Hola #Arshians #IPKKNDians #Sarunians 
Happy Dhanteras 
Happy Diwali in advance !! 
This OS is specially dedicated to a lot of special ones in my life
First of all I want to thank everyone in this forum who have supported me in my writing
winning the award for the best inspirational story in the IF FF awards was a real honour , something truly special for me as a writer , my first win ever in writing and that too on Arshi 
This means a lot to me and want to tell u all that I love you and this OS is dedicated to each and every friend of mine in this fandom !!
wont take any names coz u all know who u are to me 
moving on , the idea for this OS came to me while having a crazy chat with Prof.Moody aka my very own Pallu so this one is specially for her too 
Banner credit to Fari and I wouldnt want anyone to make this one for me coz she was the one in my mind when this idea popped !! 
Special mention for a lil angel named Anayah
she is part of this story as well !! 
Also dedicated to Ananya who is celebrating her bday, I know it isnt a great time for u sweetie but I hope u find your happiness again and I hope this OS cheers u up a bit someday soon when u come back !! 
okays , enough of my rant but I have one more important note to add, I have my exams from Nov6th to Nov12th so its prep time for me, so regular updates of my works will only be after the 12th of this month !
Sorry for the hold up folks, but my exams are literally driving me crazy ! 
Anyways hope u all enjoy this OS !!
Happy Reading !! 
Arnav had just finished his first meeting of the day when he saw Khushi walking in, her face bubbling with excitement, unable to fathom the reason behind her smile, he made his way down to meet her amidst all the people who worked under him, the urgency in his gait not missing any of their attention, to them ASR was terrifying overlord of AR, the man who ran his domain with ruthless skill and powerful business mastery, and despite the fact that it had been almost 4 years since their boss had got married to the demure angel Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada, they still couldn't come to terms with the drastic change in ASR's demeanour when his wife was with him.
The change was too visible and welcoming to ignore, to the world he was ASR but to his wife and family, he was just Arnav and his wife was his world, the woman who lived in his heart, the one who brought out the human inside the breathing walking machine called ASR.
And now as he headed out to meet his wife , a smile on his face that came from the very depths of his soul, he was oblivious to the as always astonished expressions of his employees, when Khushi was with him, the rest of the world lay forgotten, he was nothing but a doting husband who loved his wife deeply.
As soon as he reached her, he took her into his arms while his wife beamed at him, Arnav slightly pecked her on her lips uncaring of the collective shudder than ran through the room, Khushi who during the initial years of their marriage had been very shy about her husband's gestures in public had now grown to enjoy it as much as his lethal passion behind the closed doors of their bedroom.
She hugged him , her head resting over his beating heart while Arnav whispered to her,
"What is it Khushi ??
My princess seem to be bubbling with happiness, whats up ?? "
Khushi smiled at him, her husband could read her like a book , " I have some good news Arnav, lets go up to your cabin and I will explain, you wont believe what just happened !! "
Now eager to share his wife's happiness, he took her in quickly while his staff seemed to have gone paralysed in astonishment, Aman .. ASR's right hand who wasn't new to this phenomenon brought them back to their sense and ordered them to get back to work, and it was business as usual in AR again, but each had a silent prayer in their hearts, that Mr & Mrs ASR always remain happy and in love for the rest of their lives, not even the jealous models in AR could help but love Khushi though they never showed it, she had a heart that could win over anyone who knew her, and ASR despite being iron-clad in his treatment had a heart of gold, and he never let any of his hardworking employees face any problems as long as he was around to help them.
Meanwhile inside his cabin, Arnav was seated on the couch with his wife in his lap, he placed a sift kiss on her shoulders before turning her to face him ,
"kill the suspense Khushi, tell me what my wife has in mind !! "
In response Khushi dropped an envelope into his hands and beckoned him to read it , she waited patiently as he opened the letter and read the contents, his expression going from curiosity to a growing sense of dread at what was about to come , he could never understand the twisted workings of fate !!
