back with an update for O9M ... LMLY not updated ... was down with a bad flu so couldnt work on both updates.
but promise u an LMLY update in my next weekend update or maybe sooner if I can manage it.
Happy Reading 
Anjali and Varun walked in, their hands held and smiles adorning their faces, Anjali tried to let go of his hold but he refused to budge,
"relax Anjali ... we aren't about to serve a death sentence to our familes ... we are about to make them the happiest people in the world .. trust me ... I know .. I have seen it in their smiles ... in their eyes as they look at us with Dia, they have always wanted us to be family. "
But the apprehension didnt leave her, after everything that happened in the Shyam episode, she wasnt sure how Arnav would react.
But as they walked into the living room, it was chaos all around, and there was another couple who seemed to be in the spotlight !
NK & Pooja looked absolutely surrounded as the Raizadas engulfed them, Varun watched in surprised astonishment as Mamiji hugged Pooja and blessed her and it didnt take a lot of intelligence to put 2 and 2 together as he saw the smiles that passed between Pooja and NK.
He turned to look at Anjali but she had already left his hand and rushed towards the couple, her face already wearing a million watt smile, with full intention to tease the hen-pecked couple in the midst.
If there was anything that Anjali revelled in, it was her role of playing sister to the Raizada scions, her brothers were the first love of her life and her pride.
NK and Pooja gaped as Anjali fed them sweets,
"Di !!
Where were you ??
And how do you know ??
I mean you weren't around when Khushi Bhabhi and Nanav decided to spill the beans on us ! " said an astonished NK.
Anjali smiled as she cupped their faces affectionately,
" I am your sister NK bhai and I know my family histrionics quite well.
Mamiji blessing Pooja .
Pooja blushing as she looks at you.
Give me some credit ... after all I even knew that Chottey loves Khushi Bhabhi even before they confessed to each other !!
And trust me ... you both made the most beautiful day in my life ... perfect. " replied Anjali as she engulfed them both in her arms.
Just then Varun who felt totally left out decided to bounce in,
"come on ... how can this hug be complete without me ?? !! " asked Varun as he threw his arms around all 3 of them while Arnav & Khushi exchanged the knowing smile.
Varun looked at Pooja who was watching him with a tensed expression and he smiled at her,
"relax Poo ... nothing could have made more happy that you getting married into a family thats already home for me ... you made the best decision ever !! " said Varun as he looked at NK,
"you better take care of my Poo .. or else its not just me you will have to deal with ... Akash and Arnav wouldn't spare you either !! " warned Varun with a smirk as he looked at Arnav & Akash ,
" thats the plan .. right guys ?? "
Arnav nodded his head warningly at NK who gulped while Akash glared at NK,
"you said it right bro !!
NK better take care of Poo or else he is dead meat !! "
Arnav just then gave Khushi the green signal to play her game which they had been saving for the right time.
Khushi walked upto them and poked Anjali on her shoulder who broke off to look enquiringly at her but Khushi gave her the serious look,
"why you giving me THE look Di ??
Shouldnt that be my right now ??
Do you want to tell us why your day is beautiful ?? " asked Khushi as a suddenly tensed Varun looked at Arnav who was glaring at him.
"Ummm guys .. we can explain ... you see .. " Varun tried to explain but Arnav cut in ,
"explain what Varun ??
I thought Khushi was asking Di about her day.
How can you explain on behalf of Di ?? " said Arnav as he threw an arm around Varun and led him to sit down on the sofa."
Anjali got worried seeing Arnav glare at Varun and tried to intervene,
"Chottey ... Bhabhi ... you see Varun and I had gone to the temple.
We had to ... "
But Khushi broke in,
" we had to ??
What happened Di ??
You want to keep a Havan or something ?
But then why take Varun ??
you could have asked the driver to take you ?? " replied Khushi as she intentionally led Anjali to the sofa as well and made her sit next to Varun.
The rest of the family was watching the entire exchange like a tennis match, their eyes swinging from one side to the other.
All of them had an idea as to what Arnav & Khushi were upto and they had no intention on interrupting this session !
Varun and Anjali started sweating as Arnav & Khushi fired questions one after the other non-stop.
