full banner credit to my Prof.Moody (mastermagician) for capturing the theme so perfectly.
Happy Bday Girls 
all of us together have shared a lot of good times together and am sure many more in future.. so its another wonderful year ahead ... God Bless 
Her eyes danced in heartfelt joy as he twirled her around ... the whole campus cheering as he asked her out during halftime in between the match ... his proposal flashing over every single LCD screen in the stadium ... she had been glued to her seat in shock as she froze midway through cheering him as she read it and then she dashed away straight into his arms.
For her this day had been long awaited ... finally her heart's wish had been fulfilled ... she had her man all to herself now ... the love in his eyes unmistakable as he slightly pecked her close to her lips.
The crowd wolf-whistled and hooted as she buried herself in his arms.
Minutes later she pulled apart ... to tell those 3 words she had been dying to tell him for so long.
I love you Anshul.
He winked at her as he pulled away from as the second half started. She scurried away and landed with a plop on her seat , her face vibrant like the rising sun as she turned to the person sitting next to her,
"I am so happy Arnav !!
Can you believe it ??? ... he asked me out !!
This has to be the best day of my life "
Khushi cried as she threw her arms around Arnav and hugged him.
Arnav sat still for a minute as he registered her body in his arms before pulling her close, he couldn't deny her ... he never could ... not even if it broke his heart to be so close to her now.
" I am happy you are happy Khushi. " he whispered to her as he held her.
The scene a few minutes back ... it hadn't shocked just Khushi but it had shattered Arnav.
He wasnt a selfish friend ... no he was happy to see her dreams coming true ... she deserved the best in the world but when her dreams came true ... his dream lay shattered ... but he had always known that it was a broken dream ... he could never hope to have her ... he was just unfit.
The game got over, Anshul's team had won , Khushi was his poster girl , she looked absolutely thrilled and over the moon as Anshul flaunted his girl in front of the entire college. He wanted to take her to the celebration party and she promised him that she would join him soon.
She excused herself and walked over to Arnav who was waiting for her,
" Arnav ... pls come with us. Anshul wants you to come as well. " Khushi said .. her eyes hopeful of Arnav saying yes and he hated to disappoint her but he knew he had to.
"I am sorry Khushi but I don't want to , you know I hate being baby-sitted in public and if I come along then you will always need to keep an eye on me.
You have fun with Anshul and I will see you later tonight or maybe morning incase you are spending the night with him. " Arnav replied ... his heart in agony as he thought of Khushi alone with another guy ... it was so hard to let go of the reason for his existence.
Khushi sighed ... she knew there was no point pushing him, but she said she wanted to drop him home first before joining Anshul and so they set off towards home, the building where they lived in opposite apartments , though most of her time went with Arnav.
As they reached, Khushi got out from the driver's seat and walked towards Arnav, she helped him out of the car, he looked at her smiling face as she drapped her arms around his waist, waiting for him to put his on her shoulder but this time he didnt ... finally it was time for changes,
"pass me the crutches Khushi .. I will go along .. Anshul is waiting for you "
Khushi refused him point blank,
" no way Arnav ... stop the games.
As long as I am here ... you don't need a crutch ... I am here .. now hold me and walk "
She commanded and Arnav obliged. She made sure he was settled in safely before kissing him on his cheeks and walking out, she turned around at the door,
" I will be back before midnight Arnav ... I cant go to sleep without our hot chocolate together. "
And then she was gone and Arnav was finally left alone to nurse his broken heart while Khushi celebrated her new found love.
As Arnav sat in the balcony of his flat .. his thoughts went back to the day when he had met her. Arnav had entered the college, the place where he hoped to fulfil his dreams to become a painter, like any other new comer even he attracted attention but there was a contrast in the attention that Arnav and Anshul got, Anshul was the star immediately,
Handsome , talented , rich , charming ... he was everything that girl wanted in her guy.
Arnav ... he wasnt bad looking ... infact he was quite handsome and he knew it himself because girls did take a look at him before their eyes fell on his disability.
