Back with an update to LIDV
and i promise u its a totally Arhilicious update !!
Tina & Satina ... a million hugs to both of u for this banner 
This update is specially for both of u !!
Happy Reading !! 
Elissa watched as Arnav took Khushi away, she turned to Dayeus , "Watch over them .. guard them and make sure they aren't discovered by anyone who shouldn't see them. "
Dayeus acknowledged her command and walked away without a word whilst Elissa closed her eyes, her heart a little at peace , Arnav& Khushi had survived the test, and now the truth of their past lives awaited them but that could wait, they needed to heal first.
Meanwhile Arnav walked unaware of his destination,
all he knew and felt was the woman in his arms...
her faint heartbeat...
her weak pulse ...
the blood dropping like pellets in the rain ...
He walked on and realised that he was at the very entrance of the cave that Khushi had led him to long back and without a second thought he walked in. Dayeus watched them enter , he knew they had to be concealed as long as they desired , he closed his eyes , his lips uttering a few enchantments under his breath lest the wrong ears pick them up and as he opened his eyes he saw the cave getting enmeshed by mother nature, her beauty forming a protective armour over the haven where the lovers unknown to evil eyes of the world now lay.
Arnav placed her down gently onto the floor , she still hadnt opened her eyes, hot tears threatened to spill out as he saw her many wounds. He knelt down beside her and gently caressed her face and bending slightly , he placed a chaste kiss on her lips.
Moving away slightly he started to peel off the blood stained clothes that covered her, slowly taking away the blood drenched rags,he discarded them and as he looked at Khushi, all he could see were the many wounds that had marked her body, her pearl white skin looked ravaged and torn. But Elissa had made sure that everything that Arnav would need to heal Khushi could be found within the cave, as he looked around his eyes spotted a rivulet of water running within the cave, and a small pile of soft clean clothes were placed in another corner, he took one of the white cloth and filled a bowel with water and went over to where Khushi lay,
Slowly lifting her head,he moved her huge mass of silky tresses to one side and cradled her face inh is arms, taking the cloth and dipping it in the water, he slowly started cleaning her, his fingers moving over her as delicate as a feather's caress. He removed the train of blood from her face and then moved to her torso , supporting her gently in his arms, he cleaned every inch of her body, Khushi though unconscious could feel Arnav's bleeding heart , his silent cries asking her to open her eyes and look at him but the pain in her body didn't let her come back to her soulmate,she felt tied down ... trapped in the pain that was ravaging her.
Meanwhile his hands moved over her full breasts , her feminine curves , over her waistline , her delicate hands and dainty fingers, moving down her love line , his hands reached her feminity, it stilled on its own accord and Arnav by some divine force knew then that no man alive must have touched his mate as intimately as he was doing now, a primal sense of fierce protectiveness tore through his entire being. He cleansed her entire body of all the blood and it wasn't just about cleaning her of all the blood she had shed, Arnav had washed away the remnants of the sins of the darkness that had been overshadowing them from the times they were born to exist and whilst all this not even once did Arnav feel lust power through his senses, he had seen her bare , he had seen all of her but he could never bring himself to take her body as she lay unconscious in his arms, her pain was ravaging him and he knew his suffering would end only the moment she opened her eyes.
He continued cleaning her and then once he was satisfied that her body was as pure as it had always been , his eyes saw the soft pearly white cloth laying close by and he took it and covered her wholly. And Khushi now resembled a pure angel that she was as she lay asleep with her prince watching over her. As Arnav kept wondering on how to heal the open wounds from where he had removed the blood his eyes spotted the pot of broth that was placed in the cave and he right then knew that Elissa and Dayeus were protecting them even while giving them their privacy.
And he trusted them enough to know that broth would heal Khushi,yet he would never take any chances when it came to the safety of his princess and so he took a mouthful of the broth first for himself to see if it would do any harm to him and after a few minutes knowing that he was still safe he took it and spooned little mouthfuls into her lips, gently parting it and letting it seep down her throat , in between he placed slight kisses on her face and lips , moving to the wounds in her hands kissing each one of them, he then removed the cloth covering her and placed his lips on each and every wound in her body and Khushi felt him !
She felt his lips kissing every single wound that had marked her, turning them into a caress of love and passion , she could feel life slowly returning into her nerve centres and she only wished for one thing, that she be alone with Arnav when she opened her eyes, his touch was setting blaze to a new kind of inferno in her body scorching the depths of her soul, an inferno that she knew would take her and Arnav into a world of their own !
Meanwhile Arnav knowing that Khushi would find herself bare in front of his eyes as she regained her senses decided to show her that he was her equal in every manner, and so he shed his own clothes and joined her , skin to skin as he lay next to her watching her heal, his fingers caressed her face as he gently bent to place his lips over hers, slowly taking her lips into a soul wrecking kiss, she could feel it burn her, his lips parting the seam of her mouth and invading her deep caverns, ravaging her , pouring out all the angst of the last few hours into it as he plundered her very depths , his hands holding her against him protectively.
His lips whispering just for her to hear ...
" Khushi , wake up for me love ,
we endured the trial together..
we burned together ...
I watched the darkness in my life rip through every single cell of your being ...
