here is the first update in this SS
and if u want to know whr I left off the story in the prequel then pls chk the epilogue in this link !!
Also remember that Rahul & Lavanya are part of this story !! 
Happy Reading !!
Finishing up her breakfast, Khushi went upto their room to start packing, she had a smile playing on her lips, the idea of spending a few days alone with her Laad Governor was making her all warm and fuzzy inside like she had a million butterflies floating inside her tummy, as soon as she alwaked in she saw Arnav sitting on the recliner, typing away on his laptop, she sighed as she noticed that he hadn't looked up at her,
"must be really busy, after all he was going away with her leaving all his work behind, let me do the packing while he clears his work "
Khushi kept muttering to herself as she started packing , what she was oblivious of was the fact that her husband was ogling at her shamelessly, the minute she had walked in, he had felt her, he knew she was in the room and all he wanted was to go to her and pull her into his arms, he had purposefully kept his eyes fixed on his laptop, he really had to clear up a few stuff before leaving on their honeymoon since he didn't want work interrupting him at all, Arnav Singh Raizada was going off the grid and that meant he had a lot left to clear up and looking at his way was not helping him at all right now !!
And so it went on, Khushi went about packing their stuff, occasionally wondering what to pack and what not to pack whilst her husband, the mighty ASR who possessed superhuman self control and prided himself on it, sat trying to focus on his ever precious work but for some reason despite the AC being on a high, beads of perspiration were starting to be visible, his workaholic mind had kissed him goodbye and was now sending him flashes of his time last night with Khushi, his fists clenching hard on his laptop !!
Just then Khushi noticed her husband sitting , with his fists clenched tight, and beads of sweat forming on his temple, she immediately went over to him, not knowing that she was going to rip away his last shreds of sanity !!
Arnav jolted as he felt her hands on his forhead, with him sitting on the recliner and her standing, his line of vision was straight onto her chest , which made him groan more, things weren't going the right way for Arnav !!!
Khushi : Arnav are you okay ??
You are sweating so much but its so cold in the room ??
Are you feeling sick ??
Should I call the doctor ??
And thats when he lost it all out...
Arnav : just shut up Khushi !!! just go do your work, weren't you packing ?? then why did you leave that halfway and come running to me ?? am fine here, now stop disturbing me and go do your work !!
Khushi moved back hearing him scream, it had been a long time since she had seen him get angry on her and it scared her, brought back memories of their earlier days, she felt tears weeling up in her eyes and thats when it hit Arnav !!
" SHIT "
" Did he just scream at her ?? one minute she was all happy, packing like he had told her to and now he had screamed the hell out on her !! how was it her fault that he was having trouble focusing on his work ?? dammit he loved her so much and damn his anger that rears its ugly head so often !! "
His heart broke as he saw her turning away with tears in her eyes, he watch in shock as she started unpacking , taking everything out to put them back on the racks, she paused and turned to look at him, she came towards him and smoothed the worry lines on his forhead, making him close his eyes in guilt,
Khushi : please don't stress yourself Arnav, lets cancel this trip for now, we can go some other time, I know there is a lot of work at AR and its not easy for you to leave it behind now, I will tell the others that we aren't leaving now .
Khushi placed a slight kiss on his forhead and was about to move out when she felt herself being pulled back into his arms, she gasped as he pulled her against the door, locking it behind her, the curtains were already drawn so that no one in the house could see them from any vantage point !!
Khushi was shocked as she felt him pulling her tight into a hug that crushed the air out of her lungs !! She hugged him back tighter, her hands soothing the muscles at his back ,
Khushi : what is it Arnavji ?? you sound worried and upset , I know you wouldn't shout at me like that unless you are worried about something ??? did anything happen at the office ??
Arnav looked at her innocent eyes that were filled with worry and concern for him and he felt like kicking himself for screaming at her like that, He placed his fingers on her lips as he looked straight into her eyes,
Arnav : Khushi I am really sorry princess. Its not the work, its not anything at the office , its YOU !!
Arnav watched as her eyes widened in shock, about to retaliate but he hushed her up again !!
Arnav : you are driving me crazy Khushi, so crazy that I am not able to stay away from you even for a minute !!
All I want to do is take you away with me where no one can reach us !!
You think I want to postpone this honeymoon Khushi ?? thats a horrendous idea jaan because then i will die out of frustration !!
I was trying to get some last minute work done because I don't want work disturbing me when I am with you, thats when you walked in to pack and all I want to do was take you in my arms then and there , I couldn't concentrate Khushi, I have never felt so helpess around anyone else !!
Khushi felt her shock giving way to embarrassment, she had never heard anything on these lines from Arnav ever before, to see him admit that she makes him feel vulnerable, well it was something that she felt all the time when he was around her and it felt good to know that she had the same effect on him !!
