Thursday 5 September 2013

FF Let Me Love You - Part 17

Hola Hug

Sorry about the delay ... had a hectic week at college and finally got a little break so am back Embarrassed 
Also I wont be updating any of my works till September end .. I have my exams from 15th of Sept and so I have to start on my preps for that ... so further updates will only be after my exams ... Smile

Hope u all enjoy this update !! Smile

Khushi smiled at the old lady in reply to her question ...  Khushi had met her during one of her visits to an art exhibition ... the lady had been a part of it and her paintings had caught Khushi's attention .. they literally seemed to breathe life .. what started as a conversation between 2 artists bloomed into an unusual friendship ... the lady became a mentor and guide for Khushi not just in the arts but also in her life ... she became a mother figure to Khushi ... but the fact here was that neither Khushi nor the woman had ever shared their pasts with each other ... Khushi knew nothing about the lady's past or her family or anything ... not even her name ... she was a presence in Khushi's life which she could never explain to others ... she enjoyed her company ... she enjoyed their little chats together ... she revelled in her love and affection ... and the lady ... she never bothered asking Khushi about her family or her past ... neither of them felt the need for it ... they were a source of comfort to each other and they were happy with that ... the lady was an adept in the science of astrology .. a dab hand at palmistry ...
She had once read Khushi's hand ... she had understood then that Khushi had undergone a lot of pain ... pain beyond comprehension ... but she hadn't asked a single word about it to Khushi ... something stopped her from asking .. her instincts told her that it was Khushi's battle and she had to fight it alone ... but more than that .. she could see that limitless happiness also awaited Khushi  and she had told Khushi the same but Khushi had never believed her ... she had chosen to let it pass and the lady had kept her silence because she could gauge Khushi's hatred towards the concept of love, she knew she would have to let Khushi realise it on her own and today ... as Khushi stood in front of her today ... she knew that dawn was finally breaking into Khushi's life ...
She led her inside and they pair sat down and the lady listened in silence as Khushi told her about Arnav ... as she spoke about Arnav ... she could see Khushi glowing like a young bride ... her eyes sparkling in her new found happiness ... the love for Arnav radiating bright rays of happiness in her eyes ... while talking about Arnav .. Khushi made sure that she didn't reveal anything about her past ... she wasn't sure why she wasn't ready to speak about it yet but something stopped her .. maybe the time wasn't right yet ... but none of that mattered between them ... the lady could see that Khushi was a girl who had finally found true love and she could bless the child and pray that the smile never left Khushi's face ... time passed and they 2 women continued with their talks .. ranging from the arts to the tiny joys that life had to offer them ...
Khushi told her about the art gallery that Arnav had entrusted to her and how she and Alaka had come out today to get started on the materials they would need for it was then that Khushi realised that Alaka would only be too happy to meet this friend of hers and she immediately called up Alaka who came along with Payal tagging her ... Khushi made the introductions and while Payal showed no interest in the woman or her shop ... Alaka was absolutely thrilled ... she had quite an entertaining insightful time with the lady who had immediately warmed upto Alaka ... they discussed art and music and the time seemed to fly ... Payal meanwhile was thoroughly bored and she had drifted away into the shops nearby ...
Meanwhile Arnav and Akash finished their meetings by lunchtime and headed out to meet the ladies waiting for them ... Arnav called Khushi just as they were about to reach asking her where they were and Khushi asked him to come to the foodcourt where they were waiting for the boys ...
As soon as he spotted Khushi ... he went over and gave her a tight hug before moving to hug Alaka while Payal threw herself onto Akash who looked positively repulsed but nevertheless played his role to perfection and soon they were all having a delicious lunch while updating each other about how their day had been so far ...
Akash was having a lot of fun today at Arnav's expense ...
"you wont believe it Bhabhi ... but all the employees were in for a shock today ... Bhai was in such a hurry to finish off his work ... he worked nonstop and also made the rest of us slog it out ... the meeting was crisp and quick ... none of the employees could understand why Bhai was on a sprint today and also to add to their confusion .. he had this huge smile plastered all over his face and no one could fathom his source of happiness ... and how could I tell them that my bhai was working overtime overspeed just so that he could rush back to my Bhabhi !! "
Arnav glared at Akash while Khushi blushed a deep shade of tomato while Payal turned green and looked like she might grow horns any minute while Alaka had a blast seeing her elder brother getting teased .. amidst all the fun they finished their lunch and were soon headed out ... there was a spot in Delhi which was a favourite haunt for the Raizadas ... it was an isolated area away from rush and noise of the city ... situated on a small hilltop overlooking a temple .. they used to often use it as a picnic spot and it was Akash who suggested that they go there today ... and so they were all off ...
