I know its a quite an early update as per my standards but I have my university exams from Dec 10th to Dec 21st and I want to give you all as many updates as possible before I take the mini break.
I hope you all enjoy this extra long update ! 
Happy Reading !
It was evening and the Raizadas & Guptas were all bact at the guest house, the ordeal of their lives was over , the fear that gripped their hearts had been taken care of, Shyam Manohar Jha had been driven insane and right now he was being escorted into a place from there would be no return, Arnav Singh Raizada had pulled all the right strings, he had put to use all his might as the ASR to make sure that the evil in their lives would be kept as far away as possible and if Mr.Jha tried to make his escape, then he would be shot dead.
And right now they had all retired to their rooms, each one of them needing the solace and comfort of their special ones.
Anjali held Dia close in her arms as she sat lost in her thoughts, the memories of her marriage to Shyam, his constant tokens of alleged love for her, his betrayal coming to the fore, his attempt to make his way back into their lives to the point today when she had seen her ex husband deny her and their daughter even in his insanity, proclaiming undying obsession and need for the girl who truly belonged to her brother.
But what was shocking to Varun who was watching Anjali from far was that she hadn't shed a single tear though she was lost in her thoughts, it was a woman who was pondering over the tragedies that she and her family had to suffer, there was no pain or loss of love reflected anymore for Shyam Manohar Jha, and Anjali herself was on the same thoughts, the moment had come when Anjali was Anjali Singh Raizada and ready to move on with her life.
As he watched , Anjali cradled Dia closer into her arms, cradling her little cheeks in her palms, looking into her daughter's eyes which were full of innocence and love for her mother,
"Dia , I cannot say that I am sorry you will grow up not knowing your father. Because its better to grow up fatherless than have a father like Shyam Manohar Jha.
You may come across situations in your life when you will wish that you had him standing beside you , holding your hand, his warmth as your protection but truth is that Shyam never loved you. He wished you dead even before you were born.
You have your Mamma who will try to the best of her abilities to fulfil all the duties of a mother and a father. And I know I can count on your Arnav Mamu Akash and NK to be the best father figures in your life, Payal loves you like her own child and Khushi Bhabhi ... sometimes I feel that she has loved you much more than even I have ever loved you.
You have a family who treats you like a princess Dia and you will never miss your father, not as long as we are alive ... "
" What if Dia needs someone whom she needs to call Papa ??
What if I tell you that I cant live without Dia anymore ?? "
Anjali's head whipped around to the source of the voice and she was shocked to see Varun standing in the doorway, his words taking time to register. Shock and an unknown fear crept into Anjali's heart, Varun was staking a claim on Dia as though she belonged to him as well and Anjali wasn't sure if she was ready to share her daughter's life with anyone else other than her family.
" Varun what are you trying to tell me ?? " asked Anjali as she rose to face him.
Varun took measured steps towards Anjali, he knew the words had come out of mouth without his own volition and he didn't want to scare her away but she had to know the truth,
" what do you think I meant Anjali ??
I think all these days that I have spend with you all , you of all the people should know that I love Dia.
I am not offering Dia a life and my name out of sympathy or because of what we saw today. What I saw today helped me realise that even if Shyam Manohar Jha had indeed mended his ways, even then I wouldn't let him come near you or Dia because you both belong to me, he may have been your husband but he never knew how precious you both are and his time was anyways gone, you have given him enough chances to attain for his sins. "
Anjali took a step backwards , she wasnt ready for any of it, she couldn't deny Varun's affection to Dia but she also couldn't let him have a stake on Dia ,
" Stop it Varun !
What do you think of yourself huh ??
You think you can just walk in and tell me that you love Dia and you have your rights and I will let you claim her ??
You think I will trust any man close enough to break my heart again ??
Dia has her family and she doesn't need a father.
I have 3 brothers who are ready to play her father figures and thats all it is that she needs.
After everything Shyam did, you think am going to let someone come close enough to her to toy with her feelings ?? "
Varun felt anger coursing through his veins hearing Anjali compare him to Shyam, fine if she needed it on her face then thats how he would give it to her !!