But he didnt care because he had always been a loner, singly child to his parents , he had grown up alone, books and painting were his world. But his world turned upside down when met with an accident, ever since then he had been crippled on his right leg, which meant that he needed crutches to walk on for the rest of his life. But Arnav had always been a fighter, he never let his physical shortcomings destroy his dreams and so he had joined college.
In his initial days, he had to endure a lot of ridicule but he bore it all silently, it was on such day that she walked into his life ...
It was a routine day and Arnav had been limping down the stairs, he missed a step and braced himself for the fall but it never came, a pair of soft warm hands had broken the fall, he opened his eyes to look into a pair of doe eyes who was looking at him anxiously as she steadied him, for Arnav he had never seen a pair of eyes more beautiful ... neither had he ever seen a more beautiful girl. She was like the glowing sun, clad in a light pink dress, her hair open and flying in the wind , she had a slight smile as she held him and before he knew it she was speaking,
" Hi !!
Are you okay ???
Can you stand now ??? " , her voice was like the lightest of melodies as she spoke to him, Arnav found himself lost for the first time , but he refocused to give her an answer.
" yea I am ... thank you so much.
Am sorry but whats your name ?? "
She laughed ,
"you really have no clue who your neighbour is ... do you ??
I am Khushi ... and I live in the flat opposite yours and I see you everyday but you apparently never saw me !! "
Arnav was shocked now ... that he had never seen her before despite having so close but Khushi wasnt one to keep quite,
"now before you forget to ask my name ... let me tell you.
I am Khushi , doing my B.A in History. .. you are ?? "
Arnav smiled at her ... already loving her infectious smiles,
"I am Arnav ... doing my B.A in Literature and also pursuing a part time course on Arts. "
And thats how their friendship had begun , and Khushi had become the essence in his life , she was there with him at every step, each time he fell , she was there to pick him up and as time went by she never let him fall. She was his anchor ... encouraging him and supporting him on those days when he thought he would have to give up.
Arnav on his part had fallen deeply in love with her, his days began with her and his nights ended seeing her face. But he could never open up about his feelings, his crippled leg always held him back , he never wanted to be a burden in her life , he wanted to be her strength but he knew he could never fit the bill.
And heartbreakingly for Arnav, he watched as Khushi fell in love with Anshul as each day passed, she used to watch him from far as every girl in the campus surrounded Anshul, he could have any girl he wanted and he did and each time he walked in with a girl , it was Khushi's heart that broke and she shed her pain in Arnav's arms, unaware of the fact that Arnav's heart was beating for her alone.
But Khushi's heart never gave up , she was convinced that Anshul would eventually find true love and it would be her and it did finally happen.
Khushi was happy and thats all that mattered now, if it was upto Arnav , he would move mountains and stop the thundering waves of oceans to bring all the happiness in the world for Khushi. But even now there was a fear that nagged him because he didnt trust Anshul.
Was Khushi his true love ??
Was he just playing with her ... was she just another fling ???
Time would tell that and Arnav swore to himself that he would be by Khushi's side till he was completely sure that she was in safe hands.
Meanwhile in another part of the town, the party was in full rage and Khushi was right in the middle of it, along with Anshul.
He didnt let go of her even for a minute and she was enjoying it all , but her heart kept pulling her away. She felt uncomfortable being under the spotlight while Anshul thrived on it.
People who had never bothered to look at her even once now gushed over her, because she was his girlfriend.
Her thoughts went back to Arnav ... she missed him.
He never knew but he was her wall in the college, being with him made her feel not just happy but she felt safe and at ease.
It was so easy to be with him, as easy as breathing. They could talk about anything and everything , time flew in each other's company, Arnav was her best friend that she ever had, someone who understood her in a way no one ever did.
Even when Anshul remained ignorant of her feelings, it was Arnav who had held her as she unsheathed the pain of her breaking heart and today amongst a crowd of people who she never really knew, she felt ALONE.