Soon they reached the spot and Khushi gasped as she took in the beauty of the place .. serene and picturesque .. it felt like she was in the lap of nature's beauty ... the calmness of the place relaxed her so much ... Arnav smiled when he saw the relaxed contented expression on Khushi's face ... soon they had laid out their spread for the picnic and were all for having a little more of fun whereas Payal looked absolutely bored and lost ... given to her choice she would have insisted on going to a disco or pub but here she was supposedly enjoying a picnic with a bunch of people whose wavelength didn't seem to be on the same frequency as hers ... Arnav was lying on Khushi's lap enjoying the feel of her fingers stroking through his hair while he mock punch with Akash while Khushi and Alaka made plans for their art gallery while Payal seethed seeing Khushi's happiness and a besotted Arnav who seemed to be hardly bothered of her existence ...
Just then an idea struck Alaka and she looked at Khushi giving her a naughty wink ... 
"Bhabhi I was thinking ... how about we all play truth or dare ... its Bhai's favourite game and you should see the dares he gives ... all crazy ones ... and mind u Bhabhi ... if gets Truth then ask him anything you want and Bhai will never hesitate to give you an honest answer !! "
Payal groaned as she heard Alaka ... truth and dare ... like seriously ... is that what the Raizadas did to have fun ... where the hell had she gotten herself stuck into !!
But Khushi looked positively thrilled at the idea ... "superb idea Pari ... truth and dare it is then .. lets do it  "
Arnav laughed seeing Khushi's childlike enthusiasm ... "don't be so happy Khushi ... you never know what I might make you do " Khushi gasped as Arnav winked at her but she wasn't the one to easily let go ...
"try me Arnav ... you have no idea what happens to those who provoke me !! "
Arnav did a double take when he saw the bold Khushi ... he was getting a glimpse of the real Khushi who was full of life and confidence before tragedy struck and these little glimpses of the real Khushi only steeled Arnav's resolve to bring out the real Khushi in all her true glory !!
"Okay thats settled then ... get ready people ... its game time !! " announced Akash as they sat themselves in a circle ... Arnav and Khushi facing each other and Alaka set the bottle rolling ... and it came to a stop in front of Payal ... and Akash seized his chance ...
"whoa Payal .. looks like you get the first turn ... so what will it be .. Truth or Dare "
Payal thought for a long time ... she was tempted to take Dare but then she didn't want to make herself look like a fool in front of Arnav so she opted out for truth ...
"Truth Akash ... I will go with that "
Akash almost burst out laughing thinking how Payal had opened her own grave ... he was sure going to give her a hard time now ...
"Gosh Payal ... you have some courage to choose to go for truth ... considering that my questions are always pretty much on the face ... so truth for you huh ??
Well lets see ... since we are still trying to know each other .. let me ask you this and mind you ... I need an honest answer and in case you bluff then Bhabhi will always be there to let us know !! "
Payal shot Khushi a frightened glance while Khushi laughed at Akash .. this was surely going to be fun ... Arnav and Alaka were watching the ongoing scene with an amused expression on their faces ...
Alaka went and sat next to Payal ...
"Oh pls Akash bhai ... ask whatever you want to ask ... why would Payal lie ?? she doesn't have anything to hide ... right Payal ?? "
Payal gave a little jerk of her head as she nodded weakly at Alaka waiting for Akash to ask his million dollar question ...
"okay here you go Payal ... and don't worry .. you can answer freely ... none of us will judge you .. after all we don't have anything to hide here so just chill and answer this okay ...
Remember the first time you and Bhabhi came to our place ?? you didn't know either of us then so what was your first impression when you saw Arnav bhai ?? !!! "
Payal looked at Akash in horror ... this wasn't a question for which she could give an appropriate answer ... she looked at Khushi who looked like she was on the verge of splits while Arnav Akash and Alaka looked at Payal with apparently very innocent expressions ...
Payal tried to find an answer but all that came out were mumbles ...
"ummm I don't remember exactly Akash ... I mean I guess you had already caught my attention and I didn't pay attention to Arnav too much ... I mean I thought he was handsome and had a striking personality but  ... I really didn't think much about him then !! "
Arnav gave her a hurt look ...
"Ouch Payal ... that hurts ... !! you are the first girl to tell me that you didn't think much of me after meeting me ... usually I have girls waiting to give essays as to what they think of me and here you are ... I couldn't even make an impression !! now that really hurts ... you broke my heart Khushi's Pia !! "
said Arnav while Alaka and Payal looked like they wanted to erupt while Khushi gave Arnav an amused smile .. she didn't know that he could be such a good actor and she decided to add her part now ..
"Shut up Pia ... look who is acting all innocent and nice now ... such a liar you are ... why do you have to be shy now ... I mean we hardly knew Arnav and Akash when we met them first and so we can always think what we want about our first meeting ... have you forgotten really as to how you felt about Arnav ?? " asked Khushi giving Payal a very nasty mocking smile while Payal looked like she wanted to stab Khushi to her death ...
Khushi then turned to Akash and winked at him ...
" don't mind Devarji ...  since all this happened before our parents told us about their matrimonial plans regarding you both ... but the first time Payal saw Arnav ... she was totally smitten ... she even secretly vowed to me she would do anything to get hitched to Arnav .. right Payal ... I remember you being totally taken up about Arnav and how crazily you wanted him !!! "