" really Anjali, you think am like your ex-husband who is out to break your heart ??
You think Dia is some sort of time pass for me ??
And whats all this nonsense abt Dia having Arnav NK and Akash to fill into the shoes of her father ??
I agree and trust to the fact that they love her as their own but can they give Dia their name ??
Can Dia be Dia Arnav Singh Raizada ??
Can Dia be Dia Akash Singh Raizada ??
Can Dia take on the security of NK's name ??
Arnav and Akash have their own families and even NK will have a family soon. They have their own kids, cant you see how much Arnav already loves his babies ??
I will never doubt his love for Dia but you need to accept the harsh truth Anjali,
Dia can never take Arnav Akash or NK with her to the world and tell it out they are her father because its not the truth.
She will always be Dia , your daughter , your ex-husband's blood and if you don't wish to give her his name , I understand. She will have your name and am sure as a single mother you will give her all the happiness in the world except one ... THE LOVE OF A FATHER.
Anjali try as much as you want but what a father does , only a father can do. What a mother does , only a mother can do, its the law of nature and Dia needs a father and if Gods are giving you a chance to let Dia know a father's love then why are you denying her ??
I love Dia as though she were my own daughter, I know its difficult for you to trust another man but you can take all the time you want Anjali, there is no rush.
We can start off as friends, because it isnt just Dia I want, I want her mother too, I want you in my life Anjali Singh Raizada because I love you !!
And I want us to be a family together, you me and Dia and maybe if you feel okay I want us to have children together who will have Dia as their big sister !
Does that make sense Anjali ??
I am offering you and Dia .. my heart , my love , my soul , my name , everything that I have not because you need it but because I truly and deeply am in love with both of you and I want to bring you both all the happiness in the world, I want to lay the world at your feet like how Arnav does for Khushi, like how Akash does for Payal.
Think about it Anjali and then let me know. "
Varun leaned forward and kissed Dia on her cheeks who smiled at him widely and then he left the room leaving Anjali stunned , what she heard making her world swirl.
Meanwhile in another room, Akash was consoling Payal whose tears were endless, it wasnt often that she broke down, she had been Khushi's rock all through her life, she had seen her sister's pain right from the time she had lost her parents and today with the end of the chapter of Shyam, the relief that was coursing through her was immense and she wanted to let it out, tell everything to her one true soulmate,
" It was always Khushi ... it was she who bore all the pain Akash.
First it was the death of her parents at an age when she barely knew what it was to loose a person at the hands of death.
I have held her in my arms through the nights and days as she tried to accept the truth.
I have seen her wake up screaming out for her parents.
Thats how she grew up and then she met Arnav Bhai.
She fell in love with him but Shyam betrayed her , he had her caught in his web of lies and she kept quiet only to save both our families, she even withstood her husband's hate for the sake of our marriage, Di's happiness, the youngest amongst us all and she faced it all alone.
And then she saved her husband's life , She started a new life with him and at a time in her life when the woman should be happiest, the evil lurked back.
Shyam .. Lavanya.
These last few months, my sister had to live in the fear of losing her husband and her children.
She doesn't deserve this Akash , she never deserved all this pain !!
I was never the strong one , Khushi was the one who stood strong, the one who protected us all and I will be damned if anything causes pain to her ever again ! "
Akash was at a loss for words, everything that Payal said was true, Khushi was the fighter and thinking back of all the disasters that struck their family, his heart bled along with hers but with it came one realisation ,
He raised Payal to look at him, gently he wiped away all her tears before kissing her lightly on her lips,
" You are right Payal, Khushi has seen and suffered a lot for us, she is a born fighter and now I can clearly see why the Gods made Khushi and Bhai meet.
They are made for each other Payal, cant you see that ??
They were born for each other.
Both of them, withstood all the pain in the world for the sake of their families, like how you spoke about Khushi, the same way Bhai has shouldered the responsibility of his family since a very young age.