If only Arnav was with her as well.
The days turned into months but instead of going away from Arnav, Khushi only came closer. And he was always there. Being with Anshul, he made her feel special but she also felt the loss of her identity. She wasnt Khushi anymore, she was Anshul's girlfriend to the world.
If there was anytime she was Khushi ... then it was when she was with Arnav.
Everyday Arnav heard complaints from Khushi as she sat sad when she thought that Anshul never had time for her but right then Anshul would arrive and the little time he gave her, he gave her so much attention that she forgot herself once more.
Arnav watched helplessly as the girl he loved lost herself in the madness, being a third person, Arnav could see that Khushi was just another girl for Anshul .. not his true love like she thought him to be but he never stopped Khushi.
He knew that she had to learn it for herself .. only then would she realise that Anshul wasnt right for her, meanwhile Anshul who had understood the bond between Arnav & Khushi, relied on Arnav to entertain Khushi when he wasnt around but what he didnt know was that Arnav's love and friendship for Khushi was unconditional , Arnav had been there for Khushi before Anshul arrived and he would be there for her as long as she wanted.
One of those days, Khushi and Arnav sat at her place, completing an assignment but her mind was elsewhere, Anshul had promised to meet her today morning but it was evening already and he hadn't shown up, these days, she found herself being just another person in his life, he never had time for her after all his sports and games and partying with his friends and Khushi was tired of it all, she needed answers as to what he thought about their relation. He couldn't just leave her in Arnav's care and go about carryong on his life.
Arnav could sense her pain and he finally decided to speak,
"Khushi ... why don't you go and meet Anshul instead of waiting for him to turn up as always ??
I have been noticing you all this time over months and you are not happy.
But you cant solve any of this if you don't talk with him , the little time you get with him, that wont give you answers.
Go to him Khushi ... talk it out and decide what's best for both of you. "
Khushi looked at the man who had always understood her silence more than her words , the only person who could sense her pain as much as her happiness and she knew he was right.
She got up and walked over to him, knelt by his side and kept her head on his lap,
"I am scared Arnav.
I am always scared when I think of Anshul.
I feel I did a mistake by falling in love with him. I don't fit into his world yet I waited for him.
When I am with him I feel happy but my heart always feels incomplete, like it wishes to be elsewhere. You know what Arnav, to this date I haven't let Anshul touch me in anyway intimate, he has tried to come close so many times but my heart always stops me, like its not right.
I don't understand Arnav ... I am never truly happy around him.
Look at me now Arnav ... with you ... beside you .. I am same old Khushi. I feel free in your world but I can never feel it with him.
Why Arnav ??
Why is life treating me like this ??? "
Arnav looked at her helplessly as she cried, on one side his heart was happy to know that Khushi found happiness with him but on the other hand he couldn't handle her tears, not if he could help it, he decided to play the cupid if he had to, he stroked her head lightly,
" Khushi ... lets go together to meet Anshul, I will talk to him, I will be by your side.
Whatever you feel .. it will go once you both sort it out.
Come lets go now "
Khushi felt her heart becoming light as she heard that Arnav would join her, she knew she would never have to fear as long as he was with her and today for some unknown reason, she felt that Arnav had to be there while she met Anshul.
And so they set out to Anshul's bachelor pad where he stayed alone, Khushi had tried calling him on the way but he hadn't picked up.
As they reached Khushi helped Arnav out , finding the door open .. she led him inside, she had been here before so she knew the way to his room but the sight that greeted them as she opened the door almost killed her, Arnav had his arms around Khushi in an instant , just in time to prevent her from collapsing , with all the strength that he could muster, he managed to hold her even as he steadied himself from falling,
Cold fury rushed to the very tip of his nerves as his heart turned ice, Anshul was there alright but he had someone else with him as well , a woman to be precise and he was too busy making out with her to even notice that Khushi was there !!
Khushi felt the earth slip beneath her feet ... her sense s fogging ... her heart felt too weak to understand anything that was going on ... all she knew was that the man she loved was too busy with another woman and that Arnav's arms were clamped around her.
