Okay am ready with updates for LMLY and LIDV
and I will be posting an update for O9M also this week !
I know u all are apprehensive about the new entry but she isnt evil in the normal sense, she has her own problems and she is about to face the biggest reality of her life and she has a role to play indirectly in Arhi's lives too but more about her , you will understand as the story moves forward !
hope u all enjoy this update !
P.S. I have already mentioned her in the CS for LMLY but I will once again post her pic here !
Happy Reading !!
Sakshi stood outside the gates to Raizada Mansion, her bags in hand, she knew she had a difficult mission, having known the Raizadas all her life, having grown up with Arnav or more apt to say having watched him growing up from far, obsessing over him, cherishing dreams of one day belonging to him, she had modelled herself to be everything that he would want in his wife, the perfect traditional girl with the right family values, prim and proper, educated, beautiful and classy with perfect etiquettes , she was everything that a well bred girl of her age could hope to be and she was always a welcome guest at RM, she got along well with Alaka & Akash, and she loved Arnav from faraway.
But the object of her fascination was unaware of all this, to him Sakshi was nothing but a family friend, her father and his father were business assosciates, they got along pretty well as friends too, Sakshi was a fine girl and thats where it ended. Sakshi loved Akash and Alaka like her siblings because she was modelling herself to be their Bhabhi once she got their brother, she accepted everything in his world because she hoped to have him, the reality that she was living in a self constructed world of make believe was something she and the people around her were oblivious to.
But now she felt it was time to make the people around her realise that she meant to win what her heart craved for.
As she rang the bell, Samar opened the door and welcomed her in , " Sakshi !! it was such a pleasent surprise sweetheart to hear that you would be visiting us, your secretary called to inform us and we were so thrilled at your timing, am sure you have heard the good news from your father already !! "
Sakshi bend down and took Samar's blessings before hugging him, a smile plastered onto his face, not giving away the fact that their cause for happiness was the cause for her pain !
" ofcourse Samar uncle, Papa told me about Arnav finding his bride, I cant wait to personally congratulate him !! where is he and when do I get to meet the lucky bride ?? "
" Oh you will have to wait a little Sakshi , " announced Sayali who had walked in just then to welcome their guest , Sakshi was astonished to see the happiness on Samar and Sayali's faces, they seemed to be over the moon as they shared the news with her, " you see Alaka and Khushi are staying at Alaka's place and Arnav & Akash are also with them most often, why don't you get fresh ??
and by then I will have them come over to meet you. "
Sakshi felt rage bubbling inside her to know that Arnav was away from his parents and that the girl was spending time with him and his siblings , something that she had always visualised as her right !
Without a word Sakshi left to get fresh as Sayali called up Arnav to tell him of Sakshi's arrival.
Meanwhile Arnav was sleeping away to glory, his face nestled into Khushi's neck as his arms held her protectively as they both slept, sharing a night of beautiful and peaceful dreams. But he was soon stirred awake by the sound of his phone ringing which had woken up Khushi as well , he saw her awake and slightly pecked her on her lips as he signalled her to be quiet showing her that it was Mama calling,
"Good Morning Mama !
You called so early ... is everything alright ?? " enquired Arnav , Khushi watched him listen , saw him smiling occasionally as he stared at her while his mother spoke to him and then he hung up and looked at her ,
"Good Morning Beautiful !!
I am sorry we couldn't sleep longer , dammit Khushi I slept as though in a dream in your arms !!
But now we have to get ready , we have a guest at home and Mama wants us to get over there asap !!
You get fresh , by then I will wake up Alaka and Akash too !! "
Khushi got up with him wondering who the guest was , "who is it Arnav ?? is it a relative ?? "
Arnav who had been washing his face called out , "no Khushi it isnt a relative , her name is Sakshi , she is Papa's business partner's daughter, they are acquainted with our family since a long time and I think Papa must have told them about us and she must have come down to meet you , don't worry, she is a nice girl, am sure you will get along just fine with her !! "
Arnav who had come out of the washroom by then , hugged her close before heading out to wake up his siblings.
Soon they were all ready and on their way to RM, Sakshi was waiting at in the living room to eagerly meet Arnav and as soon as the doorbell rang, she ran ahead to open the door, but she felt the wind knocked out of her as she saw the girl standing next to Arnav.