Payal looked like she was caught in the middle of a horror story while the others burst out laughing seeing Khushi giving the actual truth ... the hardest to laugh was Arnav and more than anything else .. to see Arnav laugh at her deep fancy for him was the thing that struck Payal hard ... she felt absolutely insulted to see her being made fun off ... Khushi gave her a look which was pun intended ... Akash was in total splits while Alaka didn't know if it was right to laugh more ...
Finally Akash was the one who found his voice ...
"Sheesh ... I told you Payal not to lie ... I knew my Bhabhi would always speak the truth ;) so you fancied bhai huh ??? sorry that we had to disappoint you Payal ... but you stood no chance on that front ... you see Bhai was absolutely besotted just by seeing Bhabhi's photo that he insisted on all of us calling her Bhabhi from then itself .. so you see you would have been fighting a losing battle !! " laughed Akash while
Arnav gave Payal an amused look seeing her look so absolutely wasted ...
" Sorry Payal ... its totally okay ... I mean you hardly knew that I was being considered for Khushi so there is no harm in what you thought ... but yea Akash is right ... it would have been a lost cause ... because I had already lost my heart to your sister sitting next to you !! "
Said Arnav as he pulled Khushi into his arms and pecked her slightly on her cheeks ... Payal couldn't help but nod weakly while feeling absolutely ashamed at having been made to look like a fool and liar in front of the Raizadas all thanx to Khushi ... Akash saw her glaring at Khushi and decided to break into her venomous thoughts ...
"relax Payal ... take it as a joke ... I seriously don't have any problem with what you thought .. we were both absolute strangers to you then and you are free to think what you want so outs fine .. take this as a fun thing and just let it pass ...
Anyways people .. time for the next round ... lets pick the next victim now !! "
And so the bottle went rolling and it came to a stop in front of Khushi who looked positively alarmed by now ... while the others looked delighted ... Arnav gave her an assuring smile that he would always watch out for her ...
Alaka broke in ...
"Truth or Dare Bhabhi ?? " Khushi didn't have to think twice before answering that ... she was in a good mood today and felt ready to do any dare that they might throw at her ...
"Dare Pari ... I will go with that " ... Akash looked excited as he immediately called Alaka and Payal and discussed ideas with them ...  and soon they decided to use this to give a small surprise to Arnav .. a small special something that they knew would make him happy ...
Alaka got up and went to their car and pulled out the violin and took it over to Khushi ...
"Bhabhi ... we know that you sing amazingly well ... whatever is there in your heart for Bhai .. whatever you feel for him ... sing it out .. tell him what you feel ... am sure Bhai would only be too happy to hear it and same with us Bhabhi .. we would love to hear you sing for Bhai ... if its okay with you ... can you do it ?? "
Khushi looked at Alaka .. her eyes filling up ... true there was a time when she didn't have the confidence to express her feelings ... a time when fear would always hold her back but today there was nothing to hold her back ... she took the violin from Alaka and got up and to everyone's surprise .. more so Arnav's ... she went and sat next to him ... and before he knew it ... Khushi was singing.

Khushi sings & her confession ! Heart