It was his touch that gave her strength ,
"Anshul !! " ... Khushi shouted ... jerking the 2 people in front of them.
Anshul looked shocked to find Khushi there along with Arnav, the girl moved a little aside but she appeared to be least bothered as Anshul rushed to Khushi and tried to hold her but she brushed him away,
"what are you doing here Khushi ???
Look I can explain ... its not what you think . " said Anshul as she tried to hold her.
Khushi looked at him in surprise that he had the audacity to talk to her even after everything that she had seen,
"what am I doing here Anshul ???
What is she doing here ???
What the hell are you doing to me ?? "
Anshul tried to catch hold of her but Khushi turned her face away,
"don't you dare try to touch me Anshul !! "
But he didnt seem to hear her as he came forward but it was Arnav this time who blocked Anshul as Khushi hid behind Arnav,
"don't you dare Anshul !!
You have hurt her enough ... if she doesn't want you near her ... then you will respect her wishes.
Do you get me ??? "
Anshul had enough ... it was time to put an end to the good guy act !!
"okay enough the two of you and Khushi cut the crap with all the tears !!
You are acting like am your husband and I was cheating on you.
Am just your boyfriend Khushi and I never promised that I would be faithful to you lifelong.
I have a life beyond you Khushi !!
And whats with all the innocent act ??
Have I ever questioned you for all the time you spend with this cripple friend of yours ??
Tell me Khushi ... you refuse to let me even kiss you ??
Why ? because you feel it isnt right !!
But then what about you and Arnav ... you spend all your time with him ... you both live next to each other ... if he is just your best friend then why do you hang around so much with him ??
Tell me ... how many times did you sleep with him ??
Why are you so ashamed to tell the world you love him when you can spend all your time with him ??
Is it because he is a worthless cripple ??
Admit it Khushi ... you are with me only because it makes you feel famous ... it gets you all the attention in this campus !!
What do you thin... "
Anshul never got to complete his rant as he felt a tight slap on his face , he turned around to see Khushi standing before him, holding Arnav's hand, her eyes raging in fury ...
"enough Anshul !!
Do you dare utter another word against Arnav.
I should be slapping myself instead of slapping you !!
Heck .. what did I even see in a low life like you that I spend all these months in love with you.
You think I am ashamed of Arnav ... My Arnav !!
I am proud of him Anshul ... he is the best thing that ever happened in my life.
He is the rock in my life ... the very anchor of my existence ... the only person who held me through all the pain that you gave me.
But you wouldn't understand Anshul ... you are just too cheap to understand that beauty of my relation with Arnav & now I don't even want to explain to you.
Want to know why ??
Because we are DONE. !!
We are OVER and I am happy that my heart never allowed me to let you touch me in anyway that I would regret later !! "
Arnav held her as she spoke her heart out ... his limbs were shaking in fury and if he hadn't been holding Khushi . he wanted to rip Anshul limb to limb for all the insults he had thrown on Khushi.
But he needn't have to because his Khushi was doing a perfect job already.
She turned to Arnav, her eyes echoing her inner pain ..
"lets go Arnav ... take me out from here ... lets go back home. "
Arnav hugged her close as he led her out, supporting each other they went back home.
A few hours had passed and Khushi was lying in his arms curled on their couch as he vented out her pain, Arnav held her through it all,
"where did I go wrong Arnav ??
How come I never saw his real face ??
I was just another toy for him ... why was I such a fool ???
Does love always hurt so much ??? "
Arnav stroked her head , gently caressing her back as she curled herself more into his warmth,
" Ssshh Khushi.
Love doesn't hurt like this ... it wasnt love Khushi. You were attracted to him just like any other girl in this campus and you thought it was love and Anshul took advantage of your feelings.
I know it hurts Khushi but you have to accept the truth and stop blaming yourselves.
When you find true love ... you will also find true respect for you in your partner's eyes for you.