If you died in there then I died a million deaths watching you burn ...
I feel all alone Khushi ... Having you so close but seeing you lie as though dead is ripping me apart.
Open your eyes love ... talk to me.
Let me heal you .. let us heal each other.
My heart wants to love you Khushi and I want you to feel everything single touch and caress and whisper as I love you.
Come back Khushi.
Come back to your love .
Come back to our world. "
And he kissed her , Khushi felt her heart fluttering as he loved her and she opened her eyes and all she saw was Arnav , his eyes closed as he continued to kiss her.
Arnav felt himself halt in his pace as he felt her hands creeping onto his back , as her fingers sank into the depths of his carefree locks of hair as her tongue responded back to his kiss, his eyes snapped open to see Khushi gazing at him , her eyes locked onto his as she loved him back.
He moaned out as he followed her heart's beckoning as he kissed her back, his heart bursting with happiness , knowing that Khushi was alive in his arms, kissing him with the same fervour with which he devoured her.
Minutes that seemed like eons later they broke apart from the dire need to breathe , their foreheads resting on each other. Arnav breathed out her name, his words coming in a rush,
" Khushi you are really here !!
And I almost died waiting for you to come back.
Died watching you writh in agony ... "
He caressed her face , showered her face and hands with kisses as Khushi clung to him.
She held him close , assuring him of her presence, " I am here Arnav and I would never leave you ... again !! "
And thats when the memories that stood out so vivid during their trial came back to haunt them , Arnav looked at her, his brow creasing in confusion ,
" did we know each other before Khushi ??
Were we already lovers ???
Then what tore us apart ???
Why did you run ??
Why did you plunge yourself into the waiting hands of death ?? "
Khushi sighed at the onslaught of his questions , even she was as clueless as he was, she held him closed as she buried her head into the crook of his neck ,
" Hush Arnav , even I don't know , I don't know why I killed myself.
Why did I end my life.
Why did I tear myself away from you ?
Why did fates drive us away ?
And why we are reborn now ??
What the Gods have planned for us and how it links us to Nysa .. I do not know !
But ...
Elissa knows and only she will be able to answer us !! "
Arnav broke in gently , "you are right love , Elissa and Dayeus knows but right now I don't want to know anything !!
Right now all I want is to be with you , rest we can deal with it later, the Gods waited for us this long, let them wait a little more, I need my woman now , all I need is the woman I love in my arms, to know that she is alive and safe in my heart.
Seems like I lost you once , so this time I am going to make sure that nothing or no one gets to take you away from me !! "
Khushi felt tears threatening to spill from her eyes, Arnav had spoken her heart, she wanted nothing more than to be with him for now, she had always been a woman in control of her life from the day she knew what her life meant to the world but today she wanted to let it all go, she was after all with the man for whom she born and so now she wanted to be his mate , his lover and nothing beyond that.
Rest of the world could wait.
She caressed his face gently, tracing the creases on his forehead, willing them to relax, " you are right Arnav, the world can wait but I cant anymore.
I have always wanted to belong to you and now I do belong to you and I am not going to let anyone steal this moment away from us. "
And as she said those words, she realised the reality that they were both bare, her hands moved over his sculpted warrior like body , feeling every niche and crevice and Arnav was suddenly aware of their nude state, he was worried that she would feel betrayed that he had lain her bare for his eyes without her permission, his eyes conveyed his fears as he looked at her ,
" No Khushi .. I didn't .. I would never !! "
And Khushi sensed his fear, she knew what he was trying to tell her , she looked at him , her gaze steady and passionate ,
" I know you didn't Arnav, I know you never would steal the moment while I slept !
Its for both of us to feel Arnav & Khushi becoming one forever.
And now I do want it ..
before all the evil descends upon us to try and tear us apart,
before Death Valley fights us as we bring back Nysa,
before everything else falls into place,
before every other wrong that we set right ...
I want to be one with you.
Mark me as your woman Arnav.
Let the Gods in the High Heavens and all the living souls and beasts of the earth know that Arnav & Khushi are one forever .. that we belong to each other.
Join us in the primal way a man claims his woman.
Nature's most beautiful gift to humans , this should have happened already in our previous births but fates dealt cruelly but not again will they thwart us or our love.
The world will know our union, the tremors will be felt everywhere, some will rejoice, some will hear the gong of their own doom being set off, the world will change forever after this night. "
Arnav stared at Khushi as the implications of her words set in , he was born and raised unaware of the existence of the feminine race and yet as he held her in his arms, the woman he loved lying bare for her, he suddenly knew everything that he had to know, it was an innate sense calling out to him, something that he didn't need to be taught, the ultimate natural act of love and Arnav didn't feel the need to be taught.
He was a man possessed with the love and need to join himself body heart and soul with the woman he loved and he would do exactly that.
He cupped her cheeks in his palm ... holding her face close as he locked his eyes with hers,
" I love you & will love you for eternity and the world better get used to it. "
After a Long time....its here *Dancing*
ReplyDeletethis was so beautiful jyo di...while reading warmth coursed through my heart...never knew love can be so tender...caring...selfless...ethereal <3
next update...please please please update sooner...*pouts*
till then I am waiting...desperately I might add *grins*