She knew right then and there that hers was a lost battle, the girl in front of her was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen, angelic looking, a smile on her face that reached the depths of her heart, innocent and demure, she could see at once why Arnav had gone head over heels and what confirmed her worst fears was the look on Arnav's face who was looking at Khushi, it was of a man who had found meaning in his life, all secrets solved , no more mysteries, a look of attainment of the complete happiness, like he could want nothing more from life than the girl whose hand he was holding onto, Sakshi felt her heart breaking but she reared her pain in as she smiled at the couple in front of her ,
" so this is Khushi !! I cant tell you how much I have been looking forward to meeting you !! "
Sakshi gushed as she hugged Khushi who was initially startled but then reciprocated the hug , Sakshi then hugged Alaka and then smiled at Akash who greeted her, her eyes falling on Arnav only when she couldn't avoid it any longer and the memories of the last time they met flashed between them, Sakshi's pain may have been oblivious to all but not to Arnav, he knew what was going on inside her heart and he knew he would have to soon tell Khushi about it too, he would never want Khushi finding out about Sakshi's hidden feelings for him from anyone else other than him and he also fervently hoped that Sakshi had moved on with her life.
Once the greetings were all done, they all walked in and whatever happened next send Sakshi reeling. Sayali and Samar greeted Khushi like their own daughter, Khushi already moved about as though she had been a member of RM all her life and the affection the family held for Khushi couldn't be missed. Sayali fussed over Khushi complaining to Samar as to how tired she looked, reprimanding Arnav for making her work too hard on the exhibition, Samar treated Khushi like she was the apple of his eye, telling her how much he had been missing her.
It took Alaka screaming at her parents to make them realise that their children were also waiting to be acknowledged !!
" okay thats it you two , you have your 3 other kids waiting here to be hugged and kissed and you seemed to have forgotten us all after seeing my Bhabhi !!
Am sure my complaint is justified ... right Bhai ?? " asked Alaka as she looked at Akash and Arnav for support , her eyes sparkling in amusement !!
Arnav joined her in , "thats right Chukti , Mama & Papa sees Khushi and there you go, the entire world is forgotten !! "
But it was Akash who stumped them all specially Sakshi because Akash was someone who would never display his affections out in the open ,
"come on you 2 , how can you even complain ??
I am not going to crib !!
Why would anyone think of anything else when they have my Bhabhi ??
She is our angel after all !! "
They were all equally rendered silent as Akash pulled Khushi into a hug who laughed as she affectionately ruffled his hair and hugged him back , watching all this had been too much for Arnav who immediately moved into the picture,
He went over and pulled Akash away, boxing him in his stomach , "okay young man , I get it that you love my wife but you don't get to hold my world all the time , do you get it ?? " declared Arnav as he held Khushi close , placing a slight kiss on her forehead who pushed him away as quickly as he got her leaving him shocked, she went over and pulled the 2 Raizada siblings into a hug who immediately hugged her back ,
"ofcourse not Mr.Arnav Singh Raizada, Pari & Akash are part of our world too and they get to be with their Bhabhi as much as you do !! " said Khushi winking at Alaka and Akash who had gleeful expressions on their face seeing the great ASR stumped, they decided to make him more jealous and kissed Khushi on both her cheeks who kissed them back.
Arnav fumed in jealousy as he saw them all shunting him out , " Oh is it so Mrs.ASR ?? then you wait now , you have no idea what you have invited on yourself " said Arnav as he launched himself at Khushi who ran away in the nick of time, Sayali and Samar were chuckling away merrily as they saw their eldest lovesick child chase after Khushi while the rest were doubled up in laughter.
" you cant catch me Arnav ... I will slip right through your grasp " called out Khushi as she ran up the starirs with Arnav in hot pursuit !
The only person who was shell shocked in all of this was Sakshi, it was her wake up call , all her life she had trained herself to be the ideal Raizada bahu and here she met Khushi who had nailed all her dreams into a stone coffin in a matter of few days, the family's love for Khushi was undeniable, she was the centre of their world, even Arnav Akash and Alaka came only second to Khushi now.
To hear Alaka and Akash call Khushi their Bhabhi was blood churning, she had always imagined them calling her Bhabhi , Sayali and Samar petted her exactly like how they loved Alaka or maybe even more.
And Arnav, the guy who never even flirted with a woman for fun, he was the ultimate romantic fiance now, damn the world he had already started calling Khushi his wife !