He looked up to see Khushi's face shining in excitement and he knew he would do anything to keep that smile of hers in place but this was going to be real torture !!
Khushi clapped her hands as she continued ,
"Can you believe it Arnav ??
Just a few days back I was telling you how much I wanted to meet your friends from your university and see how Devi- Maiyya answered my prayers !!
Your Harvard batch is having a reunion and they have decided to hold it right here in Delhi, I couldn't believe my luck when this came in the mail !!
Imagine how exciting will it be to see your friends once again ??
To talk how your lives have been since you parted !!
We are going for it and no excuses okay ?? "
Arnav groaned inwardly at the very thought, how he wish he could tell her what his university friends were like !!
Spoilt rich brats, who had never had to drop a sweat for anything in their lives, bitchy girls, boys who were nothing more than broiled chickens !!
They weren't what his innocent Khushi imagined them to be, his college mates weren't exactly the kind of people you call NICE !
He had hardly had any friends, all were mere acquaintances, people who held onto him because it was good for their stature to be seen with the most attractive dashing and outstanding student of their batch, brains that could beat anyone in Harvard with looks that could kill to boot !!
But he knew there was no point in trying to deter his wife, if he was ASR then Mrs.ASR was an equal match and he knew he would have to let Khushi learn it firsthand what his so called friends could be like and they wouldn't dare hurt her because no one dared to mess with ASR or anyone from his life, they knew the price to be paid will be terrible , besides it would be fun to see Khushi showing the brats of his batch a lesson on how to be human for once !
And so he reluctantly agreed, the reunion was within a week, and the day arrived pretty fast, set in one of Delhi's luxurious hotels, it was a garden party, Khushi was clad in a bottle green net saree that he had specially designed for her but the surprise factor was Arnav, he had shed his usual 3 piece for Khushi's favourite attire, a pearl white kurta with complimenting black pants, ASR had taken a total U-Turn and turned into Khushi's Arnav !
And as they arrived onto the arena, before getting out of the car, Arnav turned to his wife and cupped her face in his hands, he gently kissed her before whispering into her ears, "don't be disappointed with the people you meet or their attitude, no matter what, remember you have your husband watching out for you. I am telling you this because I don't think you are going to like what you are about to see Khushi "
Khushi assured him with a tight hug, " Dont worry Arnav, I know its not a rosy picture as I tried to paint in my head, I could see the irritation in your eyes when you saw the invitation and I know you are doing this for me, but this is for you Arnav, the people who thought they knew you, its time they know the REAL you. "
Arnav was momentarily shocked, but he could see an entertaining evening ahead with Khushi's little game taking a full picture in his head and he smiled as he stepped out and held her hand in his as they walked to their destination.
Meanwhile inside , the party was raging in its full momentum as everyone boasted of their apparently exotic lives, in particular was a group who seemed to be having a lot of fun mocking the rest of the people in the party ,
"So what do you think fellas .. Is ASR going to show up ??
Isnt he a fashion tycoon now ??
So maybe he will show up with a hot model of his ?? " said Ronit, a guy who looked like a walking tribute to all the famous brands in the world.
Vicky laughed out loud, as usual, it was his second nature to support Ronit in whatever trash he said, "Of course Ronit, he is bound to ..after all who wouldn't bring along an arm candy to a place where you know you are bound to draw attention !! "
Just then a hush fell over the crowd and everyone's eyes zoned onto the couple who had just entered, As Arnav & Khushi walked in, it was as though everyone had been electrocuted, struck mute by the heavenly couple who had just entered.
Finally one of the girls found her voice , "Holy smoke, is that ASR by any chance ?? " while a guy next to her breathed out , "forget ASR, who is that angelic creature next to him ?? It cant be any of his hot shot models, no model dresses so traditionally !! "
Arnav couldn't help but suppress a smirk as he took in his batch mates baffled expressions, while Khushi was bewildered at the sudden silence, she whispered to her husband, "Why is it so silent Arnav ??
