Hola Peeps 
Is it TH 4 ???
damn this is truly exciting for me, cant believe O9M is here at its 4th thread !! 
This update is dedicated to each and every reader of mine who have stayed with me so far on this journey and also to all my new readers, hope u enjoy the rest of this special journey !! 
Shyam Manohar Jha was in his apartment in a hotel quite close to where the Raizadas & Guptas were staying at the moment, and little did he know that even as he sat relaxing there, Aman - ASRs right hand man along with his small group of trusted agents and members of a leading detective agency had arrived to track him down and this time they had no intention of letting him escape and the beginning of his end was just about to begin !!
His phone rang, a shrill high pitched ring that shattered the eerie silence of his room and the name on display forced him to slap himself twice because the name belonged to someone's whom he had never thought would call him , it was flashing Khushi's name and before the call got disconnected, he picked it up.
"Khushiji !! " called out Shyam barely unable to believe that it really was Khushi on the other end.
Khushi on the other end flinched as she heard the obsessive adoration in his voice , the phone was on loudspeaker and the entire family was gathered around to hear the snake speak, Arnav clenched his fists as he heard Shyam take Khushi's name with his filthy tongue , but Khushi held onto him, her eyes seeking out his warmth as she started to reply and Arnav held her close as she spoke ,
" Shyamji ?? Is that you ?? "
" Its me Khushiji .. I cant believe you called !! Did you get my courier , did u read it ?? " enquired Shyam eagerly.
" I got your courier and so you can imagine already why am calling !! " replied back Khushi, keeping her voice shaky but clear so that Shyam would feel that she was terribly upset by the contents of his courier.
Shyam on the other end could hear Khushi's trembling voice and rejoiced that his plan had finally worked,
" I am sorry for hurting you Khushiji but I felt you had the right to know the truth, how could I stay silent when I knew that you were living with a man whose father is responsible for your parent's death. I have always told you Khushiji, the Raizada family doesn't deserve you, they are nothing but a bad omen for anyone who comes close to them, tell me Khushiji , what have you decided ??
Are you scared that Arnav will take your babies away from you ??
Dont worry about that Khushiji, I will have my lawyer friends fight your case in court, no one will take your babies away from you !!
I am with you Khushiji in whatever you decide , you know how much I love you , and I always will protect you from Arnav's cruel schemes if he tries to hurt you !! "
It took a lot of self control on Arnav's part to not rush to Shyam that very instant and rip him apart limb to limb , the nerve of the guy to talk to his Khushi , assuring her that he would help her in anyway possible to get rid of Arnav, his plans to take his children away from their father , if it wasn't for Khushi's hand wrapped around him, Arnav knew he would have lost all control by now !!
Anjali felt repulsed to even think that she had once been married to a man who was nothing but a filthy immoral beast , to think that Dia was fathered by such a piece of filth, it was too blasphemous to even think about , Varun saw her turmoil, he went and held her hand tight in his, while he took Dia into his arms, his warmth and support helping Anjali to relax, making her smile to see Dia cuddled up in Varun's arms, it suddenly felt so right to see her baby in Varun's protection.
Khushi composed herself before speaking ,
"Shyamji I would like to meet you . there is so much we have to talk about, so much that I need to decide about the future, and its only you who can help me !!
Can we meet somewhere where we can talk in privacy ?? " asked Khushi hating herself for speaking such repulsive lines.
Shyam meanwhile wanted to whoop in happiness, Khushiji requesting to meet him alone, it was something he had never expected to hear and now he couldn't wait to make it happen .
"ofcourse Khushiji, I will give you my address, you can come right away, no one will interrupt us here.
Just be careful to avoid Arnav while you slip out and rest I will handle once you are safe with me !! " replied back Shyam, the happiness in his voice coming out very clearly.
And so Khushi jotted down his address and hung up the call promising Shyam that she would meet him in an hour's time, the address wasn't really needed though because the entire call had been snooped by the detectives as instructed by Aman , Arnav had also got his friend , the police inspector who was incharge of the local area to assist his men and even as they got ready to meet Shyam, the entire premises of the hotel apartment would be surrounded by security undercover.
Arnav wanted no mistakes this time, Shyam once he realises that he had been duped , lured into a trap would be unceremoniously handed over to the officials !!
