yes ... its finally time for Anjali-Varun
it belongs to them now ... and I promise u Arhi in my next update but for nw ... this love story needs a beginning 
PS ... everyone who wants an update of LIDV and MHIY ... well I will post further updates on both stories only after O9M gets over which will be in a few updates.
anyways .. enough of my blabber.
Happy Reading !!
The days passed on in RM , time flying since no member of the family was spared by the new borns and they were so irresistible that the kids were never put down, not by Arnav ... not by Khushi and definitely not by any of the Raizadas or Guptas, the naming ceremony of the babies were done with much fanfare and celebration. Nights turned sleepless but Arnav enjoyed every moment of fatherhood just like how Khushi had predicted he would, whilst being a mother only added to the beauty of Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada. She was a complete woman now, wife to a man whose every heartbeat held her name and mother to 3 beautiful angels ... Khushi couldn't have wanted anything more in her life.
Meanwhile Anjali in between all the fun and galore had been doing a lot of thinking, her entire life was put into introspection, the death of her parents, her brother's struggles and hardships to give her a comfortable life, her marriage to Shyam Manohar Jha and her blind love for him and ultimately his betrayal and all the evil he had unleashed, if there was one thing that reared its ugly head in her conscience was her own reaction in a moment of crisis, Anjali Raizada had always been WEAK.
She had always needed someone to cling onto each time a crisis hit and most of the time it was her brother who had stood by her side without any complaints and then came Khushi who had suffered so much silently just so that Anjali could have her happiness.
But looking back now, she couldn't spot even a single moment when she had faced life head on, she had always leaned on another person's shoulder and even today, she knew she loved Varun but she was hiding behind her fears, she knew Varun was a true heart, knew that he love her and Dia wholeheartedly yet she had spurned his love.
She wasnt just denying herself another chance of a happy life but she was also depriving Dia of knowing a father's love.
Anjali sat lost in thought on the terrace of the Raizada house, below her entire family Pooja and Varun were all having fun, but she had an important decision to make.
She picked up her phone and dialled a number .. the person answered on the 2nd ring,
" can you meet me at the temple in half an hour ... meet me there directly ... I want to talk. "
She disconnected the call and slipped out of the house and headed towards the temple.
Meanwhile Varun was puzzled as he headed out just as Anjali had requested, she had been clipped over the phone but he felt unfamiliar fears clogging his mind and heart, like he knew that whatever happened today would set the future of his relationship with Anjali.
As he reached the temple, he quickly climbed the stairs and reached on top to see Anjali in a deep prayer, her eyes closed ... he raised his hand to touch her shoulder but then decided against it. He would wait.
As he watched , a lone tear slipped out from her closed eyes and if there was one thing he hated , then it was her tears.
He moved closer and gently wiped away her tears, Anjali opened her eyes to see Varun in front of her, his eyes full of love and concern as he brushed away her tears.
Her heart was clogging in emotions, she had come here to let her Devi Maiyya know her decision about her future course, she wanted to make the people around her happy on her own terms, she didnt want to be pushed or prodded into doing anything, this decision was hers alone and she knew she was doing the right thing, for the first time in her life, Anjali Raizada had taken a decision independently, she had decided to give life and love a second chance.
Anjali was deciding her own path of happiness and her happiness was with Varun and Dia. She couldn't deny it any longer.
Varun raised his eyebrows slightly, his eyes seeking hers , a silent plea asking her to tell him what happened. Anjali smiled at him but whatever came next, Varun was in no way prepared for it.
Anjali linked her arms with his and laid her head on his shoulder as she lead him towards the temple stairs, she sat down on one of them and beckoned him to sit next to her.
Utterly shocked Varun didnt speak a word as he sat down next to her.
And then he heard her,
" Varun ... right from the day my parents left us, Chottey has been my only protection.
I was the elder one but I never was strong to support my brother, it was me who succumbed to the tragedies in our lives while I should have been his comfort.
He toiled day and night to give me all the happiness in the world.
And then Shyam and I met and we got married.
I have always been a pious devoted woman who believed in the sanctity of marriage, I saw my husband as God ..
I loved him .
I worshipped him .
Believed everything he said without a single question.
I revelled in his love and attention.
But it never was real Varun ... none of it was ... it was all farce.
But it wasnt just me who paid the price for my blindness, Khushi Bhabhi suffered in silence only because I was too foolish to realise the treachery of Shyam.
She kept quiet because she hoped he would change and that my marriage would be saved.
