahul around, look at Pari''s face, no one can be sad around Rahul , he kept us all happy Arnav !!
Arnav looked at Alaka who looked at him sadly, he knew now how Pari was connected to Rahul, they were in love but he wanted to hear it from her , he looked at Khushi who had a smile on her face as she showed him Rahul's pictures, a childlike happiness and innocence, like she was introducing him to the most precious thing in her world.
Naina looked at Khushi with tears in her eyes as she saw her chatter away, Khushi had been through so much pain, and she could see that it was still fresh inside her !!
He looked at her , her tears glistening on her face, suddenly she clutched his shirt in her hands...
Khushi : why Arnav ?? why did I loose him, why did Pari loose him ?? we were so happy, we could have all been together, Rahul if he was here today with us, he would have been so happy !!
Why were the fates so cruel to us !!
Arnav didn't know how to answer her so he took her in his arms as she cried out her pain, Naina was holding Alaka who was crying silently, Akash was a silent spectator to all this. He stood next to Alaka watching it all silently.
Khushi broke out from Arnav's hold and turned to look at Alaka,
Khushi : why didn't you come to me earlier ?? why didn't Bhai let me meet you before ?? why did he keep telling that it wasn't the right time ?? when was the right time ???
Alaka moved towards Khushi and took her hands in hers.
Alaka : Bhabhi, Rahul didn't tell you anything because the time wasn't right then. He didn't want you exposed to any kind of danger, you were supposed to know about me only after he had seen to it that you were safe from Raj Gupta.
Time wasn't right because he wanted to make raj Gupta acknowledge to the world that Rahul was his son before he came to ask my parents for my hand.
Time wasn't right because your Arnav had not yet reached India then !!!
Arnav stared at Alaka in shock, why did his arrival back to India getting connected to khushi knowing about Alaka ??
His sister was talking in riddles and it was increasing the growing fear in his heart !!
Arnav : Chotti I can understand and accept the first 2 reasons that you gave but what has my arrival got to do anything with all this ??
Alaka looked at him straight in his eyes, her words chilling him to his bones , her words leaving Khushi stunned.
" Your arrival was important because Rahul had sworn to himself that he would let Khushi meet his girl only after making her meet the prince he had found for her, selecting you for Bhabhi wasn't just my choice Bhai, it was Rahul's wish that his Chukti be given into the safe hands of my brother, You are Rahul's choice for Khushi "
Naina Shastri
A little of Naina , A little of Akash and lots of Alaka !! 
still Arnav and us has to know more of Alaka story.......
ReplyDeleteso Akash will get to know all of it and then of Payal to......
so what you have planned for Akash Payal to get change for him or some other girl...
loved the upate.....
i guess yet lot of truth to be uncoverd....waiting for more