Seeing another woman ensconced in his arms was tearing her heart into shreds and she was now cursing her fates as to why she had come down to see all this !
Meanwhile Khushi had ran into Arnav's room , not knowing where she was heading to , but hearing his close footsteps, she hid herself behind his long life size mirror, Arnav entered his room to see it all empty, he was sure that Khushi had ran into his room, it was only a matter of time before he spotted her, he stepped in and locked the door behind him so that she wouldn't escape, he moved around stealthily, but Khushi was watching him and changed her hideouts as he moved around,
"come on Mrs.ASR, where are you hiding ??? I know you are in here ... I can feel you ! " called out Arnav as he went about looking for her.
Arnav and Khushi were thoroughly enjoying their little game, they felt like 2 kids who were living their lives once again from the start.
Khushi chuckled as she crept up behind him, unknown to the fact that he had spotted her flying dupatta through the mirror and just as she caught hold of him , he whipped around as he pulled her into his arms , falling onto the bed, bringing her down along with him , with her own top of him , both of them panting, their breathing heavy as it echoed through the entire room.
But they were lost in each other, their eyes seeking out each other, drinking in the other, reaching out into the very depths of their souls !
He removed a stray strand of hair from her forehead as her face lowered closer to his , their proximity unknown to both of them, Arnav savoured her nearness, her breath washing all over him as her eyes fell on his lips, without further ado he brought her lips onto his as they let their love conquer them !
He turned her over so that now she was beneath him as he plunged into her soul, Khushi slipped her fingers beneath his shirt, wanting to feel him closer as she kissed him back with equal fervour.
After what seemed like ages they broke apart, catching their breaths as Arnav hugged her close, Khushi fumbling with the buttons in his shirt ,
" Arnav can I ask you something ?? " asked Khushi a little too cautiously that didn't go unnoticed by Arnav , who immediately raised his head to look at her ,
"ofcourse Khushi , you know you can ask me anything ?? "
Khushi looked at him , her hands caressing his face as he kissed her fingers, " Is Sakshi okay ??
I mean , she seemed happy to meet me but I could still feel that she was in pain, I could see it in her eyes,
The way she looked at you .. I could sense it.
Is there something you want to tell me ?? "
Arnav was shocked at her questions , he hadn't expected Khushi to sense it so quickly !!
" Khushi .. Jaan ... how did you know ??
How did you know that Sakshi is hurting inside ?? " asked Arnav as he placed feathery kisses on her face.
Khushi smiled at him, " Arnav I am a girl who has known more pain than happiness ever since the day I was born.
I was raised in pain.
And I can easily sense it ... specially the pain at the loss of someone I love deeply.
The pain of being destroyed .. at having all your dreams taken away from you in the flash of an eye and thats exactly what I saw in Sakshi !!
She loves you ... doesn't she ?? "
Arnav was literally speechless now .. Khushi had understood everything without him uttering a sinle word !!
He cupped her face and made her look at him ,
" Listen to me Khushi and listen carefully.
You are right, she loves me , and a few months back she proposed to me and I rejected her straight away.
If you ask me why I rejected her, I honestly don't know.
Its just that I felt no connection , not even attraction towards her, it isnt because she isnt a good woman, its just that I didn't feel that she is the one I have been waiting for and I told her that very honestly though I don't think she really grasped the reality.
From her confession , I gathered that she had been in love with me for a long time and I didn't bother to get more details because the situation was already too awkward.
Also I could sense that she wasn't ready to give up yet, that she would keep on trying until she gets what she wants !
And am sure thats the reason she rushed down to meet you , to find out for herself if its all real and she may come across as a nice woman to you but I don't trust her at all Khushi !!
I know how wilful she can be when she wants something , I know what she is capable of !!
She can and she will try to hurt you Khushi and I want you to stay far away from her no matter how nice she appears to be with you !!
I will be keeping an eye on her but I want you to be on guard .
Can you do that Khushi ?? " asked Arnav as he finished telling her about Sakshi .
Khushi looked at Arnav..her thoughts running deep,
" your love for me broke her heart. Our happiness together came at the cost of her broken heart. Why is it that my existence always causes pain to people who aren't at fault Arnav ?
Pari lost Rahul because of me.
Sakshi lost you because you couldn't love her because you love me instead.
Why does loving me imply broken hearts ?? "
It's not your fault it's destiny