Her marriage to Chottey ... born out of hate ... she suffered all the torture even when she knew she was innocent.
Chottey went through the deepest agony even as he made Bhabhi's life hell because deep in his heart he knew her innocence though his mind never let him accept it.
It reached a stage when Khushi had to put her own life at risk to save my brother's life.
And me as a sister did nothing ... knew nothing.
I was such a fool Varun !!
Today when I look back, looking at myself I have never seen a person more weak and wretched.
Always leaning on others for support whil it should have been me who stood strong in the face of crisis.
Even now , when you bared your heart to me , I ran away. I turned you away from my life despite knowing that your love for Dia and myself was true ... I chose to hide behind my fears. "
Varun felt his heart constrict as he heard her speak ... even though he wanted to hush her ... tell her to stop ... take her in his arms and tell her it wasnt her fault ... he didnt.
Because he knew that somewhere deep down whatever Anjali spoke was true ... she had been too weak all her life. Always living with her inhibitions and he wanted her to burst forth out of it. So he let her carry on,
" but am done now Varun. The weak Anjali is gone ... I came to Devi Maiyya today to be in her presence as I make the most important decision in my life.
I want to take this second chance that life has given me.
I want to let happiness back in my life.
I want Dia to have a proper complete family with a mother and father.
And equally important, this isnt just about Dia needing a father Varun but this is also about Anjali wanting to be with the man who loves her ... whom she loves truly.
I love you Varun & I want to spend the rest of my life with you. "
Anjali hesitantly raised her eyes to look at him even as she finished speaking, her heart feeling light even as she let it all out , a huge weight lifting off, no matter what Varun decided, she on her part had spoken her heart which was the right thing to do
Varun seemed to be lost even as she waited for him to reply, his eyes popping out , his mouth slightly open ... if it was another time, then she would have definitely burst out laughing.
Even as he came back into focus as she gently prodded him, he clutched her hand ...
"please tell me that I am not dreaming Anjali !! "
Now she really did burst out laughing and she laughed so hard ... laughed like she had never done in ages.
And for Varun ... it was the most beautiful moment in his life.
Anjali and him sitting on temple stairs .. happy in each other's presence ... like any other happy couple.
But even as she laughed , she caught the light in his eyes , the joy in his eyes was insurmountable.
Varun caught her hand in his and raised it gently to his lips , lightly kissing her fingertips as she shivered,
It had been a long time that she had known what it felt like to be touched by the man she loved ... and it was the first time she was feeling the love of a man who did truly love her.
" everything that happened ... its in the past.
I wont say whether you were right or wrong ... I wont judge you Anjali.
I never have.
You are the love of my life ... the mother of the child who is as equal as my own daughter for me.
You have made the decision to move on in your life ... to give life a second run.
And whether you choose to do it with me or without me , I would have always been there to support you ... even as a friend if thats what you had asked for.
But today you made me the happiest man in the world.
You have given me all the happiness any man could hope for ... you gave me my light ... my Dia whom I can rightfully call as my own now ... as my child ... as my princess and you also gave me the love of my life ... my heartbeat ... my Anjali.
What more can a man want in his lifetime ??
I love you Anjali & I promise to hold your hand in mine no matter where life takes us.
Together ... wherever we are headed out to. "
Varun cupped her face and placed a gently kiss on her forehead and over her eyes before pulling her back into his arms, and the temple bells rang in unison as the Gods smiled down on the couple , happy that Anjali Raizada had finally grown up from a weak girl into a strong woman of substance.
Anjali would have sat there in his arms for as long as she could but it was Varun who pulled away and got up while she looked at him annoyed,
"whats the rush ??? "
Varun was amused seeing her annoyed expression, who would have known that Anjali could be such a cute girlfriend !!
" get up love ... we have a family waiting for us back home and we slipped away without telling them.
And am sure they need to know. "
Anjali looked worried as she got up to walk down the stairs with Varun as he helped her down carefully,
"Chottey ... am worried about him Varun.
How will he react ?
What if he isnt happy about us ? "
Varun gave her a serious reassuring smile as he hugged her close into his arms,
"you really don't know your brother Anjali.
He never denied you any happiness in life ... he only questioned you when he felt you were walking into danger.
He understands your life better than you have ever done.
Trust me when I say this ... no one is going to be as happy about your decision as Arnav and Khushi are going to be.
Now lets go and make them happy too "
Anjali smiled as Varun lead her to the car, trusting his words not blindly but because deep in her heart she knew he was right ... that he was speaking the truth.
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