Have we entered a funeral venue instead of your reunion party ?? "
It took all his self control to not burst out laughing, suppressing his grin, he answered her .. "Yep Khushi, we are attending a funeral, we have just effectively murdered all the innocent souls in this room !! " replied Arnav as he winked at her while Khushi immediately caught onto his sarcasm.
Meanwhile Akshay and Melanie who was incharge of the party recomposed themselves as they announced the new arrivals,
" And so our final guests for the evening have arrived folks, Arnav Singh Raizada .. One of Harvard's best ever and his gorgeous wife Mrs.Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada !! "
The various expressions that came following the announcement was even more entertaining, women clutched their hearts in shock, some looked like they had sprouted green horns, guys spat out their drinks while some looked like they would never recover from their immobile states !!
ASR and married wasn't an idea anyone could fathom !!
And no one could deny the truth staring at them,
ASR is married and he is in love !!
They could see it in every action of his ...
His smile ... the adoring look in his eyes ... his protective stance around Khushi as he had his arms drapped around her waist, his open laughter as he answered her questions.
They were seeing ASR in a whole new avatar !!
Arnav headed over to Ronit who looked like speech had deserted him for once, Ronit was one of the regulars who hung around Arnav during his university days even though he detested and envied Arnav's popularity !
Arnav knew he had to break the ice since Ronit didn't look like he had got hos voice back yet,
" Long time Ronit " and he addressed Vicky as well "and you too Vicky, I see you two are still seen together !!
Somethings don't change ... do they ?? " He winked at them before introducing Khushi, " Meet my wife Mrs.Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada , am sure you missed out her name when Melanie made the introductions ! "
Ronit and Vicky quickly recovered and held out their hands to Khushi who shocked them even more with a demure smile and a respectful Namaste,
"Namaste Ronitji , and you too Vickyji , its a pleasure to meet Arnav's friends "
Arnav wanted to burst out laughing seeing his friend's revolted expressions , the "JI" added to their names seemed to be killing them, Arnav had made Khushi stop using the Ji when she addressed him because he found it more intimate when Khushi called him Arnav alone and Khushi had slowly grown to love calling him by his name but she still held her formal respect in place while addressing others, it was something typical of the Lucknowi Khushi and Arnav knew it wasn't going to change and he had no issues about it !!
Ronit finally found his voice , "wow ASR, you are married !!
And what are you wearing ?? A kurta !!
I mean since when did you go all ethnic ?? you used to hate them !! "
Arnav smiled at him , " yep Ronit I am married and recently I realised that ethnic makes me look even more sexier than 3 piece suits, to be more precise , my wife think I look hot in these attires and so yep I love them too !! "
People who were listening to them felt for sure that they were hearing an ASR look alike speak , this couldn't be ASR dammit !!
The man they knew to be ASR couldn't be so altered in love !!
A woman pushed her way into their midst, she had been watching the couple ever since they entered, the sight of Khushi nestled in ASR's arms were infuriating her to no ends and she decided to put an end to it, Arnav couldn't help laughing out as he recognised the woman in front of him and she didn't look like she had changed even an ounce over the years.
" ASR ... what a pleasure to meet one of my ex boyfriends !! " slurred the woman who had been heavily drinking as she attempted to hug Arnav who rolled his eyes as he held her at arms distance whilst Khushi flinched , she had been expecting this but even then the idea of women trying to drop into her husband's arms wasn't a welcoming thought !
Arnav turned to Khushi , his gaze reassuring as he made introductions, " Princess meet Esha, the woman who claimed herself to be my girlfriend because it meant she got special attention amongst people who otherwise didn't think of wasting even a penny on her ! "
Esha looked like she had been slapped while the others laughed while Khushi gave her a mild smile,
"Whoa ASR, that was pretty hard on Esha but your sense of humour is a real surprise for us and whats with all the smiles ??
Never seen it before " called out Akshay who had come to join them along with Melanie who also happened to be his wife, Akshay and his wife were the only people Arnav had genuinely liked in his batch, in love from their college days, they were really genuine likable folks.
