Its the bday of a special someone, whose place in my life can never be explained, I call her Ray ,she is my Ray of happiness, the silver lining in my life and not a single second of my life passes where she isnt in my thoughts, a part of me without which I cant survive, calling her my best friend just isnt enough coz she has too many roles in my life !! 
On her bday, we ( thats me and Manna ( Cheryth ) ) together want to tell u Ray ( Dalmuthya ) that we love you, always will, till our forever and beyond that 
we are here to wish u the best bday possible, that its the beginning of all the happiness in ur life !! 
this OS , its our lil prank on u !!
banner made by Manna
( I love it sweetheart ) , the verses u see in it are also written by her !!
, the OS .. I just let my imagination run wild !! 
Happy Reading Ray !!
we love u !! 
A special msg for u !!
"Stop Surviving and Start Living "
A special msg for u !!
"Stop Surviving and Start Living "
almost 25 years old, Khushi had very few friends, Dia and Rakhi, her 2 best friends, to them she was an open book, they knew her inside out, Rakhi and Khushi had been together since their school days and Dia had entered their lives as they joined college, and very soon the three went onto be the craziest BFFs, their college had ever seen, they knew her dreams, her pain, and if Khushi was ever seen smiling and having fun, then it was only when these 2 were around, Khushi claimed Dia and Rakhi to be her lifelines, her lifesavers but they knew better, they knew who it was who sustained her, challenged her, who it was that brought out the fiery angel huddled inside her, the person whose appreciation and opinion mattered the most to her though she would never admit it, not even if you pointed a gun at her and the name was Arnav Singh Raizada !!
Khushi's best friend since her early teens, her classmate, he was her haven and hell all rolled into one, he was her batchmate in college as well, currently doing his MBA, the heir of the Raizada Industries,she craved his love, admonished his care, gave free reign to rule her life but tried hard to ignore his mastery over her heart and her emotions, they were the quintessential modern day Darcy and Lizzy, constantly at odds but seeking out each other for anything and everything in their lives.
Khushi was interrupted from her work as the 2 most important girls in her life landed in front of her,
"come on Khushi, exams just got over today , what are you doing inside the library , surrounded by a pile of books when we should be enjoying the beautiful monsoons outside !! " hissed Dia as Rakhi snatched the books away and shut it up while Khushi glared at them ...
"you know I cant girls, Its my first assignment for the University magazine as their editor in chief and I want it to be the best "replied Khushi as she grabbed the books back while Rakhi wanted to do nothing but drag her out at that very instant but she knew better.
"fine then, sit here with it, you have been on this report since ages and we know you have finished it already, you just need an excuse Khushi to sit and slog yourself, do you even realise that you need to take sometime out to breathe , to have a little fun before you turn into an old hag !! "raged Rakhiwhile Dia tried to hold her back but Rakhi was in no mood to stop today ... "we are leaving, incase you want to join us , you know where to find us, lets go Dia before she tells us off " said Rakhi as she and Dia left, leaving Khushi once again at a loss as to what to do, she knew her friends had a point but her mind would never let her heart have a free reign , it had always been Mind over Heart for her.
Meanwhile Dia fished out her mobile as soon as they were outside the library, she typed a message on her phone and pressed send and then winked at Rakhi , who let out a slight mischievous grin,
"what do you think Dia ??? half an hour before Miss. Khushi Kumari Gupta joins us ?? "asked Rakhi as Dia shook her head in negative ...
"you kidding ... 15 minutes and she will thrown right into our arms !! " replied Dia as the girls went away whistling to themselves having done their job to perfection.
Arnav Singh Raizada slammed his locker shut and marched away in the direction to the library, his collage mates staring at him as he passed, he was an enigma, someone they could barely begin to understand, handsome wasn't a word good enough to describe him, hailing from a rich powerful family, he had a magnetic personality which made the women around clutch their hearts as he went around, but none of them mattered in his eyes, he barely spared them a look, the men around him felt intimidated to even look at him in the eye, a control freak over the people he loved, his heart had place only for very few souls, blessed with looks that could give the filmstars and royalty of the world a run for their money, he was every girl's Mills&Boons dream come true but ASR as he was commonly referred as didn't care for any of these notions, his heart and mind was fixed on one woman, and she seemed to love to run as far away as possible from him but the underlying truth was that he was the only one to whom she surrendered eventually !!