After his parent's death, Bhai worked day and night to build up AR.
Whatever AR is today its the fruit of Bhai's hardwork, he supported me, he supported Di , he made sure that none of us would ever want anything as long as he is around for us.
And now they have each other Payal.
They are each other's biggest strengths, their love for each other will help them weather out any storm that threatens to come their way.
And they have their family Payal, they have us to always be there to face the evil standing side by side with them.
And I assure you Payal, they have taken care of us lifelong, its time we let them enjoy their lives a bit while we watch out for them and thats exactly what we will do now "
Meanwhile Pooja had her arms tight around NK as he let his tears fall for once and for all. NK had always been the softie, the baby of the family and it was rare to see his tears because he had a family who fawned all over him since the day he had been born
He may have never been a Raizada by name but he was very much one among them in all its senses.
NK was speaking as he cried in her arms,
" you don't know the relief I feel today Pooja. Khushi Bhabhi and Arnav Bhai are finally free of all evil. I have seen them suffer because of Shyam from the day we all came to know the truth.
Bhabhi went out of her way to bring back Bhai alive and safe from Shyam , that bas***d tried everything in his arsenal to try and turn the family against Khushi Bhabhi but Bhai stood firm with her.
You know whats funny Pooja, before Bhai got married to her, I did hold a fancy for Bhabhi, there was something about her that made me want to protect her from all possible harm. And I can proudly say that I am her best friend before being her Devar.
But when I realised that she loved Bhai, I understood, it didn't come as a shock to me though because it was clearly visible for everyone to see, they always had the spark that could ignite a volcano.
Always fighting like Tom & Jerry, looking for reasons to hate each other yet ending up in each other's arms at every chance they got !!
Their love story is divine Pooja and today after a long time this house is finally getting its peace back.
All these months I have watched Bhai live in the fear of losing Bhabhi and today finally the evil has been taken care of. "
Pooja heard everything silently, she could feel the love NK had for Arnav & Khushi, and it didn't surprise her but she definitely had something to tell him that she knew would shock him, she helped him sit straight and slowly leaned in closer to lay her head over his heart, his arms willingly came to enclose her as though it were only natural but it was her words that stunned him,
" the way Arnav Bhai loves Khushi Bhabhi , can you love me ?? "
While the shocks rippled through the various rooms in their home, Arnav and Khushi were lost in the comfort and peace of being in each other's arms, Arnav had Khushi gently confined in his arms, her head resting over his heart, they didn't words anymore, they didn't feel the need to discuss anything now, their hearts spoke, the gently caresses conveyed the rush of hot blood in their veins, the hearts beating in unison, the stolen kisses speaking volumes of their love and passion.
Arnav had one hand resting possessively over her belly while Khushi held Arnav tighter, a few tears were shed over all the pain in their life, a couple of laughs and smiles at the joys waiting for them.
And most of all the peace and comfort knowing that Shyam Manohar Jha was finally over and out from their lives.
Khushi knew the memories would haunt her, she knew the darkness would never be erased, that was the reality of memories, it couldn't be forgotten, it lingered on the outskirts rearing its head at her weakest thoughts but she also knew that Arnav would be there to kiss them away with his love and she knew that even though life wasnt a bed of roses, her life with Arnav was a bed of roses with thorns lingering around and she knew they had each other to take away the thorns.
She looked up at Arnav who looked back at her, his eyes reflecting nothing but pure unadulterated love for her, echoing and mirroring what he saw in her eyes, their faith and trust on each other binding and complete.
"Arnav "
" Khushi "
They both looked at each other and laughed, at their own uncanny precision timing.
"You go first "
"You go ahead "
Once again they laughed and decided to give it a third shot, their words shocking one another,
"Di and Varun have feelings for each other "
"NK and Pooja like each other "
And this time they both burst out laughing !!
The Raizadas & Gupta elders were all in one room and they were witnessing a miracle,
Bauji had spoken after ages and it was one line ,
"I failed as a father"