You wouldn't have to fit into his world Khushi because his world will be naturally yours as well.
You wont have to forsake your identity Khushi because he will only strengthen your identity .. he will be your biggest support.
Trust me Khushi ... you will find your happiness soon "
Khushi didnt know why but right now being in Arnav's arms ... hearing him speak ... it all felt so right to her. This was as close to heaven as she could get ... no one had ever made her feel as cherished as Arnav and right now all she wanted was to be with him and forget everything else. She didnt know what to call her relation with Arnav but all she wanted now was him.
She cried like a baby in his arms,
" love will never find me Arnav.
I will always remain unloved ... why would anyone want to marry a girl who has been flaunted in front of the world as Anshul's girl.
I am such a fool Arnav that I ruined my own life with my own hands.
No one will ever love me .. no one will ever want me "
Arnav closed his eyes as pain set in again ... he had struggled all this time with his feelings , he never wanted her to feel the burden of his life on her lifelong but right now all he wanted was for her to know how loved she was .. he madly he was in love with her ... to let her know that she was his world.
" I love you Khushi ... you are my world ... you always have been ... my eyes has only seen you ... Always. "
His words rang out clear in the silence as his arms held her close, Khushi sat shocked in his embrace, his words ringing in her hears , shooting sparks into her heart and for the first time in her life, she felt total bliss.
The bliss that only Arnav could ever give her ... with him it all felt right.
As she raised her eyes and looked at into his eyes that didnt break gaze with her ... she knew where it had gone wrong.
It had gone wrong from the day she failed to understand that her heart had always craved for Arnav.
Anshul was just a crazy infatuation that any girl would have in their adolescence but Arnav had always been her life.
And she had let her infatuation win over her love ... thats where she had gone wrong.
As she looked at him ... she remembered every single memory that she had shared with him and she knew that she had never been happier elsewhere.
It had always been Arnav who had stood by her ... loved her ... cherished her ... supported her ... even despite the fact that being with Anshul had broken his heart ... he had hid it so well from her that she had never even sensed it ... Arnav had forgotten his own pain to see her happy.
And it was Arnav she was in love with ... now she knew why she never felt complete with Anshul.
Because Anshul was all wrong for her & Arnav was her RIGHT.
She cupped his face lovingly,
" All this time Arnav ??
And you never told me ... you hid it all.
How could I not understand !!
How did I become so blind and stupid that I never realised that my happiness was with you.
How was I such an idiot to not know that my world was always with you !!
I love you so much Arnav ... I know I sound so stupid saying it now all of a sudden but when you said you love me ... it felt so right .. like my heart had always wanted to hear those words.
I love you Arnav ... I don't know since when ... I was an idiot to run behind Anshul while it had always been with you that I found real peace.
I cant live without you Arnav ... Khushi will cease to exist if Arnav isnt by her side. "
Arnav had tears gliding down his face as Khushi leaned her forehead against his and confessed her love for him ... he didnt know what made him do it ... but he did it on instinct ... they had already waited too long in confessing to each other and he never wanted to hold back now ...no matter what his shortcomings were ... he knew today that he was perfect for her just like how she was perfect for him.
He slowly bridged the gap between them and placed his lips over hers and Khushi never pulled back but she happily gave in as she kissed him back ... their first kiss ever.
Love that had finally found a meaning ... and only they felt how right it was.
Months later ...
He walked as fast as he could ... he wanted to win this time.
He could hear her laughter as she neared him but he didnt give up as he almost ran but he missed his footing and lost his balance but like always the fall never came ...
Because she was right next to him in a flash to hold him ... their walking race forgotten Khushi smiled right from her soul as she gazed at him ... madly in love with the man in her arms .. she didnt hesitate as she moved closer and kissed him hard on his lips ... their love and passion making them forget everything else around them, she whispered against his lips ... her eyes on his ,
" My Eyes On You ... Always "
Nice one.....
ReplyDeleteBeautiful Friendly Story...
ReplyDeleteSo beautiful