This update is dedicated to the most ardent stalker of O9M
my ever loving ... always happy adorable lil cutiepie ... Ananya
Sweetie ... I know I kept u waiting too long and am sry ... but I hope u like the end of the snake !!
with this .. there will be no more Shyam Manohar Jha !
Happy reading !!
Each word that escaped her soft petal like lips spelled his doom, all his sense were on fire, he could hear a million voices screaming in his own head, and they all belonged to him, it was his own voice, his conscience to me more precise hurling the truths at him in tandem,
she was the most beautiful woman he had ever laid his eyes on,
she was everything he wanted ,
and yet this woman whom he had craved for above all others hated him, anyone would love him .. have him but not Khushi and the truth hit him with blinding reality.
He could feel his mind crumbling down , he could no longer run , he wasn't in command of his own body, he could feel the strength deserting him , his chest muscles were contracting , invisible loops seemed to be vising around his neck and he could no longer breathe.
Arnav and Khushi watched as Shyam s condition deteriorated, and they felt NOTHING. Not even pity for a man who had been completely destroyed and ripped into shreds, not an iota of kindness made its way to their heart because the man crumbling in front of them had been a cause of pain in their lives too long that they didn't hold a heart when it came to Shyam, it was pure ince cold unadulterated hatred, such powerful animosity that made them want to make Shyam Manohar Jha bleed to his death, a slow excruciating end to a life wasted wrecking other's lives.
Khushi watched in horror , as Shyam stumbled towards her but it wasn't at Khushi's feet that he fell, Arnav stepped in front of her , shielding her away from Shyam who looked at Arnav like a mad man,
" Saale Saab ... you were right, Khushiji is right, she doesn't love me , I can see it , she hates me , she doesn't even care whether I live or die and the truth is driving me mad, I wish to die but I have a deathwish Arnav and you have to grant it !!
No matter how cruel the man might have been, his last wish is always honoured.
When life leaves me , I want to see Khushiji in front of me, hers should be the last face I see !! "
Khushi clutched her heart hearing Shyam speak, his words send her reeling, the depth of his obsession with her was fear instilling, it ran too deep.
Arnav felt his blood churn as he saw Shyam lying at his feet like filth, his words send rage coursing through his veins. He hauled Shyam to face him, his grip firm on Shyam's neck , Arnav wished to squeeze the life out of him that very instant,
" What do you think Jha ??
You expect Arnav Singh Raizada to grant you your last wish ??
You expect me to bring Khushi in front of you so that you can die in peace ??? "
Spat Arnav on his face he punched Shyam straight on his face, Shyam staggered at the impact of the hit, Pooja & Payal rushed to hold Khushi who was staggering at the scene unfolding in front of her, Shyam could barely recollect himself as he felt Akash and NK launch themselves at him, Anjali and Dia along with Varun were standing with the others watching as the Raizada men handled Shyam.
Varun who was seeing Dia's father for the first time felt rage bubbling inside him, he looked at
Dia who was nestled in his arms, the innocent little child in his arms would never know her real father and he couldn't fathom how any man could abandon his own daughter .. attempt to kill their own child,
Anjali who was standing next to him , a woman who worshipped her husband at once upon a time, saw him as her living God , breathed only for him and Shyam had only been with her for the sake of her money,
Khushi who was being supported by Payal & Pooja, he watched as Arnav walked to her , Khushi who threw herself into Arnav's arms as she broke down. Arnav whose face was marked by agony at the sight of the woman he loved breaking down , Khushi the innocent victim of Shyam's manipulative games.
Varun closed his eyes as he tried to control himself, 2 innocent women and a child, the victims of Shyam Manohar Jha's evil schemes.
That moment was the hour of realisation for Varun, if he had been confused then now he knew, he would never let anyone hurt Anjali or Dia , not even by a glance as long as he was alive.
He loved them, the mother and the daughter just like how Arnav loved his wife and soon going to be born children.
And whether Anjali accepted him or not, he would always watch out for them, be their protector .. even if its from far. He would never let Dia feel the absence of a father and Anjali will always find him beside her for anything she needed, as a friend if not as a lover.
Arnav held Khushi tight as she let her pain out, all the pain of being manipulated and traumatised by the man at their midst, she clung to him feeling the last embers of the fire they had been fighting for so long die out.
NK and Akash were still at Shyam's throat, their fury knew no bounds today , Akash choked the life out of him , his rage like an erupting volcano ,
"Shyam Manohar Jha " he raged .. each word accentuated by a punch , " You made the mistake og hurting my sister , the woman who raised me and Bhai like her own kids, you made the mistake of hurting my brother's wife .. my wife's sister ... my sister !!