Khushi yelped in shocked as she felt the books and papers fly out of her hand, within no time Arnav was dragging her towards her locker, he hurled her forwards while she turned to glare at him, furious at him for blatantly displaying his hold on her, she opened her mouth to speak but he cut her off ... "open the damn locker Khushi !! " said Arnav while he sorted her books and papers ,
"what the hell Arnav, I am working right now , how can you drag me out like this and who asked you to come looking for me "raged Khushi not caring that people were staring open mouthed at her, her audacity to talk in this manner to Arnav though not new was always a shock to the onlookers, particularly the fact that ASR didn't have any problem tolerating her uncontrollable anger !!
Without sparing her a look, he turned and punched in her locker code and opened at while Khushi opened her mouth only to be cut off ...
"I don't need your permission when it comes to you Khushi , when it comes to you , I know better and right now you are coming with me whether you like it or not " said Arnav calmly as he kept her materials inside and locked her locker, he then turned to her and pulled her into his arms, looking straight into her eyes as she struggled in his arms, "I am taking you with me now and there is nothing you can do to stop me " finished Arnav as he pulled her by her hand, leading her outside while Khushi hurled insults at him relentlessly , while the female population of their college sighed wistfully, they would have given anything in their world to be in Khushi's place and more than anyone else Khushi knew this reality best !!
Dia and Rakhi sat munching popcorns as they saw Arnav drag Khushi into central park, they watched the duo like they were an interesting movie, neither didn't bother to give any indication that they had seen the two coming closer to them, within earshot now, Arnav turned Khushi around to face him...
"How long are you going to run ???
you think I don't know your dreams ??
You want to be a writer , you want to make a difference in this world, you want to fight for the weak and oppressed, I know your dreams Khushi, I know your heart and most of all I know the memories that still continue to torment you, but I also know one thing , you are only 25 years old and as much as your dreams are important, it is important that you live your life, important that you listen to your heart instead of running away from it, important that you accept the fact that you are as madly in love with me as I am in love with you !! "
Dia and Rakhi looked up in interest now, Khushi was their best friend and they knew where her heart was ever since Arnav had walked into her life but she kept herself in denial and to see Arnav bring Khushi face to face with the biggest reality of her life, they knew Khushi would need to make a decision soon.
Khushi though initially shocked to her guts found her voice ...
"Oh yeah ... I love you ?? I don't remember saying that, forget saying it, I never knew it myself so then how did you decide that I love you ??
I have just one dream Arnav and you know it, Dia and Rakhi knows it as well and you three also know that there is no place for any other love in my life !!
You have a luxurious life ahead of you, you have women who will drop at your feet as you command them, find a girl who suits you in all terms and get settled Arnav.
There is no you and me and there never will be !!
I don't get it ... why do you even think that you can live with me ??
What will you do as i go about following my dreams ?? there is no place for a family in my dream Arnav and its hightime you accepted the fact !! "
Replied Khushi calmly , her heart breaking into a million pieces as she hurled the words at the man whom she loved body and soul, but Arnav saw through her shield, he could see her heart shattering as she tried to push him off and today he knew he wasn't going to let the walls around her heart stop him from telling Khushi what she never wanted to hear.
He stepped forward and clutched her hands, his fingers tracing hers as he looked at her deep into her eyes ... his brown eyes holding her black pools captive in his ...
" I have known you since we were 14 years old, there is nothing about your life thats hidden from me Khushi and you know it all too well because you were the one who shared your craziest dreams and your scariest fears with me, if I know your pain today then its because I heard them from you, about me , my heart, my soul, the wild and the ugly, the ups and downs, you know it all, I have never kept anything hidden from you and its with that honesty I am telling you ..
