okay so this is about how Payal reacts ... do not judge her yet coz whatever is happening in her life ... no matter how evil she is ... is still too much for a person to bear ... and a person like Payal who was always loved and pampered ... this is a shock to her gut.
hope u enjoy the update
also this update specially goes out to Mini (Arshix144) ... missin u in IF ... whr are u hun ???
PS ... everyone who wants an update of LIDV and MHIY ... well I will post further updates on both stories only after O9M gets over which will be in a few updates.
Happy Reading.
As she opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was an unfamiliar roof over her head, a heady feeling of disorientation gripped her, her mind all hazy and clouded, the essence of an unknown fear still lingering in her thoughts, her heart beating wildly, it was silence all around her, she closed her eyes and tried to remember how she ended up there, and thats when she saw the flashes again, the horror of the memories forcing her to wrench open her eyes again, she frantically looked around, trying to open her mouth to call out but her body was too weak to contain her physical exertions but thats when she felt a hand slowly closing over hers, the touch was comforting and gentle unlike the harsh ones she had felt couple of hours back and as her eyes refocused, she saw the person whom she least expected to be by her side ... Khushi was looking at her, her eyes filled with an emotion that Payal had never seen in Khushi's eyes for her ... Love.
It was unmistakable, and thats all it took. Payal felt hot tears gliding down her face as Khushi gathered her in her warm arms and hugged her close, Payal clutched her tight as she let all the fears and trauma come out, the sisters sat for a while until Payal calmed down enough to pull back but Khushi didnt let go, she held her hands even as she helped Payal sit back and rest.
" how are you feeling Payal ?? " asked an anxious Khushi taking Payal's hand in hers.
Payal felt lifeless as she replied, her mind already assuming the worst, " I don't know Khushi , whats the situation ?
How bad is it ?
Is this how I am supposed to feel ??
I feel like someone ripped the life out of my body.
Would it be any better if I was dead ? "
Khushi knew what Payal was speaking of and she immediately put all her worst fears to its death,
"Sshhh Payal.
No ... nothing happened and it isnt bad at all.
You are lucky ... you are blessed in a way but hell yes bad stuff did happen but your body hasn't been violated.
Those low lives didnt hurt you Payal .. they fled the scene when they figured out that they were being snapped.
You are safe now.
You are healthy.
The doctors said you would feel the mental trauma for a while but otherwise you have been untouched. "
Payal looked at Khushi disbelievingly, "was fate really that kind to her ? that she had escaped the worst fate ever for a girl so miraculously ?? "
Her questions had just started all over again but as she looked around, she only saw Khushi and no one else, she wanted her mother by her side, why wasnt she beside her daughter ?? didnt she know anything yet ??
Payal turned to Khushi, a creepy chill of an unknown horror taking hold again, like she knew that her life had changed forever,
"where is Mama and Papa Khushi ??
Why aren't they with us ??
Didnt you inform them anything ?? "
Khushi felt her eyes tear up as her heart bubbled in rage towards the Guptas , towards her hated parents, she thought that they would be different to Payal but hell no, they were as indifferent and selfish as ever !!
Payal grew worried as she saw Khushi's tears , her silence sent chills through her body,
"Khushi say something !!
What happened ??? "
Just then another voice resounded,
"why don't you see for yourself Payal ?? "
Payal whipped around to see Akash Alaka and Arnav walk in, Arnav came and stood by Khushi's side , holding her shoulders as Akash turned the TV on, Payal's story was still breaking news and the statement from the Guptas & Raizadas were still being flashed in all channels.
Payal sat struck mute as she saw the scenes that unfolded, from the photos that had been snapped to the statement by her parents and finally to what the Raizadas had spoken for her.
Payal felt her heart breaking as she realised that she had been brutally orphaned by her parents without a flip in their heartbeats, she never in her wildest dreams imagined that her mother would be able to abandon her, cast her away as though she meant nothing.
Khushi and the rest watched helplessly as Payal watched it all, her gaze moving to Akash as she thought about what he had said, he looked at all the Raizadas assembled around her, these were the people to whom she had given nothing but pain, the people who had all rights to hate her , to abandon her, to mock her along with the rest of the nation but right now they were the only crowded around her almost death bed.
Payal Gupta was no more ... she had died the minute her parents disowned her.
