Hola peeps
Okay am really nervous abt this update coz I dont know if its come out right, the pain Arhi goes through in this, I hope I have been able to convey it all 
I know a lot of qs are gonna pop up and dont worry all those qs will be answered in the coming updates 
P.S. I wasted a lot of tissues while writing this so I hope u have a few ready while u read it !! 
Happy Reading !! 
Arnav held onto Khushi's hand which was tightly clasped in his, he knew he would have to soon let her go, let her go to pay for the sins which he did, soon Elissa came and took Khushi away, Arnav tried to protest, he wanted to accompany them but Elissa dismissed him without so much as a glance. As Dayeus made the preparations , Arnav watched and then he saw her again, Elissa led Khushi out, her hair let loose, cascading down her curves, clad in robes of blood red, she was breathtakingly beautiful, her eyes blazing with determination to fight the oncoming agony and wash away his sins !!
Her attire seemed to scream of the oncoming pain, her blood would be shed for all the sins that were unleashed in Death Valley and Arnav, the dark prince, the propagator of those sins , who had once enjoyed the blood lust could do nothing but stand by helplessly , watching the woman he loved, the only reason for his existence, the only reason why he was human again suffer for the very crimes which he had once enjoyed to his evil heart's content !!
Before walking into the fiery ring of agony,
Khushi went over to Arnav who immediately caught her in a tight hug, he clasped her firmly to his body, trying to merge her into his very skin, so that he could hide her, take her away or else face the pain along with her, Khushi could sense his turmoil, she pulled apart from him and cupped his cheeks and leaned forward, her lips barely moving against his, whispering words just for him to hear ,
" Fight this for me Arnav !!
Don't let darkness take you over as you watch me !!
Be my light, stand by me and absorb the pain of what was once unknowingly done at your hands !!
Let your heart bleed with agony !!
Our love perished once already .. don't let it happen again !!
Fight for us Arnav & I will return to you through the pain , I promise !! "
And before he could ask her anything, she kissed him hard on his lips and he reciprocated, he held onto her and poured the love inside his beating heart , all of it into that kiss ,
promising her that he would fight,
for her ,
for their love,
for Nysa,
for Life itself !!
They broke apart, Elissa led Khushi into a circle etched in the ground, there was a bed of roses waiting for her, and Khushi was made to lie on it ,
Elissa then spoke loud and clear, for all to hear, her expression fierce
"Khushi , as you lie here, you will not move , not even a hair in your body of your own accord,no matter how excruciating the pain is , you aren't allowed even a mere twitch, the pain will writhe through you, it will tear you apart but you aren't allowed to make a sound, your limbs will be ripped open, your body will bear the marks of your suffering but you will bear it silently.
You will be surrounded by a ring of fire, but the fire will never hurt you, your inner pain which you are about to receive transcends any pain that a mere fire can bear upon you, neither will it hurt Arnav, yet he isnt allowed to cross it to reach out to you, throughout this time he isnt allowed to touch you, you aren't allowed to feel his comfort or warmth, even a mere thought from either of yearning to comfort each other can destroy your trial.
As you suffer , Arnav has to watch, he will be nothing but a helpless spectator and it will ripouth is soul !
If either of you attempt to cross this fire, it spells doom not just for your love but also for Death Valley which will perish never to be resurrected again , it will be the death of all the light in this world, and you will be in the land of perpetual darkness and its inhabitants will see you as the perpetuators of all evil and you will be unable to do anything but watch throughout the ageless ages as all humanity and everything that has a life in it suffer because you were too weak to feel the pain of your inhuman acts ! "
Elissa then turned to Khushi and placed a gently kiss on her forehead and without a word walked away. As soon as she had stepped out of the circle, fire surrounded Khushi like a raging firestorm, making her stand out in her blood red robes, it resembled not Khushi on a bed of roses but Khushi on her grave of roses !
The world plunged into darkness around them, Arnav was made to stand in her direct line of sight, her eyes firmly held in his, mist descended upon them, making it impossible for them to see anything other than each other and the fire that separated them and then it began ...
Their minds and heart taken back by time right into the heart of Death Valley, there sat a mother nursing her baby who was barely months old while its father watched them with loving protective eyes , the picture was perfect , a happy family but it was never to last , as soon as its mother had finished feeding her little one, the father took the baby out for a stroll through the woods and thats when Arnav and his eternally feared guards descended , as Khushi and Arnav watched in horror, the Arnav in front of them snatched the baby and threw it to the Daityas who immediately descended on it , little infants were Daityas preferred meal because nothing strengthened them like absorbing the life of a newly born baby, a soul who was yet untouched by the evil in the world while its father tried to fight Arnav, he was brutally killed and thrown to the vultures who ripped the man's body into shreds, playing their role of scavengers of death !!
And then as Arnav rode away into the darkness, the evil beings of Nysa who had witnessed the vile act by their prince, thrilled at the prospect of a women unprotected headed back to the mother who was yet unaware that her husband and child were no more, and before she knew it, the men ravaged her , feasting on her like wolves and then leaving her as a bleeding mass of ripped body.