Khushi smiled at Akshay as she replied " how can my Laad Governor not smile when he is married to the Jalebi Rani of Lucknow ... He has his Sankadevi to entertain him 24*7 !! "
Akshay & Melanie looked amused to see the adorable angel married to Arnav, they couldn't help loving her, she was like a breath of fresh air in a place otherwise stuffed with sophistication !!
Melanie hugged Khushi warmly as Akshay whispered so that only Arnav could hear, "well now I can see why you are head over heels in love over this adorable little angel next to you !! "
Hearing Khushi call Arnav Laad Governor and to see him laugh at it ... the surprises of the evening didn't seem to end.
The evening progressed and Khushi was the center of attraction as everyone wanted to know the woman who had altered ASR beyond their wildest dreams, most of them liked her instantly but there were many who detested her, she was just too simple to their liking !
Vicky turned to Arnav who had his eyes glued on Khushi as she chatted away with Melanie and few other women,
"So its an arranged marriage huh ?? one that you did to keep the family tradition ??
I mean the girl isnt definitely your type , you were never the marriage material at all !!
Let go ASR, you don't have to keep the pretence here, you can be your old self with us !! "
Arnav looked at him , his eyes calm as he surveyed Vickys stupid brains,
"Vicky , stop being as mundane as a troll for once , will you ??
FYI, it wasn't an arranged marriage, it was a love marriage !!
You know ASR already , what you are seeing today is Arnav.
Khushi's Arnav , you better get used to it !! " replied Arnav as he went to join Khushi.
Melanie turned on him as soon as he reached them ,
"what are we hearing ASR ??
You and love marriage ??
You gotta be kidding us !! "
Arnav & Khushi exchanged an amused smile as Arnav nodded in confirmation, he settled down onto a chair and pulled Khushi onto his lap, turned to look at the gaping audience in front of him ,
" Want to hear our love story peeps ??
It can give your Bollywood movies a run for its money !! "
Their onlookers nodded eagerly and Arnav & Khushi related their entire journey, it was reunion time after all , a time to catch up on everyone's lives and ASR and KKG s love story wasn't something you could miss out on !!
Their audience sighed , gasped , laughed, even shed a couple of tears as the events played out, the hate, then the love , the denial , the hate marriage, and eventually their all encompassing love !!
No one missed Arnav's heart wrenching agony or Khushi's selfless love for her husband. Their story was magical and they were coming face to face with the Arnav inside ASR. Someone they had never known till now.
Just then the song changed and Teri-Meri started playing in the background and Arnav's eyes locked with Khushi's as a barrage of memories took over, meanwhile Esha decided to pu an end to all the love overdose she was being treated to,
"come on everyone, on the dance floor, haven't we heard enough of love speeches for a lifetime ??
Time to dance , lets kill the boredom !! " she then turned to Arnav ..
" how about a dance ASR ???
For old times sake ?? "
Melanie laughed out , "oh pls Esha, you have to be joking, ASR never dances !! its hightime you stop falling all over him , its a lost battle already !! "
But Arnav got in , " no Mel , ASR loves to dance !! " as their friends looked surprised, Esha moved forward to take Arnav's hand but he moved back ,
"I said I love to dance Esha but not with you !
I love to dance with my wife !! " he smirked at her as he turned to Khushi , "dance with me Khushi ?? "
Khushi nodded happily as he took her to the dance floor , Teri-Meri was their song and as they looked at each other, the people and all the attention lay forgotten as they danced to a tune their hearts knew too well, memories surrounding them, they danced as though in a dream while the onlookers were stunned by the sheer love and passion the couple shared. It was too magical to be described in words, it could only be felt !!
And as the danced ended, Khushi was nestled in Arnav's arms, their eyes lost in each other , it was only the thunderous applause and the noisy wolf whistling that brought them back to the present !!
Akshay & Melanie were the first to hug them as they got down, Mel s face glowing in happiness, " we are so happy we organised this reunion !!
If we hadn't then we would have missed out your magical love story.
None of us would ever know the real Arnav and his angelic Khushi !!