I love You Khushi Kumari Gupta .. whether you like it or not , whether you accept it or not, whether you want me or not, whether you believe in us or not, I love you for who you are , for everything you are !!
You don't want to spend your life with me, as my love, as my wife ... fine then, no one will stop you. You are as free as anyone else in this world to live your life as you please, live your life, live your dream Khushi but don't you dare try to tell me how to live mine !!
I will live the rest of my life as I am doing now .. and my heart will love you forever, even when life leaves my body, today or in the next 50 - 60 years, my heart will always beat for you, if I die then it will be as Arnav Singh Raizada , the man who never stopped loving Khushi Kumari Gupta.
If I have to wait till my last years to marry you, then I will Khushi, I don't care how long it takes, I don't care if it doesn't happen, all I know is that I am going to pursue my dream as you pursue yours !!
My only advice to you is, as you accomplish your dream, remember to breathe, remember that you are alive and that you are living.
You are 25, then live as a 25 year old, not as a 35 year old lady, you have always raced against time Khushi, be careful that you don't die out before your time comes !!
And remember, I will always be waiting for you."
Arnav placed a firm kiss on her forhead , cupped her cheeks and placed his lips firm upon hers and then broke apart, and walked away without a word, leaving Khushi shell shocked, her eyes tearing up, she had nothing to say as he walked away, it had started raining, heavily and she stood there getting drenched, Dia and Rakhi walked over to her and held her tight, the 3 friends stood there in the heavy rain, Khushi taking in strength from the firm support of her friends.
Rakhi and Dia took Khushi to their place, they helped her dry herself, she hadn't uttered a word since Arnav had walked away, Rakhi walked in with a cup of coffee and held it over for Khushi who took it silently, they sat on either side of hers, facing her ...
Dia spoke up "what have you decided Khushi ?? " Rakhi held her hand ...
Khushi looked up ... staring at her friends for a long time ... finally finding the strength to speak ...
" what do you expect me to say ??
That I love him ?? fine then yes I love Arnav but what does that mean for me and him ??
A marriage ... it will start off well only to be doomed , I will be the worst wife and the worst mother possible, my dreams are elsewhere , how can I make a family with Arnav while my goals are headed someplace else ??
Why destroy his life as well as mine ??
Why should I walk into hell and then struggle to get out of it ?? "
Dia looked at Khushi ...
"you are a coward Khushi, a coward who is incapable of facing the realities of her life, how can you accomplish your dreams when you don't care about what your heart wants ??
We are live humans Khushi , not machine made robots !!
Robots function according to their brain but humans follow their heart , how can you heal others when you don't have one, because if you had a heart then you wouldn't be blind to Arnav's love for you.
Arnav is cursed Khushi because he fell in love with a robot like you who only LOOKS human !! "
Khushi looked furious as tears flowed .. Dia's words were shattering her, ripping her but it wasn't over ,
Rakhi turned Khushi to face her ...
"you want to help the women around the world who have been deprived of love and a secure life, you want them to rediscover themselves, you want them to believe in the beauty of life .
Tell me this Khushi ...
How can you make other women believe in the beauty of life when you yourself are living in denial ??
How can you help them find love and independence in their lives when you are rejecting the love of your life, the man whom you love from your heart ??
Deny all you want Khushi but Arnav's opinions and his happiness and his life, it matters a lot to you !!
You are like a moth drawn to the flame, you try to resist him but at the end of the day, everything in your life starts and ends with him. "
Dia broke in ...
" Arnav loves you Khushi and he doesn't care whether you accept it or not , he will continue to live the rest of his life loving you for eternity, its upto to you face the truth staring at you in the eye and make the best decision.
Remember that nothing you do in your life will give you any satisfaction unless your heart is happy and your heart belongs to Arnav, it always have and it always will. "
Khushi looked at both her friends, their words, each of it falling like a bombshell, the voices of truth, 2 people apart from Arnav who never hesitated from tell her the reality for what it is, her mind and heart were at war with each other, her heart was screaming for Arnav's love while her head was pulling her away, locking her down in the darkest dungeons hidden away in the recesses of her heart.