Khushi's body bled and blood oozed out as Arnav watched in horror as her eyes conveyed the fear of the act that they had just witnessed, the pain of the family that he had destroyed and the blood flowing from the wound that had appeared near Khushi's throat, knifing through her and Arnav could do nothing, agony whipped through him, nails digging into his flesh , he wanted to rip his own body apart but his eyes never left hers who hadn't uttered even a whisper of pain as the blood from her body soaked the roses on which she was lying !!
And it was all just the beginning, it went on as they relived every act of unspeakable crime that had been carried out at Arnav's hands , some in his knowledge and some unknowingly but it had happened and now it was all replaying !!
Arnav had thrived on blood lust, it was his means of survival, he killed for fun !!
Families were torn apart, the Daityas using the authority of Arnav's name wrecked havoc in Death Valley , the cries of the inhabitants was what they wanted to hear, what Arnav wanted to hear , and he did exactly that !!
And now as each scene of his past played by, it whipped through Khushi, burn marks appeared all over her body , she yearned to scream as was made to see the actsdo ne by the man she loved.
And then to Arnav's horror, he saw the souls of the people he had once destroyed descend upon Khushi while he stood rooted in horror.
Each one of them making her see what had happened to them and the tears flowed from her eyes , each one of them carved their names into her skin as blood seeped through the wounds they made.
Arnav wanted to cross the fire and tear every single one of them away from her body but he dared not to, Elissa had warned him of the consequences, even the mere thought of doing so was forbidden to him and so his soul was staked through, the blinding pain consumed him , making even death look easy , paling it in comparison to the torture of living through agony such as this !
When the deceased souls of men women children and every other life form left Khushi, all Arnav could see was a bleeding mass of flesh whilst her face stood clear, the pain in her eyes was enough to kill anyone who had to witness it but the worst was yet to come , something for which Arnav was totally unprepared !!
Their world changed , they were in a land that they could barely recognise but what shocked them was the2 people whom they saw right in front of them , it was Arnav & Khushi themselves but they both looked different, they looked breathtakingly beautiful and divine, pure and untouched , they looked royal !!
But most importantly they were in love , truly deeply madly in love with each other !!
But then the scene changed and they saw a wild fear stricken Khushi running as fast as she could, Arnav was right behind her, beseeching her to stop but she didn't slow down her pace, she ran till she reached the very precipice of the high mountains of Nysa and then she turned around to look at Arnav who watched her with fear , calling out to her ...
"Khushi , princess , please come back !!
Don't take your eyes away from me Khushi , look into my eyes, you can see the love !!
Nothing had changed and it will never change , you are as pure as you were when we first fell in love and I need you today as much as I have always yearned for you !!
Please my queen , come back to me !! "
Pleaded Arnav but Khushi appeared to not hear him , her eyes never leaving his , she whispered out her last words ,
" I love You Arnav & I will meet you again when I am born worthy of you once again !! "
And with those last words, her eyes still on Arnav, she let herself fall over the cliff into the never ending darkness waiting for her while Arnav screamed in agony , trying to reach out for her , the pain blinding him , tearing through his heart , knowing that he had lost her forever !!
And as they scene unfolded , the Arnav& Khushi of the present felt their world reeling !!
Arnav screamed out in agony, he couldn't bear the whipping through his body and soul, the doomed cries of Arnav and the final confession by his princess Khushi swirled like a thunderstorm through his soul , Khushi as lay upon the roses gave herself up completely to the pain which she knew would would never stop now.
The roses had gone drenched in blood while the pain of the destroyed lovers ravaged them both, the fire started to blow down in intensity, the world returned to normalcy, as the lovers lay writhing in agony , unable to reach other !!
Elissa & Dayeus appeared , at first just mere outlines in the dark and then they arrived , to see the 2 souls as they lay broken and ripped !!
Elissa knelt gently beside Arnav and spoke to him ...
"Its over Arnav, look at Khushi, take her in your arms and bring her back to life !!
Only you can do it and until you both heal, not a soul will disturb you !!
Go now Prince , go get your woman !!
Because you both were born again so that you could claim each other forever, never to be separated , not even by death !! "
Arnav looked at Elissa for once and then he ran into the ring of fire where Khushi lay drenched in blood, he lifted her into arms , taking care not to strain her body and he walked away with her, not knowing where to he was heading but he walked with her in his arms, their hearts guiding him.
I'm.. I.. I don't know.. I should have read this first and then My heart is yours..
ReplyDeleteHeart wrenching yaar..
I.. OMG!
Hats off buddy..
U made me cry..
oh poor them,,,, how they both have to go through to just reborn again
ReplyDeletethe last scene i didn;t get Khushi sucide because he is unpure and don't feel worthy for him,,,,Arnav Pricess queen ....were they reborn again