Next update... here it comes
Revelations have all been dealt with, the initial part of this FF is done, from next update onwards, its Khushi's realisation of her love for Arnav and their journey together as they beat out all odds.
Also there is more in store for Akash and Payal 
Many of you wanted Naina & Akash to be together, I have to tell you this, Naina is older to Akash in this story, but Akash & Naina's story doesnt end here, there is more to it but that will be given out later.
Also Rahul is dead and pls dont ask me to bring him back somehow, there is no scope for that but Anjali will find love again !! 
I hope all your doubts are cleared now 
Hope you like the update ... Happy reading 
Arnav & Khushi stared at Alaka, the silence suspended between them like an oncoming tempest, her words taking time to sink in, Khushi tried to make sense of what Alaka had just given out, She looked at Arnav who looked equally shocked. Arnav was Rahul's choice for Khushi, but how ?? it made no sense, how could He pick Khushi for Arnav when he never knew Arnav. Khushi looked at Akaka...
"what are you saying Pari ?? how can Arnav be Rahul's choice when he had not even met him once ?? "
Alaka took both their hands in hers, looking at them sadly as she recounted everything that Rahul had planned for their future.
" Bhai , Bhabhi ... Rahul had a lot of dreams and the most important one was to take you away from the living hell that is called home, he wanted you away from there asap, and he knew that it wouldn't be possible unless someone entered your life and marked you as his, Rahul wanted you to find true love and happiness, but he was very protective about you at the same time, he wanted the guy who comes for you to be perfect, he didn't want another soul to hurt you again in the name of a relationship.
Meanwhile he had heard a lot about Arnav Bhai from me, I used to talk a lot about my family to Rahul and he loved hearing me talk, he loved Papa and Mama, he loved how Arnav Bhai and Akash Bhai loved and protected me, he always used to call our family the perfect heaven on earth.
He had seen Arnav Bhai's pics , I don't know how and when Rahul started wishing that his Khushi gets a guy like Bhai, it started off as jokes but I could see it deep inside his heart that he really wished to make you and Bhai meet, and then once I asked him about it directly, what he replied made me laugh, it was the first time I had seen him suggest something that was typically a girl's work. He said he wants to play cupid for Bhai and Bhabhi, wanted to see if its worth a shot to give you both a chance, he made me promise that I will help him out in this and I was thrilled with his plan.
I had heard so much about you from Rahul , seen your pics, I knew you would be perfect for Bhai, and so we decided to go ahead with our plan.
But thats when all our lives took a turn for the worst. Rahul was shattered when he came to know what happened with you Bhabhi, the rage almost killed him, he swore in front of me that he wouldn't spare those bas***ds, I didn't stop him because I knew as a brother what he felt, I knew my own brothers wouldn't sit quiet if something like that had happened to me.
But what happened next was something that ripped all our lives away, Rahul's death, I don't know how I survived it Bhabhi, if it wasn't for Naina I would never be alive today, Naina was the reason I met Rahul, Rahul and I met during an awareness programme conducted by Naina about the current problems the youth of our country faces, after Rahul's death, I spend most of my time with Naina, I knew I had to live on for the sake of Rahul's dreams, and I couldn't let Khushi suffer, I asked Naina to take Khushi into her care, and that's how Khushi met Naina for treatment and ever since then I have been watching over Bhabhi with Naina's help and finally when Bhai was all settled here,I spoke to Mama about getting Bhai's rishta fixed with Bhabhi."
Arnav sat shocked , he was at a loss for words, his little sister whom he had always thought of as a little girl was no longer a kid, she was a woman who had seen and undergone a lot of pain early on in her life and she had withstood all of it on her own for the sake of the promise she had given to the person she loved.
Arnav pulled Alaka into his arms, hugging her close. He knew no amount of words will be enough to remove the pain his sister had gone through, it wasn't just Khushi who had suffered, his baby sister had lost the love of her life at the hands of the gruel Guptas and he knew he wouldn't rest until he made Raj Gupta pay for what he did to Khushi and Alaka.
Arnav knew that his sister was a god send angel, she had made sure that he meets Khushi no matter what happened...
"Chotti, so much happened and you didn't think it important to tell your brothers ?? when did our little baby grow up so much that she started making such big decisions ?? so much pain chotti , you went through it all alone, didn't tell any of us, why baby ?? "
Alaka smiled at Arnav, she placed a kiss on his cheeks...
" I knew this question was coming Bhai, but I trusted in what Rahul told me, everything has a time and place of its own and we cant rush anything, if I had told you about Rahul earlier then I would have to tell you about Khushi, you would have rushed to her that very instant, I know my brother but then it wouldn't be out of love, it would have been because you wanted to grant me my wish, that would be the worse thing to happen to Bhabhi, you had to meet her in such a way that you realise your feelings for her if any on your own, for reasons that are purely your own, not because me or someone else wanted you both to be together.