She was only Payal now ... a dishonoured disgrace in the society.
She looked at Khushi who was crying silently in Arnav's arms and wondered why Khushi was in pain ?
After all what had Payal done to deserve Khushi's love and compassion, she had always been the one to unleash hell in Khushi's life.
Thanx to her and their parents, Khushi had never known an iota of happiness until Arnav had walked into her life, her happiness had died the day Rahul was brutally killed.
Khushi had gone through the worst phase of her life all alone and Payal had done nothing but given her more pain and yet here Khushi was the one who was absolutely heartbroken for her now.
And Akash, she wanted to believe that he had done it because he loved her but she knew the reason all too well, she was his beloved Bhabhi's sister and he will do anything for Khushi's happiness, Payal knew that Akash had only done it for his brother and his sis-in-law and she knew that even if she wished today, she was never worthy of his love but she thanked him from the deepest embers of her cold heart for protecting her honour.
Payal felt her head spin as the events closed in on her, her body sagged and the last thing she felt was Khushi's arms enfolding her as her consciousness blacked out again.
The doctors were summoned who examined Payal and informed the rest that her mind is in shock and that she needed rest, they sedated her and informed Khushi and the others that Payal wouldn't be waking up for another 12 hours or so.
Sayali asked Arnav to take Khushi home and make her rest , and bring her back the next day to meet Payal, Khushi tried to protest by Alaka stepped in ,
"Bhabhi listen to us, go home now and rest.
You need to be strong for Payal, when she wakes up, she is going to need you the most.
We will be here , we will watch over her.
Go home and sleep and come back tomorrow.
If Payal wakes up in between, I promise you that I will call you. "
Khushi couldn't say NO to Alaka when she knew that it was the right thing to do, she went over to Payal and kissed her gently on her forehead before walking out with Arnav.
Throughout the drive, Khushi remained silent as Arnav held her hand in his, in between he dialled Aman,
" Aman ... contact all the media agencies, arrange a meeting for me and Akash with all their heads for tomorrow afternoon.
I want to know who supplied those pictures of Payal.
Also fix a meeting with the Polic headquarters in Delhi, I want those low lives found asap.
Make sure that you arrange both of these things for tomorrow. "
Said Arnav as he cut the call and looked at Khushi who had been watching him all the while, he squeezed her fingers,
"don't worry Khushi.
Whoever did this to Payal, none of them will be spared. "
In a while they reached home and Khushi realised that Arnav had brought her to Vaikuntha instead of RM.
Arnav came to her side and opened her door, without a word he picked her in his arms and carried her into their room, he placed her down on the bed, went and opened the wardrobe and came out with a pair of her clothes,
"go and get fresh Khushi.
Change and come .. I will be waiting. "
Khushi knew that Arnav wanted to talk to her, she knew he was troubled, without a word she took the clothes from him and went to get changed.
Meanwhile Arnav went and got fresh, changed into his nightclothes and stood by the window to their room, over the past hour , only one line echoed in his mind and heart,
Khushi curse that she wished it had been her instead of Payal.
Her single line had ripped his heart to shreds , sending unknown fears shooting through his veins, his blood turned ice as he even now struggled to breathe, he couldn't even imagine Khushi in any situation like that, couldn't imagine her so helpless and scared and away from him, hell he wouldn't let her go through any pain as long as he was alive and breathing.
The tears that he had contained till now started streaming down.
Few minutes later Khushi walked out to see Arnav waiting for her by the window, his back was stiff and he seemed to be shaking, she walked upto him and when she reached level with him, she turned him around and was shocked to see his red eyes.
As soon as he saw her , he pulled her into his arms, hugging her tight.
Khushi hugged him back , unsure of what had happened, she couldn't understand what was going on, her heart felt heavy with the turn of events today, she sought comfort in his arms as she tried to forget everything but Payal's scared face refused to leave her.
Khushi spoke as she clutched him closer,
" what is it Arnav ??
What happened ?
Pls talk to me ! "
Arnav spoke into her hair as he held her close,
" never again Khushi.
Never again will you wish that the pain of others fall upon you !!
I will die before I let anything wrong happen to you. "
Awesome update
ReplyDeleteThanks for the pm
IF: Alai123
Very emotional