Her friends watched her as she silently got up and walked away ... Khushi walked through the streets, slowly walking towards her personal hell, as soon as she reached her doorstep, the door flew open and her mother stood facing her ...
"where the hell were you Khushi ??? cant you atleast come on time on important days ??
Didnt I tell you to come early today ??
Have you forgotten thats its your parents marriage anniversary, its a day for family time and you come home late, after whiling away your time with your good for nothing friends !!
Have you ever made an effort to be part of your family ?? a part of your parents lives ?? " raged her mother not even letting her enter the house ... Khushi who had been silent all along had enough, she finally snapped ...
"what anniversary am I supposed to celebrate ??
You call this a marriage ??? a marriage where both of you are trying to hold onto each other even when you both know its literal hell !!
You want me to help for the picture of a perfect family ??
Have you ever once thought about your daughter ... abused all through my life , growing up watching you and dad trying to make a non existent marriage work, whom should I blame for my lost childhood ???
Tell me mother, what dreams have you given me ???
My entire life has been a hellish nightmare, a nightmare that refuses to stop haunting me , a nightmare that doesn't let me live my life with my heart !!
I have never been able to be a child, I have been a gorwn up woman all my life , racing against time and fates to escape this hell you brought me into 25 years ago !!
You want your husband and for that you used your daughter , thats what you did !! "
Screamed Khushi while her mother looked unperturbed ... and she spoke ...
" Oh now you are being just another adolescent who finds it easy to blame their parents for anything and everything lacking in their lives !!
Well since you have so much to accuse us for, its time we gave you your dreams, an escape routs from what you call hell !!
Get in Khushi, your father and I have something important to tell you, we have been saving this surprise for you for quite sometime now "
But Khushi knew better than that to fall for her Mother's words ...
"what is it mother ?? I am not entering this hell hole unless I know what new torment you have waiting for me "
Khushi mother hissed at her, frustrated at her daughter's impudence ...
"you will never stop being difficult on us ... will you ???
Well then have it your way because as much as you want to get rid of us, we will only be too happy to give our daughter away in a society deemed respectful manner .
We have found you a suitor Khushi, he is your dad's friend's son, the boy saw your photo and would like to meet you, and am sure you will also love him and then you can be off Khushi, far away from your parents !! " beamed her mother as though she had delivered the best news possible.
Khushi staggered back a few steps, she saw the walls closing in on her escape route, she knew she had to run before it was too late or else she will be trapped in hell forever , a hell which her parents were getting ready for her ... she turned around and fled, not caring for the voices calling out to her, raging at her, insults being thrown at her, Khushi ran like her life depended on it, she ran towards her reality, she didn't stop until she reached where her heart was taking her to..
The memories since her childhood flashing in front of her eyes as she fled ...
Arnav was sitting in his couch, in his garden, his eyes closed, Khushi's face flowing through his memories, his heart was aching for her, all he wanted was for her to come straight into his arms and accept her love for him and just as he prayed, he felt a light weight crashing in on him, he jerked his eyes open to see Khushi splayed across his chest, looking completely lost and alone , her eyes reflecting the fears of her heart ... he gathered her right into his arms, her face buried in his heart, he held her close, he heard her quivering voice ...
"We will not be my parents right ??
Will we live each day trying to paint a happy picture in hell ??
Will we be doomed by the shackles of marriage ?? "
Arnav pressed light kisses on her face, calming her down ... "no Khushi , we are not your parents, and we will never be, we aren't like any other couple in this world, we are Arnav & Khushi and we are meant to be with each other forever, our hearts will hold each other captive forever !! "
Khushi's questions didn't stop ...
"but what will we do when I try to accomplish my dreams of being a writer, when I go about trying to help the tortured women of our society find their own lives ??
How can I be the perfect wife Arnav ??