And so I waited for the right time, when Naina told me that Bhabhi had improved a lot and it was okay now to let her meet Arnav, thats when I decided to talk to Mama for you, and I am happy I waited. You fell in love with Bhabhi for reasons that are only yours, not because you felt bad for what happened with Bhabhi, not because you think Rahul and I wanted you to be with her, you are with Bhabhi today because you truly love her, you don't care about her past neither do you care about her future,all that matters to you is that you love her and want her in your life and thats exactly how Rahul and I wanted it to be."
Khushi who was listening to all this silently broke in,
"Chotti, you said you know everything about me and my family through Rahul, Rahul knew all along, I understand everything that you said but tell me this, if you knew my family then you must also know that Payal is the last person who can keep Akash happy, you knew what sort of a girl Payal is and yet you let him meet Payal for a proposal ?? Why Alaka ... I kept silent about Payal all this while because Akash said he needed time to decide about Payal, I decided to intervene only if it was required, I would never want Payal to enter his life and ruin it. But why didn't you tell Akash about Payal ?? "
It was not Alaka who answered but Akash, he came and sat next to Khushi and held her hands in his ..
" Because your Devar never intended to marry Payal in the first place. I knew what I was getting into.""
Arnav & Khushi looked at Akash, the night was turning out to be a time of revelations and shock for them, first Alaka and now Akash, Khushi looked at Arnav for help, he came and sat next to Akash ..
"what the hell is that supposed to mean Akash ?? what do you all know that Khushi & I don't , what have you and Alaka been upto ?? "
Akash turned to Arnav ...
" Bhai hear me out, I was also unaware about everything until a month back, whatever our Chotti went through, I wasn't aware of anything, around a month back, I overheard her talking to Naina over the phone about Bhabhi, I saw her crying through the entire call and when she hung up, she saw me watching her, she knew I had heard everything, she knew I wasn't going to let her walk off without telling me whats its all about and thats exactly what I did.
I took her out for a drive, and She told me everything that had happened , she told me about Rahul, about Bhabhi and everything that raj Gupta had done, later we met Naina who filled me up about Bhabhi's progress, from then on we both kept a watch over Bhabhi.
When it came to talking to Mama about Bhabhi and your rishta, Mama was happy and she took the proposal to Maya Gupta but Maya wanted both her daughters married into the same house, Mama came back and told us what Maya's reply and thats when I decided to step in, I decided to take the bait, thats why I told everyone that Payal and I need time, I will just back out later Bhai, either way the way Payal is, she doesn't care, it wont hurt your relation with Bhabhi because our parents will know that you and Bhabhi love each other and Guptas wont dare to turn Raizadas against them, they don't care about their daughter's happiness but money and status and its power matter to them and they wont let go of an opportunity to get their name tied to ours.
Dont worry Bhai, nothing or no one will come in between you and Bhabhi !! "
Khushi was too lost for words, all her life she had grown up without love and now she was surrounded by 3 people who were determined to do anything for her happiness. Not just Arnav, but Alaka and Akash were doing so much for her happiness, it was too much to accept, to unreal to believe yet she knew that it was all reality.
Arnav meanwhile had no words left, he pulled his brother and sister into a tight hug ...
"Since when did my little ones whom I have watched grow up in front of me become so big !! "
They hugged him back, the 3 of them sharing a rare moment while Khushi looked on happily, Akash saw Khushi smiling at the scene in front of her and pulled her into the hug ...
" you belong here with us Bhabhi, don't stay away please . not ever again because its not just Bhai who needs you, you have a Devar and a Nanad who loves you more than you can fathom "
Arnav pulled out of the hug letting his brother and sister have this moment with their Bhabhi whom they had started loving even before him. A line that he had heard commonly in movies came to him...
"It was as though the fates and destiny had conspired to bring them together "
Khushi broke out of the hug and looked at both Akash and Alaka who were looking very happy at finally having let out their secret...
" both of you knew everything, you know my damaged past, and you know your brother's heart, a heart that can love endless, and yet you want him to be with a girl who has a history like mine ?? don't you think he deserves better ?? Why Alaka ?? Akash .. even you think I should be in your brother's life ... after being taint..."
Akash didn't let her complete the sentence placing his hands over her lips...
"Ssshhh Bhabhi, please don't do that ... don't call yourself tainted !! tainted are those who have a character like Payal, not you, you are as pure as anyone could hope to be and we know you will be perfect for our Bhai, Ram-Sita Jodi you both will be ... we can see how much Bhai loves you, and we know that you will one day learn to love him ... thats all we want Bhabhi, want to see you both happy "
Khushi had tears in her eyes as she hugged them again, she had found 2 more people who had become infinitely precious to her, 2 people to love as they loved her back. She looked at Arnav who had tears in her eyes as he watched her... they didn't need words to tell each other what they felt, their eyes and hearts told each other a million emotions, they both felt incredibly lucky to have siblings like Akash and Alaka...