He smiled as he saw her blushing in his arms , trying to get away, he tightened his grip on her further,
Arnav : not so fast Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada !! you play havoc on my sense all morning and now you want to get away ?? well not so fast !!
She gasped as she saw him leaning in, her skin tingled as she felt his lips on her pulse point, his lips placed feather light kisses on her neck, tracing a blazing line of kisses on her neck and shoulder, his lips cold and smooth as he trailed them on her sensitive points, a low moan escaped from the back of her throat as she pulled him tighter into his arms, he moved his lips to her face, tracing kisses over her eyes and forhead, moving along her jawline, the blood pounding in his veins, he groaned as he lifted her into his arms and moved her to their bed,
Khushi : Arnav please stop, I have to finish our packing !!!
Arnav unpinned her Sari paying no heed to her ...
Arnav : we have time Khushi, the flight is at night, we have all day to pack now stop disturbing me, let me make love to my wife !!
Khushi gave in as she felt him move closer to her lips , his lips touched hers...
"Chottey " , "Chamkili " , "Khushi " !!
Khushi was startled as she heard Di , Jiji and Lavanya knocked down on their door all at once !!
Khushi couldn't help laughing as she saw the annoyed look on Arnav's face as she stuffed his face into her pillow !!
Arnav : Go Khushi and check what our family wants before they breakdown our bedroom door !!
Khushi laughed as she straightened her sari and fixed her hair before opening the door, as soon as she opened it, the ladies barged in !!
They stopped in their tracks when they saw Arnav lying down on the bed with his face stuffed into pillow, an annoyed expression on his face, which made them burst out into little giggles while Khushi blushed !!
Arnav sat up with a jerk.
Arnav : well whats so funny ?? or is it that you ladies have taken it as a mission to break in whenever am alone with my wife !! This is the reason am leaving on this honeymoon asap and also not telling any of you where we are going !!! you guys wont hesitate to gatecrash our honeymoon as well and I know my wife as well !! she will happily give up and spend all her time with you !!
Arnav sulked as the ladies laughed more , they were finding the cribbing sulking version of ASR very amusing , the boys who had heard the commotion came in as well and they immediately understood why Arnav was so pissed !!
Rahul was the first one to break their bubble.
Rahul : laugh all you want Anjali, but Arnav is right !! when it comes to romance , the guys have to do all the work and you girls hardly care !!!
Anjali blushed crimson while Arnav winked at his future Jeeju !!
Arnav : thanx Jeeju for the support !! these women just don't get it !!
NK and Akash were chuckling at the ongoing drama when they felt the ice crack and hit them on their face like a whip !!
Lavanya : well what are you laughing for NK ?? ASR and Rahul have a reason to complain but what about you ??? you wouldn't understand the R of Romance even if it danced naked in front of you !!!
Payal : not just NK Lavanya, Akash is no less !! forget it, some men are such dolts !!
Akash and NK looked stumped as they saw their girls spitting fire at them while Rahul and Arnav looked on amused !! this certainly was a revelation now !!
Arnav : Akash , NK , please tell me the ladies are joking !! come on you both are my brothers for Godsake, you cant be dolts !!!
Khushi decided to jump in before Akash and NK died of shame in the room then and there !!
Khushi : Di you were calling me ?? you needed something, any help ??
Anjali : No Bhabhi, we came to call take you out shopping .
Arnav : What The !! shopping and now ?? but why ?? you ladies just need reasons to take khushi away from me or what ??
Payal laughed seeing Arnav getting angry again !!
Lavanya : Relax ASR, you both are leaving on your honeymoon and we are taking Chamkili honeymoon shopping !!!
Now it was Khushi's turn to burn crimson while Arnav smirked !!
Arnav : can I also come ???
Khushi looked scandalized seeing Arnav so shameless while the boys guffawed !!
Lavanya : No ASR you cant !! whats the fun if you see what she is shopping, its a surprise for you as well so just sit here while we get your wife ready !!
Arnav : Fine in that case you ladies get going and get back soon !! I don't like missing my wife for too long !!!
Anjali laughed as she nodded her head in mock assurance as the ladies dragged Khushi out !!
Rahul and Arnav were exchanging silent naughty smiles while NK and Akash looked lost !!
Arnav : time for some action Jeeju , what do you think ??
Rahul : Are you thinking what I am thinking ??
NK : Excuse me guys, but what are you guys planning !!
Arnav : gosh NK, Lavanya and Payal are right, you both really are dolts !!!
Rahul : wait and watch ladies, you girls are so going to wish that you never told us about this shopping !!!
Precap : Raizada boys gatecrashes the Honeymoon shopping !!! 
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