Khushi decided to play the trump card,
"Varun Bhai ... we forgot to tell you.
But now that Pooja and NK are ready to tie the knot, we were wondering as to why make you wait !
And Arnav was telling me the other day about one of his business assosciate's daughter.
She is apparently beautiful .. intelligent ... smart and perfect for you !
How about meeting the girl ?
We could fix it up with her parents !! "
Arnav had to real hold back his laughter now as he saw the horrified expressions on his sister's face and he wanted to hug Khushi for being the fantastic actress here !!
Varun looked flabbergasted as Khushi threw the marriage proposal on him while Anjali looked ready to burn Khushi live,
" Varun cant marry that girl Bhabhi !! " blurted out Anjali even without realising what she was saying while the rest of the family pretended to be shocked !
Arnav decided to help Khushi as always,
"but why Di ??
Why cant Varun marry ??
He is single ... he is an eligible bachelor ... he is well established.
Its hightime he settled down and now that Pooja is about to settle down, we should find someone for Varun too.
I feel Khushi is right !
I will talk to the girl's parents now itself " replied Arnav who right then whipped out his phone and started to scroll through his phonebook and Anjali lost all control !
"Put that phone down now Chottey or else you are going to regret for messing with your sister !! "
Screamed Anjali as she looked livid.
She got up from where she sat and walked to Arnav,
she snatched the phone out of his hand and switched it off while Khushi almost broke out laughing.
None of them had ever seen Anjali so possessive !
They watched as Anjali glared at Arnav & Khushi,
"no one is going on a bride hunt for Varun !
Do you both get me ??
Pooja is getting married to NK but Varun wont be alone !!
And he doesn't need you both to play matchmakers because he has already found his match.
He is getting married to me !!
Do you get that ?
He is mine and don't you dare bring any girl near him or else you both will wish you were dead !! "
She turned to look at Varun who looked like a goldfish as he opened and closed his mouth soundlessly, she walked upto him and closed his mouth shut,
"thanx for the help in this confession Varun ... your silence really helped !! " said Anjali at her sarcastic best.
Arnav and Khushi sat shock still for a full minute as they digested Anjali in her fiery avatar and then broke out laughing, Arnav pulled Khushi into his arms as they both laughed while the rest of the family looked electrocuted.
Anjali and Varun looked completely puzzled seeing the two of them dying in hysteria.
Akash had found his voice by then,
"seriously .. who thought that it wasnt just Arnav Bhai who could be the cut throat ASR ... Anjali Singh Raizada is no less !! "
The family nodded in agreement and just then Khushi and Arnav finally managed to calm down as they looked at their beloved Di, Arnav walked upto her,
"seriously Di ... you think only you can play cupid ??
That only you can sense love in the air ??
I am your brother Di and Khushi is my wife !
You really thought you could keep such a huge thing hidden from me ?? " asked Arnav while Anjali looked at him shocked,
"Chottey ... you knew ??
But then how come you never asked me ?? "
Khushi linked her arms with Varun and walked towards Anjali,
"he didnt ask you anything ... neither did he push you Di.
And thats because we both knew that this wasnt an easy realisation for you.
We have been watching both of you for the past many days , we decided not to intervene unless you wanted us to.
And Di .. Arnav wanted you to take this decision on your own ... at your ease. " said Khushi as she smiled at them both.
Varun finally managed to find his voice,
"guys ... seriously you both knew it for so long and still gave us the time to decide !!
You know .. you both are definitely the best siblings anyone could hope to have !! "
He turned to look at Anjali,
"are you convinced now ??
I told you that you were wrong about Arnav's reaction " said Varun as he smirked at her and turned to Arnav , he winked at him ..
" Arnav ... you know what .. nothing is really decided between Anjali and me.
So I am open to meeting that girl you had in mind !! " said Varun knowing full well that he wouldn't be spared for it and right on cue, Anjali grabbed a basketball lying nearby used by NK and threw it with apt precision at Varun who felt a lump rise on his head as he landed on the couch while the others took their time to digest the never ending happiness that seemed to be entering their lives one after the other.
the varun/anjali confession was hilarious. wished that we could have seen sth similar in the show too