Seriously this is one reunion that no one is going to forget ASR !! "
The rest of the evening went off quite pleasantly, everyone wanted to know Khushi, and more than that they wanted to understand the real Arnav.
Close to midnight, Khushi got a call on her phone and seeing Anjali's name, she picked it up but Arnav asked her to put it on speakers, which meant the others could hear as well, Arnav mouthed to them that it was his Di and they were all familiar with Arnav's love for his sister.
" Bhabhi, its getting quite late ??
Are you both alright ?? Chottey is with you right , he hasn't left you alone ?? "
Khushi chuckled as Arnav rolled his eyes, trust his Di to think that he wasn't capable of being a responsible husband , the bond his sister and wife shared was a deep close knit one , one where even he had no place !!
" Dont worry Di, Arnav has been with me throughout the evening, we will be leaving in sometime, please don't stay up. "
" Thats okay Bhabhi, you take your time , I just called to know if you both are okay. " replied Anjali.
Arnav broke in , "Di don't wait up, we wont be coming home today, since its weekend, I am planning to spend it at our farmhouse with Khushi, sorry Di, I forgot to mention it beforehand !! "
Khushi gasped as her husband took over, she was totally unaware of this plan and she wasn't ready to leave their little princess home alone , she stopped him midway ,
"no ways Di , we are coming home, I am not leaving Anayah home alone !! "
Arnav hushed her, "relax Khushi, Di is there with her , and so are Payal Nani Mami Akash NK and Mamaji , our angel will manage without us for a day !! we will go back tomorrow evening !! "
Khushi tried to argue back but Anjali quieted them both, "hush now you two, Bhabhi you enjoy your weekend , and don't worry about Anayah, we are all here to take care of her , we will make sure she doesn't miss her Mamu and Mami too much and then once you get back , she is all yours !! "
Arnav smiled as he replied , "thanks Di, we will be back by tomorrow evening " !! saying so he disconnected the line before Khushi found something else to flop his plan.
" Calm down Khushi, I just want sometime with you, at home .. all your attention goes to our family, specially Ana that I never get enough time with you !! " pouted Arnav the doting husband.
The others were watching them with adoring smiles as the in love couple argued away, to Khushi and Arnav, Anjali's little angel Anayah was their world, but Arnav knew that if Ana was around then Khushi would forget everyone else and he wanted his wife's attention too so farmhouse was the solution where no one from their family would come calling for Khushi as was their usual habit, his family couldn't live without Khushi just like him !
Khushi finally gave in, she loved Anayah but she loved spending time with Arnav and he was right, at home it wasn't always easy to find time for each other and so quite frequently, they took small trips during weekends or holidays , just them alone so that they didn't miss out on each other.
And so the party soon elapsed and everyone went their separate ways, but one thing had changed, most of them left only after promising Khushi that they would soon be visiting her and her prince charming at their home. They just couldn't get enough of her and her zesty spirit and love for life and more importantly they wanted to spend more time with this blessed couple who had found true love.
Khushi was only too happy to have them all home and Arnav welcomed them all to visit them soon before they all left India, and then he whisked his Khushi away into the shadows of the night where no one could find them.
Happy Diwali to you too dear..........
ReplyDeleteall the best for your Exams,,, but do give us the updates of Fiction before going on the study break....
the OS was nycly written,,,loved it
ReplyDeleteI was really taken by a surprise...
When it said Harvard I guessed it as some OS about his college...
But then it was REUNION....
I Loved the Idea...again memories of their love story n sigh!
Its dreamy!!
Then woman's interruption...ewww I hate her
but Teri Meri Dance <3
I was wondering myself to be his college friend whom he adorns like sister but...hehe
I am adorned by Khushi...poor Arnav :P
Good going Arnav! Farm house time!! ;)
I Love you Jyo di.... <3
Api...Banner is Beautiful! :D
Love you All :*:* :*
nice part
ReplyDeletesummaiyasayed (IF)
Such a wonderful story...
ReplyDeleteSo very beautiful