Arnav turned to Akash Varun & NK,
" We have to leave now, Khushi and I will go in one car , we will park the car at a safe distance from the hotel, Khushi will walk out first , as Shyam said, he would be meeting her in the garden behind the hotel apartments, so I have to wait till he comes out before joining Khushi, because if he sees me then he will know that we have him trapped.
Once he is out in the open , there will be no escape route, I will be with Khushi and there will be no way for him to be anywhere near her vicinity .
The police and our agents will surround the area undercover.
Until we finish talking to Shyam, don't come out from your vantage points, Shyam needs to understand some crushing realities before he is handed over to the police for the rest of his life amd for that he needs to hear it from Khushi and then me.
And once thats done then the Raizadas will give him the perfect farewell !! " finished Arnav , his eyes sparkling in mirth.
The plan set and made clear, the Raizadas and Guptas were all on their way to the hotel, Arnav and Khushi in the car at the front, as soon as Arnav had parked the car, he turned to Khushi and pulled her into his arms,
" Khushi , maybe a couple of hours more and the evil named Shyam Manohar Jha will be out of our lives forever, do not be afraid Princess, I will be right behind you , you will always be within my eyesight, within my reach and I wont let that swine get anywhere near you, I promise !!
Lets finish him off now and throw him once and for all out of our lives. ! "
Khushi hugged her husband tighter and then pulled back and kissed him hard on his lips,
"I trust you Arnav , I know there is nothing to be worried off, lets finish this up and purge him out forever !! " replied Khushi before getting out of the car , she smiled at Arnav and then walked out to lure Shyam Manohar Jha into his death trap.
Shyam would soon realise that the woman on whom he cast his lustful eyes,
the woman on whom he had no right,
the woman who belonged to someone else,
She herself would bring about his end and it was the law of life because its a sin to covet another man's life and Shyam was finally going to pay for his sins !!
Meanwhile Shyam had seen Khushi enter the garden he had mentioned to her, he couldn't stop looking at her , her beauty bewitching him as always, she looked so fragile and delicate, her pregnancy only adding to her charm, his obsession with her was the only reason he hadn't grown to hate the life growing inside her, knowing that the life was a bit of Arnav's too , he still didn't hate it and it was a testimony as to how deep rooted his obsession with Khushi ran !!
And Shyam walked out into the clearing , Khushi saw him come out and she recoiled, to see him walk towards her like he owned her finally , it wasn't just loathsome but it made her more determined to put an end to his obsession over her once and for all , just as Shyam thought he could reach out to her , he saw a movement behind her and to his shock saw Arnav walking towards him.
Shyam looked at Khushi who was looking at him with an emotion that he had never seen in her eyes before, it was pity !!
Pity for him as though she knew clearly what she was doing and that it was he who was in the dark !!
Shyam turned to run but thats when he noticed the fact that they had been surrounded on all sides, there was no escape for him !!
He turned around to see Arnav and Khushi facing him, their hands wrapped around each other, they sat down at a nearby table and looked at him ,
"Sit down Shyam, we need to talk and don't try to run because it will be a futile attempt !! " said Arnav as he surveyed him with expressionless eyes, if a million emotions were surging through Arnav , yet it wasn't seen in his eyes, time to vent out would come later.
As Shyam sat down, his body numb, his senses deserting him right at a time when he needed his manipulative talent the most, an incident from the Mahabharata struck him, he remembered Karna as he was cornered in the battlefield , his powers deserting him at a time when he needed them the most, making death inevitable !!
Khushi intruded into his senses ,
" Dont be angry Shyam for the lie I said over the phone, considering the amount of lies you have fed us, this one lie from our side is forgivable I presume !! "
Shyam looked at Khushi in shock , he had never heard her speak in such a manner, so bold , her confidence sending chills down his spine, she was truly speaking like Mrs.ASR now !!
Arnav resumed ,
"what did you think Shyam Manohar Jha ?? that my wife would run into your arms and you could whisk her away ??
That you would raise our children ??
That Khushi would leave me and declare undying love for you ?? "
Before Shyam could speak , Khushi took over ..
" The courier was your masterstroke , wasn't it ?? you thought you had me hook line and sinker !!