Naina was watching the scenes unravelling in front of her with happy tears ... she had always wanted to see rahul's dream fulfilled, she knew Rahul would have been very happy to watch this if he had been alive, she send a silent prayer to the Gods, she knew his soul should be finally at peace.
Khushi had atlast found the perfect family, Rahul's choice was spot on, Arnav was indeed Khushi's love and the Raizadas were exactly the family Khushi deserved.
Akash pulled Khushi from the hug, Alaka and Akash winked at each other and took Khushi and pushed her into Arnav's waiting arms.Khushi blushed while Arnav shamelessly hugged her close, burying himself in her tresses.Khushi hugged him back, finding her peace finally.
Arnav : Khushi what you told Alaka and Akash should be the last time you ever talk about it, remember what I told you, you are perfect for me, made for me and there is no one else for me out there, I told you already and I am telling you again, I love you and I need only you, not anyone else. And to me you have the purest soul and whatever happened to you wasn't your fault, it was a physical injury at its most cruel form and I wont let the slimes who did it walk free. Nobody dares to mess with people who are special to Arnav Singh Raizda and gets away with it, definitely not with what they did to the love of my life !!
Arnav placed a firm kiss on her forhead while Khushi's closed her eyes, accepting his love as her reality. A reality that will bind her to him for their next 7 lives and for an eternity together, Khushi would be remembered as Arnav's forever.
Khushi looked at him who was looking at her with all the love in the world while Naina Akash and Alaka watched them through happy tears, seeing their dream coming true in front of their eyes...
" Arnav I am sorry I didn't tell you about Payal, I didn't want to intervene, I trusted Akash to make the right decision and thats why I kept quiet, please don't feel bad that I kept it away from you. I was planning on telling you if i see her trying to toy with his feelings. "
Akash broke in ...
"Dont worry Bhabhi... Bhai wont mind, he would never get angry with you ... cant you see, he is such a lover boy now !! "
Alaka and Naina laughed out as they saw Arnav reaching out to mock punch Akash ...
Akash : And as it is I know Payal will do anything to snag me, as far as I have seen her, its not just me she wants, am sure she wants to try her charms on Bhai as well !!
Arnav : What The !! Where did that come from ...what rubbish are you speaking Akash ??
Khushi broke in...
" Dont be surprised Arnav, her ultimate aim is you, I am not shocked, why would she slap me after returning from our family function and tell me to enjoy with you while I can because she was going to snatch you away from me !! "
Arnav and Akash cursed together as Naina and Anjali threw daggers as they heard Khushi...
Arnav : Khushi why didn't you tell me all this ??? How can you let Payal treat you like that !!
Khushi : there is nothing new in this Arnav, I was always her punchbag, whatever problems she had, the frustration would be taken out on me, its not the first time that she is abusing me. So this was nothing new. From the time she saw, she has been wanting to get into your pants and for a fact even my step mother wouldn't mind having you !!
Arnav and Akash were stumped as they heard the bitterness and hate in her voice as she spoke about Maya and Payal, they couldn't fathom how 2 woman could sink down to the lowest levels possible as far as a woman concerned.
Naina decided to intervene...
" its okay now guys, there are women like this out there and there is nothing to be shocked about, though its unfortunate that Khushi was born into one such family, but I am happy that she has found her happiness.
Arnav , you better take care of my baby, or else I will be right outside your door with a stick in my hand, ready to thrash the hell out of you, so don't mess !! "
Arnav grinned sheepishly at Naina while the rest laughed.. He went over and hugged Naina ..
"thanx Naina, for taking care of my Princess, for taking care of my Chotti, for everything that you have done . you made sure that 2 very important women in my life didn't break part when their life fell to pieces right in front of them. Thank you for that, I don't think I can tell you what you have done for me . "
Naina ruffled Arnav's hair as she pulled his cheeks...
"Okays sweethearts, I have to get going now, got a long day tomorrow, do drop in at my place when you guys get time okay , I am leaving for now "
Khushi and Alaka hugged Naina Goodbye as Akash escorted Naina out ...
Alaka turned to Arnav as they left...
"Bhai Mama and Papa are waiting for us downstairs, and we have to give them an explanation, but how much do you want them to know .. you and Bhabhi have to decide that and then we can all head out. "
this is good. i want the raizada to know it all
ReplyDeletethis was a superb update...the revelations were perfect;)
that was an awesome update loved it i hope khushi gets all the happiness she deserves i hope payal and her mom dont come between arnav and khushi thanks so much!
ReplyDelete\IF ID:-IPKKNDbigfan
Thank God Arnav knows payals intentions