How will we raise a family if the mother isn't around for her kids ?? "
Arnav smiled at her, and cupped her cheeks and lightly kissed her on her lips , murmuring against her lips ...
"I will be with you wherever you go Khushi. Its not your dreams alone, our life together is our dream and your dreams are as good as mine.
You wont be alone in your fight for the weak souls around us, I will be with you and our family will be where we are !!
How can I let my wife be away from me ?? I want to hold you in my arms forever Khushi and I will be doing that like how I have always done since we met "
Khushi looked at the conviction in Arnav's eyes, willing herself to believe in his faith .. she got up and pulled the sleeves of her salwar kameez, revealing her bare arms and legs, she beckoned Arnav to look closer and he saw faint marks on her arms and legs , he didn't need to be told what it was, he already knew ... and Khushi spoke
"Abused all my life, I never knew a happy childhood Arnav, I don't know how to raise a child , how to give a mother's love, I know nothing about being a woman .. how are you going to live with someone who is haunted by the darkness in her life ?? "
Arnav pulled her back into arms , his hands passing over her arms and tracing the marks in her legs
He slowly placed firm kisses over the marks, Khushi closed her eyes as she felt her wounds healing, the ugliness of the marks being replaced by the purity of Arnav's endless love for her
"if you have been in darkness all your life, then I will fill it with light, you are a woman Khushi, a fully bloomed woman and being a woman, all the inherent qualities are already in you and you will be the best mother to our children !!
Who is talking about child here Khushi ?? we are going to have an entire army of kids !! " said Arnav as he winked at her lightly while she blushed a faint shade of red .
He lifted her in his arms and carried her in his arms, taking her into his bedroom, placing her gently on his bed as he got in next to her ...
He cupped her cheeks in his hands and looked at her ...
"Marry me Khushi and make me the happinest man in this world !!
Life without you is my worst nightmare !! "
Khushi held his hands which were cupping her cheeks and smiled at him ..
"I love you Arnav and I don't want to live my life without you.
Marry me Arnav, make me yours !! "
Thats all it took Arnav to place his lips upon her soft inviting ones, he kissed her with all the love he had for her, their lips tangling in their heady passion for each other , a kiss that was long ago written down in the fates, they lost themselves in their all encompassing love for each other as Khushi let go of the darkness in her life to love Arnav as her heart always wanted to !!
Khushi moulded herself into Arnav's arms as she forgot everything else but Arnav and his love, as he loved her like a man does his woman, the world lay forgotten as they completed each other, whispering promises , silent oaths to be with each other for their forevers.
Hours later, Khushi was still lying in Arnav's arms, her hands splayed across his bare chest, her ears over his heart, hearing his heart beat in sync with hers, his hands drawing circles over her bare arms, cuddling and holding her close.
They were dragged out of their blissful web of happiness by the sound of Arnav's phone ringing, seeing the name , he answered the call and put it on loud speaker ..
Rakhi and Dia on the other end ...
" Khushi ... what are you doing there with Arnav ?? " asked Dia while Rakhi laughed wordlessly ..
Khushi smiled at Arnav as she placed a kiss over his heart ...
" Where else will I be ... I am not a robot Dia, I am a human and I am where my heart wants to be "
Dia and Rakhi screamed in happiness , their joy evident in their high pitched screams , Rakhi couldn't help but ask the question ...
" Dia and me, can we get our bridesmaids dresses ready then ?? "
This time it was Arnav who replied ..
"get it ready at the earliest girls, getting you girls ready for our wedding is the only delay for our big day , rest all is can be done in the blink of an eye !! "
Dia broke in "go romance your girl Arnav, we girls are going shopping !! "
Rakhi disconnected the line while Khushi blushed as she buried herself into the crook of his neck but he caught hold of her face, bringing her closer to his, looking at her deep into her eyes...
"Arnav aur Khushi hamesha saath rahenge !! "
With that , he caught her lips in another kiss, a kiss of promise that sealed their lives together forever !!
ReplyDeleteSimply beautiful..
Such a great Story...