You assumed that I would hate my husband , the father of my babies for something he wasn't even aware of ??
Whatever the courier told me, wasn't anything new Shyam.
Arnav had already told me about his past, as to why he hated his father so much !!
The only new piece of news in it was that my parents had been the innocent victims, you courier only gave names to the people who died because of Arnav's father !!
And yes to know that it was my parents , it broke me, to think that our pasts were connected in a manner so ugly was heart breaking !!
But what is Arnavs fault in all this ??
Should I hold him responsible for what his father did ??
If you haven't noticed Shyam, but my Arnav is everything that his father wasn't !!
Perfect Husband
Perfect Father
Perfect Brother
Perfect Son
Perfect Friend
He is a man who is perfect despite being human and he is my life !! "
Shyam felt murderous rage building inside him as he heard Khushi speak , all he wanted to do was reach out and squeeze the life out of her for uttering those words of love and admiration for a man other than himself !!
He screamed at her ,
"How can you Khushiji ??
How can you do this to your parents ??
Do you think they will be happy seeing their daughter married to the man whose father murdered them ?? "
Khushi replied calmly as though he hadn't been screaming but merely speaking to her ,
" My parents aren't vengeful Shyam that they would expect their daughter to punish the man who loves her more than his life just because he was unwittingly born to a man who murdered them !!
They are my parents, the people who gave birth to me and what matters most to them is that their daughter remain happy !!
Infact my parents would have hated me if I had left Arnav for reasons for which he wasn't to be blamed !! "
Arnav broke in ,
" Shyam lets go back to where it all started, shall we ??
You claim that you love Khushi , that you can never hurt her , that you can never cheat her !!
Shyam, Khushi is pregnant is with my children and since the day I came to know that I am going to be a father, I haven't been able to stop thinking about our babies.
Do you know the feeling Shyam , what it is when you know that a life is soon going to enter your world, a life which you created with the woman you love ??
During Akash and Payal s wedding, when you told me that you and Khushi love each other, Di was pregnant with your child , our Dia !!
She was the life that you created with my Di.
And no human with a heart can hate the child created in his blood !!
And yet you even tried to kill your child !!
How can a creep like you ever love anyone truly ??
How can you love Khushi when you could love Dia ... a life that is partially yours by blood !!
You never loved Khushi. It was all an obsession , lust to be more precise , you coveted her !!
You wanted to own her, you wanted to live off my money and for that you used Di and to satisfy your physical cravings, you wanted Khushi who happens to be another man's wife and if you didn't know Shyam Jha,
It is a sin to covet another man's wife, a sin that has no forgiveness !!
If you indeed loved Khushi, you wouldn't commit acts that could hurt her !!
Love makes a man selfless, to see a smile on the face of the woman you love , the man will go to any extent !!
You knew and you still know how much Khushi loves me, you know more than anyone else that she belongs to me as much as I belong to her.
And yet you wanted to take me away from her so that you could have her ??
You tried what not to separate her away from me and yet we are still together today !! "
Khushi took over ,
"Do you want to kill us Shyam ??
Do you feel that you want to crush the life out of us so that we would stop speaking ??
Do it Shyam !!
Take our lives , if you kill Arnav then its as good as taking my life away, Khushi will cease to exist in a world that doesn't have Arnav.
Shyam , its not YOU that I cant live without !!
Its not YOU that I love and crave for !!
Its not YOU whom my heart beats for !!
Its not YOU in whose arms I spend my days and nights !!
Its ARNAV whom KHUSHI loves !!
Its Arnav whose love and care I need and want !!
Its Arnav whose presence I crave for every second of my life !!
Its Arnav who touched me heart body and soul and it will remain so !!
I am Khushi Arnav Singh Raizada and I will die as Arnav's wife , his love , the mother of his children !!
And you will never be able to claim me, you don't have any rights over me Shyam, not even a single heartbeat of mine !!
Even if you kill Arnav, my heart will never love you or for that matter any other man !!
I will hate you more than how much I hate you today if you become the reason for Arnav's pain.
I will hate you the most , I will curse you if something happens to Arnav because of you.
I will prefer death in comparison to a fate of living with you !! "
ReplyDeleteFinally, a blast straight on his face!
Osm yaar..
Superb absolutely superb chapter