You have caused us enough pain Jha and now you are about to pay for it all !! "
NK who had always been a person who could never even hurt the meanest of living souls could no longer contain it, he hurled Shyam around to face him, what happened next was something no one could fathom, reckless rage unfurled itself as NK forgot his surroundings and no one stopped him, his words would never be forgotten by anyone in the vicinity,
"I loved you like an elder brother, you weren't just my Di's husband..
I respected you.
I loved you .. as much as I loved Arnav Bhai & Akash Bhai and yet you betrayed all of us.
Anjali Di ... have you ever thought about how much she loved you ??
How much she trusted you ??
And Dia ... you tried to kill her ??
What sort of a father are you ??
And then there is Khushi Bhabhi ... as pure as any woman can be and you tarnished her name too !
She belongs to my brother , and you were the reason for all the hate between them , you tried to kill my brother to reach Bhabhi !
You have slithered through our lives too many times Shyam and its time to put an end to it !!
You will not come near our family again ... do you hear that ??
You filthy rotten piece of scum !! "
Every single person watching the Raizadas & Guptas were rendered speechless, the agony that the families had gone through because of a single man was laid out bare in the open and no one ... no law enforcement personnel present as witnesses dared to stop them as Shyam got what he deserved.
Only the Raizadas and Guptas deserved to punish Shyam and it would only be them.
Khushi looked at Anjali who was being overwhelmed by the haunted memories of her past, their eyes met , and all the betrayal and pain that both women had to endure were felt in torrents and they rushed into each other's arms. Finding comfort in each other and thats when Arnav snapped totally, he hurled a beaten and bloodied Shyam who looked barely alive and threw him at the the feet of the 2 women he had hurt the most ,
" Apologise Shyam ... NOW !!
And don't you dare touch them.
It will be your death if you try to.
You will apologise to my sister .. for the infidelity you committed on her , for tarnishing the purity of my sister's selfless blind love and trust in you.
You will apologise to Di for trying to take kill the daughter of the Raizadas in her womb .
You will apologise to my wife for all the pain you gave her from the day you walked into her life,
The betrayal of her trust.
The destruction of her innocence
The tarnishing of her purity
The hatred that you created between us
The attempt you made to separate us.
The attempted murder of our children along with the help of Lavanya
The attack one our marriage using our past
Your sins to my wife and my family are too many Shyam and if you want me to let you live in peace at the asylum then you better apologise.
This will be the only chance of redemption that Arnav Singh Raizada will allow you to have or else you will rotting away the rest of your life in the nation's worst lunatic facilities, I will make sure that every remaining second of your life, whether it be days months or years, I will ensure that you bleed to your death, will ensure that you are driven insane with the memories of your life till now. "
Anjali watched in revulsion as she saw Shyam look at her, there was not an iota of regret in his eyes, there was just a bland sense of acceptance in his eyes, his words felt like cold iron rode of her heart, if she had expected remorse from him, then there was none because Shyam Manohar Jha had relapsed into a world that was devoid of any sanity,
" I am sorry Anjali but even now I just have one thing to tell you, you and our marriage were nothing but a source of wealth for me, even when we created our child together , there was no love , it was a mistake that shouldn't have happened and I feel nothing , not even now when my death awaits me, you and Dia .. I only feel sorry that you were the unfortunate victims of my ploys to get the one woman that I loved !! "
Shyam then looked at Khushi who was ensconced in Arnav's arms, her eyes barely looking at him as though it were a curse to even look at him,
" Khushiji , I will die happily in this life of mine with just one prayer in my heart which you believe to be stone, to be born again so that atleast in my next life, I am able to win your love. !! "
Shyam uttered the words with a smile of contentment on his face, and every single person there knew that Shyam would never be sane again, he was long lost in his fixation to Khushi to see his life clearly anymore, Arnav wanted to kill Shyam with his bare hands but he and Khushi who held him close to her knew that there was nothing they could do anymore , their words were the most powerful weapon against Shyam and they would use it once more,
Khushi looked at Shyam, her gaze unflinching ...
"You Shyam Manohar Jha will never have my love, not even if you are the last man on the planet who is alive, in this life and in all my coming births, Khushi will belong to Arnav and there is nothing you can do to change that because as much as you might want me, my hate for you is a millionfold more intense that your lust for me and you will live the rest of your lives with this knowledge etched into your memories.
You will never see me again .. not even on your deathbed .. you wont be missed Shyam Manohar Jha "
awesome update thats what shyam deserves i loved it thanks so much
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